RMRHL is looking for individuals who are interested officiating games. If you have any questions, click here to Contact Us. Our staff can accept cash or card payments from individual players. Please send us an email at. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to use our facility for your event. If you sign up as a complete team then the team fee will be $1395.
and Ball Hockey SPRING 2022 seasons. Above all we offer novice through advanced skill levels. Indoor Goals is always looking for people interested in becoming roller hockey referees. We currently have roller hockey leagues for youth on Saturday morning. If you have experience as an official and would like more information, we'd love to talk to you. 0000000016 00000 n
Join anytime! If you have experience as an official and would like more information, we'd love to talk to you. Turkey Bowl 2021 - Saturday, 11/26/2022 . The IG Invitational over Memorial Day Weekend has teams from the Northwest & Canada coming in to compete. USA Roller Hockey membership is mandatory, beprepared to provide membership when you register/enroll in an RMR league. Registration is now open for all leagues. SUNDAY
0000073462 00000 n
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0000001815 00000 n
Just pick what you want. 0000384788 00000 n
Thank You. 58 54
Therefore check the website to see additional recreational opportunities for our community. How do I get the goalie discount? With a combination of practices and games, our programs will help kids develop their hockey skills in a motivating and positive atmosphere. All league fees are non refundable. iFrame.contentWindow : (iFrame.contentDocument.document) ? Just call our office to make your reservation! Please call 636-441-2530 for available times and reservations. Come in and check out our catalog or visit www.seskate.com. Goalies may receive 50% off code but are not eligible to skate out. Youth FREE Open Skate - Currently Postponed. Fees are only $200 per team or $50 per individual player. });
We currently have multiple divisions for all levels of play and age,
0000383973 00000 n
Any misuse of codes will result in the removal of any discount opportunities for all. Click here to see our Youth Flyer.
0000384326 00000 n
Please check the "Pick Up" link above or click here for more details. 60|fhw;yL]WtL`i``p#=g0R
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Our adult hockey leagues play Sunday and Monday evenings. 111 0 obj
You'll need to login, but then you can select the league you want to sign up for. We want to make sure that the kids have some open time to just be kids and have some fun. 0000101954 00000 n
Contact us if you have a team or if you would like to get on a team. 0000064472 00000 n
0000072852 00000 n
Likewise we have adult hockey leagues every day of the week. We have Gold, Silver and Bronze level divisions plus a noncompetitive (IDC) league where it's all about the fun. Enroll and pay $165 for the league at least one day prior to your first game. For more information, contact Bryan Heim. WINDY CITY WARRIORS - B
: Monday, June 6, 2022 - Sunday, July 17, 2022, Sunday, June 12, 2022 - Monday, August 29, 2022, Monday, July 25, 2022 - Tuesday, August 30, 2022, Monday, June 6, 2022 - Friday, September 30, 2022, If you have any questions, click here to Contact Us. We offer an adult beginner/developmental league on Tuesday. Learn To Play,8u, 11u, 13u and High School. 0000149900 00000 n
0000018582 00000 n
Sunday: 12:00 pm 7:00 pm, Great Skate Roller Rink var hiddenTabsDoneadvanced_iframe = false;
How do I get the player multi-league discount? North Hollywood, CA 91601. ROAD RUNNERS - D1
0000006225 00000 n
IMPORTANT NO HOCKEY: Easter, Mother's Day, & the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Click here to signup for Text and Email Communications. You'll need to login, but then you can select the league you want to sign up for. %%EOF
prepared to provide membership when you register/enroll in an RMR league. Sunday Games from 6:00-7:00pm or 7:00-8:00pm All players must have a current 2021 - 2022 AAU Hockey number. Pro-Shop / Snack Bar / Arcade We have a great selection of craft beer, concessions, pro shop, and professional referees for all divisions. :We will do everything we can to find you a team. 0000064358 00000 n
Click Here and sign-up as a free agent and we'll do our best to place you on a team. 0000101520 00000 n
0000001970 00000 n
Please go to the Arizona Inline Hockey Leagues page link on our website for a more detailed description of the skill levels for all our leagues. How do I get the goalie multi league discount? TEAM PIETRO- A
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, REGISTERING IS EASY! We can place your order for you. We can build a pair to suit you as well. Contact, 3226 North Fifth St (function() {var iFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); iFrame.style.display = 'none'; iFrame.style.border = "none"; iFrame.width = 310; iFrame.height = 256; iFrame.setAttribute && iFrame.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); iFrame.setAttribute('frameborder', '0'); setTimeout(function() {var contents = (iFrame.contentWindow) ? DPO - C1
