mobx-react-lite observer

They all work the same but differ in the level of granularity you can specify in the dependencies. Creates an observable object with the given properties, methods and computed values. and to declare exactly the part that is observed (the render phase). Using it, the store to our counter app is reduced to this:.fusion-syntax-highlighter-5 > .CodeMirror, .fusion-syntax-highlighter-5 > .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-gutters {background-color:var(--awb-custom_color_1);}. : T\n let exception\n reaction.track(() => {\n try {\n rendering = fn()\n } catch (e) {\n exception = e\n }\n })\n\n if (exception) {\n throw exception // re-throw any exceptions caught during rendering\n }\n\n return rendering\n}\n", "import { forwardRef, memo } from \"react\"\n\nimport { isUsingStaticRendering } from \"./staticRendering\"\nimport { useObserver } from \"./useObserver\"\n\nlet warnObserverOptionsDeprecated = true\n\nconst hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.for\n// Using react-is had some issues (and operates on elements, not on types), see #608 / #609\nconst ReactForwardRefSymbol = hasSymbol\n ? Here is a simple counter app. The code for this is too long to include here, but you can check it out in the demo repository. They differ from other libraries in that they are automatically memoized and hence update only when their dependencies change. item: INewsItem; Above imports are for a convenience to utilize standard versions of batching. Please make sure components are rendered only once server-side. width, This guarantees that your React components render only when strictly needed. \"render\" : \"children\"\n const hasProp = typeof props[key] === \"function\"\n const hasExtraProp = typeof props[extraKey] === \"function\"\n if (hasProp && hasExtraProp) {\n return new Error(\n \"MobX Observer: Do not use children and render in the same time in`\" + componentName\n )\n }\n\n if (hasProp || hasExtraProp) {\n return null\n }\n return new Error(\n \"Invalid prop `\" +\n propFullName +\n \"` of type `\" +\n typeof props[key] +\n \"` supplied to\" +\n \" `\" +\n componentName +\n \"`, expected `function`.\"\n )\n}\n", "import { useDeprecated } from \"./utils/utils\"\nimport { observable, runInAction } from \"mobx\"\nimport { useState } from \"react\"\n\nexport function useAsObservableSource(current: TSource): TSource {\n if (\"production\" !== process.env.NODE_ENV)\n useDeprecated(\n \"[mobx-react-lite] 'useAsObservableSource' is deprecated, please store the values directly in an observable, for example by using 'useLocalObservable', and sync future updates using 'useEffect' when needed. This API is deprecated in 3.*. NearForm Ltd. Tankfield, Convent Hill, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 PV08, Ireland. can be used both inside class and function components. C extends React.RefForwardingComponent\n ? item, MobX tracks them automatically and builds a dependency graph that captures all relations between state and output. row: number; json, jsx, es7, css, less, and your custom stuff. This is the most flexible way to use MobX. our\n // component was paused for a _very_ long time, and our\n // reaction got cleaned up\n\n // Re-create the reaction\n reactionTrackingRef.current = {\n reaction: new Reaction(observerComponentNameFor(baseComponentName), () => {\n // We've definitely already been mounted at this point\n forceUpdate()\n }),\n mounted: true,\n changedBeforeMount: false,\n cleanAt: Infinity\n }\n forceUpdate()\n }\n\n return () => {\n reactionTrackingRef.current!.reaction.dispose()\n reactionTrackingRef.current = null\n }\n }, [])\n\n // render the original component, but have the\n // reaction track the observables, so that rendering\n // can be invalidated (see above) once a dependency changes\n let rendering! .fusion-syntax-highlighter-8 > .CodeMirror, .fusion-syntax-highlighter-8 > .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-gutters {background-color:var(--awb-custom_color_1);}, MobX can be easily used without classes. They come in multiple flavours autorun, when, reaction and observer (in React). authStore = useContext(AuthStoreContext); className={classes.button} onClick={logout}>, (({ component: Component, rest }) => {,, index) => {. Import one of these before any React rendering is happening, typically index.js/ts. Any code can do so, but actions have performance optimisations and keep the code decoupled. Mobx-keystone is similar. This API is deprecated in 3. To make a value observable, we need to mark it as such so that MobX will track it. Use `{fn}` instead, or wrap the entire component in `observer`.