See MoreSee Less, State-vetted Religious Groups Commitment to CCP Regulations Threatens Christians in China | Persecution, 06/15/2022 China (International Christian Concern) In an effort to minimize religious influence over civilians, the Chinese Communist Party issued , Prayers for Protection n Growth of the church in China and in all nations, Please pray for a Christian pastor, his wife, and child who were attacked in India. Citizens of the Maldives who convert to Christianity lose their citizenship and risk torture. (Matthew 7:24), VOMK partners with NK defectors to prepare Readers Edition of Koreas firstBible, Maldives: Charges filed against college for playing a Christiansong, 2020 religious freedom report on the country, North Koreans working abroad give thanks for scarybook, What I hope for from South Koreas newpresident, UKRAINE: FOUR CHURCHES IN AREAS NOW UNDER RUSSIAN CONTROL HARASSED BYOFFICIALS, Ukraine: Christians in Mariupol and Donetsk region risk their safety to reconnect duringwar, Mariupol: Churches cut off from the outside world, but not cut off fromGod, Christian Mission International (VOM South Africa), Glos Przesladowanych Chrzescijan (VOM Poland). The squad located three bombs on the roof of the church. Seekers and new converts experience extreme social pressure. Pemimpin Kristen itu awalnya menerima hukuman penjara 10 tahun pada 11 April, bersama dengan hukuman 10 tahun berikutnya "perampasan hak-hak sosial." In 2015 the governmentfirmly reminded island officialsthat they are not to host or allow any public celebrations of Christmas in guesthouses. In 1965 they achieved full independence from Britain. As WWR says, persecution has never been very violent in the Maldives. Nevertheless, Christianity is illegal and thus citizens cannot openly express their religion. When there are no people to make a faithful witness, God can raise up rocks to cry out, as Jesus says in Luke 19:40. The fact that a more than four-year-old report is being cited now as grounds to shut down the NGO raises suspicions as to the true motives behind this decision. Pray that God will grant wisdom to front-line workers in the country. Father God, enlighten and encourage secret believers in the Maldives as they reach out to You in faith. Then a government files a complaint, a newspaper reports about it, and then God gives the readers of the newspaper report a curiosity in their heart to learn more. Exacerbated by Covid-19 lockdowns, domestic violence toward women and children continues to escalate. Here are some specific ways you can pray for Maldivian Christians: Your email address will not be published. Orang Kristen harus tetap kuat. This lack of Christian support stifles believers spiritual growth. Methods used to bring a female convert back to Islam include forced marriage, threats, verbal abuse and other violence. Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.
Little Omayo (center) was burned over 90% of her body in a 2017 attack. Change). Prior to this time Hinduism and Buddhism were practiced here. [We will] take legal action against organizers for such activities., The Times report added, The Religious Unity Act (Act No. Each year, in preparation for the first Sunday of November, ICC assembles a unique resource kit for both churches and individuals, and sends out our expert staff to speak at churches and organizations on the plight of the persecuted. The songs lyrics reportedly included the words, We believe in Jesus.
Pemerintah Iran memenjarakan orang Kristen Iran-Armenia semata-mata karena mengajarkan agama Kristen, yang oleh hakim pengadilan banding terkenal yang bertanggung jawab atas kasusnya disebut sebagai "propaganda yang bertentangan dan mengganggu agama suci Islam." Note: Authorities in the Maldives held a Bangladeshi Christian in jail for 23 [], ICC Note: A Christian leader from Bangladesh has been jailed in the Maldives for being caught with Christian books.
06/10/2022 Iran (International Christian Concern) Baru-baru ini pada tanggal 29 Mei, sebuah pengadilan banding di Iran menguatkan hukuman penjara selama satu dekade untuk seorang pemimpin gereja rumah. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. This island/city has an area of 3.58 square miles and about 130,000 people, which is over 1/3 of the total population of the country. Children of Christian parents are likely to face bullying at school. Our experience at Voice of the Martyrs Korea is that when we see a government institute a new wave of crackdowns on Christianity, its frequently because they are responding to a new wave of Christian growth, and they panic and are afraid. It is illegal to import Bibles, but some Maldivians access Scripture through the internet.
