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Vaccination certificate in English or with translation into English, Ukraine recognizes vaccines included by WHO in the list of approved for use in emergency situations. They also cannot apply for humanitarian benefits or be provided with any further assistance. -Family member means a spouse, registered partner, unmarried minor child of a person referred to in points 1-2 or unmarried minor child of a spouse of such person, and adult dependent relative living with the family of such person.
If you do not submit a confirmation of accommodation at the new address, the change will not be processed. Installation of Vdoma app, self-isolation and additional tests are not required, provided that you show proof of your departure and leave the country within 48 hours. Insurance is provided for foreigners (non-residents of Ukraine) and citizens of Ukraine, including adults and children, without age restrictions. This visa does not entitle its holders to have a free access to the labor market, they have to apply for a work permit at the relevant branch of the Labor Office. A travel identity card shall not be issued for the purpose of travel to Ukraine. I am a foreigner from 18 years old (stateless person; I have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine), I have a digital COVID certificate (EU DCC or an equivalent from any country that is connected to the EU system), which contains information about vaccination (1, 2 or more doses) or proof of recovery from COVID-19, I am a foreigner from 18 years old (stateless person; I have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine), I have a doctor's certificate that I have had COVID-19, as well as an insurance policy. What should I do if I havent received the policy to the specified mail for more than 30 minutes? To do this, you need to contact the nearest Consulate of Ukraine.
Local conditions at the Police and Ministry of the Interior offices allow issuing Travel Identity Cards only in truly well founded cases. I am a foreigner (stateless person; I have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine), I am traveling in transit through the territory of Ukraine by any type of transport that lasts less than 48 hours: If you are vaccinated with 1 or more doses of WHO approved vaccine for emergency use Pfizer / BioNTech, AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca / Covishield (India), AstraZeneca / SKBio (South Korea), Moderna / Spikevax, Sinopharm (Vero Cell), CoronaVac ( Sinovac), Johnson & Johnson's Janssen to enter the country, you only need to have an insurance policy and a vaccination certificate; If you are not vaccinated, or do not have a digital COVID certificate (EU DCC or an analogue from any country that is connected to the EU system) to enter the country you must have an insurance policy and a negative test result (PCR or antigen), which was carried out for no more than 72 hours before crossing the border. Their list and necessary information can be found at: https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/sluzby-pro-verejnost-informace-pro-cizince-kontakty.aspx. In such situations we recommend you to contact the competent authorities of the state where this residence permit was issued. If your child has crossed the border with a birth certificate and you (mother or father) have a passport (biometric or old-type), you can enter information about the child in your passport. According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. You should waive the temporary protection. During this time, you have the opportunity either to undergo PCR testing or to do a rapid antigen test - in case of a negative result, self-isolation is not applied. You also need to have an insurance policy to enter the country. Citizens of Ukraine are now allowed to enter the Czech Republic without a visa; only with a valid biometric passport. * Reason for this measure is the general shortage of visa labels across Europe. When entering the country, you need to install and activate the application "Vdoma" and go to self-isolation for a period of 14 days. In this case, you cannot be granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic. The period of stay in the country is more than 72 hours - you install and activate the application Vdoma and agree to begin self-isolation within 72 hours after entry. In case of impossibility or refusal to install the mobile application Vdoma, a foreigner from 18 years old will be denied crossing the state border. The exceptions mainly concern family reunification. Always report your change of address by post or at your corresponding MoI DAMP office according to your new place of residence.
To stay in the Czech Republic, you must have health insurance. This information line provides general information on temporary protection. You can watch the film and read the leaflet called ". News, Information on applying for temporary protection, Information for temporary protection holders, Support from other countries to citizens of Ukraine, Further Information Related to the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, The government adopted a crisis measure on 30 June 2022. The minimum period is not specified. Text version All documents can be issued later in the Czech Republic. Apply in person. From the 1st of April, new rules apply to travel by Ukrainian citizens on trains to/from or across the Czech Republic. Quick menu The special long-term visa will allow citizens of Ukraine to legally reside in the Czech Republic.
