Millie, a black Labrador and American Staffordshire mix, was on a walk when she started turning heads on the sidewalk. The Plufl is a giant, fuzzy, oval-shaped cushion with a reinforced edge that can only be described as a dog bed scaled up to human size. Head over to our About page to learn more about the team behind Sleepopolis. The pair also realized that there was a lot to learn from feedback on TikTok. A financial expert weighs in on how to get back on track. Digital Trends Media Group may earn a commission when you buy through links on our sites. 'I get so many compliments' you'll also get over 30% off these beauties. Nutkins broke down the body language of the dogs in these videos, pointing out their wide eyes, pinned back ears, curled lips, bared teeth, low slow tail wags and stillness.
Casually propped on her lip, just as if she were a tiny human, was a baby pacifier. "From what I've seen, the majority of dogs just don't know what to do with that. If youre wondering how, when, and where the Plufl will be available for purchase echoing the current recurring theme in @weareplufls comments section the team launched a Kickstarter campaign April 12, 2022, where you can place a pre-order for the first batch of Plufls starting at just $299 a piece a discount on the Plufls intended retail value. Heres what you need to know: Voiceovers are nothing new in the TikTok world, but this new trend isnt nearly as fun as it seems. Although some of these actions are indicators of discomfort, they are often confused with signs of happinessparticularly the slow tail wag. ", RELATED: Your dog has a rich interior life it's not telling you about. Golden retriever dad transforms cluttered old closet into luxurious dog bedroom: 'Luckiest dog ever', Depressed pit bull experiencing 'phantom' pregnancy has sweetest reaction to new puppy: 'My heart just broke', The prettiest leather handbags are up to 40% off at Mansur Gavriel's summer sale, 10 puppy essentials from Amazon to help you prepare for your new furry friend. Silverman spent a lot of time hanging out with Lady and lounging in her custom-made, Great Dane-sized dog bed and it got him thinking. The hashtag #barkatyourdog has over 156 million views on TikTok, and its participants run the gamut in age and popularity (many TikTok stars have dabbled in it). Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. "The problem is, you won't know until it's too late," he said. Shop the video: Bliss Thats Incredi-Peel Glycolic Acid Pads Kiehl's Micro-Dose Anti-Aging Retinol Serum EltaMD UV Clear SPF 46 Almay Clear Complexion Foundation Gillette Venus Skin-Smoothing Exfoliator, Targeting wrinkles, large pores, acne and redness, this product is seriously adored: 'Miracle in a bottle.'. Buried in debt?
This Labrador performed an impressive stunt when playing catch. National Hot Dog Day is a day for hot dog lovers to unite in celebration. Use a. However, if you wake with more pain than you started with, she says sleeping on the floor may not be the best solution for you. Silverman and Kinoshita said they are both floor people themselves and part of their motivation to make the Plufl was how much they loved to lay on the floor, although they hadnt been aware of the meme. For them, its been exciting to see just how many other floor people are out there and how many of them want Plufls.
Newsweek asked dog behavior experts for their verdict on the stunt and it was unanimousdon't do it. However, he told Sleepopolis that sleeping on the floor with some padding can work. "One of the things that dogs do find quite difficult from a body language perspective is direct eye contact, or potentially people face to face, just because it can be fairly intimidating," Bays said. Besides, there are plenty of other trends to try! Similarly, face licking may appear to be a show of affection, but it can be a tool that the animals use to calm others down. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Madson said she wouldn't recommend that one either, because it requires a person to get in one's dog's face, which could make a dog uncomfortable, stressed or anxious. "Alternatively, they may give distinct signals to show their apprehension or concern, which aren't identifiable to the untrained eye. Shop all of Christian Cowans high-fashion looks from his In The Know cover shoot: In The Know is now available on Apple News follow us here! They also decided to add straps and include a bag with each Plufl, so that it can be easily stored or transported. Indeed, a happy bark, usually accompanied by a tail wag, is typically a dog's way of greeting someone. ", She explained: It can become a learnt behaviour if an owner were to keep doing this trend to show people as a joke. However, animal behavior experts have issued a warning about the latest pet trend on TikTok. Black Lab mom cant figure out why people keep staring at her dog, then spots whats in her mouth: I was not expecting that, Ob-gyn plans to open floating abortion clinic, Everything you need to know about Gen Z's new favorite 'anti' social media app, BeReal: 'This life is without filters'. If you enjoyed this story, check out this devoted pit bull dad who refuses to leave nursing wifes side. Madson said in the videos she's seen of the trend, she's noticed a lot of dogs exhibit "whale eye." What's it really like to have monkeypox? "Another time they could turn and be face to face with another dog, a child, a person sitting on the floor, and be surprised, remember the bark trend and react accordingly," she said. Moreover, barking can also mean "back off," or "go away.".