The official language is Dhivehi, and the Bible has not yet been completely translated into this language. Join with us this Christmas Season in remembering our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world! BANGLADESHI CHRISTIAN IN JAIL FOR BRINGING IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. John 3:5, Pray for the persecuted church in Libya during the month of July. Pray that Maldivian Christians will be encouraged despite the harsh difficulties they face. They said the biggest problems were apostasy, mocking Islam, going to war in the name of Islam, and murdering in the name of Islam. The countrys oppressive anti-Christian government and culture make it one of the worlds most challenging regions for Christian work. Government officials in the Maldives proudly emphasise that the country is 100%Muslim. , Only praying will not help need to unite & fight back, The readiness and willingness to take risks is our grasp of faith,don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated,you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.God puts no restriction on faith,faith puts no restriction on God.Your vision must be bigger enough than you for your faith to be tested.Dare to believe for it is only what you believe that you are empowered to become.Sometimes if you have waited patiently enough and your ship doesn't come in,swim out to it.You have to keep trying even if you lose,just find out why you lose and make adjustments.You can't expect to win unless you know why you lose and work it out. Pray that religious freedom will prevail in the nation. Extremist groups continued to pose a threat to human rights defenders and activists whom they accused of being too secular, and to exert influence over the police courts, and other government institutions. The human rights organization mentioned in this statement is Maldives Democracy Network. Al Jazeera produced a documentary exposing corruption in the government, entitledStealing Paradise. God never leaves himself without a witness, says Representative Foley. Lord Jesus have mercy on all persecuted Christians all over the world. Inanother casethat does not appear to be the result of attempts at evangelism, over 100 books were confiscated from a local book fair in September of 2019: Ahead of the seizure operation, photos of books deemed offensive were shared on social media. Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters inthe Maldives. Open Doors raises prayer support for believers in the Maldives. See MoreSee Less, Christians Protest Church Restrictions in India | Persecution, 06/22/2022 India (International Christian Concern) Christians in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh mobilized last Saturday to protest restrictions , Lord Jesus please bring peace and stability in India and the whole world. Government corruption is a big problem. Despite the fact that Christianity is illegal, Open Doors estimates that there are a few thousand Christians who live in Maldives. Help him/her be a beacon of Your rule and Your goodness so that others will see theres an alternative to the world and living for self and just living day-to-day according to the powers of this world. Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. In Jesus name, amen. TheMaldivesis currently ranked 13 on theOpen Doors World Watch List for persecuted Christians. Human rights groups had hoped that the situation would improve after the 2018 elections, since Ibraham Solih, who has been a vocal critic of the governments problems with corruption, unexpectedly ousted the incumbent Abdulla Yameen. The level of pressure on Christians remained very high. Despite this finding of, on Maldives: a paradise for tourism where Christians are persecuted, Embassies must not Partner in Undermining Democracy, How democracy is being eroded in countries with close ties with the EU, Diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics needed, Fighting corruption in Ukraine to keep the Russians out, 10 years of jail for the German IS bride who let a Yazidi girl enslaved in Iraq die of thirst, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jana and Defence Minister Matej Tonin received death threats and a high-calibre bullet, Justice for all is a must for North Macedonia, China in Afghanistan would be a real danger, Former President of the European Commission Prodi: The relations between Italy and the European Union are going down down down!, Professor who opposes Gender-Neutral pronouns suspended by YouTube and Google, The European left asks persecuted Christians to shut up and convert, Christmas merriment & Christian minorities the Challenge of Blasphemy Laws, Restrictions on religious freedom at all-time high, EUs top position addressing persecution still vacant. Tragically, while the officers were attempting to defuse the bombs, one detonated.Please join us in thanking these brave men with your signature to honor their sacrifice.
James 5:16 | AMP The vast majority of people living there are Muslim. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to our kids corner,where you will find Videos,Stories, Puzzles and Coloring pages for your children to enjoy. Torchbeares: Videos and teachings For Teens and Young Adults, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Ke mana lagi mereka bisa pergi jika agama mereka mengecewakan mereka? Tak pelak, rezim ketat Iran tidak akan melepaskan cengkeraman kontrolnya dengan enteng. Why is it so dangerous? Its human nature to seek out what is banned., Representative Foley says that her organization has seen a similar phenomenon at work in North Korea. Maldives has thehighest number of jihadist fighters per capitain the world: approximately 200 individuals have left Maldives to fight for ISIS, and these terrorists are welcomed back home as heroes. Please pray for continued growth for the church in China. The Maldives is one of the most restricted nations in the world, with fewer than 10 known believers. Conversion to another religion will be reported to Muslim leaders or the authorities; non-Muslims can also lose their citizenship. Penganiayaan terhadap orang Kristen, seperti yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin gereja rumah yang dihukum bulan lalu, pasti akan semakin parah. Expatriates may bring in Christian literature for private use, but there are strong limits on what is allowed. It doesnt even have to be a person. This group released a report in 2016 about the manner in which Islam is taught in public schools and how certain aspects of the curriculum are detrimental to a democratic society and engender religious extremism. Year after year countless Christians around the world suffer persecution, even martyrdom, for Jesus. Although there has been some progress, there have also been setbacks. Semua kasus ini membuktikan realitas yang tidak adil dan berbahaya yang dihadapi orang-orang Kristen yang teraniaya di Iran saat ini. Is the new government just as intolerant of critical voices as the one it replaced?.
