The core personality, David Haller himself, generally does not manifest mutant abilities, but must access various personalities to use their power, sometimes losing control of himself to that personality. Legion is an odd, but bold choice. And most of them are violently dangerous. He possesses Proteus' reality warping power and is named David Xavier. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, Chris Hemsworth on Thor's Incredible Journey in Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder, Natalie Portman Returns to the MCU as Jane Foster in Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder, Taika Waititi on Assembling an Astounding Cast for Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder. Empowered by the belief that the twins needed him, David defeated another sub-persona and used its power to protect them but apparently perished while doing so. However, a Sentinel attack upon the X-Men forced Cyclops (Scott Summers) and Xavier to free David, who utilized a special helmet to select and control various personas and powers to battle the Sentinels. David was discovered by the New Mutants as they investigated a possible mutant case in Westcliffe, Colorado. The character was portrayed by Dan Stevens in the critically acclaimed FX television series Legion (201719), which was developed, written, directed, and produced by Noah Hawley. After that, David started to read the book Luca wrote about the vision he saw about the future.
The Legion, who Magik called "The God Mutant," appeared and altered reality to wipe the Elder Gods from existence and reset the world to a time before they had manifested. The trauma of the situation caused an initial manifestation of David's mutant powers, as David incinerated the minds of the terrorists. However, maintaining such a massive ruse proved too much for Moira, and inconsistent details led some to question reality and set Xavier free, who telepathically showed all present their lifetime memories were actually only a week within the bubble. Like Age of Apocalypse, Age of X is another alternate reality What-If story, this time told over a handful of issues and centered around Legion.
Stop by the Marvel Booth for Signings, Exclusive Marvel San Diego Comic-Con Merchandise, Giveaways, Livestream Broadcasts from and more! 1 (1993) #20. A flashback reveals that in the 616 universe Professor X was arguing with Dr. Concurrently, Magik (Illyana Rasputin) sought out the X-Men, specifically the former New Mutants, to tell them that Moonstar and Karma were in danger. Some of the personalities resisted Karami, most notably Jack Wayne, a swaggering adventurer who was telekinetic, and Cyndi, a temperamental, rebellious girl who was pyrokinetic. Nightcrawler is the first to notice this dark trend at the heart of his fellow mutants, especially in light of effective immortality, which radically altered and is influencing and pushing them to their darker and crueler impulses on a day-to-day basis. Hoping to spread further strife, Orchis introduced an invasive entity to speed along the process, giving them a psychic weapon they can use to break the social structures of Krakoa and in the process, destroy the new mutant homeland. Haller has been through many phases, but his dissociative identity disorder means hes also wrestled with a variety of personalities, each with their own abilities and dispositions, hence the name Legion.
He's particularly weak against other telepaths who can get inside his head for a battle of wills though any telepath will be quite outnumbered. However, Cyndi, Wayne, and Karami remained as separate personas within Davids mind. To prevent anyone from learning what she had done, Moira drugged Charles and other telepathic mutants and locked them in a hidden brig deep inside Fortress X. [50], Legion's name[51] is derived from a passage in the Christian Bible (found in Mark 5 and Luke 8). X-Men followed him in Paris, France, where Styx used Xaviers telepathy to cast complex mental illusions to confuse the X-Men. The following characters are different personalities of Legion that have appeared thus far, each one manifesting different powers: Legion personalities that have not been assigned numbers include: Legion has been described as having dissociative identity disorder. While under the Shadow King's influence, David killed the mutant Destiny and destroyed 2/3 of the island. David lives up to his word to make the world a better place by locating and framing the group that corrupted Luca by bringing the Dire Wraiths to earth to be arrested by S.W.O.R.D., all while forming a romantic relationship with Blindfold. Legion takes the role of an antihero who has a severe mental illness including a form of dissociative identity disorder. But, in many ways, he is also his own greatest enemy, having to constantly battle with so many different personalities raging inside of him. Chris Hemsworth joins us live from the red carpet at the world premiere of Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder to discuss Thor's evolution, and being the first Super Hero to have four MCU solo movies! If you enjoyed Age of X I would heartily recommend these four issues of fallout from that event. He also sports his infamous coif of gravity-defying hair, becoming his most recognizable feature. As he slowly recovered, he was moved to the care of Moira MacTaggert at the Muir Island mutant research facility. Danielle Moonstar and Karma (Xian Coy Manh) went to Westcliffe to investigate the possible mutant activity. Moira trapped the X-Men in a bubble of altered reality where it hoped to protect and heal Legions mind. But either way, Legion is not a very well-known character, particularly if you haven't been keeping up with Marvel comics in the last decade. When some of the personas resistedmost notably the swaggering Jack Wayne (commanding Davids telekinesis) and the temperamental Cyndi (controlling Davids pyrokinesis)a war erupted within Davids mindscape. Unfortunately, this act also left Legion comatose, his mind apparently destroyed by the battle despite Xaviers psychic attempts to restore it. [5] Soon after, David was possessed by the Shadow King.