Her tips will leave your skin with a healthy glow. The Sleepopolis team is a group of sleep enthusiasts that will bring you the latest reviews, news, and analysis on all things sleep. Youll find everything from mattress reviews to sleep tips. Nutkins said: "Where some of the dogs haven't shown obvious wide eyes or being frozen to the spot, they have reverted to licking really fast to try and calm the situationand at the same time help provide themselves with a natural feeling of being calmer.". I was not expecting that, laughed one user. Another issue is making such close eye contact with the dog. You never know what they may pick up and pop in their mouths along the way. Dogs may also bark to seek attention; perhaps they want a treat, to go outside or to play. Some pups, like the one in the background of Cats TikTok, are obviously unhappy while filming the video, while others appear not to be bothered.
The majority, if not all, of the videos that I have seen show dogs turning their head a little bit to one side. Not without installing these 3 safety essentials first. Shop the picks below! Here's how to stop them. Dog trainer Joe Nutkins spoke with Newsweek in the same article mentioned above about some of the signs of stress she saw in these videos. The video trendinvolves getting close to your canine's face, barking loudly and recording the dog's reaction. See. Currently, their most viewed TikTok has 8.4 million views. According to Kamal Fernandez, a dog sports and behavior specialist, the animals' unhappiness might not become apparent until later. But a dog's bark doesn't always signal happiness or excitement. We want to help you get the best nights sleep ever! Rob Bays, a canine behaviorist and training manager at Battersea Cats and Dogs Home in London, told Newsweek that the eye contact often seen in these prank videos can be threatening to pets. All rights reserved. ), you can usually find me out on a hike, listening to my favorite podcasts, or attempting to learn how to cook. When Im not reviewing sleep products (or taking a nap! She also opened up about the elimination communication technique she used when Bear was a baby in an effort to potty train him early. Meanwhile, the footage is a good reminder to pet owners to keep an eye out while theyre taking a stroll with their dog. A product for humans would need to be much softer and more supportive, so they decided to swap out the traditional dog bed fill for memory foam. Were so grateful to you (our readers) for taking the time to appreciate our hard work, and we hope that we repay you by helping you best tackle the most important (and often least thought-about) 8 hours of the day. He's up, he's down but David Harbour is enjoying the ride. With internet scams on the rise, here are solid ways you can protect yourself and your information while buying online. "So, it's really important that we listen to those body language cues. Madson added that getting in a dog's face can be a bite risk. Ive tested nearly every major brand on the market, heres what I like! In these videos, people are seen getting in someones face, pretending to confront them about talking smack while lip-synching to a popular audio clip. Home TikTok Has Been Going Crazy for the Plufl, a Dog Bed For Humans. TikTok Has Been Going Crazy for the Plufl, a Dog Bed For Humans, While Silverman and Kinoshita see the Plufl purely as a nap product, many of the commenters on TikTok seem ready to sleep in it for naps. Whether an owner truly yells or simply mouths something in their dogs face, that dog is likely to feel threatened. Hello, welcome to Sleepopolis! In "bark at your dog" videos, TikTokers get up close to their pets and yelp in their faces, hoping to prompt a humorous reaction to share online. A dog can reach a point where they know what is going to happen [and bites] to try to prevent it happening again or as a natural reaction to feeling threatened.". "Some dogs are great at disguising their unease. Are you sure you're secure? Most pups taking part in this trend just dont look comfortable according to Nutkins, which makes her fear a more extreme reaction. At worst, you run the risk a dog will respond in a reflexively defensive manner, which might result in a bite to the face. As Madson alluded to, while human might find the interaction entertaining, it essentially leaves the dogs confused. While working there, Silverman befriended not only the owners of the coffee shop, but also their dog the eponymous Great Dane, Lady. That is unbelievably adorable, another comment read. "You can tell which dogs, in some of these videos, have a very trusting relationship with their people, but then you can see the dogs who don't," Madson said. "There's one [video] in particularone of the little dogs actually does start to flash their teeth, which from a body language perspective is the dog asking for space in a nice controlled way. ", She added: "The majority of dogs wouldn't understand the intention behind the