Pro Tip: Shooting in burst mode too often can quickly fill up your iPhone storage. The iPhone camera app doesnt allow you to alter the shutter speed, but many 3rd party photography apps do Camera+ 2 is a good one. Pro Tip: blurring the foreground is another way to create interest in a photo. In order to get enough detail in the final shot, you need to have sufficient light. Mastering iphone photography is a lot like mastering any other kind of photography. Simply tap Edit in the Photos app on the photo, then drag the Depth slider beneath your photo a lower f-number designates more blur, and vice versa with a high number. Dogs can often be lured with treats or toys. Try not to make the group too deep (i.e., keep the distance between the front line of people and the back line of people as small as you can). Also, if you have the earphones actually in your ears, no one will suspect youre taking a picture ;-). Or point your camera downward so that you use the ground as a backdrop. A high vantage point lets you fit a lot of people into the frame while still remaining quite close to the group. The leading authority in photography and camera gear. Brace yourself on a sturdy object for a sharper image. Camera shake is the main enemy of getting a sharp. In order to reduce the number of unnecessary images, click Select after shooting the burst, tap the photo(s) you want to keep, then tap Done and choose to keep only your favourite shots everything else will be deleted. The products in this post may contain affiliate links. There are a few ways to do this. So here comes the HDR option to save the day! I highly recommend you check out the iPhone Photo Academy its a video course packed full of amazing tips and tutorials on getting much better photos with your iPhone. The use of leading lines in your iPhone photos is a powerful way to create a better composition. If Im photographing a wedding and the couple wants one big group shot, Ill arrange for a ladder to be present, or Ill find some other way to get up high (Ive even climbed up onto church roofs!). No doubt in a future update of iOS, well be given even more 3D Touch options, which will further extend its capabilities. Pro Tip: You can even search by peoples faces open the Photos app, then tap Albums, and the People album. If youve seen the yellow focus square, youve probably paid attention the icon right on its right-hand-side. If the composition does end up being deep, use a narrow aperture. Instead, round everyone up for a stroll in one of your favorite outdoor spots. Try to get as close as you can to the group youre photographing (without cutting out group members, of course!). iPhone photography offers an easy way to make sure youve grabbed the precious moment: its called burst mode. Its much easier to imagine the lines and the sections if you have a grid to help you see them. These editing apps also make it possible to additionally adjust contrast, saturation, white balance, vignetting and a few other handy things. Adjusting your shutter speed can give you additional creative options when photographing moving subjects slowing your shutter down, for example, allows you to display moving water as a sea of creamy fluff. Align your subject with the grid lines for better compositions. Next time the sun is out and coming in from an angle (early or late in the day works best), compose your shot, then slowly move your iPhone so the sun creeps in to your shot. The Camera Diopter: What Is It, and How Can You Use It? Using the burst mode significantly increases the chance of capturing the subject in the most desirable pose. Then guide your subjects through different poses and when everything looks just right, you can quickly press the shutter button!
Thats why I highly recommend you take multiple photos quickly; I often switch my camera to continuous shooting mode and photograph in short bursts. The golden hour is every photographers favorite time to take family photos. It takes a very keen eye to actually tell the difference between a photo shot on an expensive camera, and an iPhone using portrait mode. And small critters like rodents and reptiles can usually just be held during the family photoshoot. This can create some unusual effects with the light flare. Get perfect focus with manual override, 10. It also creates depth in the photo as it can connect the foreground with the background. Another way is to rest your phone on a solid object, and prop it up with whatever is close by a cup of coffee, your bag, etc. The easy way is to simply squeeze the volume up button on the side of your iPhone to snap the picture. Reserved / Disclaimer, Your email is safe with us. You may even start to seek out cluttered backgrounds for the cool effects they create. If the event is centered around one or two people (like a wedding or a birthday), make the hosts the focal point by putting them right in the middle of the group (you can add variation by taking some shots of everyone looking at the camera and other shots of everyone looking at the