Through acquisitions, the company has also built one of the countrys largest competitive nuclear fleets. The companys programs have avoided the need to build 12 power plants, more than any other utility. New Hampshire
South Carolina
There are no fuel ethanol production plants in the state.90,91 Florida biodiesel consumption ranks among the top two-fifths of states, but the state's last biodiesel production plant closed and the equipment was put up for sale in 2021.92,93,94, The industrial and commercial sectors account for almost all of the rest of the petroleum consumed in Florida. FPL Groups record of sustainable economic performance has earned it the twin honors of being No. Since the early 1980s, more than 3,000 crocodile hatchlings have been documented at the site, which has been responsible for virtually the entire increase in the crocodile population over the past two decades. Kentucky
Rhode Island
FPL Group also has among the lowest emission rates of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the nation. Forms EIA uses to collect energy data including descriptions, links to survey instructions, and additional information. Iowa
Sign up for email subcriptions to receive messages about specific EIA products. All told, FPL Groups zero-emissions generation avoided 42.6 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2008. 115 Port Tampa Bay, Cargo and Bulk Cargo, accessed November 19, 2021. Short, timely articles with graphics on energy, facts, issues, and trends. Just scroll through and click on the numbers for a brief description of each step. The Martin plant has a 75-megawatt concentrating solar power facility, with almost 200,000 mirrors, and a 1,100-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant. FPL has the No. Virginia
Environmental and Economic Sustainability Go Hand in Hand
38 Florida Department of Transportation, Forecasting and Trends Office, Projections of Florida Population by County, 2020-2070 (October 2020).
Ohio 9 Griffin, Melissa, "FloridaThe Liquid' Sunshine State," The CoCoRaHS State Climates' Series, accessed November 18, 2021. Arizona Tennessee 46 U.S. EIA, Electric Power Annual, Table 3.21, Net Generation from Solar Photovoltaic by State, by Sector, 2020 and 2019. 117 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, All fuels, Coal, Natural gas, 2001-20. Wyoming 87 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2019. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) NextEra Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. In fact, since 1995, FPL Groups power generation has increased by 123 percent while its SO2 emissions rate declined by 84 percent and its NOx emissions rate fell by 79 percent. North Dakota 73 U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2016a National Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the U.S. 108 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Consumption by End Use, Florida, Annual, 2015-20. Florida Wyoming, To view this page, please select a state or territory: Michigan District of Columbia This support takes many forms. North Carolina 54 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, Fuel Type (Check all), 2001-20. 9. Long before climate change was a headline concern, FPL Group made a strategic decision to become a clean-energy leader. Alabama
Maps, tools, and resources related to energy disruptions and infrastructure. Massachusetts California Comprehensive data summaries, comparisons, analysis, and projections integrated across all energy sources. Kentucky In 2006, Congress banned oil and gas leasing in federal offshore areas in the central Gulf of Mexico planning area within 100 miles of Florida's coastline and in most of the eastern Gulf of Mexico planning area within 125 miles of Florida's coast. 8. 2 State of Florida, Florida Quick Facts, Florida Geography, accessed November 18, 2021. Alabama
