simple past german verbs list

Was hat die Lehrerin gesagt (What did the teacher say)? Clara liegt das Buch auf den Tisch (Clara puts the book on the table). Also be careful to avoid the incorrect use of the German present perfect for English expressions like, "I have lived in Frankfurt for five years (now)." Some of these verbs can be used with or without the reflexive pronoun sich. It should be written with ei instead of ie.

For these verbs, only the infinitive needs to be learned. Sie verliert oft die Autoschlssel (She often loses the car keys). Ich habe ein Geschenk gesucht (I was looking for a gift). (She has invited many friends to the birthday party). Ich habe mir Deutschland anders vorgestellt, in Ruhestand gehen - to retire Warum fragst du sie nicht (Why dont you ask her)? Sie vergisst immer ihre Schlssel (She always forgets her keys). Mchten Sie etwas trinken (Would you like to drink something)?

Das Kind will nicht im Kinderwagen sitzen (The child does not want to sit in the stroller). In most cases, the past participle is placed at the end of the sentence: "Wir haben die ganze Nacht getanzt." Wann hast du mit Paul gesprochen (When did you talk to Paul)? Hast du etwas vergessen (Did you forget something)? really a fruitful list. 30.bringen (hat gebracht) to bring, take. Alle mgen ihn (Everybody likes him). perfekt german language verbs grammar     Wir sagen die Wahrheit (We are telling the truth). Oh my gosh, I cant believe that escaped my attention! Hast du deine Rechnungen schon bezahlt (Have you already paid your bills)? sich treffen (hat getroffen) to meet up. Ich habe mich schon immer fr Fremdsprachen interessiert (I have always been interested in foreign languages). 94. aufstehen (ist aufgestanden) to get up, stand up. .Dankbar, I just found your website, it really helps me a lot for studying Germans grammar and more. Er schickt eine Postkarte (He sends a postcard). Du siehst immer gut aus (You always look good).

Ich besuche meine Familie jeden Monat (I visit my family every month). The following verbs have a regular conjugation pattern in the present tense and you can see the past participle form in the brackets. If you live in a German-speaking country, just think about which verbs you use in your daily life and start with them.

Ich habe Urlaub genommen (I took a vacation). Wir sind gestern ins Theater gegangen (We went to the theater yesterday). Was denkst du daran (What do you think of that)? Es gibt zwei Wege, seine S, beobachten (beobachtete - hat beobachtet) - to obs, German vocabulary list for beginners: Clothing (PDF download), Top 50 German Accusative Verbs List PDF (+, Top 100 German Adjectives PDF (+examples), 50 German Dative verbs list PDF(+ examples &, German vocabulary list: House PDF (+ articles &, Whats the difference between wenn and als?(+exercise). Sie ist Lehrerin geworden (She has become a teacher). In the present tense, the prefixes of the following verbs are separated and put at the end of the sentence. Ich habe ihn gestern getroffen (I met him yesterday). I always recommend. Er ist vor 10 Jahren gestorben (He died 10 years ago). Ich gehe nach Hause (Im going home). Wann beginnt der Unterricht (When does the class start)? Wir haben die ganze Nacht lang getanzt (We danced all night long). Ich habe alle Wrter vor dem Test wiederholt (I revised all the words before the test). Very comprehensive and easy to study. In German that would be expressed in the present tense withseit: "Ich wohne seit fnf Jahren in Frankfurt.". Was habt ihr gestern gemacht (What did you do yesterday)? 72. heiraten (hat geheiratet) to marry, get married. Unlike English, the past tense ending is not always the same: I played =ich spielte, we played =wir spielten. Sie hat viele Freunde zur Geburtstagsparty eingeladen. Warum hast du deinen Geburtstag nicht gefeiert, ? Hast du schon etwas gegessen (Did you eat something)? Wir haben unseren Hund Charlie genannt (We named our dog Charlie). Danke vielmals! Darf ich auf dem Balkon grillen (May I have a barbecue on the balcony)? Er hat die Tr geschlossen (He closed the door). Flippo, Hyde. Ich reise gern (I like to travel). Ich habe 2 Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt, .