\"\n )\n }\n return useObserverOriginal(fn, baseComponentName)\n}\n\nexport { isObserverBatched, observerBatching } from \"./utils/observerBatching\"\n\nexport function useStaticRendering(enable: boolean) {\n if (\"production\" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {\n console.warn(\n \"[mobx-react-lite] 'useStaticRendering' is deprecated, use 'enableStaticRendering' instead\"\n )\n }\n enableStaticRendering(enable)\n}\n", "import { observable, AnnotationsMap } from \"mobx\"\nimport { useState } from \"react\"\n\nexport function useLocalObservable>(\n initializer: () => TStore,\n annotations? This can cause issues with test frameworks such as Jest This API is deprecated in 3.*. This is closer to the old behavior, but React will warn correctly about this if this would affect the rendering of other components. A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D). Unlike mobx-react, it doesn't Provider/inject, as useContext can be used instead. It usually involves some fetching, filtering, pagination and sorting. Instead, use useEffect to synchronize non-observable values with values. In short without observer batching the React doesn't guarantee the order component rendering in some cases. The reactivity system will make sure that only relevant dependencies are updated. When is similar to Reaction but only runs when the predicate returns true. // Render our components - passing down MobX state, a GraphQL client, // and a router for rendering based on our route config, choerodon / test-manager-service / react / routes / TestPlan / components / UpdateRemindModalChildren / UpdateRemindModalChildren.js, TryCatchLearn / Reactivities / client-app / src / features / profiles / ProfilePage.tsx. Furthermore, they can be asynchronous without any special work..fusion-syntax-highlighter-4 > .CodeMirror, .fusion-syntax-highlighter-4 > .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-gutters {background-color:var(--awb-custom_color_1);}, Now that we understand the core concepts, we can reduce the necessary boilerplate to a single function call using makeAutoObservable(). See the README for examples.\"\n )\n const [res] = useState(() => observable(current, {}, { deep: false }))\n runInAction(() => {\n Object.assign(res, current)\n })\n return res\n}\n", "import \"./utils/assertEnvironment\"\n\nimport { unstable_batchedUpdates as batch } from \"./utils/reactBatchedUpdates\"\nimport { observerBatching } from \"./utils/observerBatching\"\nimport { useDeprecated } from \"./utils/utils\"\nimport { useObserver as useObserverOriginal } from \"./useObserver\"\nimport { enableStaticRendering } from \"./staticRendering\"\n\nobserverBatching(batch)\n\nexport { isUsingStaticRendering, enableStaticRendering } from \"./staticRendering\"\nexport { observer, IObserverOptions } from \"./observer\"\nexport { Observer } from \"./ObserverComponent\"\nexport { useLocalObservable } from \"./useLocalObservable\"\nexport { useLocalStore } from \"./useLocalStore\"\nexport { useAsObservableSource } from \"./useAsObservableSource\"\nexport { resetCleanupScheduleForTests as clearTimers } from \"./utils/reactionCleanupTracking\"\n\nexport function useObserver(fn: () => T, baseComponentName: string = \"observed\"): T {\n if (\"production\" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {\n useDeprecated(\n \"[mobx-react-lite] 'useObserver(fn)' is deprecated. But the library itself does not have this limitation. Running the full test suite now requires node 14+ Any change to this data triggers reactions, which in turn trigger side-effects, such as a React render. We don't want that to cause a loop,