Did I arrive in the Czech Republic after February 24th, 2022? Newly arrived Ukrainian citizens who have contacts and a background in the Czech Republic can stay in the country for 90 days under the visa-free regime. Out of these operating hours, The Ministry of the Interior's virtual assistant is available for you. Entry into the country is completely free - no tests, no self-isolation. A 24-hour English-speaking hotline online chats and call center is operating for tourists if they need clarification on the information provided or prompt assistance in resolving problems and misunderstandings related to crossing the Ukrainian border. Detailed information can be found via the link: www.mvcr.cz/ukrajina. Installation of Vdoma app, self-isolation and additional tests are not required, provided that you show proof of your departure and leave the country within 48 hours; If you are not vaccinated, and you are coming from Russia or India (and have spent more than 7 days there in the last 14 days) to enter the country you must have an insurance policy and a negative test result (PCR or antigen), which was carried out for no more than 72 hours before crossing the border. More details: https://www.csob.cz, You will also find a lot of useful information via the link: https://www.stojimezaukrajinou.cz/en. Citizens of Ukraine who have applied for a different residence permit (for example an employee card) deal with any matters related to the residence permit at the MoI DAMP Offices. Please note that travel by the Czech Railways is free for Ukrainian citizens. Links to official information sources for refugees from Ukraine: You will also find answers to frequently asked questions on the website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior: https://www.mvcr.cz/ukrajina, Ukrainians in Spain: everything you need to know about crossing the border, living conditions and support for refugees. All information on the resource is updated daily and is presented in three languages - Ukrainian, English and Russian. Here I can find out basic information about the possibility of staying in the Czech Republic. Free meals are also provided in most places of the group settlement. Proof of recovery from COVID-19 is accepted only in the form of a digital COVID certificate (EU DCC or an equivalent from any country that is connected to the EU system). Proof of previous illness in the form of a doctor's note, positive test or antibody test - will not be accepted! After applying for a humanitarian visa, you need to apply to employment centers at the place of residence for a work permit and social benefits. To citizens who were holders of a permanent residence permit in the territory of Ukraine by February 24th, 2022 and travelling to their country of origin is not possible due to the threat of actual danger according to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners. We have simulated possible situations. You can open a free bank account with CSOB. About Us Sitemap Self-isolation can be terminated early by receiving a negative PCR test or rapid antigen test. In addition, such registration is also carried out by police stations for foreigners. 01012, Kyiv, Independence Square Street, 2 , office 814-, Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7, State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, 2022 Visit Ukraine Today All rights reserved. I am a foreigner (stateless person; I have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine), fully vaccinated of the WHO approved vaccine for emergency use - Pfizer / BioNTech, AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca / Covishield (India), AstraZeneca / SKBio (South Korea), Moderna / Spikevax, Sinopharm (Vero Cell), CoronaVac (Sinovac), Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine - I have a certificate of a complete course of vaccination. How to learn about the congestion at border crossing points? If you have a biometric passport, please come to the Regional Assistance Centre for Ukraine to discuss this matter. Mobile operators T-Mobile and Vodafone have made calls from the Czech Republic to Ukraine free of charge. If within 72 hours from the moment of crossing the border, a negative test result was not received, you must self-isolate for 10 days in the place indicated during authorization in the application "Vdoma". All the necessary information to ensure free health care is well-described here. bring stamps in the amount of CZK 300 (it is possible to buy the stamps only at the offices of esk pota) to pay the administrative fee for accepting the application. Citizens with only a permanent residence permit may not apply for an insurance policy.
Upon arrival you have to install and activate the application "Vdoma" and agree to begin self-isolation within 72 hours after entry. If I have a residence permit in Ukraine, am I allowed not to buy an insurance policy?
To enter the country, you must have an insurance policy and a negative test result (PCR or antigen), which was carried out no more than 72 hours before crossing the border. These centres will also help with arranging accommodation. With these documents, long-term humanitarian visas lasting for 1 year or until the end of martial law can be issued in the Czech aid centers. Please find your desired option below. You will be informed well in advance as possible - of any extension or non-extension of temporary protection beyond 31 March 2023. For help with navigating the Czech system or for everyday life support, you can also contact lovek v tsni's HELPLINE +420 770 600 800 (Mon-Fri, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.). During this time, you have the opportunity either to undergo PCR testing or to do a rapid antigen test - in case of a negative result, self-isolation is not applied. Everything can be arranged in the Czech Republic. How can a foreign doctor get to Ukraine to help colleagues? Citizens of Ukraine, who were in Ukraine before the imposition of martial law and whose visas have expired, have the opportunity to extend their stay and visa in the Czech Republic. You can read about the terms of the insurance contract on our website in the section of the insurance policy registration. We cooperate with all departments of the legislative and executive branches. I applied for insurance, but havent received the code. Facebook, Website of the Police of the Czech Republic
For more information about the services provided (png, 54 kB). The visa for a stay over 90 days for leave to remain in the territory is valid only within the Czech Republic and it expires upon departure from the territory. You need to confirm that it is you who are doing the transaction. Addresses via the link: https://www.uradprace.cz/krajske-pobocky. Our main goal is to encourage foreign and Ukrainian tourists to travel around Ukraine, as well as provide up-to-date information on the rules of safe and comfortable state border crossing and stay in the country. Next, the employer must sign an employment contract with the prospective employee. In the current situation, asylum procedure is not an optimal solution. Online check-in making in advance is recommended to avoid queues at check-in to hotel. As well as an insurance policy for travel abroad with a minimum period of 2 days. Full information: https://www.svscr.cz. Website of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic,
An application for this type of visa will not be processed on the spot. I am a foreign citizen, can I buy a policy already in Ukraine?