They are in the order of frequency except where verbs share common stems, in which case they are grouped together. Man nennt junge Hunde Welpen (Young dogs are called puppies). Thank you, one of the best I have found online. Wer hat dieses Lied gesungen (Who sung this song)? Ich habe mit meiner Mutter geredet (I talked to my mother). 96. (sich) vorstellen (hat vorgestellt) to imagine, to introduce. German Regular Verbs: Past Tenses. Ich kann nicht schwimmen (I cant swim). All regular verbs follow this same pattern:gesagt,gemacht,getanzt, etc. Only 3 weak verbs verbs that follow regular and predictable conjugation patterns in every verb tense are in the top 25 verbs. As in the present tense, each "person" (he, you, they, etc.) What do you see? Sie hat die Tasche auf den Boden gelegt (She put the bag on the floor). * schaffen is a weak verb when it means to manage (to do something). :). Die Touristen liegen am Strand (The tourists lay on the beach). 49. versuchen (hat versucht) to try, attempt. Ich habe meine Chefin gefragt (I asked my boss). To conjugate any regular verb in the simple past, you simply add the past-tense ending to the stem. The list of verbs is excellent and the lessons are great. Apart from their first meaning, sein, haben and werden are used as helping verbs to form different tenses. For preterite, just follow the example of kommen; the given form is kam, and the others are. "German Regular Verbs: Past Tenses." It has been fixed. requires its own ending on the verb.

german past tense imperfekt simple worksheets handout handouts 3.werden (wurde ist geworden) to become, to get. 7.sollen (sollte) to be supposed to, ought to, should. All regular German verbs follow the same pattern. Ich will dir etwas zeigen (I want to show you something). Kennst du Peter (Do you know Peter)? Ich bin gestern um 22.00 Uhr gekommen (I came at 22.00 yesterday). 45. stellen (hat gestellt) to put, place. Ich rufe meine Oma an (I call my grandma). Er erzhlt immer die gleiche Geschichte (He always tells the same story). If you are learning German by yourself and dont have a teacher, try to find a language exchange partner or a tutor online.

(I revised all the words before the test). Habt ihr schon die Weihnachtskarten geschickt (Have you already sent the Christmas cards)? Next, lets look at verb patterns. (To learn more aboutwhento use the simple past versus the present perfect (below), seeThe Two German Past Tenses.). Sie ist mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland geflogen (She flew to Germany by plane). Notice in the chart above that the German present perfect tense can be translated into English in two ways, with or without "have." Wie hat sie ausgesehen (How did she look like)?

Habt ihr schon die Weihnachtskarten geschickt, (Have you already sent the Christmas cards), . I would like to express my cordial thank you for the list of 100 German verbs. Was bedeutet Glck fr dich (What is happiness to you)?

Ich habe nicht genug geschlafen (I did not sleep enough). There are four (4) unique endings in the German simple past tense, one less than in the present tense (because the endings forichand the third person are identical in the past). Go through the list and mark the verbs that are most important for you. It has now been fixed. Also, remember that most German verbs use, Practice, practice, practice. Conjugating the German Verb Sehen, Meaning 'to See', Present Tense Verb Conjugations of German Regular Verbs, The Two German Past Tenses and How to Use Them, How to Conjugate "Stehen" (to Stand) in German, How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German, How to Conjugate the German Verb "Laufen" (to Run, Walk), How to Conjugate the Verb "Helfen" (to Help), German Verb Conjugation of Sprechen (To Speak), Schreiben (To Write) German Verb Conjugations, How to Conjugate "Beginnen" (to Begin) in German. Well do lots of fun and useful things with this list and the500 most common German words list in the coming days and weeks. Wem gehrt dieses Buch (Whose book is this)? Meine Mutter kocht gerne (My mother likes to cook). Wir haben lange in der Schlange gestanden, Ich bekomme immer viele Geschenke zum Geburtstag, . Sie arbeiten von Montag bis Freitag (They work from Monday to Friday). Hier darf man nicht rauchen (You are not allowed to smoke here). Learn German through English: 15 German adjectives you Dont make this mistake: 15 false friends in 60 common German abbreviations every German learner must know(PDF), German vocabulary list for beginners with articles: Family(download pdf), 7 best youtube channels to help you learn German ~ Spring To My Mind, Past tense in German: haben or sein (exercises PDF), 10 Instagram accounts that will help you learn German ~ Spring To My Mind, 20 German Dative verbs for beginners (PDF) + exercise, How Expat Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Language Quickly and Effectively - La Vernia One Source, How Expat Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Language Quickly and Effectively Open Centers, How Expat Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Language Quickly and Effectively - Instant Bulk Mailer Blog, How Expat Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Language Quickly and Effectively | Laptop Hustle, How Expat Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Language Quickly and Effectively | All The Way Digital, How Expat Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Language Quickly and Effectively My Blog, Top 50 German Accusative Verbs List PDF (+ past participle), 50 German Dative verbs list PDF(+ examples & past tense). It will teach you how to avoid mistakes with commas, prepositions, irregular verbs, and much more. Hast du Geschwister (Do you have siblings)? Ich habe meine Tochter zur Schule gebracht, . Wann stehst du normalerweise auf (When do you usually get up)? Sie tanzt Salsa (She dances salsa).

