The Grand Challenges framework serves as inspiration and motivation for our faculty and students.
In case physical submission is needed, send the materials to: AT 68100 - Seminar In Aviation Technology - This variable title course will be used for temporary course offerings for doctoral-level students. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. The Purdue Graduate School collects application materials in the application system. An equal access/equal opportunity university. Security and Privacy Policy.
Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue.
2019Purdue University. AT 69000 - Independent Study In Air Transportation - Intensive individual study of selected current developments and issues in air transportation. Application deadlines can be found here.
Methods for assessing risk and predicting error generation potentials are learned, as well as strategies for controlling or eliminating errors. This course will use simulations to enhance the overall learning-teaching experience. Please see below for program requirements and the necessary degree fulfillments.
If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Purdue Polytechnicat In addition to simulation, preparing visualizations of the process is also included for increased understanding of process interactions. Aviation Management Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600, 2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Office ofRegistrar. 120 semester credits required for Bachelor of Science degree. Purdues program will help you develop essential management and leadership skills applicable to the aviation field. The Purdue Polytechnic Institute is one of 10 academic colleges at Purdue University. Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue.
Prerequisites: STAT 30100 or STAT 31100 or STAT 50100 or STAT 51100 or IT 50700 or an instructor-approved statistical foundations course. All students have access to professionals online or by phone who can assist them. Emphasis is placed on understanding aviation and aerospace sustainability academic literature and on connecting the global and national policies that lead to the regulations and practices.
Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail:
For a detailed description of each course please visit the Course Offerings page under the Student Resources tab. See details about How to Apply.
Prerequisite: Completion of one term of graduate studies and the instructor will validate that the student has an offer letter from an approved company. 2019Purdue University. Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue. During your pursuit of an airline management degree, youll work with faculty in the School of Aviation and Transportation Technology who have years of experience in industry or research. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. 2019Purdue University.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
Using foundational readings, case studies, and critical analysis techniques, the contribution of past and contemporary aviation leaders will be reviewed. Permission of instructor required. AT 52500 - Process Improvement And Simulation - This course explores process modeling and simulation as applied to decision-making for process design and improvement. Research projects touch on the same topics as well as NextGen aviation challenges, alternative aviation fuel and general aviation issues. 1401 Aviation Drive
K.apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving problems; Location: Using a balanced scorecard and a triple bottom line approach, students will develop a project using aviation and aerospace publications to analyze an industry-relevant project using sustainability in the analysis. Typically offered Fall Spring. Prepare yourself to serve important education, research and policy-making roles in the aviation industry. Power distance, individualism/collectivism, gender differences, and uncertainty avoidance are examined in terms of research by Hofstede. If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Purdue Polytechnicat, An equal access/equal opportunity university.
Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff.
Completion of an undergraduate course in either aviation law or aviation security is recommended. Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue. Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff.
If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Purdue Polytechnicat, An equal access/equal opportunity university. I. use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for professional practice;
AT 55100 - Graduate Aviation Research Seminar - This course provides graduate students with an opportunity to present and develop ongoing research activity in a seminar setting. The plan must be approved adhering to department and Graduate School policies.
When you major in airport management and operations at Purdue University you will gain the expertise necessary to navigate the many aspects of operating an airport. Not applicable to a thesis option plan of study. Subject Matter Excellence
Operations on the ground airports, airline companies, air traffic controllers, and more help ensure passenger safety, efficient logistics and healthy business practices. Typically offered Fall Spring. For students who are not currently able to commit to a Masters degree,, Purdue offers a 4-course Aviation Safety Management Graduate Certificate. Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail:
Permission of instructor required. The Polytechnic protects Purdue! The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology and the aviation industry are working together to build a strong future in aviation and aerospace. The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology is focused on providing the education and skills necessary to create and build airworthy machines, manage all facets of the aviation industry, and safely pilot aircraft for a variety of consumers. It includes scheduling, planning networks, maintenance of aircraft, staffing, customer service and more. Typically offered Fall. AABI: The Aviation ManagementProgram at Purdue Universityis accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International. This course may also be delivered in an online format. Explore the complex airline system while learning about the variety of business decisions that can affect success. Note: All application materials should be submitted online through the Graduate School Application Management System. Delve into the intricacies of operating an airport while learning about the variety of business decisions that can affect success.