bark or in some cases where it has come from.". A quick scroll through many of the dangerous #talkingsmack videos with dogs reveals a wide range of canine reactions. You might then see, like I say, them display a bit more combative behaviour to just try and alleviate the situation and remove themselves from it.". Another one trending involves users kissing their dogs, and observing their reaction. "What we see in these videos are dogs experiencing shock, disorientation and fear. Puppy potty training your Bichon Frisewhy is it so difficult? So did the founders over at Plufl, a new company that makes dog beds for humans. As the pair started prototyping the Plufl, they realized that creating a product that was truly comfortable for napping would take more than just making a traditional dog bed larger. ", "They might feel afraid because they don't know what they did wrong, but you just told me to back off.". For example, Silverman said one group they hadnt considered as potential customers but had received many comments from on their TikTok page was parents of children with autism or ADHD who saw the Plufl as something that could help their child deal with sensory overload. One of the biggest risks is that you will force your dog to feel so threatened and so worried that they feel theyve already given many signals and warnings to say please dont do this but theyre left with one last resort, she notes. But when dogs bark, barking can mean a lot of things. As cute as it may all look on the surface, not all pet videos are innocent. Since late last year, dog owners on TikTok have been participating in what might seem like an innocent, even cute TikTok trend that involves barking at your dog. At a quick glance, the videos look exactly like real (albeit dramatically overdone) confrontations, so its easy to understand why filming this video with your dog can lead to extreme stress and distrust on their end. Parents are responsible for their childrens use of electronics and what they watch. Since speaking with Newsweek, their original video has been set to private and can no longer be viewed. Other than the potentially humorous audio they are mouthing, the owners in the videos appear to yell in their dogs faces and make angryevening threateningarm gestures. Because if we don't, dogs are likely to escalate and escalate. Here's why you should evaluate your privacy settings to make sure they're still right for you. Madson said it could be "damaging to that relationship" because the dog doesn't know what to expect. The comfy, all-year frock has a secret: pockets! So she got out her phone to film Millie and thats when Peggy noticed what was in her mouth. Save hundreds on our top-rated mattresses! In an interview for The Ellen Fisher Podcast, the Clueless alum, 45, shared that she and her son Bear, 11, still sleep in the same bed together. Comments like no cuz the floor and a blanket is so comfy i need this or i sleep in my dogs bed more than mine arent hard to find in the comments sections of their TikToks. #Barkatyourdog is just one of many curious dog-related TikTok trends. Silverman and Kinoshita created an account, @weareplufl, and posted their first video on March 9, 2022. The first few videos on the account averaged a few thousand views, but by the end of their first week of posting, Plufls TikToks were hitting 10,000 to 20,000 views. Nearly 17,000 rave reviewers are aglow about this easy-to-use gadget. Why this TikTok dog trend is so dangerous, TikTok is not worth losing your dogs trust, 5 cool St. Bernard facts you probably didnt know, How to prevent your older dog from losing their teeth down the road, Viral video of a deaf dog that thinks shes barking is the cutest thing ever, Why do dogs chase their tails? Patients and experts explain. Science says it could give them cancer. Eventually I realized, dog beds are so comfortable. "It's just putting us face to face with them, which for a lot of dogs is pretty confrontational and intimidating," Madson said. In the background, you can see a woman mouthing the audio to her dog, who bares their teeth, licks their lips, and shows other signs of extreme stress. Please stop.. devoted pit bull dad who refuses to leave nursing wifes side. PLEASE stop posting videos like this! A lot of comments [on the Plufl TikTok] are about like, Oh, as a floor person, this product is awesome for me, Kinoshita said. So we checked in with the experts about the benefits and risks of sleeping on the floor. Often, users will overlap the sound of their barking with a popular audio on the app but, judging from the dogs' reactions, it's clear they're doing it in person too. The idea for the Plufl first came to Silverman while working at a coffee shop in Vancouver called Great Dane Coffee. Why shouldnt people have one, too? Silverman told Sleepopolis. ------------------------------------------, Your dog has a rich interior life it's not telling you about. Filming a short video may turn into a long-term concern for