[1] For example, Westchester County, New York asked Google to blur potential terrorism targets (such as an amusement park, a beach, and parking lots) from its satellite imagery. But Cobalt had been designed according to their vision of an ideal exploitation facility, and after Rahmans death all interrogators who administered EITs had to be trained and certified in Mitchell and Jessens techniques.
Completely pixelated on Google Maps, but the perimeter road is accessible on Street View. Internal CIA memos from the spring and summer of 2003 are peppered with scathing comments. In one passage from a six-page cable describing day six of the aggressive phase of Abu Zubaydahs interrogation, which took place on 9 August 2002, The interrogators pointed to the small box and said, You know what to do., The subject sat on the floor and scooted himself into the small box at 1000 hours without protest or additional instructions, Mitchells team recorded. Defense Ministry Offices Lisbon. Can be seen on Yandex and HERE Wego. We dont have ads, so we depend on our members 35,000 and counting to help us hold the powerful to account. It's not clear why the area is blurred on Google Maps, but it likely relates to the government buildings in the vicinity.
Location is to the northwest of Mount Kailash, one of the holiest Hindu places. A proposal that they would have a hand in helping to draft a code of ethics for CIA interrogations is flatly dismissed because they had both shown blatant disregard for the ethics shared by almost all of their colleagues, the writer declares. Pixelated area south of bay in Lipsi (Leipsoi). On June 5, 2021, Turkey lead, The entire country of Israel is shown in low resolution in all. However, images of its roof have been and the entrance to The Lodge is blurred in Google Street View. ", "Sitios Censurados De Espa//A En Google Earth -Foro Espaa", "Photo of Pozuelo de Alarcn Antenas del cuartel de transmisiones", "The Over-Exposure of Geographic Information About Installations of Interest for Defence in the Network", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_satellite_map_images_with_missing_or_unclear_data&oldid=1098563202, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with obsolete information from December 2019, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2021, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Click here to upload yours. Additionally, the terrain is glitched on Google Earth. Clear in Yandex Maps. The area of internment camps has been partly replaced with plain light gray tiles on. They pitched their product in two PowerPoint presentations illustrated with what they called the Circle Metaphor, a diagram they peddled as an effective way of thinking about resistance behavior.. It was first "discovered" and charted by Captain James Cook in September 1774, but was eventually "undiscovered" in 1979. Pixelated bay near the Port of Leros in Lakki (Lakkion). Place is completely blurred on Google Maps and Wikimapia, but not other mapping websites Bing Maps and Yandex Maps. Margot Williams, The Intercepts research editor for investigations, compiled the locations and, with research editor Josh Begley, placed them on the map below: Ryan Tate[emailprotected]theintercept.com@ryantate. But during interrogation sessions they also now faced methods including holds and slaps, walling, water dousing (where they were placed nude in the middle of a plastic sheet and forced to lie in pools of ice water) and hours in confinement boxes. Over the next eight hours, Abu Zubaydah was moved back and forth between the large and small confinement boxes and slammed against a wall in the technique known as walling. The program could work in a number of different ways; each of these countries supported the CIA's rendition program, but not every country directly participated in torture. Rahman subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, rough treatment, cold shower and other measures but remained noncompliant. Large obscuring pixelation of the whole site.
Blurred on all online map services, except for. He acknowledged to the investigator that Rahman would have lost his clothes at our direction. He described seeing Rahman shaking [and] showing the early signs of hypothermia after he was given a cold shower as a deprivation technique. Images of the prime minister's official residence, The Lodge have not been blurred. He committed suicide in his prison cell after being sentenced to life behind bars. The kind of reporting we do is essential to democracy, but it is not easy, cheap, or profitable. [Rahman] is physically strong, hitting him isnt going to do any good. Zirbel accepted Jessens suggestion that when Rahman complained that he was cold, he was using a sophisticated al-Qaida resistance technique. Throughout the lawsuit, Jessen and Mitchell argued that because they didnt directly interrogate Ben Soud and Salim, they did not bear responsibility for their treatment.