The Polytechnic protects Purdue! In this innovative environment, you'll learn by doing - gaining deep technical knowledge and applied skills in your chosen discipline coupled with problem-solving, critical-thinking, communication and leadership skills employers desire. Expand your aviation safety management qualifications with an in-person graduate certificate program. Need accessibility help? For these roles, the industry requires knowledgeable individuals with excellent critical thinking skills.
The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements. Permission of instructor required.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Typically offered Fall Spring. Permission of instructor required. The prerequisite for this course is AT 54800.
Need accessibility help?
This course offers an overview of mixed research methods which lends itself well to practical problem solving in industry. For help with this page, contactOffice of the Registrar at Typically offered Fall. This course may be applicable to undergraduates with appropriate experience and background in aviation or other transportation systems. AT 52600 - Aviation Leadership -This course is intended for future aviation and aerospace managers. Study at an aviation school with the countrys first university-owned airport with the states second busiest air traffic control tower. For a complete listing of course selectives, visit the Provosts Website. Does not substitute for either M.S.
L. apply knowledge of business sustainability to aviation issues. AT 64000 - Aviation And Aerospace Sustainability - This course explores sustainability as applied to aviation and aerospace industries and agencies, both in the private sector and public sector. Curriculum design using various forms of media and delivery strategies will be emphasized. Using a multiple attribute analysis approach, students develop metrics and analyze the potential impact of sustainability initiatives in the aviation and aerospace industry. Permission of instructor required. The bachelor's degree in aviation management is accredited by Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI). Explore other aspects of the aviation industry as your learn alongside students with majors in professional flight, airline management and operations, unmanned aerial systems and more. Students develop an understanding of existing sustainability assessment frameworks such as GRI that have general sustainability assessments along with specialized aviation industry frameworks. The full Program Requirements for 2016-17 Aviation Managementinclude all Supplemental Information and selective lists of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. AT 55000 - Critical Systems Thinking - This course explores the application of critical systems thinking to complex problems. When you major in airline management and operations at Purdue University you will gain the expertise necessary to navigate the many aspects of managing an airline. AT 54900 - Aircraft Leasing - This course provides students with training and experience managing aircraft leases using financial and risk management methodologies specific to the airline and business aviation industries.
project credit.
Industry based problems and issues often require a diversity of research skills, both quantitative and qualitative, in order to effectively address dynamic problems in complex and often high-risk work environments. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
The Polytechnic protects Purdue! All students are required to have an approved Plan of Study in order to graduate from Purdue.
Outcomes for this course include written assignments, oral presentations, and a final project that addresses a major industrial problem. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. We strongly encourage students to have an approved Plan of Study on file by the end of their first semester. Prerequsites: AT 50700 OR IT 50700 OR STAT 30100 OR STAT 50100 OR STAT 51100. Students will receive detailed information on air, maritime, rail, mass transit, trucking and oil pipeline security programs, as well as applicable threat mitigation processes. AT 60700 - Aviation Applications Of Bayesian Inference - This course provides a critical foundation necessary for understanding Bayesian theory and employing that theory in the analysis of typical data generated in industry. AT 69900 - Research PhD Thesis - This course involves intensive research and writing activity associated with a doctoral dissertation. An attempt is defined as all courses displayed on a student transcript having grades of (including, but not limited to) A, B, C, D, E, F, W, WF, I and IF.
More about SATTs Grand Challenges in Aviation and Transportation Technology. Management studies of several international air carriers will be utilized to highlight how cultural differences can affect perceptions. Practical skills in presenting advanced analyses to both professional and scientific audiences is a key component of the course. The Purdue University Airport gives Purdue students an opportunity for real-time immersion into an airport setting.
Operations on the ground airports, airline companies, air traffic controllers, and more help ensure passenger safety, efficient logistics and healthy business practices. Permission of instructor required. The Polytechnic specializes in team-based labs where youll test ideas, take things apart and put them back together only better. The course ventures beyond ergonomic issues into more diverse human factors considerations, while discussing an industry-wide and organizational perspective.