On the contrary, sustainability is the way we have been operating for decades, long before the term became fashionable in corporate responsibility circles. 110 U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center, Alternative Fueling Station Locator, Florida, Natural gas, Access: Public, Available, accessed November 19, 2021. 95 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2019. Kansas Connecticut Indiana Reserves, production, prices, employment and productivity, distribution, stocks, imports and exports. Solar energy and biomass provide almost all of Floridas renewable-sourced electricity generation. 56 Florida Energy Systems Consortium, Biomass Energy, accessed November 20, 2021. Maine 59 NETSTATE, Florida, The Geography of Florida, updated September 9, 2017. 48 U.S. EIA, "Texas and Florida had large small-scale solar capacity increases in 2020," Today in Energy (March 4, 2021). Oregon 68 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Proved Reserves, Reserves Changes, and Production, Proved Reserves, as of December 31, 2014-19. Louisiana 3. 27 U.S. EIA, Electricity, Form EIA-860 detailed data with previous form data (EIA-860A/860B), 2020 Form EIA-860 Data, Schedule 3, 'Generator Data' (Operable Units Only) and 2020 Form EIA-860 Data, Schedule 3, 'Fuel Switching Data' (Operable Units Only). At FPL Group, we see the various elements of sustainability as a seamless whole, Hay wrote. Pennsylvania Pipelines entering Florida bring natural gas into the state through Alabama and Georgia.103,104,105 One subsea pipeline runs 745 miles across the Gulf of Mexico, forming an offshore link from the Mississippi and Alabama border to central Florida.106,107 The electric power sector receives most of the natural gas delivered to Florida consumers. 89 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Gasoline Standards, Relaxation of Summer Gasoline Volatility Standard for Florida and the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area (Triangle Area) and the Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point Area (Triad Area) in North Carolina, accessed November 21, 2021. Mississippi All across the country, people are fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Please provide us with the Personal Identification Number (PIN) that you were given for a co-browse session with our representative. 12 Briney, Amanda, "The Sunbelt, The Sunbelt of the Southern and Western United States," ThoughtCo., updated August 7, 2019. 97 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of December 31, Florida, Annual, 2014-19. Minnesota Massachusetts More than nine-tenths of Florida's petroleum consumption occurs in the transportation sector.82 In part because of Florida's significant tourist industry and the heavy passenger and cargo traffic through its international airports, the state is among the top five petroleum-consuming states in the nation.83,84 In 2020, Florida ranked third in the nation in jet fuel consumption, and, in 2019, the state ranked third in total motor gasoline consumption as well.85,86 Even so, in part because of its large population, Florida is among the 10 states that use the least petroleum on a per capita basis.87 Florida does not require motor gasoline that is blended with ethanol, and federal requirements for cleaner-burning summer gasoline blends in the state's urban areas were lifted in 2014.88,89 However, motor gasoline blended with ethanol is widely used, and Florida is the third-largest consumer of fuel ethanol in the nation. For more information about FPL Group companies, visit these Web,, Crude oil, gasoline, heating oil, diesel, propane, and other liquids including biofuels and natural gas liquids. Missouri Virginia 1 on Fortune magazines list of the Most Admired electric and gas companies and one of the Worlds Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere magazine, both for three years in a row. That plant has a production capacity of about 827,000 tons per year.57, Florida has few other renewable energy assets. 106 Gulfstream Natural Gas System, About Gulfstream, accessed November 19, 2021. Nebraska 109 U.S. Census Bureau, Florida, Table B25040, House Heating Fuel, 2019 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. Utah Texas 51 Neville, Angela, "Top Plant: Martin Next Generation Solar Energy Center, Indiantown, Martin County, Florida," Power (December 1, 2011). 103 U.S. EIA, International and Interstate Movements of Natural Gas by State, Florida, Annual, 2015-20. New Jersey Energy use in homes, commercial buildings, manufacturing, and transportation.
