lockhart family motto

a galley, her oars in action in saltire sa. As recorded 1735Ar. betw. Stephen and Simon were settled in Lanarkshire and in Ayrshire in the twelfth century They both acquired large territories and held important offices, and the former gave name to Stevenston in Cunningham. three boars heads erased of the first, for Lockhart; 2nd and 3rd grand quarterings, quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. 8) (Cleghorn, co. Lanark). Scottish Clan Lockhart Tartan and Crest Ceramic Ornament, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Gift Box, Lockhart Ancient Tartan Garden Flag - Tartan Flag, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Luggage Tag, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Square Paper Coaster, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Trivet, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Throw Pillow, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Coffee Mug, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Wine Label, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Shot Glass, Lockhart scottish crest and tartan clan name T-Shirt, Lockhart Coat Of Arms - Family Crest T-Shirt, Lockhart Tartan Flag Clan Badge Lion Scottish, Lockhart Ancient Tartan Flag Clan Badge Lion Scott, Lockhart Tartan Flag Clan Badge With Lion Scottish, Lockhart Coat of Arms Stein - Family Crest, Lockhart scottish crest and tartan clan name baby bodysuit, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Ceramic Ornament, Lockhart Coat of Arms - Family Crest Keychain, Lockhart Ancient Tartan Garden Flag - Clan Badge T, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan iPhone 11 Case, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Square Sticker, Clan Lockhart Crest Badge & Tartan Car Magnet, Lockhart Scottish Crest and Tartan Canvas print, Lockhart Tartan Garden Flag - Tartan Flag Clan Bad, Lockhart Modern Tartan Garden Flag - Tartan Flag C, Lockhart Ancient Clan Badge Tartan Flag Scottish, Lockhart Modern Clan Badge Tartan Flag Scottish, Lockhart Ancient Tartan Flag Clan Badge With Lion, Lockhart Modern Tartan Flag Clan Badge Lion Scotti, Lockhart Tartan Garden Flag - Clan Badge Tartan Fl, Lockhart Coat of Arms - Family Crest Square Sticker, Lockhart Modern Tartan Garden Flag - Clan Badge Ta, Lockhart Coat of Arms Family Crest T-Shirt, Lockhart Modern Tartan Flag Clan Badge With Lion S. -ard, Teutonic hard, hard, brave] Acc. The religious adherence of those carrying the Lockhart surname is chiefly Presbyterian (54%) in Ireland. 10) (Kirktoun, co. Lanark).

holding a banner az. Find out the exact history of your family! MottoFeroci fortior. There are 18,000 immigration records available for the last name Lockhart. three boars heads erased ar., for Lockhart; 2nd, ar. CrestA dexter hand holding up a boars head erased ppr. three boars heads erased az. For this honor, Sir Symon's name was changed to Lockheart and then to Lockhart. two erm. The lady not only consented to this, but explained to Sir Simon the mode in which the talisman was to be used. Sir Symon accompanied Lord James Douglas and Sir William St. Clair when they took the heart of Bruce on crusade in Spain in 1329. on a chief az. It can appear in the variant forms:. See Lockard above-afar more probable origin than that assigned by tradition. 6) (Barr, co. Dumfries). "I will not consent," he said, "to grant your sons liberty unless the amulet be added to the ransom." within a fetterlock sa. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations.