Students will receive detailed information on air, maritime, rail, mass transit, trucking and oil pipeline security programs, as well as applicable threat mitigation processes. Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail: AT 52400 - Managerial Economic Decision Making - This course explores managerial decision making, using economic and strategic impacts of new technology and transformation methodologies on the enterprise system. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Security and Privacy Policy. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion.
QAs for Initial Course Participation Reporting, Initial Course Participation Instructions, A Quick Reference Guide to Understanding and Applying FERPA, Information For Students & Parents at Purdue University, Universitys Access to Student Education Records, FERPA Annual Notification of Student Rights, Academic and Classroom Scheduling Contacts, Executive and Departmental Support Contacts, Records, Registration and Graduation Contacts, Training Opportunities and Contact Information, An equal access/equal opportunity university, Articulation Agreements/Transfer Statewide Articulation Pathways (TSAP), Print Degree Planner (opens a new window), AT 10000 - Introduction To Aviation Technology, AT 10300 - Aerospace Vehicle Propulsion And Tracking Systems, AT 20200 - Aerospace Vehicle Systems Design, Analysis And Operations, AT 20300 - Aviation Operations Management, AT 42101 - Managerial Economics In Aviation, AT 49501 - Applied Capstone Research Project, TECH 12000 - Design Thinking In Technology, ENGL 10800 - Accelerated First-Year Composition, COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication, MA 15800 - Precalculus- Functions And Trigonometry, STAT 30100 - Elementary Statistical Methods, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS), Aviation Management Selectives - Credit Hours: 12.00, Humanities Foundational Selective (satisfies Human Cultures Humanities for core) - Credit Hours: 3.00, Behavioral/Social Science Foundational Selective (satisfies Human Culture Behavioral/Social Science for core) - Credit Hours: 3.00, Advanced English Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Technical Communications Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Science Foundational Selective (satisfies Science Selective for core) - Credit Hours: 3.00, Any University-approved minor or departmentally-approved thematic area of study - Credit Hours: 12.00, English Composition Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Humanities Foundational Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Science Foundational Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Aviation Management Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Thematic Area Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Behavioral / Social Science Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Technical Communication Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00. Aviation and Aerospace Management POS Overview.
Take advantage of firsthand knowledge from professors who have worked in all aspects of the industry to get full scope of aviation business and operations. My Purdue Technology degree has always been the primary tool in my personal tool box to attack business challenges and decisions daily. Leadership Students use software to perform their own analyses. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. These are intended to be printer-friendly, but include less descriptive course detail. An equal access/equal opportunity university. Permission of instructor required. B. analyze and interpret data; Address real-world problems through in-class projects and industry-supported fieldresearch. As you complete your first full semester, we'll work with you to establish your individual Plan of Study (POS). 6. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of current operational measurements and correlations to trading and hedging financial instruments in providing improved risk management in operational environments. 2019Purdue University. Permission of instructor required. Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least one statistics course covering descriptive and inferential statistics, an airport management course (e.g., AT 35900) and admission to doctoral program. This course serves as the foundational knowledge required for AT 54900. AT 54600 - Aviation Financial Instruments And Operations - The course concentrates on increasing the understanding of financial expertise in analyzing trading and hedging programs for application in reducing aviation operational risk exposure. Permission of Instructor required. With an aviation management degree, you will gain the knowledge and skills to be an important part of the complex airline industry. Current research in these areas will be discussed and testing procedures will be studied. The aviation industry has maintained an impressive safety record and earned the reputation of being the safest mode of transportation. Taught by professors with distinguished educational backgrounds and extensive work experience in civilian aviation, military aviation, and government, our industry-specific courses will prepare you for numerous aviation management roles. An equal access/equal opportunity university. The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology (SATT) Graduate Committee reviews several important criteria when evaluating application for graduate study in the MSAAM program. Instruments of direct measures and the corresponding assessment rubrics are being developed, implemented, and improved upon. Schoolof Aviation and Transportation Technology, Niswonger Aviation Technology Building
This is a place that pushes all limits and moves the world forward at a soaring pace. Security and Privacy Policy. The mission of the School of Aviation and Transportation Technology is to prepare the next generation of leaders and change agents for the transportation sector. 2019Purdue University.
Permission of instructor required. This Graduate Certificate prepares aviation professionals to evaluate financial operations, maximize revenue and manage aviation capital assets.
