static model in software engineering

For example, a landline phone switching system responds to events such as 'receiver off hook' by generating a dial tone. System boundaries are established to define what is inside and what is outside the system. Bo = oil volume factor; the factor used to convert reservoir volumes of oil to surface (stock tank) conditions. The lower-level classes are subclasses inherit the attributes and operations from their superclasses. As the air continues to flow around the train, the thickness of the boundary layer gradually increases. However, if the cross-sectional area of the wind tunnel is smaller, the model's congestion index is larger, the air near the sidewall is more disturbed by the train, the air velocity is high, and the boundary layer is thicker, and these may interfere with the boundary layer of air flows around the train and affect the test results. Measurements of off-gas are typically used at converters with tight or closed hood construction, which prevents the CO in the off-gas to burn to CO2. The resulting static models may then be analyzed statistically to generate the following values, which are used for subsequent economic analyses: P50 STOIIP: the value of the STOIIP for which there is a 50% chance that the true value lies either above or below the value.

The static representation does not take into account events and instruction sequencing that take place during execution of the implemented design model. the target end carbon and temperature; eventually P, Ti, V, Mn, etc.

Some other classes of uncertainty are analyzed in Tsypkin (1984) and Devyaterikov and Poznyak (1985). Models are built to facilitate understanding of the problem so as to build a solution for it. Closed hood enables off-gas recovery and storage and utilization of the energy of unburned CO for heating purposes or in power stations to generate electricity. Expected STOIIP: the value of the STOIIP derived by taking the integral of the probability density function for the STOIIP times the STOIIP. The distribution of oxygen between carbon, other hot metal impurities and iron is controlled by the thermodynamic affinities of individual oxidation reactions as well as by the mass transfer of oxidizing elements in the iron bath and in other oxidation zones, i.e., in the slagmetalgas emulsion and at the interfaces. The static model is represented graphically showing object icons and their relations with other objects. Generally, the end-point control is based on a static charge model and standardized practice of the blow, i.e., even dynamic models use a, 3D printing technology for heterogeneous parts, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Models, 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Advanced Mathematical Tools for Automatic Control Engineers: Stochastic Techniques, Volume 2, Semi-Active Suspension Technologies and Models, Semi-Active Suspension Control Design for Vehicles, Methods and Tools for Hydrogen Supply Chain Design, Experimental technologies of high-speed trains for dynamic performance, Dynamics of Coupled Systems in High-Speed Railways. From a general perspective, they are addressed as simulation oriented models. The static charge models have rather limited accuracy to predict the end-point conditions of a blow as the dynamics of the progress of the blow is not included in the model. 7.32 shows how RGB color mode is converted to CMYK color mode. The off-gas temperature rises up and has its highest value during the intensive carbon oxidation period. Static model with hysteresis (Shuqui et al., 2006). An example of an object model diagram for the simplified ATM application is shown in Figure 6-2. Often called the high case. HSC design has to be considered under dynamic conditions with demand exhibiting different realization at each period from deployment to maturity. This model conversion is actually a reverse operation. The blow is stopped when the suggested amount of oxygen has been reached. Context models simply show the other systems in the environment, not how the system being developed is used in that environment. Another static view, which is used to illustrate object decomposition, is shown in Figure 8-5, and provides a more detailed look at the ATM Machine object. Corollary 13.11. Fig. Patient data has been collected (personal information, treatment summary); 1. A similar effect can be seen by off-gas analysis if carbon oxidation rate dC/dt is calculated continuously. Generalization is an everyday technique that we use to manage complexity. Beyond these static models, planning models over multiple periods have been developed. If the sublance measurement shows significant deviation from the initially calculated trajectory, corrective actions are immediately performed, such as adjustment of the amount of rest oxygen blow, cooling additions, or exothermic additions (FeSi). The control of slag behavior during the blow, especially slag foaming control and avoidance of slag slopping, is also important. Terms frequently used are proven reserves, developed reserves, scope for recovery reserves, probable reserves, and possible reserves. The printer currently is able to print hundreds of material combinations. In energy supply planning and design, coupling between investment/design decisions and operating decisions constitutes an interesting challenge due to the multiscale nature of the problem. valid for any f, , and any noise distribution density p (for which the integrals have a sense), for f:p(x)/p(x) after integrating by parts it follows that, Taking (x):=sign(x) in (13.145) and using the identity, So, the noise distribution value within P1 is p*(x) . This type of file format constructs surfaces of a model through a series of simple triangular facets, and the files are then transferred to a rapid prototyping system for slicing, which transforms the triangular facet information into layers that contain contours of the model. Such measurements are performed typically 2min before the predicted blow end and it thus gives the operator the position of the process of that moment in the temperaturecarbon field. The dynamic blow-end control needs a thermochemical model combined with a statistical model (neural network, fuzzy logic) connecting the measured values with the end-point goal properties, end temperature, and carbon contentin some practices phosphorus content is also included. So, the value of the noise distribution within P1 is p*(x) Lemma is proven. In the far field of the train, when the train induced air flow passes through the sidewall, a boundary layer is also formed on the wind tunnel sidewalls, as shown in Fig.7.24 (C). These relations are referred to as associations in some of the methods. (C) Dynamic model 2. Toby Darling, in Well Logging and Formation Evaluation, 2005. The accuracy of the end-point is also affected by uncertainties in the mass, composition, and temperature of charge components, hot metal, scrap, and fluxes. Module architecture diagram for ATM application, J. Pieter Schmal, Peter J.T. Interactions between objects are indicated by annotated arrows. This may be used for OOA models during the domain and requirements analysis, where the emphasis is placed on finding the key real-world abstractions. This is all illustrated on real data from a condenser described by 6 state variables and where 300 sensors were involved. The static and dynamic modeling methods described in previous chapters are used in the following CAD modeling examples.

