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For the control of various diseases of grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucurbits, avocados, mangoes, passionfruit and poppies as per the Directions for Use. Excellent preventative and curative control on a broadspectrum of disease pathogens. 0000030031 00000 n
0 8 YjtQea?Fca?Fc,g1::4~z9=:e It is a systemic fungicide and delivers both curative and preventative control of diseased plants. 0000024125 00000 n
For product recommendations, sprayable fungicide application tips, or to answer any other related inquiry, contact us today! ENCLAVE is a broad-spectrum fungicide that gives you a powerful weapon in the Flex-Guard is a preventive contact fungicide for golf course use that provides Pendant SC is powered by the naturally-occurring active ingredient, Ipro 2 fungicide delivers fast-acting, long-lasting control of brown patch, ProFlex is your solution for mosquitoes and other top pests Control Solutions, Inc. introduced ProFlex, the companys first commercialized ZC formulation, in 2018. 0000027351 00000 n
Lawn care professionals, sports turf managers, and golf course superintendents love the innovation and post-patent formulations offered to them by Quali-Pro. Get preventive and curative control over unwanted, unsightly plant diseases with Tebuconazole Fungicide. Tebuconazole 3.6 F kills and prevents disease pathogens with rapid uptake to ensure they dont return. 0000035220 00000 n
Tebuconazole 3.6F is a fungicide that delivers excellent preventative and curative control on a broad-spectrum of disease pathogens. On this page, we will touch on some background information on Tebuconazole and why it works so well to eliminate fungi and disease. 0000005453 00000 n
Tebuconazole has a residual effect of up to 30 days after application. Tebuconazole is a flexible fungicide that can be used for both curative and preventative fungus control. 0000034244 00000 n
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If too much active ingredient is absorbed into the plant, it can cause phytotoxicity, poisoning the plant. hb```a``
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Start by discovering more sprayable fungicides from Quali-Pro to experience their dedicated service and innovative formulations. With rapid turf uptake that provides up to three weeks of residual disease control, you can properly eradicate pesky fungal diseases and prevent them from returning to keep your turf healthy, green, and thriving. 0000005564 00000 n
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Depending on the targeted disease, there should see a noticeable improvement in your plant's health in one to three weeks. 0000011066 00000 n
Tebuconazole is a fungicide that is known as a DMI (demethylation inhibiting fungicide).
Copyright 2019. Because Tebuconazole is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide, it is designed to kill a large variety of turfgrass diseases and fungal types.
0000025147 00000 n VAd5EQ5+(USD@#:/{Z>QtOl(Idd0SGR'x97e36jx 4w)dS|9pQ-q/Shi4A$VdL.[qB. With golf & turf products to eliminate disease, insects, and weeds, and lawn & landscaping products to provide reliable, affordable options to keep lawns green and clean, youll find highly efficient, cost-effective solutions to all of your problems. For3-4oldtreesapplyFolicur20mlmixwith2lofwaterand40mlwith4lwaterfortressolderthan5, No. 0000001256 00000 n 0000025273 00000 n 0000020746 00000 n 0000028229 00000 n The active ingredient found in Tebuconazole 3.6 F label is 38.7% Tebuconazole. Because of this mode of action and rapid uptake, Tebuconazole Fungicide provides up to three weeks of residual disease control on turf applications! For the control/supression of Eyespot, Leaf Rust, Leaf Scald, Net form of Net Blotch, Powdery Mildew, Septoria Nodorum Blotch, Septoria Leaf Blotch, Septoria Tritici Blotch, Spot form of Net Blotch, Stem Rust, Stripe Rust and Yellow Spot in Barley, Oats and Wheat as per the Directions for Use. As a result, the formation of fungus is slowed and eventually stopped. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. Spray monthly for preventative control of listed diseases, but do not apply more than 16 oz. SystemicFungicidewithProtectiveandCurativeaction, Nospecificantidote. 0000002850 00000 n It has moderate toxicity with protective, curative and eradicative efficacy. Frustrating lawn diseases like brown patch can be unsightly and if nothing is done about it, they can start to spread over your entire yard. 0000044446 00000 n 25, Foster Lane, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. It treats a broad range of fungal diseases such as Rust, Sheath Blight, Spots, Anthracnose, and Ikka. Our team of industry experts and our panel of professional vendors understand your daily challenges, and we are here to provide solutions to all of your needs. Solutions & Supplies for the Green Industry, M-F: 7:00 am - 4:30 pm 0000004917 00000 n Quality products arent enough you get the unparalleled customer service our second-to-none staff offers.. Rapid uptake in turf provides up to three weeks of residual disease control. This is where a powerful fungicide active ingredient like Tebuconazole comes in handy. 