In the national debate over climate change, FPL Group has been a forceful advocate of putting a price on carbon dioxide to drive additional investments in clean energy. Tennessee
36 U.S. EIA, Electric Power Annual 2020 (October 2021), Table 3.7, Utility Scale Facility Net Generation. New York
Since 1978, statewide production has declined and has been less than 2 million barrels in each year since 2008. Florida is the second-largest producer of electricity in the nation. 20 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table P3, Total Primary Energy Production and Total Energy Consumption Estimates in Trillion Btu, 2019. United States
New Mexico
18 U.S. EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), 2009 RECS Survey Data, Table HC7.10, Air conditioning in South Region, divisions, and states. Colorado
53 U.S. EIA, Electric Power Annual, Table 3.19, Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Biomass by State, by Sector, 2020 and 2019. Greenhouse gas data, voluntary reporting, electric power plant emissions. 86 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F3, Motor Gasoline Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Estimates, 2019. Because electric utilities have retired older petroleum-fired units and replaced many of them with natural gas-fired ones, the electric power sector now uses less than 1% of the petroleum consumed in the state. Delaware
Thats the carbon equivalent of removing eight coal-fired power plants or preserving 269,000 acres of forest, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator. 37 Florida Public Service Commission, Statistics of the Florida Electric Utility Industry (October 2021), Table 17, Projected Summer and Winter Peak Demand (Megawatts)2020-2029, p. 29. Two hydroelectric plants in north Florida supply a small amount of power.58 However, the state's flat terrain gives Florida little opportunity for hydropower development.59 The state has no significant wind resources, onshore or offshore, and there is no utility-scale wind-powered generating capacity.60,61,62, Florida does not have a renewable energy portfolio standard, but it does have state and local incentives, tax credits, and loan programs for certain renewable energy technologies.63,64 The state has adopted net metering and interconnection rules for qualifying customer-sited renewable energy generating facilities.65,66 Florida utilities also have individual energy efficiency goals set by the Florida Public Service Commission.67, Florida has minor crude oil reserves and accounts for less than 0.1% of the nation's crude oil production.68,69 Onshore drilling for oil and gas in Florida began in 1901 and about 80 exploration wells were drilled in the state before oil was discovered in southwest Florida in 1943.70 Annual crude oil production in the state peaked at more than 47 million barrels in 1978 with the development of the Jay Field in the Panhandle in northwestern Florida. Virginia
The company sponsors a range of education programs from the elementary school through college levels. Massachusetts
FPL Group owns the largest wind farm in the world, the 736 megawatt Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Texas. Check out our new State Energy Portal in Beta and send us your feedback. 70 Wells, B.A. Alaska
13 U.S. Census Bureau, State Population Totals: 2010-2020, Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2020; April 1, 2020; and July 1, 2020 (NST-EST2020). In 2008, the FPL Group Foundation donated $1 million to help vulnerable customers with food, clothing and housing assistance and another $500,000 to Miamis Camillus House for the homeless. 101 U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2016a National Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the U.S. The residential sector, where almost all homes use air conditioning, accounted for more than one-fourth of state energy consumption.17,18 Florida's commercial sector accounted for more than one-fifth of state energy use and the industrial sector accounted for slightly more than one-tenth.19 Overall, Florida consumes almost eight times more energy than it produces.20. 65 NC Clean Energy Technology Center, DSIRE, Florida, Net Metering, updated September 21, 2021. Oklahoma
58 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, List of plants for conventional hydroelectric, Florida, all sectors, 2020. New Hampshire Maryland 113 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Distribution Report 2020 (October 4, 2021), By Coal Distribution State, Florida, Table DS-7, Domestic Coal Distribution, by Destination State, 2020. In 2020, Florida crude oil production was less than 1.5 million barrels.71,72 Geologists believe there may be substantial additional reserves in federal waters off Florida's western coast in the Gulf of Mexico.73 However, since 1989, Florida has banned drilling in both Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico state waters. Indiana West Virginia It is the only concentrating solar thermal generating facility east of the Rocky Mountains.51,52, Florida accounts for about 7% of the nation's biomass-fueled electricity generation, more than all but two other states, Georgia and California, and biomass fuels almost all of the non-solar renewable generation in Florida.53,54 The largest share of the state's almost 1,200 megawatts of biomass-fueled generating capacity is at plants that process municipal solid waste, followed by those fueled by wood and wood waste. State energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. New Mexico Utah This commitment to clean energy has helped FPL Group perform well above its peers and the market as a whole for the five years ending in 2008. Florida 2. Financial market analysis and financial data for major energy companies. Journalists can reach a NextEra Energy spokesperson 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 80 U.S. EIA, Petroleum and Other Liquids, Company Level Imports, Florida, accessed November 21, 2021. Alaska More than anything else, this defines the companys commitment to sustainable business practices. Louisiana The company has also been able to drive significant economic activity in the communities where it operates. 