Static model method in Chapter 3 is used to build a model shown in Fig. The functions access these data and manipulate those. For a symmetric distribution, this will equal the P50 value. Taking in (13.145) (x)=x for all pP2 we get, Corollary 13.9. Models can explain the system from different perspectives: Five types of UML diagrams that are the most useful for system modeling: Models of both new and existing system are used during requirements engineering. The position of the system boundary has a profound effect on the system requirements. This paper gives a short conceptual description of how to aggregate the points in the state-input space to recognize validated, non-validated and invalidated domains. Aggregation is depicted for a whole-part relationship between the ATM Machine and the components Customer Display, Transaction, and Printer. Process models reveal how the system being developed is used in broader business processes. These lower-level classes then add more specific attributes and operations. Static Modeling, compared to the traditional approach where we analyze the problem procedurally(from when an event happens to when an event ends), offers another perspective to view the system that we need to model structural. The oxidation reactions as a whole are controlled by the oxygen blow (either through the lance or bottom tuyeres or both). The parameter [0,1] characterizes the level of the effect of a dirtying distribution q(x) to the basic one pN0x, where is a solution of the transcendent equation.

shapes case use software jacobson uml diagrams engineering examples symbols 3d modeling block draw soft oriented object edrawsoft easily rich The major disparity is that the printhead ejection and the droplet solution are different. Software Engineering. They show what happens or what is supposed to happen when a system responds to a stimulus from its environment. The thicker the boundary layer near the wind tunnel sidewalls, the easier it is to interfere with the flow around the train. which take into account different oxygen and heat requirements of different heats. 3d layout envisioncad civil autocad tabs tip Two types of stimuli: Many business systems are data-processing systems that are primarily driven by data. Learn on the go with our new app. However, in the static model wind tunnel, when air flows through the sidewalls, a layer of laminar flow to turbulent flow is formed on the sidewalls, because of the effect of air viscosity, as shown in Fig.7.24 (B). From a technological view, Dutt and Subramanian(2015) talked about the advantages of a OO(Object-oriented analysis) model over a procedural model: In procedural model, the system behavior or capability is fragmented into multiple methods or functions, with which the data is divided into separate structures. Charge calculations, sublance, drop sensor, and off-gas measurements were described already. It needs to be converted to CMYK color mode so as to be recognized by the printing system. Medical receptionist, patient records system (PRS). Defining a system boundary is a political judgment since there may be pressures to develop system boundaries that increase/decrease the influence or workload of different parts of an organization.

Stratasys has developed the worlds first 3DP device that combines color printing with multimaterial 3DP. This proved tractable, but showed also that larger problems need further computational or conceptual development. (2015). Thus the entire reaction system is very complex which makes the prediction of the end-point chemical composition and temperature of the crude steel a quite demanding task. Object model of ATM application. It is about representing a system using some kind of graphical notation, which is now almost always based on notations in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Fig.13.2. Likewise, OWC for oil and GWC for gas, GOC = gas oil contact; the depth below which any gas in the reservoir will be dissolved in the oil, Gross thickness = the total thickness of the formation as encountered in a particular well, Net thickness = the part of the gross thickness that contains porous rock subject to given cutoff criteria, Pay thickness = the part of the net thickness that is considered to be capable of producing hydrocarbons in a particular well. Figure 8-6. The petrophysicist plays a part in the preparation of the well proposal in specifying which logs need to be acquired in the various hole sections. In object-oriented languages, such as Java, generalization is implemented using the class inheritance mechanisms built into the language.


At the end of the last train, the air forms the strong turbulent wake. or a summary of the patient's diagnosis and treatment. Inheritance and aggregation model. Color model conversion can refer to the following: The 1 in the formula refers to the maximum brightness level. Modeling example of heterogeneous entity. As there are still several uncertain parameters, which are difficult to measure or to define, statistical analyses of the actual process data and operational experiences should be used to fit the parameters. Occasionally, it is necessary to transform a color mode in order to output images correctly in different situations. Additional terminology that comes into play includes: Reserves = the part of the STOIIP or GIIP that may be actually produced for a given development scenario. Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures. The receptionist does not have the necessary security credentials. The above analysis indicates that although the movement model wind tunnel is closer to the real vehicle test than the static model wind tunnel, the cross-sectional area of the wind tunnel must also be large enough to overcome the sidewall effect. A static model used to illustrate object decomposition is shown in Figure 6-3, and represents a more detailed look at the ATM Machine object. Event-driven models shows how a system responds to external and internal events. Each design icon depicts the interface used for receiving and sending messages to and from the object encapsulated within the icon boundary. These introduce a dynamical state in the model description.