We are always looking to add some coaches to help out the kids. aiReadyCallbacks.push(initResponsiveIframeadvanced_iframe); Home of Arizona Inline Hockey Peoria SportsPlex 623-878-2444 info@peoriasportsplex.com. Visit www.BigWheelHockey.com For Weekly Stats. This will be for 10 games and the top four teams in each division will make the playoffs. If fees are not paid you will not be eligible to play! 0000017711 00000 n
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This will select our 501(c)(3) non profit organization, Community Sports Foundation. Ordering is easy! There is no cost to attend. GLADSTONE BAKERS - E1
0000018696 00000 n
We rent our facility to community organizations, local sports teams, private clubs or to individuals to host events. xref
Contact information is available on the Contact us link of our website www.peoriasportplex.com. 0000017824 00000 n
No roster adds after game 5. It wont cost you anything and it will benifit the rink. We also accept text messages at 623-878-2444. Come join us for a great experience in recreational hockey. Simply click on "Register" in the menu above. We will continue to offer FREE weekly open skate for the kids every Friday. Reserve Pick-Up Hockey time by the hour, or join our Sunday 8:30-10am Group. : When registering for your second league or more, apply the multi-league coupon code SUMNET2to your check-out and you'll receive a 100% discount. DARKWING DUCKS- C
The Reign is a competitive roller hockey program that is committed to developing hockey players and providing them with competitive opportunities to broaden their experience and enhance their development. Please DO NOT register for a team until a league administrator has contacted you. 0000018918 00000 n
Please send us an email at info@rmrhl.com. Stop by our Pro Shop during hockey hours to check out our great selection of sticks, wheels, and other equipment that you might need for your game. The individual fee will be $175 per skater and individual goalies are FREE! All players must have current a AAU Hockey number. We are now taking payments and registrations for our upcoming Youth FALL Roller Hockey Season starting on September 3rd. If you're already registered, then enrolling in a program is easy. 0000001647 00000 n
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<. 130 Boone Hills Drive 0000018841 00000 n
The cost is typically split among the number of players in attendance. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, Visit www.BigWheelHockey.com For Weekly Stats. 0000101258 00000 n
58 0 obj
St. Peters, MO 63376 Great Skate is an excellent facility for multiple sports: Roller Hockey, Indoor Soccer or Dodgeball. Call us at the arena to inquire about drop in times. Any misuse of codes will result in the removal of any discount opportunities for all. hb``0b``[z}*`bl HFP $ X s@ J1f#nr
We sometimes have a team looking to add a player or two to their roster. 0000007825 00000 n
636-441-2530. function initResponsiveIframeadvanced_iframe() {
0000073437 00000 n
Subscribe to receive all news, special offers and other discount information. .errordiv { padding:10px; margin:10px; border: 1px solid #555555;color: #000000;background-color: #f8f8f8; text-align:center; width:360px; }
The Cage Roller Hockey Rink11455 W. Magnolia Boulevard
Must be properly suited up for "puck". ANGRY BEAVERS - DIV. 0000014060 00000 n
Please pay $165.00 for the first league that you enroll in then after that you may use the multi code. by AAU Hockey Inline. If fees are not paid you will not be eligible to play! Must wear shield or cage attached to helmet and a mouthpiece. 0000148216 00000 n
How Safe Is the Artificial Turf Your Child Plays On? It is $175 per player. If you are interested in participating in our Youth Roller Hockey program please let us know asap. Every Monday at 5pm. 0000018807 00000 n
0000004125 00000 n
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We also offer FREE equipment for any kids who want to come and try it out. Special Events All league fees are non refundable. Games for the Youth FALL 2022 season are played on weekends. Monday Saturday: 10:00 am 8:00 pm To see all the photos from the tournament just click on the "Photos" link above and select the tournaments. "D&0\X)1AAFqi Please contact the Peoria SportsPlex inline hockey and multi sport facility for more information. aiReadyCallbacks : [];var onloadFiredadvanced_iframe = false; function aiShowIframe() { jQuery("#advanced_iframe").css("visibility", "visible");} function aiShowIframeId(id_iframe) { jQuery(id_iframe).css("visibility", "visible");} function aiResizeIframeHeight(height) { aiResizeIframeHeight(height,advanced_iframe); } function aiResizeIframeHeightId(height,id) {aiResizeIframeHeightById(id,height); }
0000148177 00000 n
0000014200 00000 n
0000064295 00000 n
Calendar Please contact Foothills for a current schedule 303-409-2372. endstream
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0000088930 00000 n
RMRHL is looking for individuals who are interested officiating games. What if I am a Free Agent? 0000089496 00000 n
var aiReadyCallbacks = ( typeof aiReadyCallbacks != 'undefined' && aiReadyCallbacks instanceof Array ) ? The Salt Creek Sports Center is the premier Inline & Floor Hockey facility in Illinois. Goalies may receive 50% off code but are not eligible to skate out. var ai_iframe_width_advanced_iframe = aiGetParentIframeWidth(ifrm_advanced_iframe);