Hear the Word. On the smaller islands, native populations are not as heavily monitored by the government, but individuals still have little privacy due to the small size of the islands and the tightness of the community. Please pray for an Iranian church leader whose 10-year prison sentence was upheld. Father, Thelaw states, Non-Muslims living in or visiting the country are prohibited from openly expressing their religious beliefs, holding public congregations to conduct religious activities, or involving Maldivians in such activities. They are not prohibited from meeting privately, but they are constantly monitored to make sure they arent evangelizing and they may experience harassment. They do note that although persecution is extremely high here, violent persecution is fairly low. Pray that Maldivian Christians will be able to find fellowship with other believers. According to the Times of Addu, the Maldives media source which first reported the incident, Clique College says it had no desire to promote Christianity and no intention to play the Christian song, which they say auto-played from a playlist during a Taekwondo exhibition. Dua anggota gereja rumah pemimpin, yang adalah mualaf, menerima hukuman bersamanya pada 11 April. Even Muslims who challenge the status quo face harassment. Untuk wawancara, silakan hubungi: It is a lifestyle that we need to adopt if we are going to be holy people, the people of God. As I mentioned before, the largest population center is in Male, and it is very crowded. Open Doors notes that they could potentially be performed outside of the country or in a remote area, but this would raise suspicion among close family members and the community. Christians should rejoice when we hear about these crackdowns, because when God opens the hearts of people in a particular country to the gospel, no government can shut them.. Converts have no space at all to live out their Christian faith.
2022 International Christian Concern - All Rights Reserved. Move the hearts of government officials, ultimately allowing Christians to worship openly and minister throughout the country. This November, millions of Christians worldwide will unite for one cause: to join the global Body of Christ for the 2019 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted (IDOP). Pray that translators will be successful in translating the Bible into Dhivehi. Do not read this book. And then they were showing a picture of a church building and told, This is a church building. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Dalam lingkungan ini, komunitas Kristen bangsa tumbuh. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. God I praise You and Jesus Christ, blessed is Your name and Your love and all those who seek Your will. Gangs and criminal organizations run rampant. Please smuggle scripture, even if its only a little bit for this leader and help him/her hold it tight in the prison cell. And even more Muslim extremist groups have returned to the country, placing Christian converts at further risk. . Give a Gift: support Christians who face extreme persecution for their faith, Sign up for emails: get the latest updates and prayer requests from the persecuted church, Pray with us: find out how you can stand with persecuted Christians in prayer. Made up of a collection of [], MALDIVES. Even if it was, the government closely monitors materials coming into the country and does not allow materials that are deemed contrary to Islam. We know the ppl there in persecuted lands pray fervently for the West, with all their troubles and pains. We believe in Holy Spirit. College officials say the song was changed as soon as the mistake was detected. North Korean Workers have told us that they received a briefing from the government before they were sent abroad in which they were shown a Bible and told, This is a Bible. Believers in the Maldives who are migrant workers are also watched by authorities, making it difficult for even foreign Christian workers to meet together. #Equipping Saints for ministry work She pointed to the example of workers sent abroad by the North Korean government. She says the governments action against Clique College does not surprise her. The main source of persecution is theIslamic extremismsince the government sees itself as the protector of Islam, and the judicial system increasingly reflects Sharia (Islamic law); the death penalty has been introduced as punishment for murder, even for children, and a law banning marital rape was vetoed by the president as un-Islamic. The MDN is being punished for exercising its legitimate right to freedom of expression.
Little Omayo (center) was burned over 90% of her body in a 2017 attack. Change). Prior to this time Hinduism and Buddhism were practiced here. [We will] take legal action against organizers for such activities., The Times report added, The Religious Unity Act (Act No. Each year, in preparation for the first Sunday of November, ICC assembles a unique resource kit for both churches and individuals, and sends out our expert staff to speak at churches and organizations on the plight of the persecuted. The songs lyrics reportedly included the words, We believe in Jesus.