Therefore, it will make things simpler if I first go through some of the basic terms that will be used throughout this book.

A common direct method is to measure temperature, carbon content, and/or oxygen activity of the iron bath by using a sublance-sensor technique or drop-in sensor. When a 3D part is designed with 3D modeling software, the geometry of the model can be obtained through data interfaces such as STL and VRML97. Binder jetting (3DP) is one of them. Figure7.24. Whereas static model validation is well developed, dynamic models remain difficult to satisfactorily validate especially when it concerns large scale systems common in chemical engineering. Sustainable Natural Gas Reservoir and Production Engineering, Treatise on Process Metallurgy: Industrial Processes, An optimal blow means direct hitting in the desired target range of the end-carbon content and end temperature without any extra operations during the blow. Fig.13.5. Types of interactions that can be represented in a model: Use cases were developed originally to support requirements elicitation and now incorporated into the UML. Fig.13.4. Structural models may be static models, which show the structure of the system design, or dynamic models, which show the organization of the system when it is executing. Sergio M. Savaresi, Luc Dugard, in Semi-Active Suspension Control Design for Vehicles, 2010. Another form of a static model is the module architecture diagram shown in Figure 8-6. Models help the analyst to understand the functionality of the system; they are used to communicate with customers. Models of the new system are used during requirements engineering to help explain the proposed requirements to other system stakeholders.

Off-gas temperature measurement is another method which can be used for end-point determination. It has a benefit that the converter need not be tilted for sampling. Module architecture diagram for ATM application, Heikki Jalkanen, Lauri Holappa, in Treatise on Process Metallurgy: Industrial Processes, 2014. The color 3DP rapid prototyping system processes color information in CMYK mode during printing. However, the situation is different when the ejection testing bed is placed in the pipeline in NLRT. In this paper, we focus on demarcating the domain where a model is considered validated, whereby we extend an existing methodology for static systems to dynamic systems. The sensor can be brought to see the liquid metal via the oxygen lance or through the converter wall, e.g., bottom nozzles. Figure 6-4. Models of the existing systems help clarify what the existing system does and can be used as a basis for discussing its strengths and weaknesses. System modeling is the process of developing abstract models of a system, with each model presenting a different view or perspective of that system. An object class can be thought of as a general definition of one kind of system object. A full mathematical description of an electronic shock absorber (including the nonlinear behaviors) is not a trivial issue and it has been a topic explored by intensive research activities in the recent past. Fig.13.3. The static model represents the relations between real-world objects in analysis and design, including their attributes and operations. In addition, he mentions that a static model defines the classes in the system, the attributes of the classes, the relationships between classes, and the operations of each class. First-order nonlinear dynamical models (Ahmadian and Song, 1999; Koo et al., 2004b). The name of the object is given in the top of the rectangle, the attributes in the middle part, and the operations in the bottom part (operations are not included here). The process is shown in Fig. Figure 8-4. The figure shows that when the air flows around the train, the air close to the surface of the train remains static due to the viscosity of the air, and the air velocity increases from zero to undisturbed flow speed in the thin boundary layer between the vehicle and the air. The two-dimensional cross section forming process obtained after 3DP systems slicing is similar to the process of color image printing by inkjet printers. Sonic meter or noise measurement is a common method to detect the slag foaming: without foaming slag an intensive noise is generated from the supersonic oxygen jets, but when foaming slag covers the lance, the noise is damped [24]. Class P4 (of all symmetric approximately uniform distributions): is the centered uniform distribution and q(x) is another distribution density. Additionally, there are available several other important parameters and corresponding techniques: follow-up slag condition; sonic meter, lance vibration sensor, induction coil, lance cooling water temperature measurement, microwave radar, optical, or IR camera, surface level of hot metal bath; traditional stick method with oxygen lance, radar, distance measurement by laser, induction coil. Sommerville, I. Therefore, in the wind tunnel test, the congestion index between the model and the wind tunnel needs to be less than 5% and the corresponding measures should be taken to absorb the boundary layer of the sidewalls. A common method to improve the hitting rate with static models is adaptability utilizing the data of few previous heats to fix certain parameters. The nonlinear transformation * for class P3. They show other systems that are used or depend on the system being developed. The adaptive model is efficient especially considering the influence of continuous changes in process conditions such as lining wear, change of the lance height, and eventual skull formation. An example of an object model is shown in Figure 8-4 for an ATM system, and illustrate the major objects and their relations or associations. In Figure 1.4.17, the information necessary for static and dynamic modeling of converter blows and the main tools used in dynamic control of BOP as well as slag height control are shown schematically.
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