You can email us at Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Guests include church and mission leaders, missiologists, and theologians from Calvary Global Network, and friends of CGN of diverse evangelical traditions from around the world. Before he went to be with Jesus, Pastor Chuck made it clear he wanted the Calvary Chapel Movement to be led by a collaboration of men working together. The CCA Council was formed by our pastors to carry out that vision. Last week Brian Brodersen resigned from the Council. We are grieved by his decision and its ramifications for our movement. 2.
Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out.Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Further, they explain what this means for CGN churches, and where there is room for diversity of practice in this area. You can email us at 1 Corinthians 1:10 reads, See that you all speak the same thing. One of the great blessings of our family has always been a like mindedness toward our distinctives. We have been overhauling the CCA website and will be adding a library of information, monthly messages from the council members, adding a Calvary Chapel Pastors Wives page,adding messages from Pastors Conferences, as well as expanding the existing pages. If our identity and values get watered down or altered, not only will pastors get sidetracked, but we will lose the distinctiveness of our calling in the Body of Christ. What is CGN doing as a network to provide care and coaching for pastors and leaders? At the end of this episode, listen for an update on how CGN has been able to support ministries and individuals on the ground in Ukraine and the surrounding region, through the Ukraine Relief Fund. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out. Any matters that relate to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa should be referred to Their conversation covers important questions, including: What is Spirit-empowered preaching? For more information and registration, visit Though it has only been three years since the Lord took Pastor Chuck home, we realized how grateful we are for the foundation of Calvary Chapel that Chuck laid for us. As we discussed these things we all realized how deeply we are committed to out core values and thankful for Chuck and the way the Lord led us through him. Calvary Chapel has been recognized as one of the greatest church planting movements of recent times. In this episode, I speak with Kellen Criswell and Mike Neglia about the history of missions and missional engagement in Calvary Chapel, and why this is a core value of CGN as a network. These are completely different websites and are on different servers. Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Jeff and Kellen share about opportunities we have as a network to do more together than we can separately.This episode was recorded in January 2022, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing humanitarian crisis. Like many of you, we have given our lives to build Calvary Chapel churches. You can email us at 6. This has created a crossroads that none of us on the Council wanted. Find out on this episode of Mission & Methods! We are excited about the International Pastors Conference next November in St. Petersburg, Florida, and hope to see you there. (With Jed Gourley and Pam Markey). Pastor Chuck Smith chose a group of men to lead the Calvary Chapel movement after his passing. Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Season 3 of the Mission and Methods Podcast is in the works and new episodes will be coming out in 2022. We believe that all the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament are available for believers today. New episodes are being released every two weeks. Rather than weigh us down, our core values make us who we are. Brian claims the authority to represent, and even more critically, to define, what Calvary Chapel is and is not. Brian Brodersen responds to some questions about his own views on End Times theology, and listen for a clip from Pastor Chuck Smith, sharing his heart on these matters.New episodes are being released every two weeks, so make sure you subscribe to the podcast! This splintering of our movement has been painful in many ways, but the CCA Council is relieved that we can now walk in unity and work to strengthen the foundations that have made Calvary Chapel a mighty move of God. And contrary to dwelling in the past, our values keep us looking for Jesus, praying for a fresh empowering of His Spirit, and grounded in the Word of God that speaks to all ages. Is talking about spiritual formation biblical, or does it open people up to unbiblical influences?In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, we answer some questions that you, our listeners, have sent in.
CCA is built on the foundations given to us by Pastor Chuck. Episodes will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out. Brian has sole editorial control of
Is engagement in missions an optional activity, or is it an integral part of what it means to be a Christian? For more information and registration, visit How can church leaders help church members cultivate spiritual maturity on a congregational level? Since Chucks passing there may be pastors who have thought about some of our values, such as expository teaching, and no longer hold to the Calvary Chapel approach. How can we, as a network, use the relationships and resources God has given us, to encourage, train, and support the planting of Bible teaching, gospel-centered churches - around the world? What are we at CGN doing to make sure we keep this aspect of our heritage alive in this generation, and in those to come? Make sure to subscribe, and new episodes will be delivered to you as soon as they are released. New episodes come out every two weeks, on Wednesday mornings. Click here to read the CGN statement on Women in Ministry Leadership Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out!