[69] Instead, David is stopped by the present day Farouk and Charles who make a truce with him and the past Farouk, thus preventing the end of the world, as previously predicted. Rogue stated that, while she was inside Legion, she was connected to thousands of types of powers and there were more being born all the time.[21]. Age of Apocalypse is still considered one of Marvel's most successful events, a grand What-If story into a dystopian world, and it all started when Legion tried to take matters into his own hands. Later, he helped a new mutant whose power was to take credit for other peoples work. A crew is sent on an Inner Space journey into David's mind, including David himself. One of the splinter personalities, calling itself Tyrannix the Abominoid, got inside Davids mind. While the show may be more grounded (and trippy) in its look at schizophrenia and dissociative personality disorder, the comics turned Legion into a traumatic and powerful figure. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Disobeying Cannonballs orders, Magik teleported to Karmas side, willingly entering Legions mind, where she began slaying his evil personas, including Jack Wayne. David recovered from his catatonic state at some point and was seen on the shores of Ibiza, Spain together with his father. Gabrielle became pregnant with David, but did not tell Charles. His powers soon begin birthing their own personalities across time and space, manifesting in the form of literal demons, plant-creatures and dinosaurs. Christian Bale On His MCU Debut as Gorr in Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder! Produced by FXP and Marvel Television,[54] the series takes place in a warped reality (depicted as perceived by the titular character) and runs "parallel" to the X-Men film universe, with further connections to take place in season two. Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Earn points for what you already do as a Marvel fan and redeem for cool rewards as a, (Points/Rewards program available to U.S. residents only. During a peaceful moment, David was attacked by the Peoples Liberation Equality-Ops (P.L.E.) In his first appearance he was also described as autistic, however this diagnosis has not been used since. While absorbing the last one, he accidentally absorbed Rogue along with it, and, after releasing her, David suffered a massive shock to his nervous system. [64] In the last couple episodes of season 2, the more psychopathic nature of David is explored, and he is revealed as a villain. Taking dominance, Marci returned home to her parents in Westcliffe, Colorado; the other townspeople forced Marcis mother, Melanie Beth Fogerty, to lock Legion in a concrete cage, afraid that more mutants would infest the town. In Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder, Taika Waititi does triple duty, directing, writing, and playing Korg. When he reappeared, David's mind was again fragmented into many personalities, including a malicious new personality, "Lord Trauma." David sent her and Aarkus back. In the series premiere, David is captured from the Clockworks mental facility, where he has been since a suicide attempt, by an anti-mutant government unit known as Division 3 which wants to harness David's abilities for themselves. While protecting Marci, Karma was unaware that the personas within Legions mind were actually trying to obtain Marcis doll (Morrie/Moira), which David instinctively created, allowing the persona holding it to obtain dominance. Using this power, Karami learned of Davids gentleness and gained an understanding of sympathy and goodness by reading the minds of Gabrielle and others. To this end, Doctor Nemesis, Madison Jeffries and Reed Richards designed a Neural Switchboard Wristband for David. David explained "I don't mind building a story around [Legion], but working him into a group - you're really asking for a bit much from the reader. Xavier brought a number of his students with him, including New Mutants members Danielle Moonstar, Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair), Cypher (Doug Ramsey) and the alien technarch, Warlock. This is why Charles Xavier dedicated his life to helping young mutants accept and develop their powers, aiding them in finding their own place in the world. After overpowering the X-Men, Legion readied his fatal blow for Magneto, but Xavier leaped in front of the lethal psychic attack and was himself killed. In other words, don't expect to see the X-Men running around. Unfortunately, David often suffers from self-doubt and self-recrimination, meaning that he must struggle to remain in control. David tried to convince the twins that they were too young for the life of crime and violence and regardless of the debt they owed their adopted father, this was not a life fit for children. The entity used the remains of a dead goat to build itself a body to help David. To overcome Professor X on the psychic plane, this personality took on the face of Moira MacTaggart and claimed that it would make a world where Legion could be happy. Mutants have all but been eradicated, with the last group holed up in a giant fortress lead by Magneto. While testing the device, Legion discovered that six of his personalities were no longer in his mind, but had "escaped," manifesting separately from him in the real world. When Bishop had turned Legion's psychic power back on him, it devastated David's mental landscape, undoing all the healing efforts of Karami and Professor Xavier. They discover that Legion has seemingly returned from his fractured jaunt in time and more dangerous and unpredictable than ever.