They can be traced back to Stephanus or Stephen Lockard and his son Symon by the towns they founded: Stevenston and Symington. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Lockhart census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. MottoFeroci fortior. A heart within a fetterlock was from then on included in the family arms with the motto "Corda Serrata Pando" (I open locked hearts). Simon Locard was also known as Sir Simon Loc Ard. Between 1943 and 2004, in the United States, Lockhart life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1948, and highest in 2003. Individuals with this surname should be welcome at Douglas tents and encouraged to become Clan Douglas members. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. and ar. Le vendeur assume l'entire responsabilit de cette annonce. Further information may be obtained by. Symon Locard witnessed c. 115365 the grant of the church of Wicestun (now Wiston) and its two chapels to the Abbey of Kelso (Kelso, 336). In Spain, Douglas died and command of the small Scottish company fell upon Locard, who, finding it impossible to go to Jerusalem returned to Scotland returning the heart of the king to the Abbey of Melrose and the bones of Sir James Douglas to St. Brides Kirk. Locarde 1291, Locart 1424, Loccard 1296, Loccart 1684, Lokart 1452, Lokarte 1467, Lokcart 1408, Lockhartt 1637, Lockheart 1672, Lokert 1547, Lokhart 1488, Lokharte 1593, Lokhartt 1614, Lokheart 1432, Lokhert 1621, Lokkard 1585, Lokkart 1507, Lokkert 1503, Lokwert 1591. CrestA dexter hand holding forth a key bendways ppr. Copyright 2000-2022, Zazzle Inc. All rights reserved. Probably foreign. Ar. three boars heads erased az. Lockhart Family Crest Nom de Famille Armoiries Marron P Ajouter votre liste d'Affaires suivre, VeRO: Programme de protection de la proprit intellectuelle. (Scottish) Descendant of Locard (enclosure, small). barbeque citypass While Douglas carried the heart of King Robert Bruce for burial in Palestine in a locked silver casket, Locard carried the key. a chev. 4) (Carnwath, co. Lanark, 1730). Scottish and English: nickname from Old French. Ar. the A.-French Locard, French Locard, Lochard [from Teutonic Loc- (v. under Lock); with the French diminutive suff. Lockhart fixed the price at which his prisoner should ransom himself; and the lady, pulling out a large embroidered purse, proceeded to tell down the amount. The water in which it was dipped operated either as a styptic, or as a febrifuge, and the amulet besides possessed several other properties as a medical talisman. Only individual names were common previous to this time. Sir Simon Locard, c. 1315-30, is said to have accompanied Sir James Douglas on his expedition with the heart of Bruce and brought home the Scottish forces with the heart of his royal master. (Celtic) Dweller at or by a Palace or Castle [Gaelic luchairt (this is the second element of such Scot. The history of the Lockharts dates back to 1066, the family being among those disposed by William the Conqueror and seeking refuge in Scotland. http://www.ayrshirescotland.com/clans/lockhart.html, http://www.radford.edu/~festival/pages/lockhart.html, http://www.brownlee.com.au/Pages/Lockhart%20Clan.html, http://www.electricscotland.com/kids/stories/penny.htm, http://www.genealogy.com/users/p/o/p/Michele-Popovich-RICHMOND-HILL/FILE/0001page.html. 20% of Lockhart men worked as a Laborer and 11% of Lockhart women worked as a Maid. on a chief az. a heart gu. For the veterans among your Lockhart ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. on a chief az. a heart of the field within a fetterlock sa. spots, for Henderson, of Fordel; 4th, ar. It is most widespread in The United States, where it is borne by 35,930 people, or 1 in 10,088. within a fetterlock sa.

made prisoner in battle an Emir of wealth and note. ensigned with an imperial crown or, and on his helmet a plume of feathers, the centre gu. Virginia had the highest population of Lockhart families in 1840. Photos non disponibles pour cette version, - Garantie client eBay - la page s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fentre ou un nouvel onglet, La liste d'Affaires suivre est complte, Saisissez les chiffres qui apparaissent dans l'image. place-names as Barlockhart and Drumlockhart]. a mans head ppr. MottoCorda serrata pando. flotant to the dexter and sinister, placed behind a boars head erased ppr. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. Ar. The myth about an ancestor of the Lockharts securing the heart of Bruce which Douglas perilled in the fight with the Saracens in Spain led to the spelling of the name Lockhart, and the alteration of the coat of arms either to perpetuate the belief, or as Nisbet says 'to make their arms more univocal to the name.' on a fesse betw.

Miscell. Lockhart FamilyTree DNA Project - A description of a group researching the paternal lines of men who bear the surname with the help of DNA analysis. motto memesmonkey Supporter Two wild harts ppr. This section has not yet been completed. Ar.

The talisman is still in the possession of the Lockhart family to this day. In The United States the number of people bearing the Lockhart surname expanded 761 percent between 1880 and 2014; in England it expanded 392 percent between 1881 and 2014; in Scotland it expanded 149 percent between 1881 and 2014; in Ireland it declined 62 percent between 1901 and 2014 and in Wales it expanded 1,020 percent between 1881 and 2014. If you are interested in having your genealogy done, we offer an affordable research servicethat traces your lineage so you can learn more about your ancestors, where they came from, and who you are. ; sinister, a buck ppr. a cross betw. Lockhart Political Affiliationin United States, View the most partisan surnames in The United States. on a bend sa. may also be a first name. SupportersAs preceding. ensigned gu., 4th, vert a salmon in fesse ar., for Macdonald. In The United States it is most frequent in: Texas, where 9 percent reside, California, where 8 percent reside and Florida, where 5 percent reside. In 1840 there were 24 Lockhart families living in Virginia. It is a derivative of Latin luscus one-eyed. *We display top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs. ; 3rd: On the sinister, out of a ducal coronet a demi lion holding in the dexter paw a sword. a mans heart within a fetterlock or. Scottish and English: nickname from Old French locart a Normanno-Picard form of Old French lo(s)chart one who squints who is cross-eyed attested in 13th- and 14th-century Arras (Pas-de-Calais) as Louchard Lochard Locard and Locart.

