coney cafe pontiac fire

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Pontiac, MI 48341(248) 858-9595, 3600 Centerpoint Pkwy. , as well as the common used said Mark. Blvd. Listening to them and you don't know what to do.". Goodrich- Business was slow at Toms Coney Cafe on the afternoon of July 4. 303Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 837-29501220 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (704) 847-6961635 N. Martin Luther KingJr. Agents responded to the apartments on the reported explosion and fire at the maintenance shed. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 373-6900, 44555 Woodward Ave., Ste. "It was horrifying. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-9941, 263 W. Montcalm St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-8100, 1450 E. Highwood Blvd. Blvd. Mark was one of the key rescuers that got Andy out of the fire,? Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 454-1000, 500 S. Opdyke Rd. Blvd. said Claudia. So, owner Mark Nikaj decided to close up the local eatery at about 3:15 p.m., before heading home to the Lancaster Lakes Apartments in Independence Township. Todd Enterprises LLC/ Centerbrook Mortgage Co. 28 N. Saginaw St., Ste. said Mark. A 58-year-old Pontiac man suffered a broken leg.

Other residents were moving the parked cars near the building because they were just too close. 0, The Last of Us Part I gets official eleven-minute features and gameplay video, Further information on how we and our partners collect and use data can be found in our 10Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 335-0632, 206 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 496-6538, 44765 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 332-7173, 92 Whittemore St. Pontiac, MI 48343 (248) 334-1284, 35 S. Johnson St., O-C Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 333-7222, 221 Willard St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 451-7130, 168 E. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 830-6248, 212 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-6101, 101 W. South Blvd. The quiet holiday afternoon came to an abrupt end shortly after the family was inside their apartment.

(e in b.c))if(0>=c.offsetWidth&&0>=c.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{d=c.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;"pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);d=d.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+d;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.g.height&&d<=b.g.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e), I heard someone screaming from inside the burning shed, Oh my God, please help me,?? ,3 minutes ago Two Pontiac men in their 60s were taken to the hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation. I think the owner (Scott Pike, of Oxford) tried to hit it with a fire extinguisher, but he couldnt stop it.? Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 334-9035, 1073 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-4144, 767 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 253-1220, 730 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-9736, 759 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 322-2450, 1626 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 364-0188, 785 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 812-0081, 5 W. Walton Blvd. His brother, Burton resident Lee Marvin Impola, is currently in serious condition at Detroit Receiving Hospital. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 335-0300, 454 N. Cass Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-4304, 451 E. Wilson Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 335-8330, 770 Orchard Lake Rd. Once outside, others helped move the man farther away from the building as more explosions were occuring.

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The Michigan Department of Corrections says the home is not contracted or paid for by their department and that the parolees paid to stay there on their own. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 335-1111, 111 S. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 975-9300, 420 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 481-9004, 50 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 338-5000, 1430 Joslyn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 377-9700, 3 S. Telegraph Rd. said Claudia Nikaj, who translated for her father Mark, a native Albanian now living in Clarkston. The Country Coney, located at 1040 S. Lapeer Road, just south of Drahner Road, caught fire around 7:52 p.m. following repairs to some natural gas piping inside the restaurant, which was closed at the time, according to Oxford Fire Chief Jack LeRoy.

Pontiac, MI 48342 (818) 853-0229, 7 Ruth Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 332-5610, 211 N. Cass Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 322-3080, 2600 Centerpoint Pkwy. 600Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 333-2230, 760 Joslyn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 334-0509, 250 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-4573, 670 E. Walton Blvd. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 499-6041, 1903 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 475-7227, 750 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-5797, 771 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 454-1191, 1019 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 451-0200, 398 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 332-4200, 20 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-4235, 144 E. Pike St.Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-0568, 900 Joslyn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 335-9493790 Joslyn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 335-9493, 44400 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341(248) 858-2323, 44555 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-4559, 53 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 236-1495, 585 E. South Blvd.

Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 333-7893, 630 E. Walton Blvd. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 333-2176, 146 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342(248) 334-5580, 101 E. Walton Blvd. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 335-9421687 University Dr. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-1770, 324 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-2730, 625 Orchard Lake Rd. Neither victim has been identified. I did not think twice about heading in thereso when I went in, I saw a guy sitting on the floor with his head in his handshis back was on fire. said Mark.

Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 738-3700, 1501 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 332-2543, 350 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 332-1780, 63 Oakland Ave. Pontiac, Mi 48342 (248) 338-9311, 185 Cherokee Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 818-1134, 3555 Centerpoint Pkwy. If anyone suspects such activity, they need to speak up. Blvd.Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 454-0855757 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 338-1043, 1905 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 373-8085, 706 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 421-7751, 362 N. Telegraph Rd. Tim Miner was one of them. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 454-8391, 752 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 481-611423 S. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 680-9400, 3800 Centerpoint Pkwy. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 758-1550, 278 E. Walton Blvd. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}} EPontiac, MI 48341 (248) 640-4579, 114 Orchard Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 451-1022, 308 W. South Blvd. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 334-8327, 75 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 874-1073, 892 W. Huron St.Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-3917, 41 S. Telegraph Rd. "I feel like we need to investigate this and see what happened," James said. 100Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 333-2996, 318 Irwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 335-9520, 715 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-4250, 46777 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 332-7931, 1097 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340(248) 332-0300, 363 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 454-0258, 250 N. Telegraph Rd.

Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 333-2028, 1650 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 340-8772, 621 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 451-9232, 19 N. Saginaw, Ste. The fire was in there and it was going good.?

Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-4592, 325 E. Pike St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-1630, 1101 Joslyn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 858-2998, 722 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-5705, 317 Whittemore St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 454-8004, 532 Franklin Rd.Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 858-9849, 45632 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 338-3003, 1260 Stanley Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 335-0882, 1915 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 334-9515, 324 N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 454-9890, 44555 Woodward Ave., Ste. he said. LeRoy said.

Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-1577, 32 W. Tennyson Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 625-697936 W. Tennyson Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 625-6979330 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 625-6979336 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 625-6979354 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 625-697986 Seneca St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 625-6967, 804 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 499-8312, 1035 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 332-8668, 800 S. Opdyke Pontiac, MI 48341 (586) 344-3634, 1350 E. Walton Blvd. From there, the fire traveled through the ceiling tiles into an empty space between the restaurants original roof and a newer roof with a steeper pitch that was built directly over it. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 333-0997, 580 E. Walton Blvd.Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 371-0400, 466 N. Telegraph Rd.Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-4139, 92 W. Walton Blvd. It was less than two minutes before that building was completely gone.? Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-9826, 815 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 836-2200, 926 Featherstone Rd. Everything I own is in that house, I have nothing, Miner said.

According to a report from the Oakland County Sheriffs Office, deputies, the Independence Township Fire Department, and A.T.F. 103Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 253-9600, 44200 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341(248) 409-3295, 486 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 335-9970, 44555 Woodward Ave., Ste.

Firefighters were reportedly trying to put out hot spots Sunday morning at Coneys Cafe in Pontiac, just off West Walton Boulevard near North Telegraph. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 338-2665, 360 N. Martin Luther KingJr. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 338-1800, 260 E. Walton Blvd. 304Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 858-3878, 44555 Woodward Ave., Ste. The shed was destroyed and was complicated by the combustibles in the shed. Pontiac, MI 48341(248) 858-8664, 44784 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 334-2592, 1 Silverdome Indust. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 499-9729, 21 W. Montcalm St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 334-5020, 679 University Dr. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 857-9500, 1642 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 481-6728, 1630 N. Perry St.Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 651-2328, 254 N. Telegraph Rd.

Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 858-4120, 1556 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 338-6890, 184 W. Sheffield Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 758-1957, 1234 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48341 (248) 648-3040, 309 W. Walton Blvd. I cant see, I cant hear,? Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 339-5300, 470 University Dr. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 858-2350, 630 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342(248) 338-7846, 16 W. Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 705-5303, 822 Baldwin Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 335-6722, 1999 Centerpoint Pkwy.

3Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 451-9266, 1610 E. Highwood Blvd. Stay with Local 4 News and ClickOnDetroit for updates. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 334-4738, 945 University Dr. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 373-7220, 185 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Pontiac, MI 48326 (248) 335-8141, 55 Turk St.Pontiac, MI 48342 (582) 258-5500, 699 Auburn Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 332-9108, Completion House54 SenecaPontiac, MI 48342, 242 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342(248) 335-9156197 Cesar E. Chavez Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342(248) 335-9156, 212 W. Sheffield Ave. Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 373-9000, Click here to go to the list of local churches, 536 N. Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 745-9619, 1007 Baldwin Pontiac, MI 48340 (248) 481-3697, 550 S. Telegraph Rd.
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