newsletter, Feast your eyes on the first teaser for Teen Wolf: The Movie, The D&D movies first trailer is stuffed with all the things that make D&D fun, Dungeons & Dragons movie brings owlbears, gelatinous cubes, and mimics to life in first trailer, Heists, dragons, Sophia Lillis turns into an owlbear it has it all, Competition and the economy are factors, but the streamer also has a content problem, Grab these 15 games as part of the PlayStation Summer Sale, Grab Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart, No Mans Sky, and It Takes Two on sale, Sign up for the The US government is in the early days of being aware that something called mutants exists but the public is not, said FX president John Landgraf during a press tour last year. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. 'Moira' announced her intention to destroy the 616 universe as well as the Age of X and to create a new safe place for David to live happily forever. While leaving, David encountered Karasu who expressed her hatred for him over what happened to her brother.
They're terrible. The new personality had access to a degree of David's underlying ability to alter reality and time. Eventually, the evil personalities took control of Davids body and started to wreak havoc wherever they went. "[1], While working in an Israeli psychiatric facility, Charles Xavier met a patient named Gabrielle Haller.
[8], Ultimately, Bishop managed to fix the timeline by enlisting the aid of the new reality's X-Men to travel back in time to the moment of Xavier's murder. In the process, Karami reintegrated many of the splintered personalities back into David's core personality (thus ending David's catatonia). He also just happens to be Xaviers own sonsomething the Professor was unaware of for quite some time. Later attempting to locate missing mutants (including the X-Men), MacTaggert placed Legion in the telepathy-enhancing Cerebro, which caught the attention of the malevolent psychic entity, the Shadow King, who used Davids powers to help him possess all of Muirs inhabitants. In two instances David has manifested the full extent of his ability to alter time and reality: in the first, he wiped the Elder Gods from existence and reset the universe to a state before the Elder Gods first appeared on Earth,[31] and in the other he observed the entirety of spacetime and mended damage his personalities had done to it.[24]. In a new volume of X-Men Legacy, Legion finally got his own series. David uses his time-traveling powers (he has a lot of powers) to go back 20 years and try to kill Magneto so his father's dreams of humans and mutants living in peace could be realized. This device allowed Legion to utilize a personality's power set for several seconds without being overwhelmed by that personality. Instead, David absorbed her and reverted the Fortress X to the normal reality, with a few modifications. He battles the New Mutants while his personalities battle for control of his body. However, with his control broken, Legion goes berserk in the mansion, attacking the young X-Men and ranting about a vision of the future.
Once David had control of the doll, the X-Men temporarily used a device to flat line his brain waves until they could return him to San Francisco, where they began psychically sequestering and cataloguing his personas in psychic cells within Davids mind. However, when Mystique attempted to kill him in revenge for Destinys murder, David woke, his mind apparently restored and devoid of all personas except his (and Destinys consciousness). Age of X Alpha #1, X-Men Legacy Vol. Four days later, David arrived in Japan to seek out the twins.
Magik (Colossus' demon-troubled sister) returns from Hell to join up with Dani Moonstar, Karma, Magma, Sunspot and new leader Cannonball. The brain-dead David was sustained by life support in a Tel Aviv hospital. For a week, David tried to contact his mother but was uncertain what to say to her. If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. His conversation with the twins strengthened his appreciation for Xavier, his dream, and Davids part in it. Assuming the appearance of the deceased Moira McTaggert (considered a mother figure by David due to his time under her care at Muir Island), the personality attempted to 'protect' Legion from the 'assault' on his mind by creating a pocket reality where Legion was the hero that he always wanted to be. This surprised Dr. Unable to cope, Legion slew Destiny with a telepathic blast and sadistically broadcast her death to Destinys lover, Mystique (Raven Darkholme). David awoke to find the X-Men in front of him about to attack, but Blindfold attacked Luca first, forcing him to flee. [14] David absorbed Karma and Magik into his mind. Experience Judgment Day, meet the new Defenders, explore the Multiverse with Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy, and more in this week's comics!
Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. Eventually, Legacy, the alternate Rogue, discovered that 'Moira' had in fact created this reality. ), Uncanny X-Men Vol. He thanked the twins and explained that they should have a childhood and a choicethat genes do not decide their way of lifeand that nobody should be forced to fight if they do not want to. After reading a message she gave him, David came to realize that the Eyeball Guy was in fact Blindfolds murderous brother, Luca. While at the monastery, David gained much greater control of himself, and he stopped using the Neural Switchboard Wristband. [61] In the episode "Chapter 8", Shadow King is able to leap from David's body and ends up possessing the body of fellow psychic mutant Oliver Bird (Jemaine Clement), and promptly drives away from Summerland. David was confused at the start but then he told them that just because their father had done two things right, it didnt mean he was infallible nor did it mean they have to do things the same way. Possibly due to the anomalous manner of Legions death, both Destiny and Legions spirits ended up in the Otherplace, a timeless interdimensional limbo, where they served its then-ruler, Margali Szardos, as defenders of mankind against the forces of darkness. Fundamentally, he has the ability to alter reality and time on a cosmic scale at will,[24] but due to his multiple personalities, in practice his abilities vary depending on the dominant personality: each alter has different powers enabled by David's subconscious manipulation of reality. Unlike his 616 counterpart, there is no trace of the other personalities shown. The consciousness of the assassins leader, Jemail Karami, was absorbed into Davids mind. Following the Age of X, David briefly used a Neural Switchboard Wristband engineered by Doctor Nemesis, Madison Jeffries, and Reed Richards. The bad personas wanted to prevent Hallers mind from being healed again, so they could be free to murder wantonly.
He suffered intense painas other psychics didas the Phoenix arrived to choose its host. He is the mutant son of Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller. She told him that she knew that he needed her approval to gain enough strength and self-belief to drain a persona to gain the power he needed. Within this pocket reality the 'Moira' personality was practically omnipotent, creating and controlling random soldiers for Legion and the other mutants to kill.
Having hundreds of personalities renders Legion unpredictable and erratic. Working together, Jack Wayne, Jemail Karami, and Moonstar restored Davids mind to near-normalcy and returned the absorbed consciousnesses back to the physical plane.
Meanwhile, in his mind, David tried to find a persona to defeat his captors. [68] David does finally manage to go back in time and confronts his father face to face with the intent to go after and kill Amahl Farouk for ruining his life. In Reality-11326, an anti-mutant coalition ruled and had hunted mutantkind to near-extinction. Haller concealed their sons existence from Xavier, later becoming the Israeli ambassador to Great Britain and marrying Daniel Shomron. David appeared in the past in front of Xavier and Magneto, who at the time were orderlies in a mental hospital. David Haller was the surprise long-lost son of Professor Charles Xavier. Believing that a group of people will come together to form a team is enough of a suspension of disbelief 'Oh, by the way, one of them is so nuts he shouldn't be setting foot off Muir Island' that's asking the reader to bend so far he will break. Legion himself remained unaware that one of his personalities had created this world, and most of the mutants who had been brought into the reality by 'Moira' believed that they had always been there. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. In the final issue of X-Men: Legacy, Legion, reaching the full extent of his powers, decided to erase himself from existence. While they were able to periodically speak through Davids body, Davids core persona retained control.
Not learning anything from the townspeople, Karma reached out with her mental powers to contact Marci, locating her within Legions mind; the contact caused Karmas consciousness to be absorbed as well. Although no longer autistic, David remained at the psychological, emotional, and intellectual level of a ten-ear-old child. He recruits a mutant named Jia-yi, nicknamed Switch, who has the ability to travel through time. When New Mutants first debuted in the 80s, the book represented the hot new teenage generation of mutants at Xavier's school (Fun Fact: Fox is developing a New Mutants movie, with filming due to begin this Spring). The two had an affair which ended amicably. Unaware Gabrielle was pregnant, he left Israel a short time later. In a desperate attempt to save himself, David sought out the help of renowned young psychotherapist Hannah Jones to delve into his fractured mind and fight back this dark personality. With newfound determination, David teleported to save Ruth.
David took the chance to hide, restoring control over his body. After moving to Paris for Gabrielle to serve in the Israeli diplomatic service, their home was invaded by an anti-Semitic assassination team, who killed Shomron before ten-year-old Davids eyes. [18], The alternate pocket reality, the Age of X, was a dystopia in which mutants had been hunted almost to extinction; the remaining mutants were kept alive by Legion's mutant team, who daily generated a force wall to repel attacking human forces. The rest of the team sought out and battled Legions body, while Magik located Karma, Marci, and David. David is rescued by a team of rogue mutants and taken to the "Summerland" training facility, where he develops a romantic relationship with body-swapping mutant Sydney "Syd" Barrett (Rachel Keller). [28], Legion is an Omega-level mutant who has dissociative identity disorder. At best, he's a tragic, multi-layered former supervillain with incredible powers. When he had killed the mutant precog Destiny, David had absorbed her psyche. When Legion made his move against Magneto, the X-Men intervened. As several X-Men attempted to stop him, Legion traveled twenty years into the past, accidentally dragging the X-Men with him. [22] However, while David was at the monastery, elsewhere in the world Professor X was killed. [16] Conversely, in several instances Legion has had personalities manifest and act separately from him (or even against him) in the physical world; in most instances Legion has ultimately reabsorbed these personalities back into himself.