Of the top 100,37 of the verbs are weak. It includes all the forms of irregular verbs that are necessary to derive all remaining forms. Er ist 5 Kilometer gelaufen (He has run 5 kilometers). Du sollst nicht lgen (You should not lie). Ich kann mir das Leben ohne Handy nicht vorstellen (I cant imagine life without a mobile phone). And now, take a deep breath, the table itself: to receive a weekly summary of new articles, Follow me to get updates and engage in a discussion, You can use the image on another website, provided that you. Freundlichen gren.sie machen sehr gut Idee fr 500 verb sprachen deutsch. irregular verbs exercises english pdf Sie war gestern nicht da (She was not there yesterday). Er hat die Rechnung per E-Mail gesendet, . Spielst du Klavier (Do you play the piano)? Anna schliet das Fenster (Anna closes the window)., Vielen Dank, fr die Untersttzung unserer deutschen Sprache. 52. gehren (gehrte hat gehrt) to belong to. Sie hat mich gestern angerufen (She called me yesterday). (1)sein (to be) and (2)haben (to have) are both used as auxiliary verbs in forming the perfect tenses, and (3)werden (to become) is used as an auxiliary in forming the future tenses and the passive voice. Wer hat dieses Buch geschrieben (Who wrote this book)? Hat Ihnen das Essen geschmeckt (Did you like the food)? Habt ihr lange gewartet (Did you wait a long time)? Ich suche eine neue Wohnung (I am looking for a new apartment). Pay attention to stem-changing verbs and verbs with separable prefixes. The simple past tense endings are: -te(ich, er/sie/es), -test(du), -tet(ihr), and -ten(Sie, wir, sie [pl.]). List of countries with articles in German (+. Menschen mit Behi, die Stimme(n) - vote(s) Meine Familie fehlt mir sehr (I miss my family very much). Wir hoffen, mehr ntzliche Lektionen zu teilen Noch einmal eine welt danke Adeeb. In the case of a publication please name the author "Netzverb (" with link to https: // Alles wird gut (Everything will be fine). Was trinkst du gern (What do you like to drink)? Wir haben lange in der Schlange gestanden (We stood in line for a long time). Lovely site! . 100. Ich will Schauspielerin werden (I want to become an actress). Tschss! Once you learn the pattern for one regular German verb, you know howallGerman verbs are conjugated in the past. ein enttuschendes, enttuscht - disappointed 42. glauben (hat geglaubt) to believe, think. 70. senden (hat gesendet/gesandt) to send, post. Der Kellner bringt die Speisekarte (The waiter brings the menu). 92. anfangen (hat angefangen) to start, begin. Peter ffnet die Tr (Peter opens the door). Thepresent perfecttense gets its name from the fact that you combine the present tense of the auxiliary verb with the participle to form the tense. This is a great article and worthy of the time you clearly invested. The top 3 German verbs are not only words with common meanings in their own right but they also serve as auxiliary verbs in German. Er fhrt zur Arbeit mit dem Bus (He goes to work by bus). Like the auxiliary verbs, modal verbs are almost always used in combination with other verbs in forming the predicate in a sentence. Vielen Dank noch einmal! 90. tragen (hat getragen) to wear, carry. ThoughtCo, Feb. 7, 2021, Wie heit du (What is your name)? Anna spricht zu schnell (Anna speaks too fast). 4. knnen (konnte) to be able, to know. Keep on posting such meaningful words. The next two verbs are modal verbs:(4) knnen (can, to be able to) and (5) mssen (must, to have to).