AT 65900 - Airport And Transportation Sustainability - Airport and Transportation Sustainability is a doctoral format course about the methods and practice of sustainability for airports and transportation. Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff. The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology is focused on providing the education and skills necessary to create and build airworthy machines, manage all facets of the aviation industry, and safely pilot aircraft for a variety of consumers. At any given time there are thousands of airplanes crisscrossing the globe. Aviation programs MUST demonstrate that graduates are able to: A. apply mathematics, science, and applied sciences to aviation-related disciplines; Our focus on safety, quality and sustainability, and our related research, ensures that the SATT stands ready to meet the needs of the evolving transportation industry. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Join us to takeongrand challenges like sustainability, safety, and quality. A faculty sponsor is required for this course. Data collected by the Center for Career Opportunities for May 2021 West Lafayette graduates only; August and December graduate successes are not included in the reported data. The MS in Aviation and Aerospace Management courses are offered on a rolling format, 100% online, that lets you progress through the program at your own pace. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. The Polytechnic protects Purdue! Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AT 53100 - International Civil Aviation Regulatory Systems -This course provides extensive multi-modal transportation security experience. For on campus MSAAM students who wish to add the4-course Aviation Safety Management Graduate Certificate, find more information and apply here. The SATTGraduate Coordinator collects applications for review. Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail: AT 53200 - Contemporary Issues In Transportation Security - This course provides extensive multi-modal transportation security experience. Research projects touch on the same topics as well as NextGen aviation challenges, alternative aviation fuel and general aviation issues.
Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. F. communicate effectively, using oral communication skills Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff.
Students improve analysis skills, and knowledge of the reasoning and application of sustainability. AT 50800 - Quality And Productivity In Industry And Technology -Examines the contemporary issues of continuous improvement in quality and productivity in manufacturing and service industries. For help with this page, contactOffice of the Registrar at Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail: Those with a masters degree can continue on to pursue a Ph.D. in Technology with a focus in aviation and aerospace management as well.
In case physical submission is needed, send the materials to: AT 68100 - Seminar In Aviation Technology - This variable title course will be used for temporary course offerings for doctoral-level students. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. The Purdue Graduate School collects application materials in the application system. An equal access/equal opportunity university. Security and Privacy Policy.
Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue.
2019Purdue University. AT 69000 - Independent Study In Air Transportation - Intensive individual study of selected current developments and issues in air transportation. Application deadlines can be found here.
Methods for assessing risk and predicting error generation potentials are learned, as well as strategies for controlling or eliminating errors. This course will use simulations to enhance the overall learning-teaching experience. Please see below for program requirements and the necessary degree fulfillments.
If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Purdue Polytechnicat In addition to simulation, preparing visualizations of the process is also included for increased understanding of process interactions. Aviation Management Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600, 2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Office ofRegistrar. 120 semester credits required for Bachelor of Science degree. Purdues program will help you develop essential management and leadership skills applicable to the aviation field. The Purdue Polytechnic Institute is one of 10 academic colleges at Purdue University. Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue.
Prerequisites: STAT 30100 or STAT 31100 or STAT 50100 or STAT 51100 or IT 50700 or an instructor-approved statistical foundations course. All students have access to professionals online or by phone who can assist them. Emphasis is placed on understanding aviation and aerospace sustainability academic literature and on connecting the global and national policies that lead to the regulations and practices.
Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail:
For a detailed description of each course please visit the Course Offerings page under the Student Resources tab. See details about How to Apply.
Prerequisite: Completion of one term of graduate studies and the instructor will validate that the student has an offer letter from an approved company. 2019Purdue University. Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue. During your pursuit of an airline management degree, youll work with faculty in the School of Aviation and Transportation Technology who have years of experience in industry or research. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. 2019Purdue University.