1 (2008) #245-247, New Mutants Vol.
The Legion, who Magik called "The God Mutant," appeared and altered reality to wipe the Elder Gods from existence and reset the world to a time before they had manifested. The trauma of the situation caused an initial manifestation of David's mutant powers, as David incinerated the minds of the terrorists. However, maintaining such a massive ruse proved too much for Moira, and inconsistent details led some to question reality and set Xavier free, who telepathically showed all present their lifetime memories were actually only a week within the bubble. Like Age of Apocalypse, Age of X is another alternate reality What-If story, this time told over a handful of issues and centered around Legion.
Stop by the Marvel Booth for Signings, Exclusive Marvel San Diego Comic-Con Merchandise, Giveaways, Livestream Broadcasts from and more! 1 (1993) #20. A flashback reveals that in the 616 universe Professor X was arguing with Dr. Concurrently, Magik (Illyana Rasputin) sought out the X-Men, specifically the former New Mutants, to tell them that Moonstar and Karma were in danger. Some of the personalities resisted Karami, most notably Jack Wayne, a swaggering adventurer who was telekinetic, and Cyndi, a temperamental, rebellious girl who was pyrokinetic. Nightcrawler is the first to notice this dark trend at the heart of his fellow mutants, especially in light of effective immortality, which radically altered and is influencing and pushing them to their darker and crueler impulses on a day-to-day basis. Hoping to spread further strife, Orchis introduced an invasive entity to speed along the process, giving them a psychic weapon they can use to break the social structures of Krakoa and in the process, destroy the new mutant homeland. Haller has been through many phases, but his dissociative identity disorder means hes also wrestled with a variety of personalities, each with their own abilities and dispositions, hence the name Legion.
He's particularly weak against other telepaths who can get inside his head for a battle of wills though any telepath will be quite outnumbered. However, Cyndi, Wayne, and Karami remained as separate personas within Davids mind. To prevent anyone from learning what she had done, Moira drugged Charles and other telepathic mutants and locked them in a hidden brig deep inside Fortress X. [50], Legion's name[51] is derived from a passage in the Christian Bible (found in Mark 5 and Luke 8). X-Men followed him in Paris, France, where Styx used Xaviers telepathy to cast complex mental illusions to confuse the X-Men. The following characters are different personalities of Legion that have appeared thus far, each one manifesting different powers: Legion personalities that have not been assigned numbers include: Legion has been described as having dissociative identity disorder. While under the Shadow King's influence, David killed the mutant Destiny and destroyed 2/3 of the island. David lives up to his word to make the world a better place by locating and framing the group that corrupted Luca by bringing the Dire Wraiths to earth to be arrested by S.W.O.R.D., all while forming a romantic relationship with Blindfold. Legion takes the role of an antihero who has a severe mental illness including a form of dissociative identity disorder. But, in many ways, he is also his own greatest enemy, having to constantly battle with so many different personalities raging inside of him. Chris Hemsworth joins us live from the red carpet at the world premiere of Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder to discuss Thor's evolution, and being the first Super Hero to have four MCU solo movies! If you enjoyed Age of X I would heartily recommend these four issues of fallout from that event. He also sports his infamous coif of gravity-defying hair, becoming his most recognizable feature. As he slowly recovered, he was moved to the care of Moira MacTaggert at the Muir Island mutant research facility. Danielle Moonstar and Karma (Xian Coy Manh) went to Westcliffe to investigate the possible mutant activity. Moira trapped the X-Men in a bubble of altered reality where it hoped to protect and heal Legions mind. But either way, Legion is not a very well-known character, particularly if you haven't been keeping up with Marvel comics in the last decade. When some of the personas resistedmost notably the swaggering Jack Wayne (commanding Davids telekinesis) and the temperamental Cyndi (controlling Davids pyrokinesis)a war erupted within Davids mindscape. Unfortunately, this act also left Legion comatose, his mind apparently destroyed by the battle despite Xaviers psychic attempts to restore it. [5] Soon after, David was possessed by the Shadow King.