When you learn a new German verb, learn the past tense form also, as many verbs are irregular. Please continue to write more helpful articles. Wo hast du Deutsch gelernt (Where did you learn German)? 65. verdienen (hat verdient) to earn, deserve. Flippo, Hyde. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Your email address will not be published. So the correct verb in infinitive should be: erscheinen as erschienen is the past participle of this verb not the infinitive! Jetzt ich habe die Gelegenheit Deutsch zu wieder lernen. Ich glaube dir (I believe you). It was hilarious and I still remember it.

Er studiert an der Universitt Wien (He studies at the University of Vienna). Vor 49 Jahren habe ich Deutsch in der Schule gelernt. Wo wohnst du (Where do you live)? Thanks a lot for all these knowledgeable grammar site which would be very fruitful for all German language learner student like me. The chart below shows a sample regular German verb in thesimple past tenseand thepresent perfect. Siehst du den Hund da (Do you see the dog there)? (sich) fhlen (hat gefhlt) to feel. Wir haben uns den Kuchen geteilt (We shared the cake). (It didn't matter. Liest du gerne Bcher (Do you like reading books)? Hast du gut geschlafen (Did you sleep well)? In the imperative, usually two forms are possible, one with e and one withoutif this is the case, the e is typeset gray. Thanks so much! Gestern hat den ganzen Tag die Sonne geschienen. Interestingly, in certain parts of southern Germany and Austria, this is treated as a weak verb (Die Sonne hat gescheint), which is not correct in written standard language, but is still widely used. Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English. 46. bekommen (hat bekommen) to get, receive. 26. denken ( dachte hat gedacht) to think. By the way, I have written several educational ebooks. Perfekt with sein: Exercise for beginners (PDF), 20 German Dative verbs for beginners (PDF), Past tense in German: haben or sein (exercises, Printable German grammar cheat sheet for beginners (PDF, Short introduction to German grammar terms. If you get a copy, you can learn new things and support this website at the same timewhy dont you check them out? Wir sind am Wochenende nach Mnchen gefahren, ? [] the verbs for the German beginner level, for example. Eek! Er steht im Stau (He is stuck in traffic). Sie hat eine Suppe gekocht (She cooked a soup). Was bedeutet dieses Wort (What does this word mean)? Hyde Flippo taught the German language for 28 years at high school and college levels and published several books on the German language and culture. Meine Mutter fliegt nicht gerne (My mother doesnt like flying). 41. liegen (hat gelegen) to lie, be located. Thanks again though- honestly- amazing list! Paul hat ber seine Reise nach Japan erzhlt, Ich versuche, jeden Tag Deutsch zu lernen, Das Kind will nicht im Kinderwagen sitzen, The child does not want to sit in the stroller), Seit 1957 gehrt das Saarland zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Since 1957, the Saarland belongs to Germany), Was erwartest du vom Leben in Deutschland, .

Brauchen Sie Hilfe (Do you need help)?

Today I put up a page on the 100 most commonly used German verbs. Wir bestellen Pizza (We order pizza). Ich habe gestern ein weies Kleid getragen (Yesterday I wore a white dress). Lets take a closer look at the verb list and seehow it can serve as a useful guide in learning German. Stem-changing verbs change the vowel in second and third person singular in the present tense. . Wir haben unsere Groeltern besucht (We visited our grandparents). Warum hast du mir nicht geglaubt (Why didnt you believe me)?