90 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F25, Fuel ethanol consumption estimates, 2019. Use this interactive diagram to learn how we deliver energy from our power plants to you. North Dakota For us, sustainability is not an alien concept that requires us to force-fit our business practices into a new paradigm. 104 "Sabal Trail Pipeline Begins Service," Gas Compression Magazine (July 13, 2017). 16 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Energy, 2020 Office of Energy Annual Report, p. 1. Since 2005, the company has also contributed more than $1 million to Habitat for Humanity to build 15 homes for low-income customers. Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices? New Hampshire
New Mexico 64 NC Clean Energy Technology Center, DSIRE, Programs, Florida, Financial Incentives, accessed November 20, 2021. North Carolina Through our substantial investments in low-carbon electricity generation, we are now one of the cleanest power companies in the nation, FPL Group Chairman and CEO Lew Hay said in the companys 2009 Sustainability Report ( 69 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Production, Annual, 2015-20. We are all in this together. In an era when climate change threatens potentially catastrophic consequences for the planet, sustainability confronts corporate America with a simple question: What are you doing to reduce your carbon dioxide emissions? Washington If every utility in the nation were as clean as FPL Group, total U.S. CO2 emissions would be cut by 20 percent, equivalent to removing eight of every 10 vehicles from the road. Tools to customize searches, view specific data sets, study detailed documentation, and access time-series data. Florida is the second-largest producer of electricity in the nation, after Texas.21 In 2020, natural gas fueled three-fourths of Florida's in-state net generation, and 8 of the state's 10 largest power plants by capacity and by generation are natural gas-fired.22,23 Natural gas has fueled the largest share of Florida's electricity generation since 2003, when it surpassed coal's contribution for the first time.24 Florida also leads the nation in generators that can switch between natural gas and fuel oil.25 Although petroleum-fired power plants provided less than 0.1% of Florida's generation in 2020, petroleum liquids remain an important backup fuel source at many of the state's natural gas-fired power plants.26 In 2020, almost two-thirds of the state's natural gas-fired power plants could switch to petroleum fuels in the event of disruptions in the natural gas supply.27,28, The second-largest source of in-state generation in Florida is nuclear power. Wells, "First Florida Oil Well," American Oil & Gas Historical Society, updated September 20, 2021. The report, issued today, comes less than a week after FPL Group was named to the 2009 Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
6. 119 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Receipts of fossil fuels by electricity plants for all sectors, Florida, Coal, 2008-20. A very small amount is consumed as vehicle fuel.108,109 There are fewer than 30 public-access compressed natural gas vehicle fueling stations in Florida.110, Florida does not have any coal reserves or production and relies on coal from several other states and from overseas to meet its limited coal demand.111,112 Domestic coal supplies for Florida's coal-fired electricity generating plants came by railroad and barge from Illinois, Kentucky, and Indiana in 2020. 29 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Florida, updated March 19, 2020. 15 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C14, Total Energy Consumption Estimates per Capita by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State, 2019. Tourism and traffic through busy international airports drive petroleum consumption in Floridas transportation sector. Northern Mariana Islands
107 Enbridge, Natural gas transmission and midstream, U.S. For example, FPL provides a unique habitat for the American crocodile among the 5,600 acres of cooling canals at its Turkey Point site south of Miami. Michigan
Renewable resources, mainly solar energy and biomass, plus petroleum coke and generation at industrial plants that use multiple fuels, accounted for almost all the remaining net generation in Florida.33 Almost all the state's recent and planned additions of generating capacity are natural gas-fueled or solar powered.34, Florida is the third-largest electricity consumer in the nation, after Texas and California.35 However, the state does not produce enough electricity to meet its power needs, and electricity demand is expected to increase as the state's population continues to grow.36,37,38 The residential sector, where more than 9 in 10 Florida households use electricity as their primary energy source for home heating and air conditioning, consumes more than half of the electricity used in Florida, the largest share of any state.39,40 The commercial sector accounts for about two-fifths of state consumption, and the industrial sector uses most of the rest. 112 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Report 2020 (October 4, 2021), Table 1, Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2020 and 2019. 118 U.S. EIA, "Natural gas-fired power generation has grown in Florida, displacing coal," Today in Energy (September 9, 2019). Within Florida, the company has made a substantial effort to help those in need. South Carolina
In 2008, the companys employees and families dedicated 13,700 hours to activities such as cleaning shorelines, renovating playgrounds, and participating in breast-cancer awareness events. Montana