1. In this episode, Kellen Criswell, Director of CGN, breaks down the Vision, Mission, and Initiatives of Calvary Global Network. - Why are the flagship Calvary Chapel Bible Colleges in Europe and North America pursuing formal accreditation? The principles we were taught and the transformative power of Gods Spirit have proven to be more than sufficient. The recent years have presented new challenges for pastors and leaders, and many studies are showing that discouragement is at an all time high. (We are disappointed anyone would see those tasks as rigid or controlling.)
Our Conference will focus on: Pastor Chuck was our teacher, and we will always owe him a debt of gratitude, but our spiritual DNA comes from the New Testament and is timeless in its application. Calvary Chapel West Coast Pastors Conference. Any matters having to do with the movement as a whole, or church information changes and affiliation matters need to contact The Calvary Chapel Association at We also give an update on the development of CGN as an independent entity. Are they available to Christians today?
What do CGN leaders believe about the charismatic gifts mentioned in the Bible specifically, the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and speaking in tongues? Despite our best efforts, for the last three years, storm clouds have been gathering that were obvious to many people. In addition to serving as a pastor, church planter and missionary, Pastor Thompson continues to engage in training leaders for ministry in many places today, including the United States, Serbia, Italy, the Philippines and more. There were a number of issues that we discussed that we want to pass on to the movement.
Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Rather than granting us the freedom to join, Brian has forced us to choose to opt out. The CCA Council has a limited mission. Rather than bind us, our core values have defined us and steadied us for 50 years, and have kept our Spirit-led movement moving forward in a God-glorifying direction. If you note when these letters are dated, it might help bring some clarity to the sequence of events. Jeff and Kellen share about opportunities we have as a network to do more together than we can separately. Finally, as we all deal with these issues, be reminded of the good work Jesus is doing in and through the Calvary Chapels. But our mission is important. In this episode, Brian Brodersen, Kellen Criswell, and Nick Cady are joined by Rob Salvato, who leads the Leadership Care and Coaching Team for CGN. CCGN is a community with no formal affiliation.
What is CGN doing to help churches in practical ways, including finances, pastoral coaching, and other resources? And if so, how should they be used practically, in our churches? The conference speakers will be the members of the Council and we want to reaffirm our core values, seek the Lord for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us, and look forward to His coming. Our time was truly blessed with a great unity, a rich sense of the Lords presence, a fresh sense of direction, and a peace together like we have not experienced in years. Listen towards the end of this episode for a clip of Pastor Chuck Smith giving his perspective on this topic, in a recording from 2008. What is CGNs position on end times theology, and how does the network relate to those who do not hold that position?In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell about Premillenialism," which is one of the theological streams to which CGN belongs. The CCA Council consists of men from across the country who are committed to the core values that have made us Calvary Chapel. Ours is still a robust work of Gods Spirit that is going on in places all around the world. As we discussed our foundation and core values as a family of churches we realized that along the way, through the years, there have been those that have decided that their values were different, and they have gone on with another group such as the Pentecostals, or Acts 29, or Gospel Coalition, or Vineyard, or Hillsong, and that is truly fine. What Do CGN Leaders Believe About the End Times? What is the biblical portrait of personal and spiritual maturity? We at CGN wanted to do what we can to help our Calvary family understand what is happening in Ukraine during the start of this war and how we can all be praying. Even apart the unique events of the past few years, pastoring and leading can be difficult. In this episode, listen to Dr. Gerry Breshears on pursuing biblical faithfulness and humility in developing your understanding and ministry practice on this timely issue. The CCA Council will keep you all abreast of changes moving forward. What is CGN Doing to Help Churches in Practical Ways? We completely respect their familys philosophy of ministry, and we also love ours. In this episode, Kellen Criswell, Director of CGN, discusses topics in Mission Theology and Church Planting Methods with Dr. Ed Stetzer. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out!Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. I share some of the history of Calvary Chapels mission work in Central & Eastern Europe, and Kellen shares some practical steps for how to live with a missional mindset no matter where you are in the world.The Calvary Chapel / CGN International Conference is June 26-29, 2022 in Costa Mesa, California. How is CGN Providing Care and Coaching for Leaders? In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, we discuss the future of CGN as a network: What initiatives are currently in the works? You can email us at, Answering Tough Questions about CRT, LGBTQ Issues, and Spiritual Formation, What do CGN leaders believe about things like Critical Race Theory, or how we should relate to those who identify as LGBTQ? Nick Cady will be hosting this upcoming season along with Kellen Criswell. New episodes are being released every two weeks! Such a network will ultimately de-emphasize our Calvary Chapel distinctives. The Calvary Chapel Association Council was a plan he reiterated on numerous occasions. Hosted by CGN Director, Kellen Criswell, the podcast features discussions on theology and ministry practice related to three foundational aspects of Great Commission work: gospel proclamation, disciple making, and church planting. Our CCA affiliation process remains the same, and for most of the regions it stays in the hands of the same men. You can email us at We have worked hard to avoid this development. Episodes will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out.Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. You can email us at In this episode Nick Cady and Kellen Criswell discuss one of the key initiatives that CGN is developing called: Cultivate. What is Christ-centered preaching? At the end of this episode, listen for an update on how CGN has been able to support ministries and individuals on the ground in Ukraine and the surrounding region, through the Ukraine Relief Fund. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out!Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. What is CGN Doing to Help Churches in Practical Ways? Nick Cady and Aaron Salvato talk with missionaries Jed Gourley and Pam Markey about the situation in Ukraine! 5. In spite of this, Brian has taken it on himself to grandfather the entire Calvary Chapel database into a network where he alone is the authority. In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods Podcast, we open our Bibles to examine the much-debated topic of the role of women in ministry leadership. In our discussion, Rob shares about the ways their team is developing systems and providing resources to help pastors and leaders in practical ways, including providing resources to help them lead, and providing a lifeline for those who are struggling.Together we share about some of the struggles weve faced as leaders, and how relationships within our network helped us in those times; as well as how we would like to make that experience available to anyone who needs it.Check out the Leadership Collective Podcast here.The Calvary Chapel / CGN International Conference is coming up soon it will be from June 26-29 in Costa Mesa, California. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out! In this episode, we discuss the difference between the terms Continuationist and Charismatic, and we talk about the biblical reasons why we hold this position, and share some stories as examples of what this can look like in practice.Make sure to listen for a clip from Pastor Chuck Smith, in which he talks about a key passage for this discussion, found in 1 Corinthians 13:8-10.New episodes are being released every two weeks! Dr. Gerry Breshears on applying the gospel practically and learning when to divide from differing Christian ministries. Yet the new Calvary Chapel Global Network, established by Brian Brodersen, now threatens that legacy. In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell about Premillenialism," which is one of the theological streams to which CGN belongs. The Origins and DNA of Calvary Global Network. The CGN Mission & Methods Podcast is the official podcast of the Calvary Global Network (CGN). I look forward to the announcement of the new episode! The CGN Mission & Methods Podcast is the official podcast of the Calvary Global Network (CGN). What are the biblical and practical foundations for healthy leadership development in the local church? In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, I sit down with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell to discuss on of the theological streams that we belong to as a network, which is: Continuationism. New beginnings are ahead. What Does CGN Believe about Charismatic Gifts and Their Use in the Church Today? Legacy, Lessons and the Future of Calvary Chapel Missions in Eastern Europe.