Wie fhlen sich Migranten in Deutschland, . Hast du alles richtig verstanden (Did you understand everything correctly)? Sie antwortet nicht (She doesnt answer). Some of them are also used in Simple Past in spoken German, so I included this form too. Warum vergleichst du dich immer mit anderen Menschen (Why do you always compare yourself with other people)? Ich bin nach Deutschland gereist (I traveled to Germany). Because these verbs occur so frequently, it is advisable to learn their various forms. Das Mdchen hat die Augen geffnet (The girl has opened her eyes). Er hat die Rechnung per E-Mail gesendet (He sent the bill by email). Ich mag Pizza (I like pizza). Ich dachte, du kommst aus den USA (I thought you were from the USA). If there is a specific reason why it should be remembered, it is red and the explanation why it has to be remembered is in the Notes column. The others are:(10) sollen (should, ought to), (11) wollen (to want), (24) drfen (may, to be allowed) and (28) mgen (to like). All regular German verbs have a basicpast participleform based on the third person singular form. Alle sterben frher oder spter (Everyone dies sooner or later). 36. lernen (hat gelernt) to learn, study. Here are those 63 irregular verbs with their principle parts. Wir haben noch keine Antwort bekommen (We didnt receive an answer yet). Warum vergleichst du dich immer mit anderen Menschen, (Why do you always compare yourself with other people), . Er kauft Brot in der Bckerei (He buys bread in the bakery). Thereare tons of them, definitely more than 60. Es spielte keine Rolle. Vielen Dank! 95. einladen (hat eingeladen) to invite. Wir heiraten Ende Juni (We marry at the end of June). In fact, many of the most anomalous German verbs occur in the top 100. ThoughtCo. Habt ihr das neue Lied von Mark Forster gehrt (Did you hear the new song by Max Forster)? 25. verstehen (hat verstanden) to understand. Wow, this webpage is very helpful. Was erwartest du vom Leben in Deutschland (What do you expect from life in Germany)? Wie viel kostet 1 kg Tomaten (How much does 1 kg of tomatoes cost)? There are many irregular verbs in German, and also many lists of them can be found on the Internet. Wir haben alles versucht (We have tried everything). Sie ist mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland geflogen, ? 76. wiederholen (hat wiederholt) to repeat, revise. Ich hatte keine Zeit (I had no time). ). Seit 1957 gehrt das Saarland zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Since 1957, the Saarland belongs to Germany). I bet itll help me a lot in understanding the words spoken in my german class (some of the students are very advanced). (78. erschienen erschien ist erschienen to appear), Thank you! Ich verstehe die Frage nicht (I dont understand the question). Sie haben in der Schweiz geheiratet (They got married in Switzerland). Ich stelle die Vase auf den Tisch (I put the vase on the table). Ich teile deine Meinung nicht (I dont share your opinion).

@2020 - German Word Of The Day. 97. interessieren (hat interessiert) to interest, sich interessieren (hat sich interessiert) fr etwas to be interested in something. Warum bist du am Wochenende zu Hause geblieben (Why did you stay home for the weekend)? Was hast du studiert (What did you study)? This one is, however, special in many respects. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. We have also included a helpful sample list of common regular verbs in German. Its much worthy for the people who r really want to learn. Mein Vater wird ba, enttuschend - disappointing [] German language. Extra pairs of eyes are always welcome. Whats the difference between machen and tun? Flippo, Hyde. Ich brauche mehr Zeit (I need more time). Seitdem habe ich kein Deutsch gesprochen oder gehren. Das schmeckt gut (It tastes good). 39. beginnen (hat begonnen) to begin, start. Ich sende dir ein SMS (I will send you a text message). Ich bin heute um 6.00 Uhr aufgestanden (I got up at 6:00 today). 61. vergleichen (hat verglichen) to compare. Sie hat mir noch nicht geantwortet (She has not answered yet). (2021, February 7). Das passiert manchmal (That happens sometimes). Laura gibt mir das Buch (Laura gives me the book). Diese Listen sind mir sehr ntzlich. *There are affiliate links on this page which means I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost for you. Top 100 German Verbs For Beginners PDF (with past participle & examples), .

