In 1931, the department was authorized to purchase land at the site for $17,500, though in the end it appears the city paid $20,000 for a 5.372-acre parcel and another $3,000 for a piece just a tad over an acre. stream
"The importance of leadership and training emphasis for employees was evidenced in the Saturday morning playground classes, or institutes as they were called. Privacy & Terms. After teaching fourth grade at the Fifth Ward School beginning in 1909, she was hired as an assistant to Harold Berg, who was named director in 1912 of the new MPS Extension Department, which ran the districts social centers, adult education programs and playgrounds. A network of signs along the walking path offers fun activities and suggestions, with corresponding painted sidewalk decorations. Yes, and one of them, surely, is Enderis Playfield. Enderis died July 11, 1952. Although it was typically referred to as a playground in its earliest days, Enderis is now designated a "playfield." JFIF H H LExif MM * i 8Photoshop 3.0 8BIM 8BIM% B~ " who was responsible for many familiar buildings on the Milwaukee landscape. There are also a number of curvaceous stone benches that envelope sitters like a stylish deco couch. [emailprotected] "By next summer, we will have four vibrant playfields that will have a profound impact on these neighborhoods.". Much of the underdraining is in, the rough grading is done, a concrete wading pool has been built and a retaining wall and service building (in the photos above; a photo of the fireplace inside is below) are under construction.". We welcome contributions of additional information on any New Deal project site. Born in Philadelphia in 1895, Clegg studied at Michigan State University (then College), and arrived in Milwaukee in 1924 to work as an assistant engineer for the Board of Public Land Commissioners. In 1927, the area was annexed by the City of Milwaukee and as homes had begun to dot the landscape (building would continue through the 1930s, but it was after World War II that the neighborhood building boom really set in), the City began to consider creating a park before all the land was developed. The following year, the department planned to acquire more land for the park, as authorized by the Common Council. Enderis Playground has quite many listed places around it and we are covering at least 41 places around it on She then attended the Milwaukee Normal School, earning a two-year teaching teaching degree in 1901. Clegg retired in 1961 and died of a heart attack three years later in Sun City, Arizona, where hed moved with his wife Nina. In May, MPS Recreation Department launched a plan to renovate and modernize all of its playfields, beginning with Burnham, Columbia, Custer and Southgate Playfields. 2 0 obj Much of the underdraining is in, the rough grading is done, a concrete wading pool has been built and a retaining wall and service building are under construction. The park was initially built as a playground, but later became a playing field as facilities for ages 15+ plus were added. August 19, 2021 "I have in mind one such playground in Milwaukee; the trees are dead, the fence is falling apart, and all trace of grass is gone. One among many parks built and improved by the WPA in Milwaukee, the Enderis Playing field is still in use today. When a small cluster of buildings, including the Five Mile Inn, popped up at the intersection of Lisbon and Burleigh, it was named Smithville. (. That changed when federal money became available as the decade progressed. 3 0 obj
It typically has organized sports, tennis, a "landscaped periphery" and a fieldhouse or shelter. You can read the plan here. "The work Miss Enderis did in her 37 years at the head of our Municipal Recreation Department was an important part of the beginning of a process by which America is known for more than her industrial prowess and her ability to defend her interests in war. In 2014, the department tapped a consultant to review the playgrounds and their neighborhoods, and create a $25 million, decade-long plan to bring all 52 parks not only up to date but to ready them for future needs, too, with a focus on economic and racial equity. He's buried in Wauwatosa Cemetery, not far from the park. Four tennis courts were built in 1938. Take a walk to the south end of the park to check out the Magic Grove - a steel sculpture installed in 2004 that has become iconic of the park and neighborhood. Clegg was a busy man. Across from the baseball field there is a paved lot with my kids favorite: a giant painted United States map. The care with with which these elements were designed and constructed makes Enderis Playfield feel special and that is not lost on those who live near it and who are drawn to it. While others can be as small as four acres (like Carmen, Custer, Lewis and Metcalfe Pulaski Playfield, nestled in just north of Brady Street, is a mere two acres), many are around seven or eight. Take the next step, become a member. Chambers Streets. "At the climax of the dedication," the paper wrote, "children carrying flowers, looped together with gold ribbon formed a triumphal avenue and Dorothy Enderis walked onstage on the arm of Mayor (Frank) Zeidler.". MPS has allotted $11 million toward the plan so far and is seeking donations to help fund the rest of the cost. 4 0 obj
10301 W Donges Bay Rd, Mequon, WI 53097, USA, 5616 W Silver Spring Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53218, USA, 751-799 W Zedler Ln, Mequon, WI 53092, USA, 2145 W Brown Deer Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53217, USA, 10606 N Lake Shore Dr, Mequon, WI 53092, USA. In 1920, Berg moved to Cleveland to do similar work there and Enderis became director of MPS recreation division as well as an assistant superintendent positions she held until October 1948. Along with Enderis, Clegg put together the citys first comprehensive plan for playgrounds in the city and, according to an obituary in the Milwaukee Journal, "hundreds of thousands of dollars in playground bond issues were approved by voters and scores of playgrounds were built while Mr. Clegg worked as playground engineer from 1926 to 1942.