63 National Conference of State Legislators, State Renewable Portfolio Standards and Goals, updated August 13, 2021.
42 U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center, Maps and Data, Electric Vehicle Registrations by State, updated June 2021. Arizona Arkansas FPL Groups carbon dioxide emissions rate is half the industry average. West Virginia Wisconsin In each of the past three years, the company has doubled the size of its hybrid vehicle fleet, and in 2006, FPL was the first company to put a medium-duty hybrid bucket truck into service. Within Florida, the company runs successful programs to protect sea turtles, manatees, crocodiles and other wildlife. Iowa Connecticut 1 demand-side management program in the nation. South Dakota Would you like to go to the overview page instead? Indiana Kansas
Sign up to receive press release email alerts. The result: On March 20, 2007, the U.S. Tropical Storms and Hurricanes," Weather Underground (September 11, 2018). Nebraska 93 Kotrba, Ron, "Miami-based Green Biofuels biodiesel plant equipment up for auction," Biobased Diesel Daily (November 4, 2021). Delaware The state's two nuclear power stations are located on Florida's Atlantic Coast. Nevada 34 U.S. EIA, Electricity, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Operating Generators as of August 2021, and Inventory of Planned Generators as of August 2021.
39 U.S. Census Bureau, Florida, Table B25040, House Heating Fuel, 2019 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. One of the companys signature volunteer efforts is the Home Energy Makeover program for low-income customers. 99 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals and Production, Florida, Annual-Million Cubic Feet, 2015-20. Headquartered in Juno Beach, Fla., FPL Groups principal subsidiaries are NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, the largest generator in North America of renewable energy from the wind and sun, and Florida Power & Light Company, which serves 4.5 million customer accounts in Florida and is one of the largest rate-regulated electric utilities in the country. 72 U.S. EIA, Florida Field Production of Crude Oil, Annual, 1981-2020. FPL Group is the No. South Dakota Hawaii Guam Maryland International energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. 17 U.S. EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), 2015 RECS Survey Data, Table HC7.8, Air conditioning in homes in the South and West regions, South Atlantic. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the State Level, Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Annual Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Midwest and Rocky Mountain Transportation Fuels Markets, East Coast and Gulf Coast Transportation Fuels Markets. 24 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, Fuel Type (Check all), Annual, 2001-20. As Lew Hay says in the Sustainability Report, Carbon emissions impose huge costs on societycosts that the emitters dont bear. 94 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F26, Biodiesel Consumption Estimates, 2019. Transmission, Gulfstream, accessed November 19, 2021. 3 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Energy, 2020 Office of Energy Annual Report, p. 5. 47 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, Fuel Type (Check all), 2001-20. Mississippi Just as FPL Groups environmental stewardship has contributed to economic success, the companys economic success enables it to support the communities where it does business. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS Report BOEM 2017-085), Table 13, Risk mean-level UERR for the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region by planning area, p. 63.
