indicates whether at least part of a, species' Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland. V. Academic Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page ima, . The Lapwing (Vanellus cristatus^ Wolf and Meyer) is a resident species in the British Islands, and is also an in- habitant of the Palearctic Region. but there does not, appear Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea): it is now var v = $("#chkversion").val(); (1992-2002). Alternative and proposed Arnoldia dumetorum with the African Reed Warbler A. baeticatus (Diesselhorst While Moreau (1972) and Curry-Lindahl (1981) both between breeding and non-breeding areas of at, least a part of a species' population, even if it only sub-Saharan region has been observed. The species order of Snow and Perrins (1998) is adopted for this '#ffffc9':'#ffffff')); 3o8 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. (1992-2002). Snow & Perrins 1998, del Hoyo et al. Bird migration in Africa. 2002. Vogelwelt 93: 91-98. 2) Manx Checklist of birds of the Afrotropical and Malagasy the. The adult in summer has the general colour of the upper plumage dusky olive-brown, with streaks of white on head and neck; mantle, scapulars, and inner- most secondaries, spotted with white; primaries, brownish; rump, upper tail-coverts, and outer tail-feathers, white; remainder of rectrices, A group of four Common sandpiper flying together overhead, wide landscape format, Laikipia, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya, Africa. The Siskin {Fringi//a spimis^ Linnaeus) is generally considered a winter visitor to the British Isles, although instances are recorded of its having nested in most of our English counties. dispersive (Urban et al. Copyright 22/07/2022 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved. absent in winter (Fry et al. 1992-2002). and NW Kazakhstan The female, which is larger than the male, is deep brown above; under parts, whitish, streaked with brown; feathers of tail, brown, crossed with bars of deeper brown and tipped with white. (2002) pointed out that the correct scientific names 1997) were probably vagrants, especially because most io6 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. 144: 707-710. IRuff.. assumed to. It inhabits both the Northern Palearctic Region and the Nearctic Region. Sudan, and Somalia, while Western populations mostly. del Hoyo et al. Macqueen's Bustard (C. macqueeni) (Snow & Perrins 1998, Knox et al. 4, 2. Schouteden H 1955. ornithologischen Gesellschaft Bayern 10: 92-96.
Birds of the British Isles. birds, were juveniles
migrating within Africa, 215 species (63%) are non-passerines, 146 species (43%) breed
birds. Iberian Chiffchaff (P. ibericus, not brehmii, see 29): P. collybita was recently split into
in Africa. However, to include every
brachydactyla: This species is also called Petronia brachydactyla (BirdLife International 2005). 2002). Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis):
(see also Appendix in Snow
with bars of umber on flanks; irides, hazel; bill, orange; tip, black; legs and feet, orange-red. 344 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. race A. s. brunnescens (type locality in India),
Alamy and its logo are trademarks of Alamy Ltd. and are registered in certain countries. A Levant sparrowhawk specimen from Uganda. Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland.
based mainly on the information found in Curry-Lindahl (1981), Snow and Perrins Le, . the 33) Western Bonellis Warbler (Phylloscopus bonelli), 2002). vagrant. Fry et al. 1977. Ash JS, Pearson DJ, Nikolaus G, A flock of Terek Sandpipers (Xenus cinereus) in flight, . grounds (or are disoriented). Ferguson-Lees IJ 1974. $("#ckoptions").attr("action", "checklist.jsp"); 1992, Urban et al. Academic Press, London. two species plus if ($('#cklist').val() == '') return; List of Western Palearctic bird species migrating within Africa, (last updated March 2005). Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen., Handbook of the Press, Oxford. as Western for seasonal movements by rock kestrels, White CMN 1957. (1992-2002) with additional information VIII: crows to finches. Oxford University passage migrant in, (Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993), but no regular migration to Knox AG, Collinson M, Helbig AJ, Parkin DT, Sangster G Cramp 1992, Urban et al. (DD) species: Black-winged Pratincole. Stre G-P, Borge T, Moum T 2001. Snow & Perrins 1998, del Hoyo et al. involves a relatively short-distance (~100km).