06/10/2022 Iran (International Christian Concern) Baru-baru ini pada tanggal 29 Mei, sebuah pengadilan banding di Iran menguatkan hukuman penjara selama satu dekade untuk seorang pemimpin gereja rumah. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. This island/city has an area of 3.58 square miles and about 130,000 people, which is over 1/3 of the total population of the country. Children of Christian parents are likely to face bullying at school. Our experience at Voice of the Martyrs Korea is that when we see a government institute a new wave of crackdowns on Christianity, its frequently because they are responding to a new wave of Christian growth, and they panic and are afraid. It is illegal to import Bibles, but some Maldivians access Scripture through the internet.
The official language is Dhivehi, and the Bible has not yet been completely translated into this language. Join with us this Christmas Season in remembering our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world! BANGLADESHI CHRISTIAN IN JAIL FOR BRINGING IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. John 3:5, Pray for the persecuted church in Libya during the month of July. Pray that Maldivian Christians will be encouraged despite the harsh difficulties they face. They said the biggest problems were apostasy, mocking Islam, going to war in the name of Islam, and murdering in the name of Islam. The countrys oppressive anti-Christian government and culture make it one of the worlds most challenging regions for Christian work. Government officials in the Maldives proudly emphasise that the country is 100%Muslim. , Only praying will not help need to unite & fight back, The readiness and willingness to take risks is our grasp of faith,don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated,you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.God puts no restriction on faith,faith puts no restriction on God.Your vision must be bigger enough than you for your faith to be tested.Dare to believe for it is only what you believe that you are empowered to become.Sometimes if you have waited patiently enough and your ship doesn't come in,swim out to it.You have to keep trying even if you lose,just find out why you lose and make adjustments.You can't expect to win unless you know why you lose and work it out. Pray that religious freedom will prevail in the nation. Extremist groups continued to pose a threat to human rights defenders and activists whom they accused of being too secular, and to exert influence over the police courts, and other government institutions. The human rights organization mentioned in this statement is Maldives Democracy Network. Al Jazeera produced a documentary exposing corruption in the government, entitledStealing Paradise. God never leaves himself without a witness, says Representative Foley. Lord Jesus have mercy on all persecuted Christians all over the world. Inanother casethat does not appear to be the result of attempts at evangelism, over 100 books were confiscated from a local book fair in September of 2019: Ahead of the seizure operation, photos of books deemed offensive were shared on social media. Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters inthe Maldives. Open Doors raises prayer support for believers in the Maldives. See MoreSee Less, Christians Protest Church Restrictions in India | Persecution, 06/22/2022 India (International Christian Concern) Christians in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh mobilized last Saturday to protest restrictions , Lord Jesus please bring peace and stability in India and the whole world. Government corruption is a big problem. Despite the fact that Christianity is illegal, Open Doors estimates that there are a few thousand Christians who live in Maldives. Help him/her be a beacon of Your rule and Your goodness so that others will see theres an alternative to the world and living for self and just living day-to-day according to the powers of this world. Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. In Jesus name, amen. TheMaldivesis currently ranked 13 on theOpen Doors World Watch List for persecuted Christians. Human rights groups had hoped that the situation would improve after the 2018 elections, since Ibraham Solih, who has been a vocal critic of the governments problems with corruption, unexpectedly ousted the incumbent Abdulla Yameen. The level of pressure on Christians remained very high. Despite this finding of, on Maldives: a paradise for tourism where Christians are persecuted, Embassies must not Partner in Undermining Democracy, How democracy is being eroded in countries with close ties with the EU, Diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics needed, Fighting corruption in Ukraine to keep the Russians out, 10 years of jail for the German IS bride who let a Yazidi girl enslaved in Iraq die of thirst, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jana and Defence Minister Matej Tonin received death threats and a high-calibre bullet, Justice for all is a must for North Macedonia, China in Afghanistan would be a real danger, Former President of the European Commission Prodi: The relations between Italy and the European Union are going down down down!, Professor who opposes Gender-Neutral pronouns suspended by YouTube and Google, The European left asks persecuted Christians to shut up and convert, Christmas merriment & Christian minorities the Challenge of Blasphemy Laws, Restrictions on religious freedom at all-time high, EUs top position addressing persecution still vacant. Tragically, while the officers were attempting to defuse the bombs, one detonated.Please join us in thanking these brave men with your signature to honor their sacrifice.