Ohio 9 Griffin, Melissa, "FloridaThe Liquid' Sunshine State," The CoCoRaHS State Climates' Series, accessed November 18, 2021. Arizona Tennessee 46 U.S. EIA, Electric Power Annual, Table 3.21, Net Generation from Solar Photovoltaic by State, by Sector, 2020 and 2019. 117 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, All fuels, Coal, Natural gas, 2001-20. Wyoming 87 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2019. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) NextEra Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. In fact, since 1995, FPL Groups power generation has increased by 123 percent while its SO2 emissions rate declined by 84 percent and its NOx emissions rate fell by 79 percent. North Dakota 73 U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2016a National Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the U.S. 108 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Consumption by End Use, Florida, Annual, 2015-20. Florida Wyoming, To view this page, please select a state or territory: Michigan District of Columbia This support takes many forms. North Carolina 54 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, Fuel Type (Check all), 2001-20. 9. Long before climate change was a headline concern, FPL Group made a strategic decision to become a clean-energy leader. Alabama
Maps, tools, and resources related to energy disruptions and infrastructure. Massachusetts California Comprehensive data summaries, comparisons, analysis, and projections integrated across all energy sources. Kentucky In 2006, Congress banned oil and gas leasing in federal offshore areas in the central Gulf of Mexico planning area within 100 miles of Florida's coastline and in most of the eastern Gulf of Mexico planning area within 125 miles of Florida's coast. 8. 2 State of Florida, Florida Quick Facts, Florida Geography, accessed November 18, 2021. Alabama
On the contrary, sustainability is the way we have been operating for decades, long before the term became fashionable in corporate responsibility circles. 110 U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center, Alternative Fueling Station Locator, Florida, Natural gas, Access: Public, Available, accessed November 19, 2021. 95 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2019. Kansas Connecticut Indiana Reserves, production, prices, employment and productivity, distribution, stocks, imports and exports. Solar energy and biomass provide almost all of Floridas renewable-sourced electricity generation. 56 Florida Energy Systems Consortium, Biomass Energy, accessed November 20, 2021. Maine 59 NETSTATE, Florida, The Geography of Florida, updated September 9, 2017. 48 U.S. EIA, "Texas and Florida had large small-scale solar capacity increases in 2020," Today in Energy (March 4, 2021). Oregon 68 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Proved Reserves, Reserves Changes, and Production, Proved Reserves, as of December 31, 2014-19. Louisiana 3. 27 U.S. EIA, Electricity, Form EIA-860 detailed data with previous form data (EIA-860A/860B), 2020 Form EIA-860 Data, Schedule 3, 'Generator Data' (Operable Units Only) and 2020 Form EIA-860 Data, Schedule 3, 'Fuel Switching Data' (Operable Units Only). At FPL Group, we see the various elements of sustainability as a seamless whole, Hay wrote. Pennsylvania Pipelines entering Florida bring natural gas into the state through Alabama and Georgia.103,104,105 One subsea pipeline runs 745 miles across the Gulf of Mexico, forming an offshore link from the Mississippi and Alabama border to central Florida.106,107 The electric power sector receives most of the natural gas delivered to Florida consumers. 89 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Gasoline Standards, Relaxation of Summer Gasoline Volatility Standard for Florida and the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area (Triangle Area) and the Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point Area (Triad Area) in North Carolina, accessed November 21, 2021. Mississippi All across the country, people are fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Please provide us with the Personal Identification Number (PIN) that you were given for a co-browse session with our representative. 12 Briney, Amanda, "The Sunbelt, The Sunbelt of the Southern and Western United States," ThoughtCo., updated August 7, 2019. 