* or 2.1.*. Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. This is a lighter version of mobx-react which supports React functional components only and as such makes the library slightly faster and smaller (only 1.5kB gzipped). : IObserverOptions\n) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \"production\" && warnObserverOptionsDeprecated && options) {\n warnObserverOptionsDeprecated = false\n console.warn(\n `[mobx-react-lite] \\`observer(fn, { forwardRef: true })\\` is depreacted, use \\`observer(React.forwardRef(fn))\\``\n )\n }\n\n if (ReactMemoSymbol && baseComponent[\"$$typeof\"] === ReactMemoSymbol) {\n throw new Error(\n `[mobx-react-lite] You are trying to use \\`observer\\` on a function component wrapped in either another \\`observer\\` or \\`React.memo\\`. Using source is not recommended, see the deprecation message at useAsObservableSource for details. To create a computed value, we use a get function and mark it with computed..fusion-syntax-highlighter-3 > .CodeMirror, .fusion-syntax-highlighter-3 > .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-gutters {background-color:var(--awb-custom_color_1);}, Actions are functions that modify the state. From this comprehensive review of MobX, we can see that it has no boilerplate just some observable data,computed views, actions and reactions. We will use a class to organise our state. which require that timers be cleaned up before the tests Autorun is the simplest one and will figure out the dependencies automatically..fusion-syntax-highlighter-6 > .CodeMirror, .fusion-syntax-highlighter-6 > .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-gutters {background-color:var(--awb-custom_color_1);}. Observables represent the reactive state of your application. */, zeit / next.js / examples / with-mobx-react-lite / store.js, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks, leebenson / reactql / src / entry / server.tsx, // Class for handling Webpack stats output, // Every byte sent back to the client is React; this is our main template, // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------, // Enable SSR-mode with MobX to avoid memory leaks, // Everything from this point will be Webpack'd and dumped in `dist/server.js`, // and then loaded into an active Koa server, // Create Koa middleware to handle React requests, // Create a fresh 'context' for React Router. Can only be used for function components. run timers to tidy up the remains of the aborted renders. ;, index) => {. (): React.ReactElement | null\n render? For larger projects, proper engineering practices and planning need to be applied. If you for some reason have customized version of batched updates, you can do the following instead. This needs to\n * be big enough to ensure that a component won't turn up and have its\n * effects run without being re-rendered.\n */\nexport const CLEANUP_LEAKED_REACTIONS_AFTER_MILLIS = 10_000\n\n/**\n * The frequency with which we'll check for leaked reactions.\n */\nexport const CLEANUP_TIMER_LOOP_MILLIS = 10_000\n", "import { FinalizationRegistry as FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined } from \"./FinalizationRegistryWrapper\"\nimport { Reaction } from \"mobx\"\nimport {\n ReactionCleanupTracking,\n IReactionTracking,\n createTrackingData\n} from \"./reactionCleanupTrackingCommon\"\n\n/**\n * FinalizationRegistry-based uncommitted reaction cleanup\n */\nexport function createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister(\n FinalizationRegistry: NonNullable\n): ReactionCleanupTracking {\n const cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap = new Map()\n let globalCleanupTokensCounter = 1\n\n const registry = new FinalizationRegistry(function cleanupFunction(token: number) {\n const trackedReaction = cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.get(token)\n if (trackedReaction) {\n trackedReaction.reaction.dispose()\n cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.delete(token)\n }\n })\n\n return {\n addReactionToTrack(\n reactionTrackingRef: React.MutableRefObject,\n reaction: Reaction,\n objectRetainedByReact: object\n ) {\n const token = globalCleanupTokensCounter++\n\n registry.register(objectRetainedByReact, token, reactionTrackingRef)\n reactionTrackingRef.current = createTrackingData(reaction)\n reactionTrackingRef.current.finalizationRegistryCleanupToken = token\n cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.set(token, reactionTrackingRef.current)\n\n return reactionTrackingRef.current\n },\n recordReactionAsCommitted(reactionRef: React.MutableRefObject) {\n registry.unregister(reactionRef)\n\n if (reactionRef.current && reactionRef.current.finalizationRegistryCleanupToken) {\n cleanupTokenToReactionTrackingMap.delete(\n reactionRef.current.finalizationRegistryCleanupToken\n )\n }\n },\n forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests() {\n // When FinalizationRegistry in use, this this is no-op\n },\n resetCleanupScheduleForTests() {\n // When FinalizationRegistry in use, this this is no-op\n }\n }\n}\n", "import { Reaction } from \"mobx\"\nimport {\n ReactionCleanupTracking,\n IReactionTracking,\n CLEANUP_TIMER_LOOP_MILLIS,\n createTrackingData\n} from \"./reactionCleanupTrackingCommon\"\n\n/**\n * timers, gc-style, uncommitted reaction cleanup\n */\nexport function createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking(): ReactionCleanupTracking {\n /**\n * Reactions created by components that have yet to be fully mounted.