At the same time, it continues to allow nationals of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, who have already been issued a visa for the purpose of taking up a residence permit, to take up a residence permit card and thus complete the procedure (Government measure sets of 30 June 2022 downloadable here (pdf, 92 kB). According to Section 93 (1) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners 326/1999 Coll., a foreigner under the age of 15 is not obliged to report his/her place of residence. The State Veterinary Administration has simplified the conditions for entry of pets for citizens of Ukraine: dogs, cats that accompany their owners. List of job vacancies from the Ministry of Social Work: https://www.uradprace.cz/web/uk/posuk-vakantnih-misc-2, Along with humanitarian aid, refugees from Ukraine have free access to the Czech Republic's health care system and can seek help from any major hospital in their city. Contact the helpline set up for Ukrainian citizens. This may avoid the need to come back repeatedly.
Ukrainian citizens are obliged to secure health insurance. A biometric passport does not entitle you to work in the Czech Republic. In order to apply it is necessary to: fill in the application form (pdf, 527 kB) in advance. Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic, Support from other countries to citizens of Ukraine, Further Information Related to the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, Government measure sets of 30 June 2022 downloadable here, Regional Centres for help and Assistance to Ukraine (KACPU), Regional Centres for help and Assistance to Ukraine, Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as MoI), Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (hereinafter referred to as DAMP), a confirmation of accommodation if not arranged by a crisis management authority, to ensure free health care is well-described here, Police of the Czech Republic at the Foreigners, Residence Unit of the Department of Foreign Police, Regional Centres for Help and Assistance to Ukraine (KACPU), online registration with the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic, register with the Police of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kyiv, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Lviv, on the website of the Ministry of Transport, Rules for communication with the information line set up for citizens of Ukraine, For more information about the services provided, Information on Canada schemesfor Ukrainian citizens, Information on how to help and where to find help nasiukrajinci.cz/en/, Basic Road Traffic Rules in the Czech Republic, Video Stay alert, stay safe - tips for Ukrainians, Website of the Police of the Czech Republic, Website of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, On July 11th, 2022, the Regional Centre for Help and Assistance to Ukraine (KACPU) in Prague will be reopened. Holders of this type of visa ware not participants of public health insurance, therefore it is necessary to arrange the health insurance individually. Residents of regions of Ukraine affected by Russian aggression must apply to the Regional Assistance Center of Ukraine, which is located in every regional city in the Czech Republic, within 30 days after arriving in the Czech Republic. No, it will not be cancelled. For the convenience of foreign citizens, the German language has been added. If within 72 hours from the moment of crossing the border, a negative test result was not received, you must self-isolate for 10 days in the place indicated during authorization in the application Vdoma. This document can be replaced by your sworn statement, but only if the facts are generally known.