within a fetterlock or. Ar. three boars heads erased ar. . CrestA dexter hand holding a boars head erased ppr. Quarterly, 1st, az. In France Locard is mostly found in Normandy (especially Calvados) c. 1900 while Louchart is mainly concentrated in Pas-de-Calais at the same time. Aucune question ou rponse n'a t publie pour cet objet. Supporters Dexter, a chevalier armed at all points, his visor up, holding a spear in his hand, a sword by his side, and a gold chain about his neck, thereat a mans heart pendent gu. sa. In 1329 he set out for the Holy Land, with Lord James Douglas and a company of Scots. on a bend betw. three boars heads erased of the first within a bordure of the fourth, charged with five mullets of six points or. The average life expectancy for Lockhart in 1943 was 57, and 71 in 2004. within a fetterlock sa. MottoCorda serrata pando. on a chev. charged with a saltire ar. The aged mother of his captive came to the Christian camp to redeem her son from his captivity. The name statistics are still in development, sign up for information on more maps and data. four mullets az., for Bannatyne, of Corehouse. CrestA boars head erased ar. p. 229. Az. a mans heart ppr. This last name is predominantly found in The Americas, where 82 percent of Lockhart live; 76 percent live in North America and 76 percent live in Anglo-North America. Crests1st: In the centre, two flags parted per fesse ar. By signing up to the mailing list you will only receive emails specifically about name reference on Forebears and your information will not be distributed to 3rd parties. The price of the product changes after adding at least one to the cart. You can see how Lockhart families moved over time by selecting different census years. He also attested charters by William the Lion, c. 116587 (RMP., p. 76; REG., p. 65), and a charter by Alan filius Walteri, dapifer regis, c. 1190 (Kelso, 260), Symon Loccard (Lochard or Locchard) filius Malcolmi Locard confirmed the church of Symondeston with all its pertinents to Kelso, c. 1180, and about same date confirmed the grant of the church of Wudeschirche (now Thankerston) to the same abbey (ibid., 333,338). ; 2nd: On the dexter, on a ducal coronet an eagle displ. View Census Data for Lockhart | Data not to scale. (189) Lockhart was accepted by CDSNA as an allied family in July 2012. From Old French personal name Locard, Teutonic, Lochard.

Approximately 52,593 people bear this surname. a boars head erased of the first, all within a bordure of the fourth, charged with five stars of the field. William Locard witnessed confirmation of the church of Cragyn to Paisley, c. 1272 (RMP., p. 233), and Maucolum Lockare of Ayrshire rendered homage, 1296 (Bain, II, p. 206). 5) (Macdonald-Lockhart, of Lee and Carnwath, bart., 1806). Lockhart is a separate clan recognized by the The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs and Angus Hew Lockhart of the Lee is Chief of the Name and Arms of Lockhart.

MottoSine labe tides. Lockhart Family Crest Nom de Famille Armoiries Marron Porte-Cl Grav. Lockhart Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History, Get a JPG image that can be opened on any device, You'll receive a high-res detailed Coat of Arms, We'll send you an email with a download link in a few seconds. 11) (Sir William Lockhart, Solicitor-General, 1610). and gu.

Sir Simon then changed his name to Lockhart, and added to his arms a man's (the kings) heart within a fetterlock sable.

Clicking on selected countries will show mapping at a regional level, Rank: Name are ranked by incidence using the ordinal ranking method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur less frequently receive an incremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of times they are assigned the same rank and successive rank is incremented by the total preceeding names, Ethnic group cannot necessarily be determined by geographic occurrence, Similar: Names listed in the "Similar" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Lockhart, To find out more about this surname's family history, lookup records on FamilySearch, MyHeritage, FindMyPast and Ancestry. betw.

7) (nephew of Barr, 1672). The family, originally spelling their name "Locard," settled mainly in Ayrshire and Lanarkshire.

About 1210 Malcolm Loccard granted six acres of land 'in villa Simonis de Kyil' to the Abbey of Paisley (RMP., p. 70), and in 1228 witnessed a grant by Hugh de Bygris (Kelso, 186). reguard. The amount Lockhart earn in different countries varies greatly. ovey myfamilysilver badgemore lockhart Americanized form of German Luckhardt . A later Symon Locarde witnessed grant of the church of Wicestun to Kelso between 124764, and in 1273 he revived the old claim to the patronage of the church of Symondston and kept back the greater part of the tithes (Kelso, 336,334).