\n */\n const uncommittedReactionRefs: Set> = new Set()\n\n /**\n * Latest 'uncommitted reactions' cleanup timer handle.\n */\n let reactionCleanupHandle: ReturnType | undefined\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n /**\n * Only to be used by test functions; do not export outside of mobx-react-lite\n */\n function forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests() {\n // This allows us to control the execution of the cleanup timer\n // to force it to run at awkward times in unit tests.\n if (reactionCleanupHandle) {\n clearTimeout(reactionCleanupHandle)\n cleanUncommittedReactions()\n }\n }\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function resetCleanupScheduleForTests() {\n if (uncommittedReactionRefs.size > 0) {\n for (const ref of uncommittedReactionRefs) {\n const tracking = ref.current\n if (tracking) {\n tracking.reaction.dispose()\n ref.current = null\n }\n }\n uncommittedReactionRefs.clear()\n }\n\n if (reactionCleanupHandle) {\n clearTimeout(reactionCleanupHandle)\n reactionCleanupHandle = undefined\n }\n }\n\n function ensureCleanupTimerRunning() {\n if (reactionCleanupHandle === undefined) {\n reactionCleanupHandle = setTimeout(cleanUncommittedReactions, CLEANUP_TIMER_LOOP_MILLIS)\n }\n }\n\n function scheduleCleanupOfReactionIfLeaked(\n ref: React.MutableRefObject\n ) {\n uncommittedReactionRefs.add(ref)\n\n ensureCleanupTimerRunning()\n }\n\n function recordReactionAsCommitted(\n reactionRef: React.MutableRefObject\n ) {\n uncommittedReactionRefs.delete(reactionRef)\n }\n\n /**\n * Run by the cleanup timer to dispose any outstanding reactions\n */\n function cleanUncommittedReactions() {\n reactionCleanupHandle = undefined\n\n // Loop through all the candidate leaked reactions; those older\n // than CLEANUP_LEAKED_REACTIONS_AFTER_MILLIS get tidied.\n\n const now =\n uncommittedReactionRefs.forEach(ref => {\n const tracking = ref.current\n if (tracking) {\n if (now >= tracking.cleanAt) {\n // It's time to tidy up this leaked reaction.\n tracking.reaction.dispose()\n ref.current = null\n uncommittedReactionRefs.delete(ref)\n }\n }\n })\n\n if (uncommittedReactionRefs.size > 0) {\n // We've just finished a round of cleanups but there are still\n // some leak candidates outstanding.\n ensureCleanupTimerRunning()\n }\n }\n\n return {\n addReactionToTrack(\n reactionTrackingRef: React.MutableRefObject,\n reaction: Reaction,\n /**\n * On timer based implementation we don't really need this object,\n * but we keep the same api\n */\n objectRetainedByReact: unknown\n ) {\n reactionTrackingRef.current = createTrackingData(reaction)\n scheduleCleanupOfReactionIfLeaked(reactionTrackingRef)\n return reactionTrackingRef.current\n },\n recordReactionAsCommitted,\n forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests,\n resetCleanupScheduleForTests\n }\n}\n", "import { FinalizationRegistry as FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined } from \"./FinalizationRegistryWrapper\"\nimport { createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister } from \"./createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister\"\nimport { createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking } from \"./createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking\"\nexport { IReactionTracking } from \"./reactionCleanupTrackingCommon\"\n\nconst {\n addReactionToTrack,\n recordReactionAsCommitted,\n resetCleanupScheduleForTests,\n forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests\n} = FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined\n ? Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration. It allows you to use an observer like behaviour, but still allowing you to optimize the component in any way you want (e.g. Lightweight React bindings for MobX based on React 16.8+ and Hooks, mobxjs / mobx-react / src / observerClass.js, "[mobx-react] It seems that a re-rendering of a React component is triggered while in static (server-side) mode. (): React.ReactElement | null\n}\n\nfunction ObserverComponent({ children, render }: IObserverProps) {\n const component = children || render\n if (typeof component !