When he tapped the door with his nightstick, the prisoner did not move. It also used a vast network of other countries to help capture, detain, transport, and, yes, torture detainees. Congress failed on climate. Blurred on Google Street View. The supervisor discussed Rahmans situation with a colleague, the CIAs inspector general reported in a 2005 internal investigation of Rahmans death, but took no action because he assumed that the officers there would realize it was cold and would not leave a prisoner unclothed for a long period. [6], The government of Malaysia has stated that it will not ask Google to censor sensitive areas because that would identify the locations it deemed to be sensitive.[7]. Their new assignments suggested reform. The former house of businessman Mandemakers in Kaatsheuvel. Large obscuring pixelation of a 195 ha site near central Grenoble, including the co-located, Large obscuring pixilation in Google Earth, historic imagery is unobscured. "If you find out it would be nice to know why.". He sat down at a typewriter, and together we wrote out a list that became the CIAs enhanced interrogation techniques. Blurred in Google Maps, not blurred in Bing Maps Bird's Eye View. It's not clear exactly why the island is blurred, although there have been issues around whether the island belongs to Russia or the USA. The writer complains about Gitmo, where detainees run every aspect of the camp and the interrogators have little (if any) control and where there is no opportunity to take advantage of capture shock, dislocate anyones expectations (except for the interrogators), or develop learned helplessness (except the interrogators). Pledging to forward copies of their Countermeasures paper to Guantnamo, the writer adds, Its clear that you and Bruce need to be involved for this to be done right.. Opened in 1976, it treats spent nuclear fuel from several countries around the world. There were 20 cells inside the prison, each a stand-alone concrete box. Orange Tree Yard), Blurred on most services, but available via Mapquest. When Zubaydah was forthcoming, it was not because he had been waterboarded, but because questioning had changed to subjects on which he had information. An internal CIA document declassified for the lawsuit records that the panel eliminated four of the techniques outright, including three that Salim and Ben Soud had suffered in Cobalt. But in the uninsulated prison, with winter approaching, Rahman was just cold, dangerously so, for at least two weeks before he died from hypothermia. Its code name was Bright Light. Will you support Voxs explanatory journalism? This is the program under which the CIA would detain and transport suspected terrorists with the help of foreign governments. The manual combines advice like stay psychologically and mentally calm and maintain alertness and foresight with practical instructions on how to respond to torture. Jeannette Island is a small island in the East Siberian Sea, measuring just 1.2 miles in length.
The US carried out its largest underground nuclear test there. 6 SIGINT center of military navy (6 Oliwski Orodek Radioelektroniczny Marynarki Wojennej). Under possible attack from various regional actors such as ISIS terrorists, Turkey, and KDP due to the camp's alleged links to PKK. Sometimes the detainees were captured by the CIA with the help of foreign governments, sometimes captured entirely by foreign governments, which would then hand them over. Surrounding Google Street View imagery has partially blurred images of the prison walls. Here they are: All 54 countries that participated in the CIA's rendition program (Anand Katakam). Mysterious sites that you can't actually view litter Google's mapping service. Five days later, at 3pm on 19 November 2002, Rahman was shackled in a sitting position on bare concrete while nude from the waist down, the 2003 investigation recorded. A US army helicopter in Afghanistan in March 2002. Reduced resolution on most of the image, completely blurred on Bing Maps. In their Countermeasures paper, Mitchell and Jessen conflate all of these as resistance strategies. There is, and will probably forever remain, a great deal about the CIA's post-9/11 programs that is still unknown. How the Move Fast era of Facebook led to one of its biggest scandals. Our mission has never been more vital than it is in this moment: to empower through understanding. A proposal that their role expand to include evaluating the effects of their interrogation methods elicits a tart response that no professional in the field would credit their later judgment as psychologists assessing the subjects of their enhanced measures. Among the most illuminating of these documents is the report CIA investigators delivered to James Pavitt, the agencys deputy director for operations, on 28 January 2003 on the death of Gul Rahman. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Polish Military Hydrometeorological Command Centre (Szefostwo Suby Hydrometeorologicznej SZ RP). Sometimes, more modestly but still consequentially, friendly foreign governments would help the CIA in finding, arresting, or transporting suspected terrorists.