Using foundational readings, case studies, and critical analysis techniques, the contribution of past and contemporary aviation leaders will be reviewed. Permission of instructor required. AT 52500 - Process Improvement And Simulation - This course explores process modeling and simulation as applied to decision-making for process design and improvement. Research projects touch on the same topics as well as NextGen aviation challenges, alternative aviation fuel and general aviation issues. 1401 Aviation Drive
K.apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving problems; Location: Using a balanced scorecard and a triple bottom line approach, students will develop a project using aviation and aerospace publications to analyze an industry-relevant project using sustainability in the analysis. Typically offered Fall Spring. Prepare yourself to serve important education, research and policy-making roles in the aviation industry. Power distance, individualism/collectivism, gender differences, and uncertainty avoidance are examined in terms of research by Hofstede. If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Purdue Polytechnicat, An equal access/equal opportunity university.
Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff.
Completion of an undergraduate course in either aviation law or aviation security is recommended. Protect yourself, protect others and protect Purdue. Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff.
If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact the Purdue Polytechnicat, An equal access/equal opportunity university. I. use the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary for professional practice;
AT 55100 - Graduate Aviation Research Seminar - This course provides graduate students with an opportunity to present and develop ongoing research activity in a seminar setting. The plan must be approved adhering to department and Graduate School policies.
When you major in airport management and operations at Purdue University you will gain the expertise necessary to navigate the many aspects of operating an airport. Not applicable to a thesis option plan of study. Subject Matter Excellence
Operations on the ground airports, airline companies, air traffic controllers, and more help ensure passenger safety, efficient logistics and healthy business practices. Typically offered Fall Spring. For students who are not currently able to commit to a Masters degree,, Purdue offers a 4-course Aviation Safety Management Graduate Certificate. Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail:
Permission of instructor required. The Polytechnic protects Purdue! The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology and the aviation industry are working together to build a strong future in aviation and aerospace. The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology is focused on providing the education and skills necessary to create and build airworthy machines, manage all facets of the aviation industry, and safely pilot aircraft for a variety of consumers. It includes scheduling, planning networks, maintenance of aircraft, staffing, customer service and more. Typically offered Fall. AABI: The Aviation ManagementProgram at Purdue Universityis accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International. This course may also be delivered in an online format. Explore the complex airline system while learning about the variety of business decisions that can affect success. Note: All application materials should be submitted online through the Graduate School Application Management System. Delve into the intricacies of operating an airport while learning about the variety of business decisions that can affect success.
The Polytechnic protects Purdue! In this innovative environment, you'll learn by doing - gaining deep technical knowledge and applied skills in your chosen discipline coupled with problem-solving, critical-thinking, communication and leadership skills employers desire. Expand your aviation safety management qualifications with an in-person graduate certificate program. Need accessibility help? For these roles, the industry requires knowledgeable individuals with excellent critical thinking skills.
The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements. Permission of instructor required.
Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Typically offered Fall Spring. Permission of instructor required. The prerequisite for this course is AT 54800.
Need accessibility help?
This course offers an overview of mixed research methods which lends itself well to practical problem solving in industry. For help with this page, contactOffice of the Registrar at Typically offered Fall. This course may be applicable to undergraduates with appropriate experience and background in aviation or other transportation systems. AT 52600 - Aviation Leadership -This course is intended for future aviation and aerospace managers. Study at an aviation school with the countrys first university-owned airport with the states second busiest air traffic control tower. For a complete listing of course selectives, visit the Provosts Website. Does not substitute for either M.S.
L. apply knowledge of business sustainability to aviation issues. AT 64000 - Aviation And Aerospace Sustainability - This course explores sustainability as applied to aviation and aerospace industries and agencies, both in the private sector and public sector. Curriculum design using various forms of media and delivery strategies will be emphasized. Using a multiple attribute analysis approach, students develop metrics and analyze the potential impact of sustainability initiatives in the aviation and aerospace industry. Permission of instructor required. The bachelor's degree in aviation management is accredited by Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI). Explore other aspects of the aviation industry as your learn alongside students with majors in professional flight, airline management and operations, unmanned aerial systems and more. Students develop an understanding of existing sustainability assessment frameworks such as GRI that have general sustainability assessments along with specialized aviation industry frameworks. The full Program Requirements for 2016-17 Aviation Managementinclude all Supplemental Information and selective lists of those categories which a student must fulfill in order to earn their degree. AT 55000 - Critical Systems Thinking - This course explores the application of critical systems thinking to complex problems. When you major in airline management and operations at Purdue University you will gain the expertise necessary to navigate the many aspects of managing an airline. AT 54900 - Aircraft Leasing - This course provides students with training and experience managing aircraft leases using financial and risk management methodologies specific to the airline and business aviation industries.
project credit.