We are now taking payments and registrations for our Adult Summer 2022 Roller Hockey Season. Once we find you a team we will contact you with your team and captain's name. LOOK OFFS - C2
0000064639 00000 n
Skate rental available. 0000148294 00000 n
Please click on the "Leagues" link above or here for more information. ADULT HOCKEY LEAGUES NEXT RAT HOCKEY: 7/16, 7/23, 8/6, WED/THU 30+
If you think you've got what it takes, contact Todd to learn what is involved in becoming a certified roller hockey referee. All Leagues Play on Sunday }
Our 2021 - 2022 AAU Club Code is RSFECTC2. USA Roller Hockey membership is mandatory, be. SONS OF CHICAGO - B
Then select "Enroll" for the season you want to participate in. Looking for a team? No other equipment is provided. Reminder: All players participating in league play will be required to register and enroll in each league. Directions 0000073133 00000 n
We also have a Ball Hockey league for all skill levels. Looking for a way to make a few extra dollars and still be involved in hockey. 3226 North Fifth Street 0000073873 00000 n
CARL WINSLOW - E2, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. 0000009356 00000 n
Even more than our primary business of inline hockey we have a number of other services. Enroll and pay $165 for the league at least one day prior to your first game. PUCK BUDDIES - DIV. This gives the league administratortime to verify and place everyone on their team rosters. Check us out on Sunday or Monday for hockey action. If you would like to help coach a youth team, please contact us right away so we can get you all set up. The Cage Roller Hockey Rink is an outdoor recreational league and hockey facility. For Game Schedules and more information check the "Leagues" link above. or text Jon at 303-886-0958. TOP SHELF - D2, SATURDAY
We are sanctioned
Copyright 2019 The Cage Roller Hockey. Please keep in mind that at the start of the league we may not know until the first night what team you'll be on due to the nature of the registration process. See Adult Summer Season start dates belowl. This gives the league administratortime to verify and place everyone on their team rosters. How do I get the player multi-league discount? 0000018217 00000 n
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9:30p-11:00p $8
In July we have the Oregon Open, and in March we host an Iron Man tourney which pits teams of 4-5 players against each other in a match of the fittest! The Sports Center is hometo the Hat Trick Hockey Adult leagues which has 100+ teams playing games 7 days a week year round! In addition to our leagues, we host multiple majortournaments, private rentals, special events and birthday parties. Birthday Parties Currently this session is from 3:30pm - 5pm every Friday. hbbbd`b``N D
gtag('config', 'UA-130017255-1'); Hockey Reservations are priced at $90 per hour. Our youth hockey program introduces kids to roller hockey in a fun and safe environment. 0000010714 00000 n
0000018529 00000 n
Registration is now open for all leagues. New groups are requested to pay a $50 deposit at time of booking until a reliable attendance pattern is established, at which point a deposit is no longer collected. 0000063969 00000 n
16+Rat Hockey
Created by iDesignTek. 0000088662 00000 n
:Goalies receive a 50% discount for the first league in which they're enrolled. 0000017975 00000 n
Just click on the link below. (570) 424-5499 Reminder: All players participating in league play will be required to register and enroll in each league. In order for this discount to be applied please enter SUMNETin the coupon code field. Indoor Goals is the ONLY inline hockey arena in the Portland Metro area. 0000001376 00000 n
If you are looking for a one time rental or a place to practice all year long we can accommodate you. Looking for a way to make a few extra dollars and still be involved in hockey. Our AAU Club Code is RSFECTC2. <]/Prev 390823/XRefStm 1647>>
We have great customer service and will swap out your wheels while you wait. 0000014608 00000 n
The Oregon Rollin' Reign is an independently run hockey program. Simply click on "Register" in the menu above. We will provide FREE equipment for all kids who want to participate. Just stop by Big Wheel or Call 570-424-5499 You just need 4 skaters plus a goalie. 0000012421 00000 n
Then select "Enroll" for the season you want to participate in. Delivery is generally 2 3 days. HECC approved gear only. var ifrm_advanced_iframe = document.getElementById("advanced_iframe");
No roster adds after game 5. We can't play the game without referees! 0000384519 00000 n
0000004662 00000 n
Then when you shop on smile.Amazon.com they will donate .05% of all your purchases to our non profit on your behalf. If you would like to stay updated on the progress of the youth program please send your e-mail to Frank@CageHockey.com. Please note - If you play in multiple leagues your primary team may change each season depending on season start times. :When registering for your second league or more, apply the multi-league coupon code: SUMMULTI to your check-out and you'll receive a $25 discount. All of our officials must be certified by USA Hockey.