James 5:16 | AMP The vast majority of people living there are Muslim. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to our kids corner,where you will find Videos,Stories, Puzzles and Coloring pages for your children to enjoy. Torchbeares: Videos and teachings For Teens and Young Adults, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Ke mana lagi mereka bisa pergi jika agama mereka mengecewakan mereka? Tak pelak, rezim ketat Iran tidak akan melepaskan cengkeraman kontrolnya dengan enteng. Why is it so dangerous? Its human nature to seek out what is banned., Representative Foley says that her organization has seen a similar phenomenon at work in North Korea. Maldives has thehighest number of jihadist fighters per capitain the world: approximately 200 individuals have left Maldives to fight for ISIS, and these terrorists are welcomed back home as heroes. Please pray for continued growth for the church in China. The Maldives is one of the most restricted nations in the world, with fewer than 10 known believers. Conversion to another religion will be reported to Muslim leaders or the authorities; non-Muslims can also lose their citizenship. Penganiayaan terhadap orang Kristen, seperti yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin gereja rumah yang dihukum bulan lalu, pasti akan semakin parah. Expatriates may bring in Christian literature for private use, but there are strong limits on what is allowed. It doesnt even have to be a person. This group released a report in 2016 about the manner in which Islam is taught in public schools and how certain aspects of the curriculum are detrimental to a democratic society and engender religious extremism. Year after year countless Christians around the world suffer persecution, even martyrdom, for Jesus. Although there has been some progress, there have also been setbacks. Semua kasus ini membuktikan realitas yang tidak adil dan berbahaya yang dihadapi orang-orang Kristen yang teraniaya di Iran saat ini. Is the new government just as intolerant of critical voices as the one it replaced?.
Hear the Word. On the smaller islands, native populations are not as heavily monitored by the government, but individuals still have little privacy due to the small size of the islands and the tightness of the community. Please pray for an Iranian church leader whose 10-year prison sentence was upheld. Father, Thelaw states, Non-Muslims living in or visiting the country are prohibited from openly expressing their religious beliefs, holding public congregations to conduct religious activities, or involving Maldivians in such activities. They are not prohibited from meeting privately, but they are constantly monitored to make sure they arent evangelizing and they may experience harassment. They do note that although persecution is extremely high here, violent persecution is fairly low. Pray that Maldivian Christians will be able to find fellowship with other believers. According to the Times of Addu, the Maldives media source which first reported the incident, Clique College says it had no desire to promote Christianity and no intention to play the Christian song, which they say auto-played from a playlist during a Taekwondo exhibition. Dua anggota gereja rumah pemimpin, yang adalah mualaf, menerima hukuman bersamanya pada 11 April. Even Muslims who challenge the status quo face harassment. Untuk wawancara, silakan hubungi: It is a lifestyle that we need to adopt if we are going to be holy people, the people of God. As I mentioned before, the largest population center is in Male, and it is very crowded. Open Doors notes that they could potentially be performed outside of the country or in a remote area, but this would raise suspicion among close family members and the community. Christians should rejoice when we hear about these crackdowns, because when God opens the hearts of people in a particular country to the gospel, no government can shut them.. Converts have no space at all to live out their Christian faith.
2022 International Christian Concern - All Rights Reserved. Move the hearts of government officials, ultimately allowing Christians to worship openly and minister throughout the country. This November, millions of Christians worldwide will unite for one cause: to join the global Body of Christ for the 2019 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted (IDOP). Pray that translators will be successful in translating the Bible into Dhivehi. Do not read this book. And then they were showing a picture of a church building and told, This is a church building. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Dalam lingkungan ini, komunitas Kristen bangsa tumbuh. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. God I praise You and Jesus Christ, blessed is Your name and Your love and all those who seek Your will. Gangs and criminal organizations run rampant. Please smuggle scripture, even if its only a little bit for this leader and help him/her hold it tight in the prison cell. And even more Muslim extremist groups have returned to the country, placing Christian converts at further risk. . Give a Gift: support Christians who face extreme persecution for their faith, Sign up for emails: get the latest updates and prayer requests from the persecuted church, Pray with us: find out how you can stand with persecuted Christians in prayer. Made up of a collection of [], MALDIVES. Even if it was, the government closely monitors materials coming into the country and does not allow materials that are deemed contrary to Islam. We know the ppl there in persecuted lands pray fervently for the West, with all their troubles and pains. We believe in Holy Spirit. College officials say the song was changed as soon as the mistake was detected. North Korean Workers have told us that they received a briefing from the government before they were sent abroad in which they were shown a Bible and told, This is a Bible. Believers in the Maldives who are migrant workers are also watched by authorities, making it difficult for even foreign Christian workers to meet together. #Equipping Saints for ministry work She pointed to the example of workers sent abroad by the North Korean government. She says the governments action against Clique College does not surprise her. The main source of persecution is theIslamic extremismsince the government sees itself as the protector of Islam, and the judicial system increasingly reflects Sharia (Islamic law); the death penalty has been introduced as punishment for murder, even for children, and a law banning marital rape was vetoed by the president as un-Islamic. The MDN is being punished for exercising its legitimate right to freedom of expression.