everyone in your home should your pup feel threatened, especially by someone they love most. Stock image of a man and his dog face to face. We read a lot about 'unprovoked' dog attacks but, when we delve deeper, we actually find there were plenty of indicators preceding this event. Do you want to be responsible for a maimed child?! And the TikToks werent just getting views hundreds of excited comments rolled in, validating Silverman and Kinoshitas belief that there was a market for the Plufl. We abuse their trust in us when we treat our pets in this way, and we are very concerned that these trends appear to be increasing. "Look for better ways to have fun with your dog, like initiating play with a toy or asking them for a cute trick," Madson said. In December 2021, dog trainer Sassafras Lowrey published a piece for the American Kennel Club warning people not to participate in this "dangerous" trend, and citing many issues with it. Dog beds are exactly what inspired the creators of the Plufl, Noah Silverman and Yukinori Kinoshita, who are fourth year students studying International Economics at the University of British Columbia. "They might feel afraid because they don't know what they did wrong, but you just told me to back off.". #notsafe #doNOTtrythisathome #catthevet. Then they do whats called whale eye which is where the dog turns their head a little bit and then they actually turn their eyes the other way as far as they can. Hey there, I'm Amelia! On TikTok alone, the hashtag #dog has over 188 billion views (yes, billion with a b). And if youre following the intended nap-only use, you should be just fine. But then the pair decided to try TikTok. Are you looking to save some money on your new mattress? Ryan Neile, head of behavior services at U.K. pet charity Blue Cross, summed up the experts' views, telling Newsweek: "Unlike people, dogs will never understand prank culture, jump scares or practical jokes. overnight. As explained by the AKC, "whale eye" is a term used to describe when you can see the whites of your dog's eye, known as the sclera. Weve seen pets antics go viral on TikTok before like this rescue dog who cost his human $400 in vet bills to diagnose his sympathy pains, or this kitten who interrupted her pregnant humans bumpdate video in the strangest way but Millies unexpected discovery on her walk is unlike anything TikTokers have seen before. You can also find me on our YouTube channel doing video reviews. Get the latest deals, discounts, reviews, and giveaways! Heres the bottom line: a TikTok trend, no matter how funny, is not worth risking your safety and your dogs trust. Comments like no cuz the floor and a blanket is so comfy i need this or i sleep in my dogs bed more than mine arent hard to find in the comments sections of their TikToks. One video, shared by @adrianchateau, has gained more than 32 million likes. The idea is they show the whites of their eyes as much as possible, trying to indicate that they are not liking the situation.. Tweet her @nicolekarlis. Peggy, who rescued Millie from a shelter when she was just a pup, couldnt figure out why so many people were staring at her dog. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most dogs look confused. The post Black Lab mom cant figure out why people keep staring at her dog, then spots whats in her mouth: I was not expecting that appeared first on In The Know. It's a form of communication for dogs to let each other know that there's something going on: hence, when one dog barks and the rest of the neighborhood dogs eventually chime in. They had plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign to get the funding to start production, but the Plufl hadnt gotten much attention outside of their supportive friends and family. Instead of participating in ill-advised TikTok trends with your dog, Madson has another suggestion for owners who want to bond with their pets. Nicole Karlis is a senior writer at Salon. Nutkins also notes that many of the dogs in these videos pin their ears back against their headanother sign of stress. Copyright 2022, LLC. "A very real and possible consequence of getting a cheap laugh and likes on social media is that you get hurt, and your dog might end up losing their home or even their life. TikToker and her owner, Peggy (@peggyy888), gained over 900,000 views, 230,000 likes and 1,000 comments after uploading footage of her pup, Millie, and their unusual walk. Dr. Ewain Wilson, a North Carolina-based sleep-medicine physician, also noted that any postural benefit of sleeping on the floor shouldnt outweigh getting a good nights sleep, as inferior sleep quality is in itself is damaging to health.. "I think we just need to encourage people to do better TikTok trends.". For further human-friendly touches, they also opted for a plush, faux fur outer cover thats machine washable and reinforced the edge so that a person could rest their head on it like a pillow. "If some dogs are more confident, and there happens