Industry based problems and issues often require a diversity of research skills, both quantitative and qualitative, in order to effectively address dynamic problems in complex and often high-risk work environments. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
The Polytechnic protects Purdue! All students are required to have an approved Plan of Study in order to graduate from Purdue.
Outcomes for this course include written assignments, oral presentations, and a final project that addresses a major industrial problem. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. We strongly encourage students to have an approved Plan of Study on file by the end of their first semester. Prerequsites: AT 50700 OR IT 50700 OR STAT 30100 OR STAT 50100 OR STAT 51100. Students will receive detailed information on air, maritime, rail, mass transit, trucking and oil pipeline security programs, as well as applicable threat mitigation processes. AT 60700 - Aviation Applications Of Bayesian Inference - This course provides a critical foundation necessary for understanding Bayesian theory and employing that theory in the analysis of typical data generated in industry. AT 69900 - Research PhD Thesis - This course involves intensive research and writing activity associated with a doctoral dissertation. An attempt is defined as all courses displayed on a student transcript having grades of (including, but not limited to) A, B, C, D, E, F, W, WF, I and IF.
More about SATTs Grand Challenges in Aviation and Transportation Technology. Management studies of several international air carriers will be utilized to highlight how cultural differences can affect perceptions. Practical skills in presenting advanced analyses to both professional and scientific audiences is a key component of the course. The Purdue University Airport gives Purdue students an opportunity for real-time immersion into an airport setting.
Operations on the ground airports, airline companies, air traffic controllers, and more help ensure passenger safety, efficient logistics and healthy business practices. Permission of instructor required. The Polytechnic specializes in team-based labs where youll test ideas, take things apart and put them back together only better. The course ventures beyond ergonomic issues into more diverse human factors considerations, while discussing an industry-wide and organizational perspective.
Students will receive detailed information on air, maritime, rail, mass transit, trucking and oil pipeline security programs, as well as applicable threat mitigation processes. Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail: AT 52400 - Managerial Economic Decision Making - This course explores managerial decision making, using economic and strategic impacts of new technology and transformation methodologies on the enterprise system. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Security and Privacy Policy. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion.
QAs for Initial Course Participation Reporting, Initial Course Participation Instructions, A Quick Reference Guide to Understanding and Applying FERPA, Information For Students & Parents at Purdue University, Universitys Access to Student Education Records, FERPA Annual Notification of Student Rights, Academic and Classroom Scheduling Contacts, Executive and Departmental Support Contacts, Records, Registration and Graduation Contacts, Training Opportunities and Contact Information, An equal access/equal opportunity university, Articulation Agreements/Transfer Statewide Articulation Pathways (TSAP), Print Degree Planner (opens a new window), AT 10000 - Introduction To Aviation Technology, AT 10300 - Aerospace Vehicle Propulsion And Tracking Systems, AT 20200 - Aerospace Vehicle Systems Design, Analysis And Operations, AT 20300 - Aviation Operations Management, AT 42101 - Managerial Economics In Aviation, AT 49501 - Applied Capstone Research Project, TECH 12000 - Design Thinking In Technology, ENGL 10800 - Accelerated First-Year Composition, COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication, MA 15800 - Precalculus- Functions And Trigonometry, STAT 30100 - Elementary Statistical Methods, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS), Aviation Management Selectives - Credit Hours: 12.00, Humanities Foundational Selective (satisfies Human Cultures Humanities for core) - Credit Hours: 3.00, Behavioral/Social Science Foundational Selective (satisfies Human Culture Behavioral/Social Science for core) - Credit Hours: 3.00, Advanced English Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Technical Communications Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Science Foundational Selective (satisfies Science Selective for core) - Credit Hours: 3.00, Any University-approved minor or departmentally-approved thematic area of study - Credit Hours: 12.00, English Composition Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Humanities Foundational Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Science Foundational Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Aviation Management Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Thematic Area Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Behavioral / Social Science Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00, Technical Communication Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00. Aviation and Aerospace Management POS Overview.