In all, a stunning 54 countries participated in the CIA-run rendition program. Notes from one of Jessens interrogation sessions begin, Rahman spent the days since his last session with station officers in cold conditions with minimal food and sleep. Amchitka Island was the site of US underground nuclear testing in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. George W Bush acknowledges the existence of the CIA black site prisons as he announces the transfer to Guantnamo Bay of 14 high value detainees on 6 September 2006. footnote of a report provided to Congress. The island is mainly covered by ice, and has a 1,152-foot peak in the centre. Previous revelations have highlighted his actions during Rahmans detention, which began when Rahman was renditioned from Pakistan into the prison. A series on the design of confinement boxes has titles like Comments re Likely Psychological Impact of the Confinement Box on the [Redacted] Process with AZ and Further Comments on Construction and Particulars Concerning an Additional Confinement Box for Use During Upcoming Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. None of the senior CIA or Bush administration officials who approved and promoted Mitchell and Jessens methods have made anything like this admission and their role in supporting the black site program remains obscured by blacked-out classified sections in the released documents. That network is best shown by looking at the CIA's extraordinary rendition program. The island was displayed on Google Maps until November 2012, when Australian scientists confirmed the island's absence. Each review further discredited the pairs description of CIA captives as super-resisters who could be broken only with their cocktail of brutal interrogation methods. In its place there's a misplaced satellite image of another small region that is close by. Other cables describe in grinding detail how their techniques were combined in actual interrogation sessions, and their crushing, dehumanizing effect. The house was demolished, but the blurred shape of it remains on Google Maps street view. A third assignment is an almost complete inversion of Mitchell and Jessens role in the CIAs black site program: they are now to develop a transition program that will prepare Abu Zubaydah and other black site prisoners for transfer to Guantnamo a process made extremely tricky by their treatment in the black sites. This censored house is the site of the infamous Ariel Castro kidnappings, which took place between 2002 and 2004 in Cleveland, Ohio. Opened in September 2002 and filled to capacity within a month, the site operated by a combination of careful planning and impulsive improvisations, investigators found. Regimiento Estratgico de Transmisiones nmero 22 (RETES22) "Strategic Signals Regiment number 22". The AP has put together this little graphic package illustrating what the basement prison looked like, who was held there, and what happened to them. Delivered Fridays. And some, like nudity, slaps, facial holds, dietary manipulation, and cramped confinement, Bruce and I now believed were completely unnecessary.. The road to a contract psychologist telling a CIA investigator that he was the one with all the interrogation tricks began just a year before, in early 2002, when Jessen and Mitchell wrote a paper titled Countermeasures to Al Qaeda Resistance to Interrogation Techniques. Ben Souds and Salims experience seemed to a herald an era when enhanced interrogations were becoming routine. France undertook significant nuclear testing on the atoll between 1966 and 1996 with as many as 181 tests performed during this time period. A few months later, Jim and I went into a cubicle, as Jessen recalled during his deposition. In 16, prisoners were shackled to a metal ring in the wall. Sticking to a story, requesting a lawyer, complaining about prison conditions, asking for medical attention, reporting torture: all of these, the pair wrote, reveal that a sophisticated level of resistance training is available to high-risk al-Qaida operatives.. The entire summerhouse is blurred on Google Maps. The cellblock was unheated, pitch black day and night, with music blaring around the clock. Email us at tips@the-sun.co.uk or call 0207 782 4368 .
The locations of eight of these sites, along with descriptions of some of the deeply disturbing practices there, were included in todays release of the so-called torture report the heavily redacted executive summary of a senate committee study of the CIAs Bush-era interrogation program.