== \"function\") {\n return null\n }\n return useObserver(component)\n}\nif (\"production\" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {\n ObserverComponent.propTypes = {\n children: ObserverPropsCheck,\n render: ObserverPropsCheck\n }\n}\nObserverComponent.displayName = \"Observer\"\n\nexport { ObserverComponent as Observer }\n\nfunction ObserverPropsCheck(\n props: { [k: string]: any },\n key: string,\n componentName: string,\n location: any,\n propFullName: string\n) {\n const extraKey = key === \"children\" ? yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist. It implements observable values, which are essentially using the publish/subscribe pattern. Cookies Notice. They run in transactions, meaning no observers will be updated until the outermost action has finished. }: { You can learn more about the inner workings in the official documentation here: Understanding reactivity in MobX. Some skeptics describe it as too magical, but once you start using it you will see that this is not the case. To opt-out from batching in some specific cases, simply import the following to silence the warning. Sign up for our newsletter. width: number; We highly recommend that you configure batching to avoid these random surprises. base case is not used for actual typings or exported in the typing files\nexport function observer

(\n baseComponent:\n | React.RefForwardingComponent\n | React.FunctionComponent

\n | React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>,\n // TODO remove in next major\n options? Example: Note that, at your own risk, it is also possible to not use useEffect, but do state.unit = unit instead in the rendering. using memo with a custom areEqual, using forwardRef, etc.) MobX is a simple, scalable, boilerplate-free state management solution. Interestingly, most users end up converging to a similar structure, also described in the official documentation Defining data stores in MobX. The most notable one is mobx-state-tree. They differ in that the subscriptions are handled automatically. createReactionCleanupTrackingUsingFinalizationRegister(FinalizationRegistryMaybeUndefined)\n : createTimerBasedReactionCleanupTracking()\n\nexport {\n addReactionToTrack,\n recordReactionAsCommitted,\n resetCleanupScheduleForTests,\n forceCleanupTimerToRunNowForTests\n}\n", "let globalIsUsingStaticRendering = false\n\nexport function enableStaticRendering(enable: boolean) {\n globalIsUsingStaticRendering = enable\n}\n\nexport function isUsingStaticRendering(): boolean {\n return globalIsUsingStaticRendering\n}\n", "import { Reaction } from \"mobx\"\nimport React from \"react\"\nimport { printDebugValue } from \"./utils/printDebugValue\"\nimport {\n addReactionToTrack,\n IReactionTracking,\n recordReactionAsCommitted\n} from \"./utils/reactionCleanupTracking\"\nimport { isUsingStaticRendering } from \"./staticRendering\"\n\nfunction observerComponentNameFor(baseComponentName: string) {\n return `observer${baseComponentName}`\n}\n\n/**\n * We use class to make it easier to detect in heap snapshots by name\n */\nclass ObjectToBeRetainedByReact {}\n\nfunction objectToBeRetainedByReactFactory() {\n return new ObjectToBeRetainedByReact()\n}\n\nexport function useObserver(fn: () => T, baseComponentName: string = \"observed\"): T {\n if (isUsingStaticRendering()) {\n return fn()\n }\n\n const [objectRetainedByReact] = React.useState(objectToBeRetainedByReactFactory)\n // Force update, see #2982\n const [, setState] = React.useState()\n const forceUpdate = () => setState([] as any)\n\n // StrictMode/ConcurrentMode/Suspense may mean that our component is\n // rendered and abandoned multiple times, so we need to track leaked\n // Reactions.\n const reactionTrackingRef = React.useRef(null)\n\n if (!reactionTrackingRef.current) {\n // First render for this component (or first time since a previous\n // reaction from an abandoned render was disposed).\n\n const newReaction = new Reaction(observerComponentNameFor(baseComponentName), () => {\n // Observable has changed, meaning we want to re-render\n // BUT if we're a component that hasn't yet got to the useEffect()\n // stage, we might be a component that _started_ to render, but\n // got dropped, and we don't want to make state changes then.\n // (It triggers warnings in StrictMode, for a start.

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