At these playgrounds, as well as at schoolyards at many MPS buildings, children engaged in a wide range of activities, including games and sports of all kinds. They are typically aimed at children ages 5 to 18 (school age kids, that is) and can be as small as three acres, and, most often, they're adjacent to schools. This page shows all the information we have for this site; if you have new information or photos to share, click below. Playgrounds, meanwhile, are acquired and developed jointly by MPS and the DPW, and maintained and supervised by the school district.
Tired of seeing banner ads on Urban Milwaukee? Enderis took the playgrounds' role in the lives of Milwaukee children seriously and that was manifested in the "playleaders" assigned to each location. The terrain is mostly rubber with wood chips in places. No changing clothes or diapers in the pool area - use the nearby bathroom building. The park is verdant and full of intimate spaces, though there are a couple large, open spaces, including in the center of the oval track, which is paved and painted with world and U.S maps; the baseball diamond; and a large grassy patch thats often the site of soccer games. Milwaukee to Celebrate Independence Day in 2022, City of Milwaukee Department of City Development, Aurora Studying Racial Inequities in Clinical Trials, City Hall: New $5,000 Fine For Not Reporting Stolen Guns. Zeidler said, "There dwelt giants in the land in those days, the days when Dorothy Enderis was nurturing what is now becoming known throughout the world as America's basic folk culture. Attendance at the Institute was mandatory, and a requirement of the job. Enderis Playfield covers 10 acres, which puts it somewhere in the middle in terms of size. In 1931, the real estate market in free fall, the parcel's owner was only too glad to settle for much less and Milwaukee acquired some adjoining lots for back taxes. During the war, he was the Milwaukee Civil Defense coordinator and he was the first to serve as secretary of the Milwaukee Parking Commission. A couple are much larger: Wick is 22 acres and Vincent 29. 510-642-5987 1 0 obj The park has given its name to its neighborhood, too. Andiamo Brings Coffee, Convenience to East Town, State Files Suit Against PFAS Manufacturers, Milwaukee Police Department Announces New Traffic Safety Initiatives, BLS Data: Wisconsin Unemployment Rate Remains at 2.9 Percent; 45,100 Total Nonfarm Jobs Added Over the Year, Governor Evers, DHS Announce Launch of WisCaregiver Careers Program Expansion, Plats and Parcels: Fiserv Again Flirts With Relocating Headquarters, Eyes on Milwaukee: Worlds Tallest Timber Tower Opens, Op Ed: MMAC Freeway Expansion Plan Doesnt Add Up, Data Wonk: The Ugly Rhetoric of Justice Rebecca Grassl Bradley, Op Ed: State Declines in Bicycle Friendly Ranking, MKE County: Washington Park Would Honor Olmsted, Marquette University CIO Laurie Panella receives ORBIE CIO of the Year award, Cyreia Sandlin to Anchor WISN 12s Weekend Evening Newscasts, Kohls and Alverno College Announce Kohls Scholars for 2022-23. Berkeley CA 94720-4740 On Sept. 17, 1950, Enderis was joined by MPS Superintendent Harold Vincent, neighborhood alderman Clarence Heiden and other dignitaries as the playfield was turned over to MPS and dedicated in her honor. Four square courts are also painted on, as well as a snail-like spiral hopscotch game. Vx#9D%u=E41z/M^F^&vQdoj'i@Y J_%/ML}t <>>>
w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr In addition to expanding social and gymnasium centers in the schools, she boosted the number of supervised playgrounds in the city in the first eight years of the 1920s from 18 playgrounds to 72. It is the green heart of Enderis Park. As early as 1928, the west side playfield appears in annual reports for the playground division. Continue along the path past the building in the center (the park hosts a Farmers Market, summer concerts and other events) to the main playground area and youll see all the exciting play options. A little free library is near the swing area. You can read more about that history here. The playground plan was one of the first steps in comprehensive city planning and was a start toward the citys first capital improvement program.". Every playground developed since 1925 has been planted with some trees and shrubs, and upon the more favored grounds the planting is beginning to have an effect. Trees surround the different play areas and outline vistas; shrubs hide the fences from the street and create a park-like atmosphere.". Trees surround the play area for plenty of shade, and there are lots of benches. The original drawings, credited only to a mysterious "W.E.S.," are themselves works of art. Besides the main playground (which has cool climbing areas tucked underneath the slides and platforms), there are a few pockets with more slides and climbing equipment. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )E%( VZju@XJ]*2UVdfm95u*D*uh--XZaj;41iC@)O -- QI@ Project originally submitted by Bobby Tanzilo on July 30, 2018. The pool is staffed but does not provide lifeguards. In the summer, cool off in the wading pool. endobj