This is a list of satellite map images with missing or unclear data. Erguemin, Belgium-Netherlands Naval Mine Warfare School, AREVA La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing facility, Centre pnitentiaire de Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, Dtachement du 8e rgiment de transmissions - Vernon, Mandemakers Kaatsheuvel, ht huis van keukens, 6 SIGINT center of military navy (6 Oliwski Orodek Radioelektroniczny Marynarki Wojennej), Frsvarets Radioanstalt - Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment, Svenska Rymdaktiebolaget Esrange Space Center, Naval Observatory/Residence of the Vice President of the United States, The Wattersons' house from The Amazing World Of Gumball, "List of satellite map images with missing or unclear data", Learn how and when to remove this template message, a targeted assassination via drone and airstrike on the camp's director, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, Escuadrn de Vigilancia Area n2 (EVA 2), "Google Earth agrees to blur pix of key Indian sites", "Westchester 'Blurs' Out Terror Targets On Google", "Google's View of D.C. Melds New and Sharp, Old and Fuzzy", Parliament In Brief: 'No need to blur images', "The places you can't see on Google Earth", "Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps", "China Secretly Built A Vast New Infrastructure To Imprison Muslims", "Google Earth Shows U.S. Drones at Pakistani Base? A month later, as the first prisoners were delivered into its 24-hour darkness, a CIA memo described the role the two psychologists would now be playing in the agencys expanding interrogation program. Some locations on free, publicly viewable satellite map services have such issues due to having been intentionally digitally obscured or blurred for various reasons of this. The sites are located in Afghanistan, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Thailand, and a secret site on the Guantanamo Naval Base, known as Strawberry Fields, forever.. Jessen, one of the two contract psychologists who designed the CIAs enhanced interrogation techniques, spent 10 days in the secret prison near Kabul, Afghanistan, in November 2002.
Rahmans shaking did not seem unusual, the guard told the investigator, because all of the prisoners shake. Two hours later, a guard looked into the cell and found Rahman lying on his side. Six months later, in March and April 2003, Mohamed Ben Soud and Suleiman Abdullah Salim became two of 39 men subjected to Mitchell and Jessens enhanced interrogation techniques in the CIAs secret prisons. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Map: The 54 countries that helped the CIA with its torture-linked renditionprogram, The program could work in a number of different ways; each of these countries supported the CIA's rendition program, but not every country, Its so hot in Europe that roads are literally buckling, RRR is an incredible action movie with seriously troubling politics. Whether or not all 54 of those countries are complicit in the CIA torture program is debatable. What can Biden do now? A CIA supervisor who visited the facility just after Rahman arrived told the CIAs investigator it was very cold in [Cobalt] when he was there and the issue of hypothermia crossed his mind as he saw Rahman wearing only socks and a diaper.. Location is west of Hilsa resort of Nepal. It is the base of the.
It would be another two and a half years before Abu Zubaydah and 13 others subjected to the worst of Mitchell and Jessens methods were transferred to Guantnamo to stay. But much of what the plaintiffs hoped would be aired before a jury can be found in 274 documents the CIA and Pentagon were forced to declassify and release during pre-trial discovery. No longer censored on Bing Maps but censored on Google Maps. The atmosphere was very good, John Bruce Jessen told a CIA investigator in January 2003, two months after he interrogated a prisoner named Gul Rahman in the facility. The Garabogazkl Basin is shown pixelated in, Blurred in Google Earth and Google Maps (military installation), Blurred in Google Maps - no longer blurred. Entire airport blurred out on Bing Maps aerial view. Ten gas heaters were added in the cellblock the month after Gul Rahmans death, but little had changed in what Jessen called Cobalts nasty routines. Pixelation of the island on Google Maps, as well as on Bing Maps. The report identifies the locations of the CIA black sites by color codes and redacts the country names, but previous reports by NGOs, European agencies, media reports and detainee statements can identify most of the locations. Three young women were kidnapped by Castro and held captive in his home and remained imprisoned until May 2013.
How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters werent on the beat? [1], The Australian government has decided that images of sensitive areas are not a risk, due to poor level of detail. [2] There are cases where the censorship of certain sites was subsequently removed. The settlement reached last month in the lawsuit brought the first official acknowledgment that men were harmed by enhanced interrogations in the CIAs black sites, the first gesture of restitution for victims of the agencys post-9/11 torture program.