For more information and registration, visit conference.calvarychapel.comNew episodes are being released every two weeks. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out. We talk about how Calvary Chapel has been privileged to be part of two great revivals: one in the United States in the 1960s & 70s, and another in Europe in the 1990s. This episode was recorded in January 2022, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing humanitarian crisis.
Important questions tackled in their conversation include: - Why has Calvary Chapel often been labeled Anti-intellectual? Recently, a group of the Calvary Chapel Association Council members gathered together in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania for a few days to seek the Lord, worship, and ask Him for direction as to the Calvary Family. We also need to clear up any confusion regarding and Calvary Chapel is not just one church in Costa Mesa, it is 1700 churches that are affiliated through the Calvary Chapel Association. You can email us at Pastor Chuck left us a glorious legacy. 4. Make sure to subscribe, and new episodes will be delivered to you as soon as they are released. We recognize that no one man has the calling from God, or the stature in the movement to define official theological positions for all the churches. Welcome to Season 3 of the CGN Mission & Methods Podcast! Hosted by CGN Director, Kellen Criswell, the podcast features discussions on theology and ministry practice related to three foundational aspects of Great Commission work: gospel proclamation, disciple making, and church planting. Kellen and Nick explain the design and heart behind the Cultivate program, as well as how to get more information and register. How is CGN Fostering Missional Life and Ministry? You can email us at In this episode, Kellen Criswell, Director of CGN, sits down with President and Founder of CGN, Pastor Brian Brodersen, to discuss Pastor Brian's vision and heart behind starting the Calvary Global Network. Calvary Chapel: Seminary & Anti-intellectualism, In this episode Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell discuss the past and present of Calvary Chapel on formal ministry training and education. In our discussion, Rob shares about the ways their team is developing systems and providing resources to help pastors and leaders in practical ways, including providing resources to help them lead, and providing a lifeline for those who are struggling. Are these gifts still in operation? Listen in as Dr. Randy Roberts, President and Professor of Christian Spirituality at Western Seminary, discuss these crucial questions, and more. New episodes are being released every two weeks, so make sure you subscribe to the podcast! We explain what premillennialism is, and why we hold this view. As Brian put it in his letter, he has chosen to no longer walk with us, yet we still consider him a brother, and pray for Gods will to be done in his life. It is more than good men separating. Sadly, Brian is insisting on being the primary and authoritative voice of the movement without being accountable to the men Pastor Chuck chose to lead. Even apart the unique events of the past few years, pastoring and leading can be difficult.What is CGN doing as a network to provide care and coaching for pastors and leaders?In this episode, Brian Brodersen, Kellen Criswell, and Nick Cady are joined by Rob Salvato, who leads the Leadership Care and Coaching Team for CGN. Also, is being expanded to not only feature our CCA church locator, but to include helpful articles and content. What Do CGN Leaders Believe About the End Times? As individual pastors we have spoken in support of our core values, but we now feel the need for the Council members to speak with one voice.
CCA is built on the foundations given to us by Pastor Chuck. Episodes will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out. Brian has sole editorial control of
Is engagement in missions an optional activity, or is it an integral part of what it means to be a Christian? For more information and registration, visit How can church leaders help church members cultivate spiritual maturity on a congregational level? Since Chucks passing there may be pastors who have thought about some of our values, such as expository teaching, and no longer hold to the Calvary Chapel approach. How can we, as a network, use the relationships and resources God has given us, to encourage, train, and support the planting of Bible teaching, gospel-centered churches - around the world? What are we at CGN doing to make sure we keep this aspect of our heritage alive in this generation, and in those to come? Make sure to subscribe, and new episodes will be delivered to you as soon as they are released. New episodes come out every two weeks, on Wednesday mornings. Click here to read the CGN statement on Women in Ministry Leadership Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out!