In the aid centers, Ukrainians receive a humanitarian intra-Czech residence visa (valid for 1 year), free health insurance, offers of temporary accommodation, information on study opportunities for children, job search, etc., and registration for a one-time material help. If their residence permit is valid, they can return. You do not have the opportunity to take a test in Ukraine in order to avoid or shorten the period of self-isolation. Schengen Yes, if the child has foreign citizenship, regardless of age, they need to have an insurance policy for the entire period of their stay in Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens who have newly arrived in the Czech Republic and have no contacts or background in the Czech Republic are issued a special long-term visa immediately, on the basis of an application submitted in person at the Regional Assistance Centres. and we recommend having your own photograph in the format 45 x 35 mm. To enter the country, you must have a negative test result (PCR or antigen), which was carried out no more than 72 hours before crossing the border. The new regulations specify who is entitled to free travel and for how long this benefit can be used. https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/sluzby-pro-verejnost-informace-pro-cizince-kontakty.aspx. I cannot pay for the insurance, what should I do? List of Regional Centres for Help and Assistance to Ukraine, Information on United Kingdom schemesfor Ukrainian citizens, Information on Canada schemesfor Ukrainian citizens(pdf, 817 kB), Information on EU states schemes for Ukrainian citizens, Print Asylum and Migration The event will be, This one-week summer school course is organised by the Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE) - a research institute affiliated with Charles. This also applies for other benefits of assistance in material need, such as the Allowance for Living and the Supplement for Housing. Self-isolation can be terminated early by receiving a negative PCR test or rapid antigen test. An information leaflet for employees and employers has been produced in bothCzechandUkrainian. Today they are: Pfizer / BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen, AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca / Covishield (India), AstraZeneca / SKBio (South Korea), Moderna / Spikevax, Sinopharm (Vero Cell), CoronaVac (Sinovac). We offer an entry insurance policy for a period of 3 days, which fully covers COVID-19 treatment and observation. You have the option to apply for a visa for a stay over 90 days for leave to remain in the territory at the MoI DAMP Office according to your place of residence. Every foreigner arriving in the Czech Republic is obliged to. 2022 The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, all rights reserved, Agenda of the EU at the Ministry of the Interior, Elections to the European Parliament 2009. No. Please inform the hotline of the portal about the reasons for the trip cancellation, and we will gladly reschedule your dates. During this time, you have the opportunity either to undergo PCR testing or to do a rapid antigen test - in case of a negative result, self-isolation is not applied. You can also use the form below to report changes. If necessary, free housing can be obtained at the Ukrainian Aid Centers, which is currently available for 1 month with the possibility of extension.

To stay in the Czech Republic, you must have health insurance. This information line provides general information on temporary protection. You can watch the film and read the leaflet called ". News, Information on applying for temporary protection, Information for temporary protection holders, Support from other countries to citizens of Ukraine, Further Information Related to the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, The government adopted a crisis measure on 30 June 2022. The minimum period is not specified. Text version All documents can be issued later in the Czech Republic. Apply in person. From the 1st of April, new rules apply to travel by Ukrainian citizens on trains to/from or across the Czech Republic. Quick menu The special long-term visa will allow citizens of Ukraine to legally reside in the Czech Republic.
Did I arrive in the Czech Republic after February 24th, 2022? Newly arrived Ukrainian citizens who have contacts and a background in the Czech Republic can stay in the country for 90 days under the visa-free regime. Out of these operating hours, The Ministry of the Interior's virtual assistant is available for you. Entry into the country is completely free - no tests, no self-isolation. A 24-hour English-speaking hotline online chats and call center is operating for tourists if they need clarification on the information provided or prompt assistance in resolving problems and misunderstandings related to crossing the Ukrainian border. Detailed information can be found via the link: www.mvcr.cz/ukrajina. Installation of Vdoma app, self-isolation and additional tests are not required, provided that you show proof of your departure and leave the country within 48 hours; If you are not vaccinated, and you are coming from Russia or India (and have spent more than 7 days there in the last 14 days) to enter the country you must have an insurance policy and a negative test result (PCR or antigen), which was carried out for no more than 72 hours before crossing the border. More details: https://www.csob.cz, You will also find a lot of useful information via the link: https://www.stojimezaukrajinou.cz/en. Citizens of Ukraine who have applied for a different residence permit (for example an employee card) deal with any matters related to the residence permit at the MoI DAMP Offices. Please note that travel by the Czech Railways is free for Ukrainian citizens. Links to official information sources for refugees from Ukraine: You will also find answers to frequently asked questions on the website of the Czech Ministry of the Interior: https://www.mvcr.cz/ukrajina, Ukrainians in Spain: everything you need to know about crossing the border, living conditions and support for refugees. All information on the resource is updated daily and is presented in three languages - Ukrainian, English and Russian. Here I can find out basic information about the possibility of staying in the Czech Republic. Free meals are also provided in most places of the group settlement. Proof of recovery from COVID-19 is accepted only in the form of a digital COVID certificate (EU DCC or an equivalent from any country that is connected to the EU system). Proof of previous illness in the form of a doctor's note, positive test or antibody test - will not be accepted! After applying for a humanitarian visa, you need to apply to employment centers at the place of residence for a work permit and social benefits. To citizens who were holders of a permanent residence permit in the territory of Ukraine by February 24th, 2022 and travelling to their country of origin is not possible due to the threat of actual danger according to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners. We have simulated possible situations. You can open a free bank account with CSOB. About Us Sitemap Self-isolation can be terminated early by receiving a negative PCR test or rapid antigen test. In addition, such registration is also carried out by police stations for foreigners. 01012, Kyiv, Independence Square Street, 2 , office 814-, Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7, State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, 2022 Visit Ukraine Today All rights reserved. I am a foreigner (stateless person; I have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine), fully vaccinated of the WHO approved vaccine for emergency use - Pfizer / BioNTech, AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca / Covishield (India), AstraZeneca / SKBio (South Korea), Moderna / Spikevax, Sinopharm (Vero Cell), CoronaVac (Sinovac), Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine - I have a certificate of a complete course of vaccination. How to learn about the congestion at border crossing points? If you have a biometric passport, please come to the Regional Assistance Centre for Ukraine to discuss this matter. Mobile operators T-Mobile and Vodafone have made calls from the Czech Republic to Ukraine free of charge. If within 72 hours from the moment of crossing the border, a negative test result was not received, you must self-isolate for 10 days in the place indicated during authorization in the application "Vdoma". All the necessary information to ensure free health care is well-described here. bring stamps in the amount of CZK 300 (it is possible to buy the stamps only at the offices of esk pota) to pay the administrative fee for accepting the application. Citizens with only a permanent residence permit may not apply for an insurance policy.