Blurred on all online map services, except for. He acknowledged to the investigator that Rahman would have lost his clothes at our direction. He described seeing Rahman shaking [and] showing the early signs of hypothermia after he was given a cold shower as a deprivation technique. Images of the prime minister's official residence, The Lodge have not been blurred. He committed suicide in his prison cell after being sentenced to life behind bars. The kind of reporting we do is essential to democracy, but it is not easy, cheap, or profitable. [Rahman] is physically strong, hitting him isnt going to do any good. Zirbel accepted Jessens suggestion that when Rahman complained that he was cold, he was using a sophisticated al-Qaida resistance technique. Throughout the lawsuit, Jessen and Mitchell argued that because they didnt directly interrogate Ben Soud and Salim, they did not bear responsibility for their treatment.
When he tapped the door with his nightstick, the prisoner did not move. It also used a vast network of other countries to help capture, detain, transport, and, yes, torture detainees. Congress failed on climate. Blurred on Google Street View. The supervisor discussed Rahmans situation with a colleague, the CIAs inspector general reported in a 2005 internal investigation of Rahmans death, but took no action because he assumed that the officers there would realize it was cold and would not leave a prisoner unclothed for a long period. [6], The government of Malaysia has stated that it will not ask Google to censor sensitive areas because that would identify the locations it deemed to be sensitive.[7]. Their new assignments suggested reform. The former house of businessman Mandemakers in Kaatsheuvel. Large obscuring pixelation of a 195 ha site near central Grenoble, including the co-located, Large obscuring pixilation in Google Earth, historic imagery is unobscured. "If you find out it would be nice to know why.". He sat down at a typewriter, and together we wrote out a list that became the CIAs enhanced interrogation techniques. Blurred in Google Maps, not blurred in Bing Maps Bird's Eye View. It's not clear exactly why the island is blurred, although there have been issues around whether the island belongs to Russia or the USA. The writer complains about Gitmo, where detainees run every aspect of the camp and the interrogators have little (if any) control and where there is no opportunity to take advantage of capture shock, dislocate anyones expectations (except for the interrogators), or develop learned helplessness (except the interrogators). Pledging to forward copies of their Countermeasures paper to Guantnamo, the writer adds, Its clear that you and Bruce need to be involved for this to be done right.. Opened in 1976, it treats spent nuclear fuel from several countries around the world. There were 20 cells inside the prison, each a stand-alone concrete box. Orange Tree Yard), Blurred on most services, but available via Mapquest. When Zubaydah was forthcoming, it was not because he had been waterboarded, but because questioning had changed to subjects on which he had information. An internal CIA document declassified for the lawsuit records that the panel eliminated four of the techniques outright, including three that Salim and Ben Soud had suffered in Cobalt. But in the uninsulated prison, with winter approaching, Rahman was just cold, dangerously so, for at least two weeks before he died from hypothermia. Its code name was Bright Light. Will you support Voxs explanatory journalism? This is the program under which the CIA would detain and transport suspected terrorists with the help of foreign governments. The manual combines advice like stay psychologically and mentally calm and maintain alertness and foresight with practical instructions on how to respond to torture. Jeannette Island is a small island in the East Siberian Sea, measuring just 1.2 miles in length.
The US carried out its largest underground nuclear test there. 6 SIGINT center of military navy (6 Oliwski Orodek Radioelektroniczny Marynarki Wojennej). Under possible attack from various regional actors such as ISIS terrorists, Turkey, and KDP due to the camp's alleged links to PKK. Sometimes the detainees were captured by the CIA with the help of foreign governments, sometimes captured entirely by foreign governments, which would then hand them over. Surrounding Google Street View imagery has partially blurred images of the prison walls. Here they are: All 54 countries that participated in the CIA's rendition program (Anand Katakam). Mysterious sites that you can't actually view litter Google's mapping service. Five days later, at 3pm on 19 November 2002, Rahman was shackled in a sitting position on bare concrete while nude from the waist down, the 2003 investigation recorded. A US army helicopter in Afghanistan in March 2002. Reduced resolution on most of the image, completely blurred on Bing Maps. In their Countermeasures paper, Mitchell and Jessen conflate all of these as resistance strategies. There is, and will probably forever remain, a great deal about the CIA's post-9/11 programs that is still unknown. How the Move Fast era of Facebook led to one of its biggest scandals. Our mission has never been more vital than it is in this moment: to empower through understanding. A proposal that their role expand to include evaluating the effects of their interrogation methods elicits a tart response that no professional in the field would credit their later judgment as psychologists assessing the subjects of their enhanced measures. Among the most illuminating of these documents is the report CIA investigators delivered to James Pavitt, the agencys deputy director for operations, on 28 January 2003 on the death of Gul Rahman. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Polish Military Hydrometeorological Command Centre (Szefostwo Suby Hydrometeorologicznej SZ RP). Sometimes, more modestly but still consequentially, friendly foreign governments would help the CIA in finding, arresting, or transporting suspected terrorists.