0000030345 00000 n Tebuconazole Fungicide is a systemic foliar fungicide of the Triazole chemical group. Tebuconazole 3.6 F Labels Active Ingredient Quali-Pro gives professionals in the industry the widest array of active ingredients, backed by university research and a dedicated staff, to deliver exceptional results where they matter most. Sat: 7:00 am - 11:00 am. Stop pests in their tracks and increase your bottom line with cost-effective formulations you can count on. ApplicationGuidelines:Apply10mlFolicur,mixwith1lofwaterfor1-2yearoldplants. Use Tebuconazole outdoors on turf and ornamental plants to control various fungal diseases like Brown Patch, Gray Leaf Spot, and Powdery Mildew. Diseases Controlled with Tebuconazole Label With Tebuconazole, you can prevent and eradicate fungi in the following application sites: Tebuconazole is not meant for residential use or use on playgrounds, parks, or athletic fields. trailer <<647C126711FD42BA87D2487FEB089823>]/Prev 1286008>> startxref 0 %%EOF 89 0 obj <>stream 0000003955 00000 n molds. 0000028863 00000 n &t!4%{58lhY48]bU=[-@ceX;Smxr XFqx,G0y(UthM!No:IY&`V'61$]+3 Meki^n2a:&6Osmo .u!K? 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Whether that starts with Tebuconazole fungicide or other turf and landscaping chemicals, were here to help you achieve healthy, disease-free turf grasses and beautiful landscaping while saving you time, energy, and money. Wuo$.:rv1|j+XvW=? 0000026637 00000 n 0000013407 00000 n 0000005305 00000 n Tebuconazole is helpful against diseases but only at the proper rates. It is a systemic fungicide that controls and kills off fungi, bacteria, and viruses that commonly affect plants. Anthracnose, Fusarium Patch, Gray leaf spot, Snow H\n0y\48=HbP0QE|Q?E\~V This can take 2-5 hours depending on moisture levels and temperatures.". 0000006737 00000 n 42 48 Its low use rates and easy to mix formulation makes Tebuconazole 3.6F convenient to apply. It is classified as a Demethylation inhibitor (DMIs) which inhibits enzymes to form cell membranes.
HUMo7Ak )@/(u|()~<>Rsia "?3Da E>r ij%!7X 0000026976 00000 n 0000014646 00000 n Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. . 0000000016 00000 n 0000028976 00000 n Rapid uptake in turf provides up to three weeks of residual disease control. 0000030966 00000 n For the control of Target Spot of Potatoes and Tomatoes, Leaf Blight of Carrots, Leaf Spot Diseases of Bananas and Husk Spot on Macadamias. Treatsymptomatically, ApplicationGuidelines:Forpluckingfields,apply7-14daysinterval, TimeofApplication:Timeintervalbetweenapplications:3-4monthsafter1stapplicationandcan. After How can lawn care professionals properly identify fire ants. Tebuconazole is used in a number of different popular fungicide products to control fungi, bacteria, and viruses affecting plants. 0000030710 00000 n Tebuconazole is an active ingredient from the triazole family of fungicides. a|jzk7v-AiH@qxw %PDF-1.5 % g87Fo*vQL28,SmN_/7U=}J*QyZHv*i~^8T:7b[\,L#D. For the control of leaf spot and leaf speckle on bananas; rust; leaf spot and net bloch of peanuts; foliar diseases on cereal crops; and other diseases on beans, lettuce, peas, onions, paw paw, pyrethrum and rye grass and fescue seed crops as specified in the Directions for Use table. Here you can also shop the top-recommended fungicide product we have that contains Tebuconazole. 42 0 obj <> endobj xref Tebuconazole works by affecting the cell walls of fungi, suppressing spore germination and fungus growth that eventually slows and stops the formation of fungus. Tebuconazole Fungicide offers excellent control on a broad spectrum of disease pathogens that often interrogate your turf and pose as a threat to other flourishing areas of turfgrass. Some plants are sensitive to the active ingredient so be sure to read the label before application. endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj [/ICCBased 64 0 R] endobj 52 0 obj <> endobj 53 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <>stream 0000005340 00000 n It also interferes with the production of ergosterola molecule essential to the formation of fungus. W227 N6225 Sussex RoadSussex, WI 53089-3969, customerservice@reinders.common-fri: 7-4:30 | sat: 7-11 Store Details Here | sun: closed, Quali-Pro - Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide - 20 LB CASE, Quali-Pro - Enclave Fungicide - 2.5 GAL JUG, Quali-Pro - Fosetyl-AL 80 WDG Fungicide - 22 LB CASE, Quali-Pro - Chlorothalonil 720 SFT Fungicide- 2.5 GAL Jug, Bayer - Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide - 2.5 GAL JUG, Quest - Stress Master Uptake Enhanced Fertilizer with UTE, Control Solutions - T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator - 2.5 GAL JUG, Prokoz - Transom 4.5 F Fungicide - 2.5 GAL JUG, Quali-Pro - Pac-Low Plant Growth Regulator - 1 GAL BTL, Quali-Pro - Flex-Guard Fungicide - 1 GAL Jug, Quest - Main Event Dry Iron 10% Micros - Case of 10 - 3 LB PACKETS, Quali-Pro - Foursome Plus Turf Pigment - 1 GAL Jug, Bayer - Proxy Growth Regulator - 2.5 GAL Jug, Quali-Pro - Ipro 2SE Fungicide - 2.5 GAL Jug, Labeled for use in warm and cool season grasses, Preventive and curative control with long-lasting residual, Multi-site activity is excellent for resistance management program.