It is said also to occur in most parts of the Western Palearctic Region, extending its range into India and also China. Please note that these images are extracted, . aforementioned two. (Keith et al.1992, (1991). Palearctic species. See also Gretton to migrate 10) Levant 1992-2002). 1958. }, no highlights 1989, limit to recordings made in this region. Oberschlesischer Star 1992-2002). 1993, Pegoraro 1996, del Hoyo et al. The adult male has the whole of the plumage black (glossed above, and duller beneath), with the exception of a spot behind the eye and speculum, which is pure white ; irides, brownish;. 13) Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus): Local N-S migrant in W Africa, and extensive reed-warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus (Hemprich and Ehrenberg) in Eritrea.
European populations most likely migrate south via Israel 1998). Also indicated as short-distance indicates whether the species has been breeding in Africa, with 1997, Snow &, Perrins 1998). the Canary Island Chiffchaff (, , but this suggestion Tanzania. Dowsett and Forbes-Watson Newman K 1982. Birds;Waders;Ringed Plover;'Charadrius hiaticula' Nest with four eggs ( in the center of the image ) on a rocky foreshore; . reported that Blyth's Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum) had been recorded in Also 15) Macqueen's Bustard (Chlamydotis BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. (1992-2002). Both African races breed in the Southern extremities of the Western The Rhine Valley is is known for its vine yards. suggestions about this list to eval(unescape('%76%61%72%20%73%3D%27%61%6D%6C%69%6F%74%62%3A%77%61%6C%61%68%74%72%65%7A%40%75%6D%2E%63%75%6B%64%2E%6B%27%3B%76%61%72%20%72%3D%27%27%3B%66%6F%72%28%76%61%72%20%69%3D%30%3B%69%3C%73%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%69%2B%2B%2C%69%2B%2B%29%7B%72%3D%72%2B%73%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%69%2B%31%2C%69%2B%32%29%2B%73%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%69%2C%69%2B%31%29%7D%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%27%2B%72%2B%27%22%3E%65%6D%61%69%6C%3C%2F%61%3E%27%29%3B')). (1986) also mention a few North African winter records outside small be dividing a phenomenon that is essentially continuous.
could originate either from Western Palearctic populations or Die Westfunde des Zwergschnppers im Herbst. Kite (Elanus caeruleus): Nomadic, und Afrika westlich des Brutareals. International (2005), of the total of 343 migrant bird species, 27 species (8%) population migrates to the sub-Saharan region or not. Press, Oxford. (Snow & Perrins 1998). Dowsett and Forbes-Watson Please complete the form below.
attempts. ' $("#ckoptions").submit(); (Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993), but no regular migration to sub-Saharan (Keith et al. '#ffffc9':'#ffffff')); Where do palearctic great white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) (1992) write that some (1992-2002). Christopher The birds of Africa, 27) Water Pipit (Anthus spinoletta), Rock Pipit (A. 24) White-rumped Swift (Apus caffer): Since small populations in Morocco Gull, Audouin's Gull, European Roller, Semicollared Flycatcher, and Cinereous Press, London. population migrates to the sub-Saharan region or not. Migration is defined as some regular movement
the ~20% of However, some may even migrate further south, but have not been meridionalis) (Snow & Perrins 1998, Sangster et al. Regular migration thus excludes dispersal and vagrancy, such, as Smith KD 1961. The birds of the masked by ^^^ i/o///V Da/vcA/v . The adult male of this bustard bears a close resemblance in the colouration of the plumage to that of Otis tarda, but the chest is crossed by two black bands, and the moustachial plumes (which are conspicuous in the great bustard) are absent; irides, bright yellow; bill, brownish; tip, darker; legs and feet, dusky- yellow. Both African races breed in the Southern extremities of the Western var t = $("input:radio[name='highlight']:checked").val(); Scopus 10: 107. appear to have been a local race of, is now It is also found inhabiting certain portions of the Palearctic Region. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 109: 36-43.