97 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of December 31, Florida, Annual, 2014-19. Minnesota Massachusetts More than nine-tenths of Florida's petroleum consumption occurs in the transportation sector.82 In part because of Florida's significant tourist industry and the heavy passenger and cargo traffic through its international airports, the state is among the top five petroleum-consuming states in the nation.83,84 In 2020, Florida ranked third in the nation in jet fuel consumption, and, in 2019, the state ranked third in total motor gasoline consumption as well.85,86 Even so, in part because of its large population, Florida is among the 10 states that use the least petroleum on a per capita basis.87 Florida does not require motor gasoline that is blended with ethanol, and federal requirements for cleaner-burning summer gasoline blends in the state's urban areas were lifted in 2014.88,89 However, motor gasoline blended with ethanol is widely used, and Florida is the third-largest consumer of fuel ethanol in the nation. For more information about FPL Group companies, visit these Web,, Crude oil, gasoline, heating oil, diesel, propane, and other liquids including biofuels and natural gas liquids. Missouri Virginia 1 on Fortune magazines list of the Most Admired electric and gas companies and one of the Worlds Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere magazine, both for three years in a row. That plant has a production capacity of about 827,000 tons per year.57, Florida has few other renewable energy assets. 106 Gulfstream Natural Gas System, About Gulfstream, accessed November 19, 2021. Nebraska 109 U.S. Census Bureau, Florida, Table B25040, House Heating Fuel, 2019 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. Utah Texas 51 Neville, Angela, "Top Plant: Martin Next Generation Solar Energy Center, Indiantown, Martin County, Florida," Power (December 1, 2011). 103 U.S. EIA, International and Interstate Movements of Natural Gas by State, Florida, Annual, 2015-20. New Jersey Energy use in homes, commercial buildings, manufacturing, and transportation.

58 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, List of plants for conventional hydroelectric, Florida, all sectors, 2020. New Hampshire Maryland 113 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Distribution Report 2020 (October 4, 2021), By Coal Distribution State, Florida, Table DS-7, Domestic Coal Distribution, by Destination State, 2020. In 2020, Florida crude oil production was less than 1.5 million barrels.71,72 Geologists believe there may be substantial additional reserves in federal waters off Florida's western coast in the Gulf of Mexico.73 However, since 1989, Florida has banned drilling in both Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico state waters. Indiana West Virginia It is the only concentrating solar thermal generating facility east of the Rocky Mountains.51,52, Florida accounts for about 7% of the nation's biomass-fueled electricity generation, more than all but two other states, Georgia and California, and biomass fuels almost all of the non-solar renewable generation in Florida.53,54 The largest share of the state's almost 1,200 megawatts of biomass-fueled generating capacity is at plants that process municipal solid waste, followed by those fueled by wood and wood waste. State energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. New Mexico Utah This commitment to clean energy has helped FPL Group perform well above its peers and the market as a whole for the five years ending in 2008. Florida 2. Financial market analysis and financial data for major energy companies. Journalists can reach a NextEra Energy spokesperson 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 80 U.S. EIA, Petroleum and Other Liquids, Company Level Imports, Florida, accessed November 21, 2021. Alaska More than anything else, this defines the companys commitment to sustainable business practices. Louisiana The company has also been able to drive significant economic activity in the communities where it operates. 90 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F25, Fuel ethanol consumption estimates, 2019. Use this interactive diagram to learn how we deliver energy from our power plants to you. North Dakota For us, sustainability is not an alien concept that requires us to force-fit our business practices into a new paradigm. 104 "Sabal Trail Pipeline Begins Service," Gas Compression Magazine (July 13, 2017). 16 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Energy, 2020 Office of Energy Annual Report, p. 1. Since 2005, the company has also contributed more than $1 million to Habitat for Humanity to build 15 homes for low-income customers. Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices? New Hampshire
New Mexico 64 NC Clean Energy Technology Center, DSIRE, Programs, Florida, Financial Incentives, accessed November 20, 2021. North Carolina Through our substantial investments in low-carbon electricity generation, we are now one of the cleanest power companies in the nation, FPL Group Chairman and CEO Lew Hay said in the companys 2009 Sustainability Report ( 69 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Production, Annual, 2015-20. We are all in this together. In an era when climate change threatens potentially catastrophic consequences for the planet, sustainability confronts corporate America with a simple question: What are you doing to reduce your carbon dioxide emissions? Washington If every utility in the nation were as clean as FPL Group, total U.S. CO2 emissions would be cut by 20 