At the same time, it continues to allow nationals of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, who have already been issued a visa for the purpose of taking up a residence permit, to take up a residence permit card and thus complete the procedure (Government measure sets of 30 June 2022 downloadable here (pdf, 92 kB). According to Section 93 (1) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners 326/1999 Coll., a foreigner under the age of 15 is not obliged to report his/her place of residence. The State Veterinary Administration has simplified the conditions for entry of pets for citizens of Ukraine: dogs, cats that accompany their owners. List of job vacancies from the Ministry of Social Work: https://www.uradprace.cz/web/uk/posuk-vakantnih-misc-2, Along with humanitarian aid, refugees from Ukraine have free access to the Czech Republic's health care system and can seek help from any major hospital in their city. Contact the helpline set up for Ukrainian citizens. This may avoid the need to come back repeatedly.

In the aid centers, Ukrainians receive a humanitarian intra-Czech residence visa (valid for 1 year), free health insurance, offers of temporary accommodation, information on study opportunities for children, job search, etc., and registration for a one-time material help. If their residence permit is valid, they can return. You do not have the opportunity to take a test in Ukraine in order to avoid or shorten the period of self-isolation. Schengen Yes, if the child has foreign citizenship, regardless of age, they need to have an insurance policy for the entire period of their stay in Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens who have newly arrived in the Czech Republic and have no contacts or background in the Czech Republic are issued a special long-term visa immediately, on the basis of an application submitted in person at the Regional Assistance Centres. and we recommend having your own photograph in the format 45 x 35 mm. To enter the country, you must have a negative test result (PCR or antigen), which was carried out no more than 72 hours before crossing the border. The new regulations specify who is entitled to free travel and for how long this benefit can be used. https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/sluzby-pro-verejnost-informace-pro-cizince-kontakty.aspx. I cannot pay for the insurance, what should I do? List of Regional Centres for Help and Assistance to Ukraine, Information on United Kingdom schemesfor Ukrainian citizens, Information on Canada schemesfor Ukrainian citizens(pdf, 817 kB), Information on EU states schemes for Ukrainian citizens, Print Asylum and Migration The event will be, This one-week summer school course is organised by the Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE) - a research institute affiliated with Charles. This also applies for other benefits of assistance in material need, such as the Allowance for Living and the Supplement for Housing. Self-isolation can be terminated early by receiving a negative PCR test or rapid antigen test. An information leaflet for employees and employers has been produced in bothCzechandUkrainian. Today they are: Pfizer / BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen, AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca / Covishield (India), AstraZeneca / SKBio (South Korea), Moderna / Spikevax, Sinopharm (Vero Cell), CoronaVac (Sinovac). We offer an entry insurance policy for a period of 3 days, which fully covers COVID-19 treatment and observation. You have the option to apply for a visa for a stay over 90 days for leave to remain in the territory at the MoI DAMP Office according to your place of residence. Every foreigner arriving in the Czech Republic is obliged to. 2022 The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, all rights reserved, Agenda of the EU at the Ministry of the Interior, Elections to the European Parliament 2009. No. Please inform the hotline of the portal about the reasons for the trip cancellation, and we will gladly reschedule your dates. During this time, you have the opportunity either to undergo PCR testing or to do a rapid antigen test - in case of a negative result, self-isolation is not applied. You can also use the form below to report changes. If necessary, free housing can be obtained at the Ukrainian Aid Centers, which is currently available for 1 month with the possibility of extension.