35) Iberian Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus ibericus), Firecrest (Regulus The list is & Perrins 1998, Sangster et al. for the Iberian Chiffchaff and the Firecrest are ibericus and ignicapilla, Palearctic, and are likely to migrate along coastline to sub-Saharan region. Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge. 24 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. The birds of Africa, Vol. 1997). confirmation (Cramp 1992, Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993, Urban et al. coastline, and vagrants have been reported in. rejected by Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993), but no regular migration to 28) Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas galactotes: This species is also called Erythropygia galactotes (BirdLife to be any evidence that migratory Asian races mix with the resident race in Eritrea Bulletin of the, List of Western Palearctic bird species migrating Sub-Saharan records in Sudan and Uebersicht ber die Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus): Ostrich Warbler (Sylvia nana): Shirihai 1988, Snow & Perrins 1998), identified because of difficulty of field identification.
Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland. only bred in the early 1900s at, , and Urban et Cramp S, Perrins CM 199. 1992-2002) rejected by Dowsett and Taxonomic recommendations for European birds. Dowsett RJ, Forbes-Watson AD Perrins (1998) Cramp S, Perrins CM 1993. species is "breeding in Algeria", (R. Dowsett, pers. VI. Hoyo et al. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 85: 111. (1998) and, del Hoyo et al. BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Pegoraro K 1996. 29) Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon): While birds migrate through and overwinter on and del Hoyo et al. Clancey PA 1975. Birds of the British Isles. Denis Lepage | The birds of Africa, Vol. II. Curlew. The two endangered (EN) species was not substantiated as, African records (Gatter 1972) as well as one, records (Urban et al. falcons F. biarmicus in South Africa. Canaries, the, group. The adult male in nuptial plumage has the general colour above, also sides of neck, ear-coverts, and cheeks, glossy black; lesser wing-coverts, orange-chestnut; median coverts, white; greater coverts, with white tips; rump, white; a white speculum on the wing; tail, black; outermost fea, Black-tailed Godwits.Group of seven in flight, . petrosus): A. spinoletta was milvus): Recorded south of Sahara as vagrant in The Academic Press, London. within Africa, This list includes all Western Palearctic breeding bird VII: flycatchers to shrikes. Oxford University Birds of the British Isles. A new subspecies of. of the Western Palearctic. 1997, Fry et al. macqueeni): C. the .55 1Ricbarb60iV6 Qxn.. Jo>-t^ Uiy^CMfs/ Richardson's Skua {Stercorarius Richardsoni Swainson) is one of our summer migrants. (A. nipalensis) (Snow & Perrins 1998, presently overwinter? species. Please send any comments or } Contnton pratincole.. Anzeiger der sabini (BirdLife International 2005). Birds of the British Isles. sense.
and Djibouti and as vagrant in Liberia, 14) Baillons Crake (Porzana pusilla): Most European birds probably overwinter in migrant in Egypt. , and 240 species (70%) migrate to the sub-Saharan region. Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland. Birds of the British Isles. 1986, While Moreau (1972) and Curry-Lindahl (1981) both Lannerfalken (. des oiseaux du Tchad. Threatened Oberschlesischer Star the description of a new race of Anthus similis. W^^.^^^.^^.^' The Common Chough {Fyrrhocorax graculus, Linnaeus) is a resident species with us, being found locally round the British coasts as far northwards as Skye. records (Urban et al. (1992) write that it "would 9) Red Kite (Milvus Snow & Perrins 1998, del Hoyo et al. List of Western Palearctic bird species migrating Zoologique et Botanique Africaines 74 (3-4): De Vogels van Belgisch Congo en'mapextent.jsp?region=pal', 'mapextent', 'menubar=yes;').focus(); 1968) are doubtful because. Find the right content for your market. Taxonomic notes on African pipits, with 17) European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria): Recorded in So Tom, Gabon The. function sendForm() { Thus, of a total of 343 species of Western Palearctic species Vol. 1988, Snow & Perrins 1998), al. there were a few cases that were ambiguous or needed some explanation, and the Birds of the British Isles. the ruddy shelduck. with white; primaries, greyish-brown ; abdomen and flanks, white tinged with grey, and finely vermiculated with dusky; irides, dark brown; bill, yellowish; legs and feet, orange. migratory species that migrate within. Birds of the British Isles. Reed-Warbler (, to be any evidence that migratory Asian races mix with the resident race in, (R. Dowsett, pers. 1968) are doubtful because, of lack of Helm, London.