percent, equivalent to removing eight of every 10 vehicles from the road. Tools to customize searches, view specific data sets, study detailed documentation, and access time-series data. Florida is the second-largest producer of electricity in the nation, after Texas.21 In 2020, natural gas fueled three-fourths of Florida's in-state net generation, and 8 of the state's 10 largest power plants by capacity and by generation are natural gas-fired.22,23 Natural gas has fueled the largest share of Florida's electricity generation since 2003, when it surpassed coal's contribution for the first time.24 Florida also leads the nation in generators that can switch between natural gas and fuel oil.25 Although petroleum-fired power plants provided less than 0.1% of Florida's generation in 2020, petroleum liquids remain an important backup fuel source at many of the state's natural gas-fired power plants.26 In 2020, almost two-thirds of the state's natural gas-fired power plants could switch to petroleum fuels in the event of disruptions in the natural gas supply.27,28, The second-largest source of in-state generation in Florida is nuclear power. Wells, "First Florida Oil Well," American Oil & Gas Historical Society, updated September 20, 2021. The report, issued today, comes less than a week after FPL Group was named to the 2009 Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
42 U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center, Maps and Data, Electric Vehicle Registrations by State, updated June 2021. Arizona Arkansas FPL Groups carbon dioxide emissions rate is half the industry average. West Virginia Wisconsin In each of the past three years, the company has doubled the size of its hybrid vehicle fleet, and in 2006, FPL was the first company to put a medium-duty hybrid bucket truck into service. Within Florida, the company runs successful programs to protect sea turtles, manatees, crocodiles and other wildlife. Iowa Connecticut 1 demand-side management program in the nation. South Dakota Would you like to go to the overview page instead? Indiana Kansas
Sign up to receive press release email alerts. The result: On March 20, 2007, the U.S. Tropical Storms and Hurricanes," Weather Underground (September 11, 2018). Nebraska 93 Kotrba, Ron, "Miami-based Green Biofuels biodiesel plant equipment up for auction," Biobased Diesel Daily (November 4, 2021). Delaware The state's two nuclear power stations are located on Florida's Atlantic Coast. Nevada 34 U.S. EIA, Electricity, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Operating Generators as of August 2021, and Inventory of Planned Generators as of August 2021.
39 U.S. Census Bureau, Florida, Table B25040, House Heating Fuel, 2019 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. One of the companys signature volunteer efforts is the Home Energy Makeover program for low-income customers. 99 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals and Production, Florida, Annual-Million Cubic Feet, 2015-20. Headquartered in Juno Beach, Fla., FPL Groups principal subsidiaries are NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, the largest generator in North America of renewable energy from the wind and sun, and Florida Power & Light Company, which serves 4.5 million customer accounts in Florida and is one of the largest rate-regulated electric utilities in the country. 72 U.S. EIA, Florida Field Production of Crude Oil, Annual, 1981-2020. FPL Group is the No. South Dakota Hawaii Guam Maryland International energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. 17 U.S. EIA, Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), 2015 RECS Survey Data, Table HC7.8, Air conditioning in homes in the South and West regions, South Atlantic. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the State Level, Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Annual Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Midwest and Rocky Mountain Transportation Fuels Markets, East Coast and Gulf Coast Transportation Fuels Markets. 24 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, Fuel Type (Check all), Annual, 2001-20. As Lew Hay says in the Sustainability Report, Carbon emissions impose huge costs on societycosts that the emitters dont bear. 94 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F26, Biodiesel Consumption Estimates, 2019. Transmission, Gulfstream, accessed November 19, 2021. 3 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Energy, 2020 Office of Energy Annual Report, p. 5. 47 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Florida, Fuel Type (Check all), 2001-20. Mississippi Just as FPL Groups environmental stewardship has contributed to economic success, the companys economic success enables it to support the communities where it does business. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS Report BOEM 2017-085), Table 13, Risk mean-level UERR for the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region by planning area, p. 63.