person/couple). First, open the camera app, then select Portrait at the bottom of the screen. Using the volume button can help you stabilize your shot while pressing the shutter. Want to reduce camera shake even more? You can either swipe your finger up/down the screen to adjust exposure, or simple tap the shutter button to take the shot. Buying new accessories for your iPhone might not spring to mind when researching how to take good pictures with a Phone. All Rights Reserved. Woodland trails are great for midday photo shoots, but you can also take photos on overcast days or under covered pavilions. The camera has the capability of taking around 10 photos per second until you remove your finger from the button! You might also try moving everyone out of a one-line formation and placing some people in front and behind. Just as there are techniques to photography with a DSLR, there are numerous important skills to learn when photographing with an iphone. Get all your Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple Pay, & Apple TV goss from the Aussies. 3. Post-process your photos for maximum impact, 20. Editing your photos is the icing on the cake of smartphone photography. It could be the branches of a tree pointing to your subject, pulled back curtains, an open door or a window. Get in close for a few shots, then take several steps back and get a few more. This will throw the foreground out of focus. Its basically creating a frame within the frame thats already defined by your photo itself. Large groups of people can be very difficult to photograph. (UPDATE: Theres now also iPhone Landscape Mastery new for 2022). We won't share it with anyone, Landscape Photography: 13 Surefire Tips (+ Stunning Examples), 5 Couples Photography Tips for Wonderful Images, Weekly dPS Photography Challenge "No Words", Midday Photography: How to Take Beautiful Photos Using Harsh Light. This one is closely related to exploring the opportunities which the third-party editing apps give. Asking your family to hold still while you take photos will often result in shots that feel unnatural and staged. First, a tripod communicates your seriousness and can help get the groups attention (its amazing what a professional-looking setup can do!). Photographer. When looking for good backdrops, think about combining different textures for a cozy feel. However, all is not lost! The best outdoor locations for family photos are spots that you can easily get to and that have special meaning for your family. This tip can be applied not only to iphone photography but to most types of visual art in general. iPhone photography is getting more and more popular in 2022, especially after the most recent updated product releases. When the camera has focused on the subject and blurred the background, youll see Natural Light or Depth Effect appear on the screen. An assistant is also incredibly handy if you are taking multiple group shots (like at a wedding when youre photographing different configurations of a family). Following on from the previous tip, have you ever considered using your smartphones ear phones to shoot without being noticed? To make the group stand out, youll need a location with no distractions. The iPhone camera seems like a simple device at first, but most people are really only scratching the surface of its capabilities. After all, its far more enjoyable to simply pull your phone out of your pocket to capture a photo, instead of unpacking all your camera gear from your bag. This will help keep everyone in focus. Instead of busy gardens or houses as a backdrop, look for solid or patterned walls or shrubbery with plenty of green. Have fun and enjoy the process of getting your shots, and youll find the group will, too. This is when overexposing would be useful. Just tap on the screen where you want it to appear. Follow him on Instagram, on Twitter at @digitalPS or on Google+. Lets all make the most of its wonderful camera :-). The significant elements in the photo should be placed at the intersections of those lines or along them. As you walk, you can make a game of your photoshoot by asking your kids to give each other piggyback rides, skip, sing, dance, and jump. If you want it to be brighter and overexposed, then you just drag it up. youre free to swap and change the effect after youve shot the photo. Here are a few tips for capturing a special look in your family photos: Outdoor photos are great for capturing natural light and poses, with the added benefit of not having to capture a cluttered or busy home. In order to get a sharper shot with your iPhone in low light, youll need to eliminate any camera movement. You can also have a play around with live photos, which capture 1.5 seconds before and after your photo. So choose a place where your group will fit, where there is enough light for the shot, and where there are no distracting surroundings. Learn more. If youre not prepared to start taking photos on the fly, at least add the location to the Notes app on your iPhone so you can come back to it. In fact, we encourage you to keep snapping those candid shots. Then tap a face you want to name, and Add Name at the top of the screen.