MottoSine labe fides. CrestA boars head erased ar. Mottoes1st, Lockhart: Corda serrata pando; 2nd, Macdonald: Semper paratus pugnare pro patri. Jordan Locard 1165 witnessed a charter of Walter Fitz- Alan, Dapifer (Kelso Chart.). three boars heads erased of the first. King Robert Bruce ordered his heart to be conveyed to the Holy Land for burial, and the good Sir James, Lord Douglas, was deputed to carry it thither. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Lockhart ancestors lived in harsh conditions. 323). Electric Scotlands article on the Lee Penny states Sir Simon. a mans heart gu.

CrestA boars head erased ar. within a fetterlock sa. three boarsheads erased of the first within a bordure gu., for Elphinstone, of Calderhall; 3rd, per pale indented sa. Stephen and Simon were settled in Lanarkshire and in Ayrshire in the twelfth century They both acquired large territories and held important offices, and the former gave name to Stevenston in Cunningham. One of his attendants took his surname of I Lockhart from the circumstance of his having carried the key of the casket! Symon (Second of Lee) won fame for himself and his family in the wars against the English when he fought alongside King Robert the Bruce and was knighted for his loyal service. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. CrestA dexter hand ppr. on a chief of the second a crescent vert betw. the other ar. 1) (Lee, co. Lanark). Lockhart Veuillez ressayer. The occurrence of Lockhart has changed over time. All rights reserved. In Norway they earn 99.68% more than the national average, earning 691,043 kr per year; in South Africa they earn 90.14% more than the national average, earning R 451,836 per year; in Colombia they earn 5.84% more than the national average, earning $24,027,300 COP per year; in United States they earn 7.05% less than the national average, earning $40,105 USD per year and in Canada they earn 0.32% less than the national average, earning $49,525 CAD per year. Some less common occupations for Americans named Lockhart were Truck Driver and Housewife. gu., 2nd, or, a naked arm issuing from the sinister side in fesse ppr. Andrew Lang (History, I, p. 236) erroneously says the name is territorial, 'de Loch Ard'. Mottoes (above the crest)Quid non pro patria; (below the shield) Corda serrata. Surnames are taken as the first part of an person's inherited family name, caste, clan name or in some cases patronymic, Descriptions may contain details on the name's etymology, origin, ethnicity and history. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Lockhart surname lived. The family are descended from Sir Simon Locard of Lee, in Lanarkshire, who, in 1329, accompanied Lord James Douglas with the heart of Robert Bruce to Palestine, from this circumstance he changed his name to Lockheart, as it was formerly spelled, and took for his arms a human heart proper, within a padlock sable, and for a motto, "Corda serata pando," which signifies "Lay open the locked hearts.". Les chiffres saisis ne correspondent pas ceux de l'image. 9) (Birkhill, co. Lanark).

There are 129,000 census records available for the last name Lockhart. The Rosses of Balnagown, Ross-shire, are really Lockharts by name. Old ArmsAz. The name was derived from a beautiful lake in Scotland called Loc Ard. The name was originally Locard. From Old French personal name Locard, Teutonic, Lochard. In this time, few Scottish people possessed a family name. Pegge's Curial. We can do a genealogical research. to Burke (sub nomine Lockhart) Stephen Locard witnessed a charter of Richard de Moreville before 1154, and Malcolm Locard possessed lands in Ayrshire, 1164. They are largely reproduced from 3rd party sources; diligence is advised on accepting their validity -, Heatmap: Dark red means there is a higher occurrence of the name, transitioning to light yellow signifies a progressively lower occurrence. Other than The United States this last name is found in 82 countries. It is also common in Canada, where 8 percent reside and England, where 5 percent reside. Use it for gifts, printed and souvenir products. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. The history of the surname is very closely related to the Douglas sept and allied family names of Brownlee, Dick/Dickie/Dickson, and Symington. 2021 Copyright COADB / Eledge Family | All rights reserved. This was about 13% of all the recorded Lockhart's in USA. While fighting in Spain, Sir Simon acquired the Lee Penny, the amulet spoken of in the novel "The Talisman" by Sir Walter Scott. Malcolm Loccard witnessed resignation of land in Weremundebi and Anant, c. 11941214 (Bain, I, 606; Annandale, I, p. 3).

The surname Lockhart (Arabic: ) is carried by more people in The United States than any other country or territory. Buy a digital Coat of Arms in high quality. The Lockhart family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2013, Oxford University Press. The exact date when the lands of Lee came into the family is not known, but 1272 is traditionally accepted. Copyright 2019, CDSNA. Gu. a mans heart ppr. Stephen Locard witnessed a charter of Richard de Morville before 1153 (Douglas, Baronage, i.