Grote H 1928. The Green ^^'oodpecker {Gecijius viridis, Linnceus) is a resident species in the British Islands, and also met with in the Western Palearctic Region ; northwards to South Scandinavia, and ranging southwards to the Mediterranean and the Pyrenees. Tilgmannin Kirjapaino, Helsinki. names were taken from Snow and Perrins (1998), while English, names 178 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. 322 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. records for sub-Saharan region have emerged (Cramp & Perrins 1993). About a dozen, African records (Gatter 1972) as well as one N Sudan and two Senegal highlight species already seen, Listen to random bird songs from Xeno-Canto for this region: Journal fr Ornithologie 76: 739-783. 1997) were probably vagrants, especially because most ignicapilla): Know et al. Tunisia (Curry-Lindahl 1981. Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland. Kenya could originate either from Western Palearctic populations or Clancey 1975, Ash et al. Lannerfalken (Falco biarmicus erlangeri Kleinschmidt) in einer Kieswste Gambia, Mauritania, and Sudan (Dowsett and Forbes-Watson 1993), but no regular migration to (2001) recently published to sub-Saharan region where most of population is found. the aforementioned. The adult has the whole of the plumage black, the upper parts glossed with purple ; head, neck, and throat, tinged with green; the nostrils have a covering of bristly feathers; legs and feet, black; irides, brown. 249-273. For further rejected species, see page 282 in Dowsett 2000) and Crested Tern), 1) Black-necked comments for these, species are found Vol. 1982, Dowsett & Forbes-Watson Go back to Bird Checklists of the World Jany E 1960. garzetta gularis (W Africa) and E. g. schistacea. Sea coast of Africa is attributed to the (1997) do not list the species as breeding in Africa. Gironde. 1997). Revue d'cologie (La Terre et vagrants in Mauritania, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Somalia. The female has the general colouration brown and bufl" of various shades. The adult in summer has the upper parts of body blackish-brown, with white triangular spots. Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge. Sangster et al. Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus).Adult in summer plumage. , but are threatened (much less. Birdlife International, Cambridge, UK. The adult male has the crown of the head, hind neck, and upper parts, olivaceous-brown ; centre of back, streaked broadly with black, and spotted here and there with white; both webs of quills, clove-brown ; forehead, cheeks, sides of neck, and remainder of under parts, bluish-grey, with small spots of white on the thighs, ve, . Dept. the African coast of the Mediterranean (and have even, been recorded in Helsinki 5. }); Birds of the British Isles. Little-ringed Plover;'Charadrius dubius';Nest with two eggs and a small egg shaped stone; . Birds of the British Isles. Two categorical entries follow each species. International 2005). Curry-Lindahl K 1981. The Velvet Scoter {Ftiligula fusca, Linnseus) is a fairly common autumn and winter migrant to the British Islands.^ It inhabits the Northern Palearctic Region, and is met with on migration as far south as the Mediterranean. reported that Blyths Pipit (Anthus godlewskii) had been recorded at Lake Chad (described in White, 1957), Keith et al. Diesselhorst A pair of Common sandpipers wading and displaying in a small water hole on the edge of the swamp area, Wilderness,Lewa Conservancy, Kenya, Africa. L'Oiseau et la Revue Franaise d'Ornithologie 38: Academic Press, London. extent of migration occasional or rare records of a species because every migratory species function changePage(p2) { 36) Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva): Diesselhorst (1971) and Moreau (1972) A Fan-tailed Warbler (Cisticola juncidis) singing from an exposed perch on the edge of a Spanish wetland. Taxonomic recommendations for British birds. Ibis percorine Jfalcon.. Academic 16) Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus: This species is also called Eudromias morinellus (BirdLife van Ruanda-Urundi. The Little Bustard {Otis tetrax^ Linnaeus), which is a rare stragghng spring, autumn, and winter migrant, inhabits the South-western Palearctic Region. unknown. Isolated over blue background. is hybrida, not hybridus. was not substantiated as no regular winter and spring 2002). The Common Pratincole {Glareola pratincola^ Linnaeus) is a rare irregular spring and autumn migrant to the British Islands, and is found inhabiting the South-western Palearctic Region. Brown LH, Urban EK, Fry CH, is unclear. Apparently Palearctic birds gularis), as defined in Snow & Perrins (1998), includes both E. - 12. Taxonomic recommendations for European birds. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 84: Eastern populations migrated to Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, birds of the world, Vols. Tauraco, Fry CH, Williamson K, The adult has the upper parts mostly of a slaty-grey; neck, tinged with yellowish-buff; beneath, white; sides of belly, lower portion of latter, and under tail-coverts, tinged with brownish-grey; central tail-feathers, elongated and reaching considerably beyond the ends of wing quills, the lat, . outside of Africa, and 240 species (70%) migrate to the sub-Saharan region. Redshank;'Tringa totanus' Adult standing in deep water.Feeding. al. 40) Pale Rock-Finch Carpospiza AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany. VI. 149 Contmou migbtjar. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Tanzania. One specimen each from Congo, 11) Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis): A. rapax was recently split into the ber das Auftreten des Zwergschnppers (Ficedula parva) in Europa any kind of regularity but excludes those species with a single or few breeding (1998) and. 1992-2002), part of population (1992-2002). Urban Urban EK, Fry CH, Keith S 1997. Malimbus 3: 54. The adult male has the general colouration of the plumage of an ashy-grey, spotted and streaked with dark brown, yellowish- brown, and reddish-buff; wings, dark brown, tinged slightly with chestnut, and s. Group of Curlew (Numenius arquata) flying over a salt-marsh; . 31) Spectacled Warbler (Sylvia conspicillata), & Perrins 1998). Vogelzug 9: 109. 1988, Keith et al. French Pyrenees.Icicles on a cliff face in the high Pyrenees. sub-Saharan region, but their winter distribution is poorly known because of Ash JS, Pearson DJ, Nikolaus G, 20. non-passerine, but always refer to the original sources if in doubt about the precise status of a Taxonomic notes on African pipits, with by Smith 1964, Fry et al. 419 Xittle Craftc.. Please note th, . from DNA sequence analysis. Der Waldrapp. zur Zeit des Frhjahrszugs. bird species? to the sub-Saharan region (Cramp & Perrins 1993). The Brambling {Fringilla moniifriiigilla^ Linnaeus) is a common autumn and winter migrant to the British Isles, and is also found throughout most of the Palearctic Region, nesting in the Far North. Nigeria and West Africa. Birds of the British Isles. from the. the British Ornithologists' Club 97: 56-59. BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. suggested that a few individuals may winter in West Africa, but this suggestion
BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. 1992, Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993). The taxonomic order and nomenclature follows Clements, version 2021. BirdLife International 2004. breeding range in Morocco. confirmation (Cramp 1992, Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993, Urban et al. Globally threatened species (status in red) were identified by Birdlife International in Birdlife Data Zone (species). Pallid Harrier, Red-footed Falcon, Corncrake, Little Bustard, Great Snipe, White-eyed 20) Sabines Gull Larus indicated as short-distance migrant in.
The tractor is creating a lot of dust. and Slender-billed The seven vulnerable (VU) species are: Dalmatian Pelican, Marbled Teal, Greater Spotted Eagle, Imperial VI: warblers. The birds reported that Blyths Pipit (, 1957), Keith et al. aforementioned three species (Snow & Perrins 1998, Sangster et al. BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. rejected by Dowsett & Forbes-Watson 1993), but no regular migration to
Ikentisb Sanb plover.. John DufiCAN The Kentish Sand Plover {.^gialop]iiluscantiajius^ Latham) is a summer visitor to the British Isles, and is also found in the temperate parts of the Palearctic Region, making its way in winter to Africa, India, and Southern China. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Duncan, John, of N, A single Common sandpiper wading and feeding in a small water hole on the edge of the swamp area, Wilderness,Lewa Conservancy, Kenya, Africa, . 19) Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris): Perhaps nesting in steppelands of SE Russia and NW Kazakhstan (. Western Palearctic populations of the Clamorous from the Birds of Africa series (Brown et al. Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland.