Der Unterricht fngt um 12.00 Uhr an (Classes start at 12.00). Sie hat einen Fehler im Text gefunden (She found a mistake in the text). Er bezahlt die Rechnung (He pays the bill). Being able to recognize the principle parts of irregular verbs is essential to understanding them in a sentence. Warum hast du deinen Geburtstag nicht gefeiert (Why didnt you celebrate your birthday)? Love this list! Ich schreibe einen Brief (I write a letter). 16. heien (hie hat geheien) to be called, to mean. Warum bist du am Wochenende zu Hause geblieben, . Ich habe gestern ein neues Kleid gekauft, (Did you understand everything correctly), . Thank you for taking the time to point it out, Andy. Das wei ich leider nicht (Unfortunately I do not know it). Wir knnen am Samstag nicht kommen (We cant come on Saturday). Wohin hast du die Vase gestellt (Where did you put the vase)? "German Regular Verbs: Past Tenses." Since every sentence has a predicate i.e., verb parts and since the predicate largely determines the structure of each sentence and what other elements the sentence contains, any insights into the function and usage of verbs can contribute much to the understanding of the language. 22. antworten (hat geantwortet) to answer. Facebook hat mich an seinen Geburtstag erinnert (Facebook reminded me of his birthday). The weak verbs can thus be easily recognized in any tense or mood. Thank you very much. The difference between kennen and wissen + Worksheet How to introduce yourself in German (easy PDF German vocabulary list for beginners: Family (PDF download). Was machen Sie gerne (What do you like to do)? Add thege- prefix to that and you get the past participle:gespielt. Ich habe meine Haare gewaschen (I have washed my hair). Sie hat die Tasche auf den Boden gelegt, Wir vergleichen die Preise in Deutschland und in der Schweiz, (We compare the prices in Germany and Switzerland), . Ich habe gestern ein weies Kleid getragen, . Are all 100 entries now correct? 40.stehen ( hat gestanden) to stand, be. All tenses and moods are based on the infinitive stem. Thanks for your great work! Wie findest du diese Tasche (How do you like(find) this bag)? 87. vergessen (hat vergessen) to forget. Was ist gestern passiert (What happened yesterday)? These German verbs are confusing and difficult for many beginners to remember.

Ich bleibe morgen zu Hause (Ill stay home tomorrow). All Right Reserved.

I am sorry my English is not really good, but my German is much better and therefore I would like to draw your attention to the position of two letters in the word with number 78. Even though they have past participle form, they are mostly used in Simple Past tense when talking about past events. Es gibt fnf Lezionen und das Vokabular kommt wieder zurck. Ihr lernt Deutsch (You learn German). Maria trgt gerne Kleider (Maria likes to wear dresses). The subjunctive (Konjunktiv II) is usually formed using the wrde + verb construction, so it is not necessary to remember the simple form for all verbs. Please note: Some less common verbs were left out from the list. Wir feiern immer zusammen Weihnachten (We always celebrate Christmas together). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sie will dich nicht sehen (She doesnt want to see you). Wie oft wschst du deine Jeans (How often do you wash your jeans)? Ich lade dich zum Essen ein (I invite you for dinner). The popularity of these 9 verbs the auxiliaries and the modal verbs tells us that not only knowing these verbs but also knowing how to make sense of compound tenses and structures will be useful in making sense of German. Er nimmt den falschen Bus (He takes the wrong bus). 57. schlieen (hat geschlossen) to close, lock. This list includes only German abbreviations that [], [] Top 100 German verbs for beginners PDF []. Ich mchte etwas fragen (I would like to ask something). The content may be freely and permanently used, copied and modified and is suitable as Open Educational Resources (OER). Any regular German verb uses the basic -teending to form the simple past, similar to the -edpast ending in English. Ich habe meine Tochter zur Schule gebracht (I took my daughter to school). News, The content on this site is unless otherwise stated under the open license CC BY-SA 4.0 available ( . Das Handy liegt auf dem Tisch (The phone is on the table). To form the present perfect tense, you take the past participle (gespielt/played) and use it with an auxiliary or helping verb (usually a form ofhaben, sometimessein). Your email address will not be published. 32.besuchen (besuchte hat besucht) to visit. It is important to be strategic when you are learning a new language. Mein Sohn isst jeden Tag Schokolade (My son eats chocolate every day). Try to speak German as much as possible from the very beginning. "He played" thus becomeser spielte. Sie interessiert sich fr Kunst (She is interested in art). Wie fhlen sich Migranten in Deutschland (How do migrants feel in Germany)? Required fields are marked *. Ich habe ein Buch auf Amazon bestellt (I ordered a book on Amazon).

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