to be a resource around, they're like 'Well I'll fight you on that,' and then they respond the same way, then you have issues with there being a bite risk.". While its meant to be amusing, it may have the exact opposite effect now that people are using their dogs instead of another person for the videos. Dr. Ewain Wilson, a North Carolina-based sleep-medicine physician, also noted that any postural benefit of sleeping on the floor shouldnt outweigh getting a good nights sleep, as inferior sleep quality is , If youre wondering how, when, and where the Plufl will be available for purchase echoing the current recurring theme in @weareplufls comments section the team launched a, Casper vs Leesa vs Tuft & Needle vs Saatva, Boll & Branch vs Parachute vs Brooklinen vs Snowe Sheets Comparison, Sleep Cycle Calculator: Powered by Sleepytime, Wall Beds Sold at Amazon and Costco Recalled Due to Crush Hazards, Your Complete Guide to Styling Small Bedrooms, Brooklyn Bedding Announces Milestone GOTS Certification, Most Americans Are Not Getting A Decent, Restorative Sleep, Rethink Your Kids Lullabye Music by Adding Some Billie Eilish or Hip-Hop, Study Explores Potential Link Between Sleep Disturbance and Alzheimers. He also pointed out that pests are more likely to move along the floor, so it may be of benefit to be raised up off the floor while sleeping in some environments. Some TikTok viewers have expressed concern that these clips are popularizing barking at your dog, which could be dangerous. Copyright 2022 Sleepopolis All Rights Reserved. "We want to show on the runway how people look in real life and you know, for everyone to feel comfortable the next day when they go to the beach and wear their swimwear," Stojanovic tells Yahoo Life.
", Nutkins also warned that the TikTokers were "putting themselves at risk of being bitten in the face and this of course could result in a dog being labelled as aggressive when they are not. Reactions vary from dog to dog, but the prank often results in the animals widening their eyes, barking back, licking their owners' faces or even baring their teeth. We have affiliate relationships where we are paid a commission on sales through some of our links. "I've watched half a dozen different videos with men and women trying this trend, with various breeds of dogs, and the main factor I see in every one is that the dog is surprised and unsure of what to do in response," said Joe Nutkins, a Kennel Club-accredited dog trainer and behaviorist based in southeast England. Sudden movements like head jerking and arm flailing are often seen with this trend. The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Animals Happy & Healthy.PawTracks brings inspiration, tips, the best products on earth to ensure our readers and their pets are happy and healthy. Yep, you read that right. Sleeping on the floor can help improve posture and can also decrease back or neck pain, Stacy Sutton, PT, DPT told Sleepopolis particularly for people who have back pain and feel better in standing versus sitting. Over time, sleeping on the floor can straighten the spine by lengthening muscles that have become tight, like the neck, chest, and hip flexors, according to Sutton. Madson added that by tricking one's dog, it could lead to a breach of trust especially if it's done with a new pet. Jessie James Decker deadlifts 150 pounds: 'I just want a big butt', Why calling myself disabled gave me freedom and community, Labrador retrieves ball from swimming pool in a surprising way, How To Get Free Hot Dogs On National Hot Dog Day, 'Stranger Things' star Matthew Modine said he and Millie Bobby Brown told each other 'I love you' before filming difficult scenes as Eleven and Papa, Newborns poopy concentration face cracks up big brother in hilarious TikTok, Get these gifts for dog dads now up to 30% off, 'Like walking on clouds': Amazon's 'shockingly comfortable' sandals are on sale for $34, 'Fine lines are disappearing': Shoppers love this facial tool and it's on sale for $14, This 'loose-fitting' maxi dress has 29,000+ shoppers obsessed and it's down to $26, It may be time to double check your computer's privacy settings, 'A practical necessity': Amazon is having mega-sale on power strips get up to 40% off, today only, These dermatologist-approved essentials are the key to healthy skin this summer, 'Better than Botox': 48,000+ users love Amazon's top-selling $11 exfoliator, Alicia Silverstone and her son Bear, 11, still share a bed, This ob-gyn plans to open a floating abortion clinic to help those in states with restricted access to care, 'Stranger Things' star David Harbour shares photos chronicling his 75-pound weight loss for Season 4: 'A difficult and exciting ride', How inclusivity has become the mission behind Paraiso Miami Beach Swim Week: 'It's just how it's supposed to be', '90 Day Fianc' star Larissa Dos Santos Lima says her belly button was 'removed and disposed of without my consent' in 'botched' abdominoplasty, Shopping online?