1. In this episode, Kellen Criswell, Director of CGN, breaks down the Vision, Mission, and Initiatives of Calvary Global Network. - Why are the flagship Calvary Chapel Bible Colleges in Europe and North America pursuing formal accreditation? The principles we were taught and the transformative power of Gods Spirit have proven to be more than sufficient. The recent years have presented new challenges for pastors and leaders, and many studies are showing that discouragement is at an all time high. (We are disappointed anyone would see those tasks as rigid or controlling.)
Our Conference will focus on: Pastor Chuck was our teacher, and we will always owe him a debt of gratitude, but our spiritual DNA comes from the New Testament and is timeless in its application. Calvary Chapel West Coast Pastors Conference. Any matters having to do with the movement as a whole, or church information changes and affiliation matters need to contact The Calvary Chapel Association at We also give an update on the development of CGN as an independent entity. Are they available to Christians today?
What do CGN leaders believe about the charismatic gifts mentioned in the Bible specifically, the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and speaking in tongues? Despite our best efforts, for the last three years, storm clouds have been gathering that were obvious to many people. In addition to serving as a pastor, church planter and missionary, Pastor Thompson continues to engage in training leaders for ministry in many places today, including the United States, Serbia, Italy, the Philippines and more. There were a number of issues that we discussed that we want to pass on to the movement.
Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. Rather than granting us the freedom to join, Brian has forced us to choose to opt out. The CCA Council has a limited mission. Rather than bind us, our core values have defined us and steadied us for 50 years, and have kept our Spirit-led movement moving forward in a God-glorifying direction. If you note when these letters are dated, it might help bring some clarity to the sequence of events. Jeff and Kellen share about opportunities we have as a network to do more together than we can separately. Finally, as we all deal with these issues, be reminded of the good work Jesus is doing in and through the Calvary Chapels. But our mission is important. In this episode, Brian Brodersen, Kellen Criswell, and Nick Cady are joined by Rob Salvato, who leads the Leadership Care and Coaching Team for CGN. CCGN is a community with no formal affiliation.
What is CGN doing to help churches in practical ways, including finances, pastoral coaching, and other resources? And if so, how should they be used practically, in our churches? The conference speakers will be the members of the Council and we want to reaffirm our core values, seek the Lord for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us, and look forward to His coming. Our time was truly blessed with a great unity, a rich sense of the Lords presence, a fresh sense of direction, and a peace together like we have not experienced in years. Listen towards the end of this episode for a clip of Pastor Chuck Smith giving his perspective on this topic, in a recording from 2008. What is CGNs position on end times theology, and how does the network relate to those who do not hold that position?In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell about Premillenialism," which is one of the theological streams to which CGN belongs. The CCA Council consists of men from across the country who are committed to the core values that have made us Calvary Chapel. Ours is still a robust work of Gods Spirit that is going on in places all around the world. As we discussed our foundation and core values as a family of churches we realized that along the way, through the years, there have been those that have decided that their values were different, and they have gone on with another group such as the Pentecostals, or Acts 29, or Gospel Coalition, or Vineyard, or Hillsong, and that is truly fine. What Do CGN Leaders Believe About the End Times? What is the biblical portrait of personal and spiritual maturity? We at CGN wanted to do what we can to help our Calvary family understand what is happening in Ukraine during the start of this war and how we can all be praying. Even apart the unique events of the past few years, pastoring and leading can be difficult. In this episode, listen to Dr. Gerry Breshears on pursuing biblical faithfulness and humility in developing your understanding and ministry practice on this timely issue. The CCA Council will keep you all abreast of changes moving forward. What is CGN Doing to Help Churches in Practical Ways? We completely respect their familys philosophy of ministry, and we also love ours. In this episode, Kellen Criswell, Director of CGN, discusses topics in Mission Theology and Church Planting Methods with Dr. Ed Stetzer. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out!Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. I share some of the history of Calvary Chapels mission work in Central & Eastern Europe, and Kellen shares some practical steps for how to live with a missional mindset no matter where you are in the world.The Calvary Chapel / CGN International Conference is June 26-29, 2022 in Costa Mesa, California. How is CGN Providing Care and Coaching for Leaders? In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, we discuss the future of CGN as a network: What initiatives are currently in the works? You can email us at, Answering Tough Questions about CRT, LGBTQ Issues, and Spiritual Formation, What do CGN leaders believe about things like Critical Race Theory, or how we should relate to those who identify as LGBTQ? Nick Cady will be hosting this upcoming season along with Kellen Criswell. New episodes are being released every two weeks! Such a network will ultimately de-emphasize our Calvary Chapel distinctives. The Calvary Chapel Association Council was a plan he reiterated on numerous occasions. Hosted by CGN Director, Kellen Criswell, the podcast features discussions on theology and ministry practice related to three foundational aspects of Great Commission work: gospel proclamation, disciple making, and church planting. Our CCA affiliation process remains the same, and for most of the regions it stays in the hands of the same men. You can email us at We have worked hard to avoid this development. Episodes will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out.Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. You can email us at In this episode Nick Cady and Kellen Criswell discuss one of the key initiatives that CGN is developing called: Cultivate. What is Christ-centered preaching? At the end of this episode, listen for an update on how CGN has been able to support ministries and individuals on the ground in Ukraine and the surrounding region, through the Ukraine Relief Fund. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out!Wed love to hear feedback from you on these episodes. What is CGN Doing to Help Churches in Practical Ways? Nick Cady and Aaron Salvato talk with missionaries Jed Gourley and Pam Markey about the situation in Ukraine! 5. In spite of this, Brian has taken it on himself to grandfather the entire Calvary Chapel database into a network where he alone is the authority. In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods Podcast, we open our Bibles to examine the much-debated topic of the role of women in ministry leadership. In our discussion, Rob shares about the ways their team is developing systems and providing resources to help pastors and leaders in practical ways, including providing resources to help them lead, and providing a lifeline for those who are struggling.Together we share about some of the struggles weve faced as leaders, and how relationships within our network helped us in those times; as well as how we would like to make that experience available to anyone who needs it.Check out the Leadership Collective Podcast here.The Calvary Chapel / CGN International Conference is coming up soon it will be from June 26-29 in Costa Mesa, California. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out! In this episode, we discuss the difference between the terms Continuationist and Charismatic, and we talk about the biblical reasons why we hold this position, and share some stories as examples of what this can look like in practice.Make sure to listen for a clip from Pastor Chuck Smith, in which he talks about a key passage for this discussion, found in 1 Corinthians 13:8-10.New episodes are being released every two weeks! Dr. Gerry Breshears on applying the gospel practically and learning when to divide from differing Christian ministries. Yet the new Calvary Chapel Global Network, established by Brian Brodersen, now threatens that legacy. In this episode, Nick Cady speaks with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell about Premillenialism," which is one of the theological streams to which CGN belongs. The Origins and DNA of Calvary Global Network. The CGN Mission & Methods Podcast is the official podcast of the Calvary Global Network (CGN). I look forward to the announcement of the new episode! The CGN Mission & Methods Podcast is the official podcast of the Calvary Global Network (CGN). What are the biblical and practical foundations for healthy leadership development in the local church? In this episode of the CGN Mission & Methods podcast, I sit down with Brian Brodersen and Kellen Criswell to discuss on of the theological streams that we belong to as a network, which is: Continuationism. New beginnings are ahead. What Does CGN Believe about Charismatic Gifts and Their Use in the Church Today? Legacy, Lessons and the Future of Calvary Chapel Missions in Eastern Europe.
For more information and registration, visit conference.calvarychapel.comNew episodes are being released every two weeks. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast, so each episode will be delivered to your device as soon as they come out. We talk about how Calvary Chapel has been privileged to be part of two great revivals: one in the United States in the 1960s & 70s, and another in Europe in the 1990s. This episode was recorded in January 2022, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing humanitarian crisis.
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