In all, a stunning 54 countries participated in the CIA-run rendition program. Notes from one of Jessens interrogation sessions begin, Rahman spent the days since his last session with station officers in cold conditions with minimal food and sleep. Amchitka Island was the site of US underground nuclear testing in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. George W Bush acknowledges the existence of the CIA black site prisons as he announces the transfer to Guantnamo Bay of 14 high value detainees on 6 September 2006. footnote of a report provided to Congress. The island is mainly covered by ice, and has a 1,152-foot peak in the centre. Previous revelations have highlighted his actions during Rahmans detention, which began when Rahman was renditioned from Pakistan into the prison. A series on the design of confinement boxes has titles like Comments re Likely Psychological Impact of the Confinement Box on the [Redacted] Process with AZ and Further Comments on Construction and Particulars Concerning an Additional Confinement Box for Use During Upcoming Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. None of the senior CIA or Bush administration officials who approved and promoted Mitchell and Jessens methods have made anything like this admission and their role in supporting the black site program remains obscured by blacked-out classified sections in the released documents. That network is best shown by looking at the CIA's extraordinary rendition program. The island was displayed on Google Maps until November 2012, when Australian scientists confirmed the island's absence. Each review further discredited the pairs description of CIA captives as super-resisters who could be broken only with their cocktail of brutal interrogation methods. In its place there's a misplaced satellite image of another small region that is close by. Other cables describe in grinding detail how their techniques were combined in actual interrogation sessions, and their crushing, dehumanizing effect. The house was demolished, but the blurred shape of it remains on Google Maps street view. A third assignment is an almost complete inversion of Mitchell and Jessens role in the CIAs black site program: they are now to develop a transition program that will prepare Abu Zubaydah and other black site prisoners for transfer to Guantnamo a process made extremely tricky by their treatment in the black sites. This censored house is the site of the infamous Ariel Castro kidnappings, which took place between 2002 and 2004 in Cleveland, Ohio. Opened in September 2002 and filled to capacity within a month, the site operated by a combination of careful planning and impulsive improvisations, investigators found. Regimiento Estratgico de Transmisiones nmero 22 (RETES22) "Strategic Signals Regiment number 22". The AP has put together this little graphic package illustrating what the basement prison looked like, who was held there, and what happened to them. Delivered Fridays. And some, like nudity, slaps, facial holds, dietary manipulation, and cramped confinement, Bruce and I now believed were completely unnecessary.. The road to a contract psychologist telling a CIA investigator that he was the one with all the interrogation tricks began just a year before, in early 2002, when Jessen and Mitchell wrote a paper titled Countermeasures to Al Qaeda Resistance to Interrogation Techniques. Ben Souds and Salims experience seemed to a herald an era when enhanced interrogations were becoming routine. France undertook significant nuclear testing on the atoll between 1966 and 1996 with as many as 181 tests performed during this time period. A few months later, Jim and I went into a cubicle, as Jessen recalled during his deposition. In 16, prisoners were shackled to a metal ring in the wall. Sticking to a story, requesting a lawyer, complaining about prison conditions, asking for medical attention, reporting torture: all of these, the pair wrote, reveal that a sophisticated level of resistance training is available to high-risk al-Qaida operatives.. The entire summerhouse is blurred on Google Maps. The cellblock was unheated, pitch black day and night, with music blaring around the clock. Email us at tips@the-sun.co.uk or call 0207 782 4368 .