[69] Instead, David is stopped by the present day Farouk and Charles who make a truce with him and the past Farouk, thus preventing the end of the world, as previously predicted. Rogue stated that, while she was inside Legion, she was connected to thousands of types of powers and there were more being born all the time.[21]. Age of Apocalypse is still considered one of Marvel's most successful events, a grand What-If story into a dystopian world, and it all started when Legion tried to take matters into his own hands. Later, he helped a new mutant whose power was to take credit for other peoples work. A crew is sent on an Inner Space journey into David's mind, including David himself. One of the splinter personalities, calling itself Tyrannix the Abominoid, got inside Davids mind. While the show may be more grounded (and trippy) in its look at schizophrenia and dissociative personality disorder, the comics turned Legion into a traumatic and powerful figure. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Disobeying Cannonballs orders, Magik teleported to Karmas side, willingly entering Legions mind, where she began slaying his evil personas, including Jack Wayne. David recovered from his catatonic state at some point and was seen on the shores of Ibiza, Spain together with his father. Gabrielle became pregnant with David, but did not tell Charles. His powers soon begin birthing their own personalities across time and space, manifesting in the form of literal demons, plant-creatures and dinosaurs. Christian Bale On His MCU Debut as Gorr in Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder! Produced by FXP and Marvel Television,[54] the series takes place in a warped reality (depicted as perceived by the titular character) and runs "parallel" to the X-Men film universe, with further connections to take place in season two. Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Earn points for what you already do as a Marvel fan and redeem for cool rewards as a, (Points/Rewards program available to U.S. residents only. During a peaceful moment, David was attacked by the Peoples Liberation Equality-Ops (P.L.E.) In his first appearance he was also described as autistic, however this diagnosis has not been used since. While absorbing the last one, he accidentally absorbed Rogue along with it, and, after releasing her, David suffered a massive shock to his nervous system. [64] In the last couple episodes of season 2, the more psychopathic nature of David is explored, and he is revealed as a villain. Taking dominance, Marci returned home to her parents in Westcliffe, Colorado; the other townspeople forced Marcis mother, Melanie Beth Fogerty, to lock Legion in a concrete cage, afraid that more mutants would infest the town. In Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder, Taika Waititi does triple duty, directing, writing, and playing Korg. When he reappeared, David's mind was again fragmented into many personalities, including a malicious new personality, "Lord Trauma." David sent her and Aarkus back. In the series premiere, David is captured from the Clockworks mental facility, where he has been since a suicide attempt, by an anti-mutant government unit known as Division 3 which wants to harness David's abilities for themselves. While protecting Marci, Karma was unaware that the personas within Legions mind were actually trying to obtain Marcis doll (Morrie/Moira), which David instinctively created, allowing the persona holding it to obtain dominance. Using this power, Karami learned of Davids gentleness and gained an understanding of sympathy and goodness by reading the minds of Gabrielle and others. To this end, Doctor Nemesis, Madison Jeffries and Reed Richards designed a Neural Switchboard Wristband for David. David explained "I don't mind building a story around [Legion], but working him into a group - you're really asking for a bit much from the reader. Xavier brought a number of his students with him, including New Mutants members Danielle Moonstar, Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair), Cypher (Doug Ramsey) and the alien technarch, Warlock. This is why Charles Xavier dedicated his life to helping young mutants accept and develop their powers, aiding them in finding their own place in the world. After overpowering the X-Men, Legion readied his fatal blow for Magneto, but Xavier leaped in front of the lethal psychic attack and was himself killed. In other words, don't expect to see the X-Men running around. Unfortunately, David often suffers from self-doubt and self-recrimination, meaning that he must struggle to remain in control. David tried to convince the twins that they were too young for the life of crime and violence and regardless of the debt they owed their adopted father, this was not a life fit for children. The entity used the remains of a dead goat to build itself a body to help David. To overcome Professor X on the psychic plane, this personality took on the face of Moira MacTaggart and claimed that it would make a world where Legion could be happy. Mutants have all but been eradicated, with the last group holed up in a giant fortress lead by Magneto. While testing the device, Legion discovered that six of his personalities were no longer in his mind, but had "escaped," manifesting separately from him in the real world. When Bishop had turned Legion's psychic power back on him, it devastated David's mental landscape, undoing all the healing efforts of Karami and Professor Xavier. They discover that Legion has seemingly returned from his fractured jaunt in time and more dangerous and unpredictable than ever.