Were not suggesting that everyone in your family photo wear the same outfit or even the same color. If it happens, its bound to cause blurriness, and thats an effect you wont be happy to see in your photo unless its intentional, of course! One possible reason for that could be that your phone didnt focus on the right place. To prevent this from happening, did you know you can actually select your focus point manually? The method you use to pose your family pet will depend on the circumstances. One of the greatest advantages of using the camera on your smartphone is that its always so easy to access but did you know theres a shortcut you can use to activate it? When taking a selfie, its really hard to tap the camera shutter button, especially with your hand outstretched. Outdoor family photos are a fabulous choice, but they arent always realistic, so dont beat yourself up if you cant get outside for family photography. Taking amazing smartphone photos requires learning a handful of relatively simple techniques, then making the most of the functions that come with your phone many of which are hidden, or at least, not immediately obvious. If theres nothing to rest it on, prop yourself up by leaning against something solid like a tree or lamppost. Heres what I recommend you do several hours (or days) before the photo: The group photo location is important for a number of reasons. I often use the VSCO Photo & Video Editor app and RNI films to tweak my photos and to add a bit of atmosphere. Simply set your camera on a tripod, set the exposure, and set the focus. There are a number of reasons why you would want to sacrifice a perfectly exposed image for a darker or for a brighter one it all depends on what mood you want to convey. This little icon along with the slider will help you adjust the exposure of your image. Obviously, this is most convenient when the phone is help in landscape orientation (i.e. Pro Tip: You can even use the volume button on your earphones its worth carrying the white ones that come free with your phone for this very reason. iPhones are great for photography when the light is good, but as soon as it becomes to get darker, they tend to struggle. Even if you make sure that your lens is clean in advance and theres no camera shake, the photo might still look a bit off. The iPhone will then try and associate the other photos on your phone with that face, to keep everything better organised. I find it best to do a group shot when people are already close together and when there is a lull in the proceedings. Yes, were talking about matching outfits, which sounds cheesy but can actually work really well if you do it right. Framing draws the attention of the viewer right to the subject of your photograph and it also creates a layered effect which saves the photo from looking flat and unexciting. Then you can keep adding more terms until youve narrowed down your search to find the exact photo you want. Make a note of all of your favorite spots so, when the mood strikes for a family photo session, you can just pick a location and go. This blog uses cookies to improve your experience. To capture golden hour photos of your family, head outside just after or just before sunset. As long as you know them in-depth, you can purposefully break them theres nothing which will guarantee a more intriguing photo. 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A post shared by Washington Photographer (@sammijphotography). But there are other things you can do to improve the photos composition: Carefully pick the moment for your photo. White, black, and gray can be thrown into the mix as well because they go with just about everything. Its all about the person behind the lens and about great compositions that catch the eye. On a related note, shoot some frames before everyone is ready. One solution is to elevate yourself. Second, the location can help emphasize your group or it can draw the eye. Pretty neat! Another effective technique is to get everyone to lean in; that way, you can move even closer without cutting out subjects. Lets start with something nice and simple! Next time youre out at night, try placing your iPhone on something sturdy, then using Camera+ 2 to slow your shutter speed right down, then trigger the shutter using your iPhone earphones volume up button youll see how much more you can capture in the image, vs a straight shot at a higher shutter speed. For example, a shot of a sports team on their playing field says more than a shot of the team in front of a brick wall. A post shared by AUBREY | PA PHOTOGRAPHER (@breyphoto). The iPhone artificial intelligence does an amazing job when searching for photos. Have you had success taking group photos? Shotkit may earn a commission on affiliate links. Just follow the tips Ive given you, and your group photos will turn out stunning. A post shared by Sioux Falls Photographer (@ae_imagery_photography). Any place that offers wide swaths of shade will work for family photography sessions outdoors. This tip applies to any kind of photography, but its not so apparent when using a smartphone to take a shot. Theres just something about cozy indoor shots that creates intimate moments between family members. It really does work. Finding the one you want in the Photos app can be a bit of a chore, if you dont know what youre doing. If you have a zoom lens, try capturing some shots at a wide focal length and some shots that are more tightly framed. Of course, you dont want to be a dictator when posing your group otherwise, your group shots will include some very angry expressions. This tip is especially important if youre using any of those clip on lenses for your iPhone, such as these macro ones. Disclaimer: All recommendations are impartial and based on user experience, with no bias to the products or the brand. For example, if theres movement in the scene, the camera might be constantly readjusting the focus point to compensate for the subjects new position. Adjust the exposure for a perfect shot. If you havent tried it you should definitely experiment! In order to turn it on, you simply need to hold your finger on the shutter button once you have the camera app up and running, and multiple shots will be fired off automatically. If youre into photography, youve probably heard more than once that you shouldnt point your camera towards the source of light. Have you ever looked at a loved one and thought, I need to remember that look? If youre indecisive like me, its often hard choosing the right filter and then you get another pang of indecisiveness after taking the picture that you wish youd chosen another. Forest photography: How to take dreamy photos in the woods, 20 photography terms every mobile photographer should know, How to use Portrait mode on iPhone for near-professional portraits. If the light is too harsh or too bright, hang a sheer curtain in front of the window for a softer glow. Instead, think about ways you can take beautiful photos indoors. Set the timer on your iPhone or use a remote shutter so you arent touching your phone at all when you take a photo. Use the volume button to take sharper photos, 5. In the right hands, the photos taken with a modern smartphone are almost indistinguishable from those taken from a bulky DSLR camera 3x the price. If you have Portrait mode on your iPhone, you can use it to create beautifully blurred backgrounds that wont distract from your family portraits. A photo session with pets is a bit more unpredictable than one without, but animals also add spontaneity to photos and help people feel more comfortable with having their picture taken. Your phone is also most likely to be the camera you have on you every single day and that, after all, is the best camera you could wish for! Photos can be candid or staged, but the best family photos have a few things in common: Not all of your photos have to be posed. The start of an event can be a good time to shoot; everyone is together, they all look their best, and if there is alcohol involved, it hasnt significantly affected the group yet. This is really useful for when youve forgotten your earphones, and cant trigger the shutter of your phone without having to resort to tapping the on screen shutter button. If its a bright, sunny day and the sun is low in the sky, try not to face your subjects toward the light otherwise, youll end up with a collection of squinting faces. Also dont miss this useful article which gives some advice on the best phones for photography. A post shared by Dream Frame (@dream.frame). Even when your subjects not moving fast, burst mode can help you get the perfect moment. The closer you can get, the more detail youll capture in their faces something that can really elevate a shot. Other animals, like cats, may require more patience. 5 Creative Lenses for Beautiful and Artistic Photos, How to Straighten a Crooked Image in Photoshop (Step By Step), 5 Lightroom Tips and Tricks (to Revolutionize Your Editing), How to Convert to Black and White in Lightroom (Quick Guide), Just-Released Lightroom Updates: Video Editing, Adaptive Presets, and More, The Most Popular Digital Cameras (in 2022), How to pick the perfect group photo location, Scope out the location of your shot beforehand, Make sure your camera is on and has charged batteries. Then, brace your arms close to your body, and try and press the shutter button (or better still, use your earphones volume button), to get as steady a shot as possible. Soft blankets and pillows, textured rugs, and comfortable furniture all of your favorite things can be used to set the backdrop for beautiful indoor family photos. Im Polina, a freelance photographer, always on the look out for creating simple images with powerful impact. Tall people will go to the back, short people to the front. To avoid harsh shadows that will wreak havoc on your family photos, look for spots that provide open shade during the daytime.