Take advantage of firsthand knowledge from professors who have worked in all aspects of the industry to get full scope of aviation business and operations. My Purdue Technology degree has always been the primary tool in my personal tool box to attack business challenges and decisions daily. Leadership Students use software to perform their own analyses. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. These are intended to be printer-friendly, but include less descriptive course detail. An equal access/equal opportunity university. Permission of instructor required. B. analyze and interpret data; Address real-world problems through in-class projects and industry-supported fieldresearch. As you complete your first full semester, we'll work with you to establish your individual Plan of Study (POS). 6. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of current operational measurements and correlations to trading and hedging financial instruments in providing improved risk management in operational environments. 2019Purdue University. Permission of instructor required. Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least one statistics course covering descriptive and inferential statistics, an airport management course (e.g., AT 35900) and admission to doctoral program. This course serves as the foundational knowledge required for AT 54900. AT 54600 - Aviation Financial Instruments And Operations - The course concentrates on increasing the understanding of financial expertise in analyzing trading and hedging programs for application in reducing aviation operational risk exposure. Permission of Instructor required. With an aviation management degree, you will gain the knowledge and skills to be an important part of the complex airline industry. Current research in these areas will be discussed and testing procedures will be studied. The aviation industry has maintained an impressive safety record and earned the reputation of being the safest mode of transportation. Taught by professors with distinguished educational backgrounds and extensive work experience in civilian aviation, military aviation, and government, our industry-specific courses will prepare you for numerous aviation management roles. An equal access/equal opportunity university. The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology (SATT) Graduate Committee reviews several important criteria when evaluating application for graduate study in the MSAAM program. Instruments of direct measures and the corresponding assessment rubrics are being developed, implemented, and improved upon. Schoolof Aviation and Transportation Technology, Niswonger Aviation Technology Building
This is a place that pushes all limits and moves the world forward at a soaring pace. Security and Privacy Policy. The mission of the School of Aviation and Transportation Technology is to prepare the next generation of leaders and change agents for the transportation sector. 2019Purdue University.
Permission of instructor required. This Graduate Certificate prepares aviation professionals to evaluate financial operations, maximize revenue and manage aviation capital assets.
AT 65900 - Airport And Transportation Sustainability - Airport and Transportation Sustainability is a doctoral format course about the methods and practice of sustainability for airports and transportation. Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff. The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology is focused on providing the education and skills necessary to create and build airworthy machines, manage all facets of the aviation industry, and safely pilot aircraft for a variety of consumers. At any given time there are thousands of airplanes crisscrossing the globe. Aviation programs MUST demonstrate that graduates are able to: A. apply mathematics, science, and applied sciences to aviation-related disciplines; Our focus on safety, quality and sustainability, and our related research, ensures that the SATT stands ready to meet the needs of the evolving transportation industry. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. Join us to takeongrand challenges like sustainability, safety, and quality. A faculty sponsor is required for this course. Data collected by the Center for Career Opportunities for May 2021 West Lafayette graduates only; August and December graduate successes are not included in the reported data. The MS in Aviation and Aerospace Management courses are offered on a rolling format, 100% online, that lets you progress through the program at your own pace. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. The Polytechnic protects Purdue! Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.
AT 53100 - International Civil Aviation Regulatory Systems -This course provides extensive multi-modal transportation security experience. For on campus MSAAM students who wish to add the4-course Aviation Safety Management Graduate Certificate, find more information and apply here. The SATTGraduate Coordinator collects applications for review. Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail: AT 53200 - Contemporary Issues In Transportation Security - This course provides extensive multi-modal transportation security experience. Research projects touch on the same topics as well as NextGen aviation challenges, alternative aviation fuel and general aviation issues.
Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer. F. communicate effectively, using oral communication skills Visit the Protect Purdue website to read the latest health and safety guidelines for students, visitors, faculty and staff.
Students improve analysis skills, and knowledge of the reasoning and application of sustainability. AT 50800 - Quality And Productivity In Industry And Technology -Examines the contemporary issues of continuous improvement in quality and productivity in manufacturing and service industries. For help with this page, contactOffice of the Registrar at Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Institute, 401 N Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-4935, E-mail: Those with a masters degree can continue on to pursue a Ph.D. in Technology with a focus in aviation and aerospace management as well.