On weekdays when the temperature is predicted to be above 85 degrees (or when the city issues a heat advisory), the Milwaukee Department of Public Works attaches industrial-strength sprinklers to the fire hydrants at seven Milwaukee Recreation playgrounds. Natural sandpit area! <>/XObject<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
In summer, the leafy green park is especially alive with a weekly farmers market, concerts on select Thursday nights, softball and kickball games on the diamond, day care groups making use of the playset and a full slate of events on July 4. P ?
Published September 20, 2018 at 9:03 a.m. Serving the Milwaukee Metro area and Southeastern Wisconsin, Classes held in Wauwatosa, WI and Milwaukee, WI, Photos by talented Kinderhaven clients,Talia Laird and Raisa Mnichowicz. Theres a set of swings here for those who just want to swing without the rest of the playground stuff. The main park building, a fieldhouse with restrooms, a community meeting room and other amenities which is where most of the neighborhood also votes was designed by the city's Charles Malig who was responsible for many familiar buildings on the Milwaukee landscape and erected in 1949. Bordered by 72nd street to the west, the park stretches from Chambers Ct to Locust St and features a baseball diamond, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, soccer nets, horseshoe courts, paved walking paths, a wading pool, and more. "By the close of the '20s, 30 playgrounds were in operation to fulfill (directory Dorothy Enderis') goal of a playground within walking distance of every child," notes an unidentified manuscript at MPS. Become a member for $9/month. "With fanfare and song," reported the Milwaukee Sentinel, "Milwaukee Sunday turned over to the School Board the Dorothy C. Enderis Playground, N. 72nd and W. Chambers Sts., the city's 21st large playground not connected with a school. "WPA construction included six swimming pools, pavilions at Red Arrow and Brown Deer Parks, service buildings at Jacobus, Jackson and Whitnall Parks, the Botanical Garden administration building and golf club house at Whitnall Park, a bathhouse at Doctors Park, a recreation center at Smith Park, new roads in nearly every park and parkways throughout the county.".

Published September 20, 2018 at 9:03 a.m. Serving the Milwaukee Metro area and Southeastern Wisconsin, Classes held in Wauwatosa, WI and Milwaukee, WI, Photos by talented Kinderhaven clients,Talia Laird and Raisa Mnichowicz. Theres a set of swings here for those who just want to swing without the rest of the playground stuff. The main park building, a fieldhouse with restrooms, a community meeting room and other amenities which is where most of the neighborhood also votes was designed by the city's Charles Malig who was responsible for many familiar buildings on the Milwaukee landscape and erected in 1949. Bordered by 72nd street to the west, the park stretches from Chambers Ct to Locust St and features a baseball diamond, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, soccer nets, horseshoe courts, paved walking paths, a wading pool, and more. "By the close of the '20s, 30 playgrounds were in operation to fulfill (directory Dorothy Enderis') goal of a playground within walking distance of every child," notes an unidentified manuscript at MPS. Become a member for $9/month. "With fanfare and song," reported the Milwaukee Sentinel, "Milwaukee Sunday turned over to the School Board the Dorothy C. Enderis Playground, N. 72nd and W. Chambers Sts., the city's 21st large playground not connected with a school. "WPA construction included six swimming pools, pavilions at Red Arrow and Brown Deer Parks, service buildings at Jacobus, Jackson and Whitnall Parks, the Botanical Garden administration building and golf club house at Whitnall Park, a bathhouse at Doctors Park, a recreation center at Smith Park, new roads in nearly every park and parkways throughout the county.".