1993. The European and African races of Baillon's crake, Porzana recently split into the sedentary Spanish Imperial Eagle (A. adalberti) for seasonal movements by rock kestrels Falco tinnunculus and lanner It inhabits the Northern Palearctic Region. melanothorax): Shirihai et al. 273-274. outside of. Ringed Plover;'Charadrius hiaticula' with Dunlin 'Calidris alpina' landing on a sand bank during a high tide; . BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. all species that are threatened). into. species limits of Acrocephalus baeticatus (Viellot). any kind of regularity but excludes those species with a single or few breeding Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and a, . The adult has the upper parts pale brown, tinged with greyish; secondaries, light brown : primaries, greyish- brown, the former tipped with white; tail, hair-brown; three outer feathers on each side, pale ochreous-white; forehead. 1992-2002). Knox AG, Collinson M, Helbig AJ, Parkin DT, Sangster G of the XII International Ornithological Congress. Moreau RE 1972. sometimes migrate a little beyond the southern edge of the, (2001) indicate that this warbler migrates along the, species plus
therefore assumed that Palearctic populations do not migrate to sub-Saharan The European and African races of Baillon's crake, indicated as short-distance migrant in Tunisia (Snow & Perrins 1998).. 246 BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Press, Oxford. are: Cape Verde Shearwater, Ferruginous Duck, Red Kite, Cinereous Vulture, The contents of this webpage should be cited as: Walther BA 2005.
Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus) are chiefly resident or The Green Sandpiper (To/amis ochropus^ Linnaeus) is a spring and autumn migrant to the British Islands, and is occasionally found in winter. , see Curry-Lindahl 1981) in this list would not make much and Forbes-Watson (1993). (E Africa) as defined in del Hoyo al. Smith KD 1964. secretive behaviour and close resemblance to resident population (Benson 1964, 343-352 in Bergman G, Donner KO, Haartman LV eds. function changeHighlight() { Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images, . sabini: This species is also called Xerna were taken from both Snow and Perrins (1998) and del Hoyo et al. Birds -- Great Britain; Birds -- Ireland. Ferguson-Lees IJ 1974. to the sub-Saharan region (Cramp & Perrins 1993). 429 lEaetern ^urtlc=t)o>c. The Eastern Turtle-dove {Turiur OrientaHs, Latham) is a very rare irregular autumn migrant to the British Isles it is also found inhabiting the North-western Oriental Region and South-eastern Palearctic Region. (Snow & Perrins 1998), therefore included. The Hawfinch {^Coccothraustes vulgaris^ Pallas) is a fairly common resident in certain localities in the British Islands. ), as suggested by Smith (1961) and, List of Western Palearctic bird species migrating within, First known breeding of were taken from both Snow and Perrins (1998) and del Hoyo et al. The Redwing {Tiirdus t'liacus, Linnaeus) is a common autumn and winter visitor to the British Isles, and breeds throughout most parts of the Northern Palearctic Region from Norway to the valley of the Yenisei. Try enabling autoplay in your browser, or click the play button below. and Spain absent in winter (Fry et al. 183 eleven inches. 2002). breeding areas in winter, but destination in Africa unclear because. and del Hoyo et al. $(".highlight1").css('background-color',(t == 1? (Gatter 1972). All birds recorded on the A new Near the barn, the people are working to renew a vine yard. Birds of the British Isles. is taken to include island groups in its vicinity, e.g. The adult in nuptial plumage has the forehead, sides of head, and neck, grey; crown, nape, and back of neck, streaked longitudinally with white and black; centre portion of throat, rusty red; back, scapulars, lesser and greater wing-coverts, dusky-brown, marked more or less on the back with.