newsletter, Feast your eyes on the first teaser for Teen Wolf: The Movie, The D&D movies first trailer is stuffed with all the things that make D&D fun, Dungeons & Dragons movie brings owlbears, gelatinous cubes, and mimics to life in first trailer, Heists, dragons, Sophia Lillis turns into an owlbear it has it all, Competition and the economy are factors, but the streamer also has a content problem, Grab these 15 games as part of the PlayStation Summer Sale, Grab Rachet & Clank: Rift Apart, No Mans Sky, and It Takes Two on sale, Sign up for the The US government is in the early days of being aware that something called mutants exists but the public is not, said FX president John Landgraf during a press tour last year. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. 'Moira' announced her intention to destroy the 616 universe as well as the Age of X and to create a new safe place for David to live happily forever. While leaving, David encountered Karasu who expressed her hatred for him over what happened to her brother.
They're terrible. The new personality had access to a degree of David's underlying ability to alter reality and time. Eventually, the evil personalities took control of Davids body and started to wreak havoc wherever they went. "[1], While working in an Israeli psychiatric facility, Charles Xavier met a patient named Gabrielle Haller.
[8], Ultimately, Bishop managed to fix the timeline by enlisting the aid of the new reality's X-Men to travel back in time to the moment of Xavier's murder. In the process, Karami reintegrated many of the splintered personalities back into David's core personality (thus ending David's catatonia). He also just happens to be Xaviers own sonsomething the Professor was unaware of for quite some time. Later attempting to locate missing mutants (including the X-Men), MacTaggert placed Legion in the telepathy-enhancing Cerebro, which caught the attention of the malevolent psychic entity, the Shadow King, who used Davids powers to help him possess all of Muirs inhabitants. In two instances David has manifested the full extent of his ability to alter time and reality: in the first, he wiped the Elder Gods from existence and reset the universe to a state before the Elder Gods first appeared on Earth,[31] and in the other he observed the entirety of spacetime and mended damage his personalities had done to it.[24]. In a new volume of X-Men Legacy, Legion finally got his own series. David uses his time-traveling powers (he has a lot of powers) to go back 20 years and try to kill Magneto so his father's dreams of humans and mutants living in peace could be realized. This device allowed Legion to utilize a personality's power set for several seconds without being overwhelmed by that personality. Instead, David absorbed her and reverted the Fortress X to the normal reality, with a few modifications. He battles the New Mutants while his personalities battle for control of his body. However, with his control broken, Legion goes berserk in the mansion, attacking the young X-Men and ranting about a vision of the future.
Once David had control of the doll, the X-Men temporarily used a device to flat line his brain waves until they could return him to San Francisco, where they began psychically sequestering and cataloguing his personas in psychic cells within Davids mind. However, when Mystique attempted to kill him in revenge for Destinys murder, David woke, his mind apparently restored and devoid of all personas except his (and Destinys consciousness). Age of X Alpha #1, X-Men Legacy Vol. Four days later, David arrived in Japan to seek out the twins.
Magik (Colossus' demon-troubled sister) returns from Hell to join up with Dani Moonstar, Karma, Magma, Sunspot and new leader Cannonball. The brain-dead David was sustained by life support in a Tel Aviv hospital. For a week, David tried to contact his mother but was uncertain what to say to her. If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. His conversation with the twins strengthened his appreciation for Xavier, his dream, and Davids part in it. Assuming the appearance of the deceased Moira McTaggert (considered a mother figure by David due to his time under her care at Muir Island), the personality attempted to 'protect' Legion from the 'assault' on his mind by creating a pocket reality where Legion was the hero that he always wanted to be. This surprised Dr. Unable to cope, Legion slew Destiny with a telepathic blast and sadistically broadcast her death to Destinys lover, Mystique (Raven Darkholme). David awoke to find the X-Men in front of him about to attack, but Blindfold attacked Luca first, forcing him to flee. [14] David absorbed Karma and Magik into his mind. Experience Judgment Day, meet the new Defenders, explore the Multiverse with Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy, and more in this week's comics!
Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. Eventually, Legacy, the alternate Rogue, discovered that 'Moira' had in fact created this reality. ), Uncanny X-Men Vol. He thanked the twins and explained that they should have a childhood and a choicethat genes do not decide their way of lifeand that nobody should be forced to fight if they do not want to. After reading a message she gave him, David came to realize that the Eyeball Guy was in fact Blindfolds murderous brother, Luca. While at the monastery, David gained much greater control of himself, and he stopped using the Neural Switchboard Wristband. [61] In the episode "Chapter 8", Shadow King is able to leap from David's body and ends up possessing the body of fellow psychic mutant Oliver Bird (Jemaine Clement), and promptly drives away from Summerland. David was confused at the start but then he told them that just because their father had done two things right, it didnt mean he was infallible nor did it mean they have to do things the same way. Possibly due to the anomalous manner of Legions death, both Destiny and Legions spirits ended up in the Otherplace, a timeless interdimensional limbo, where they served its then-ruler, Margali Szardos, as defenders of mankind against the forces of darkness. Fundamentally, he has the ability to alter reality and time on a cosmic scale at will,[24] but due to his multiple personalities, in practice his abilities vary depending on the dominant personality: each alter has different powers enabled by David's subconscious manipulation of reality. Unlike his 616 counterpart, there is no trace of the other personalities shown. The consciousness of the assassins leader, Jemail Karami, was absorbed into Davids mind. Following the Age of X, David briefly used a Neural Switchboard Wristband engineered by Doctor Nemesis, Madison Jeffries, and Reed Richards. The bad personas wanted to prevent Hallers mind from being healed again, so they could be free to murder wantonly.

Having hundreds of personalities renders Legion unpredictable and erratic. Working together, Jack Wayne, Jemail Karami, and Moonstar restored Davids mind to near-normalcy and returned the absorbed consciousnesses back to the physical plane.
Meanwhile, in his mind, David tried to find a persona to defeat his captors. [68] David does finally manage to go back in time and confronts his father face to face with the intent to go after and kill Amahl Farouk for ruining his life. In Reality-11326, an anti-mutant coalition ruled and had hunted mutantkind to near-extinction. Haller concealed their sons existence from Xavier, later becoming the Israeli ambassador to Great Britain and marrying Daniel Shomron. David appeared in the past in front of Xavier and Magneto, who at the time were orderlies in a mental hospital. David Haller was the surprise long-lost son of Professor Charles Xavier. Believing that a group of people will come together to form a team is enough of a suspension of disbelief 'Oh, by the way, one of them is so nuts he shouldn't be setting foot off Muir Island' that's asking the reader to bend so far he will break. Legion himself remained unaware that one of his personalities had created this world, and most of the mutants who had been brought into the reality by 'Moira' believed that they had always been there. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. In the final issue of X-Men: Legacy, Legion, reaching the full extent of his powers, decided to erase himself from existence. While they were able to periodically speak through Davids body, Davids core persona retained control.
Not learning anything from the townspeople, Karma reached out with her mental powers to contact Marci, locating her within Legions mind; the contact caused Karmas consciousness to be absorbed as well. Although no longer autistic, David remained at the psychological, emotional, and intellectual level of a ten-ear-old child. He recruits a mutant named Jia-yi, nicknamed Switch, who has the ability to travel through time. When New Mutants first debuted in the 80s, the book represented the hot new teenage generation of mutants at Xavier's school (Fun Fact: Fox is developing a New Mutants movie, with filming due to begin this Spring). The two had an affair which ended amicably. Unaware Gabrielle was pregnant, he left Israel a short time later. In a desperate attempt to save himself, David sought out the help of renowned young psychotherapist Hannah Jones to delve into his fractured mind and fight back this dark personality. With newfound determination, David teleported to save Ruth.
David took the chance to hide, restoring control over his body. After moving to Paris for Gabrielle to serve in the Israeli diplomatic service, their home was invaded by an anti-Semitic assassination team, who killed Shomron before ten-year-old Davids eyes. [18], The alternate pocket reality, the Age of X, was a dystopia in which mutants had been hunted almost to extinction; the remaining mutants were kept alive by Legion's mutant team, who daily generated a force wall to repel attacking human forces. The rest of the team sought out and battled Legions body, while Magik located Karma, Marci, and David. David is rescued by a team of rogue mutants and taken to the "Summerland" training facility, where he develops a romantic relationship with body-swapping mutant Sydney "Syd" Barrett (Rachel Keller). [28], Legion is an Omega-level mutant who has dissociative identity disorder. At best, he's a tragic, multi-layered former supervillain with incredible powers. When he had killed the mutant precog Destiny, David had absorbed her psyche. When Legion made his move against Magneto, the X-Men intervened. As several X-Men attempted to stop him, Legion traveled twenty years into the past, accidentally dragging the X-Men with him. [22] However, while David was at the monastery, elsewhere in the world Professor X was killed. [16] Conversely, in several instances Legion has had personalities manifest and act separately from him (or even against him) in the physical world; in most instances Legion has ultimately reabsorbed these personalities back into himself.
1 (2008) #245-247, New Mutants Vol.