The locations of eight of these sites, along with descriptions of some of the deeply disturbing practices there, were included in todays release of the so-called torture report the heavily redacted executive summary of a senate committee study of the CIAs Bush-era interrogation program.
This is a list of satellite map images with missing or unclear data. Erguemin, Belgium-Netherlands Naval Mine Warfare School, AREVA La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing facility, Centre pnitentiaire de Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, Dtachement du 8e rgiment de transmissions - Vernon, Mandemakers Kaatsheuvel, ht huis van keukens, 6 SIGINT center of military navy (6 Oliwski Orodek Radioelektroniczny Marynarki Wojennej), Frsvarets Radioanstalt - Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment, Svenska Rymdaktiebolaget Esrange Space Center, Naval Observatory/Residence of the Vice President of the United States, The Wattersons' house from The Amazing World Of Gumball, "List of satellite map images with missing or unclear data", Learn how and when to remove this template message, a targeted assassination via drone and airstrike on the camp's director, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, Escuadrn de Vigilancia Area n2 (EVA 2), "Google Earth agrees to blur pix of key Indian sites", "Westchester 'Blurs' Out Terror Targets On Google", "Google's View of D.C. Melds New and Sharp, Old and Fuzzy", Parliament In Brief: 'No need to blur images', "The places you can't see on Google Earth", "Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps", "China Secretly Built A Vast New Infrastructure To Imprison Muslims", "Google Earth Shows U.S. Drones at Pakistani Base? A month later, as the first prisoners were delivered into its 24-hour darkness, a CIA memo described the role the two psychologists would now be playing in the agencys expanding interrogation program. Some locations on free, publicly viewable satellite map services have such issues due to having been intentionally digitally obscured or blurred for various reasons of this. The sites are located in Afghanistan, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Thailand, and a secret site on the Guantanamo Naval Base, known as Strawberry Fields, forever.. Jessen, one of the two contract psychologists who designed the CIAs enhanced interrogation techniques, spent 10 days in the secret prison near Kabul, Afghanistan, in November 2002.
Rahmans shaking did not seem unusual, the guard told the investigator, because all of the prisoners shake. Two hours later, a guard looked into the cell and found Rahman lying on his side. Six months later, in March and April 2003, Mohamed Ben Soud and Suleiman Abdullah Salim became two of 39 men subjected to Mitchell and Jessens enhanced interrogation techniques in the CIAs secret prisons. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Map: The 54 countries that helped the CIA with its torture-linked renditionprogram, The program could work in a number of different ways; each of these countries supported the CIA's rendition program, but not every country, Its so hot in Europe that roads are literally buckling, RRR is an incredible action movie with seriously troubling politics. Whether or not all 54 of those countries are complicit in the CIA torture program is debatable. What can Biden do now? A CIA supervisor who visited the facility just after Rahman arrived told the CIAs investigator it was very cold in [Cobalt] when he was there and the issue of hypothermia crossed his mind as he saw Rahman wearing only socks and a diaper.. Location is west of Hilsa resort of Nepal. It is the base of the.
It would be another two and a half years before Abu Zubaydah and 13 others subjected to the worst of Mitchell and Jessens methods were transferred to Guantnamo to stay. But much of what the plaintiffs hoped would be aired before a jury can be found in 274 documents the CIA and Pentagon were forced to declassify and release during pre-trial discovery. No longer censored on Bing Maps but censored on Google Maps. The atmosphere was very good, John Bruce Jessen told a CIA investigator in January 2003, two months after he interrogated a prisoner named Gul Rahman in the facility. The Garabogazkl Basin is shown pixelated in, Blurred in Google Earth and Google Maps (military installation), Blurred in Google Maps - no longer blurred. Entire airport blurred out on Bing Maps aerial view. Ten gas heaters were added in the cellblock the month after Gul Rahmans death, but little had changed in what Jessen called Cobalts nasty routines. Pixelation of the island on Google Maps, as well as on Bing Maps. The report identifies the locations of the CIA black sites by color codes and redacts the country names, but previous reports by NGOs, European agencies, media reports and detainee statements can identify most of the locations. Three young women were kidnapped by Castro and held captive in his home and remained imprisoned until May 2013.