They also used lipstick and blush on their face. The rich had many large feasts. The first major civilization in Mesopotamia was established by the Sumerians in about 5000 BCE. Punishment for breaking the law was also different for the lower class (See Hammurabis Code). It was made up of minor governmental workers, merchants, and craft workers. Cotton came later on, around 700 BCE. There were some more educated slaves who taught or did jobs such as jewelry making and accounting. People also drank wine and water. Priests also were in the upper class. Women were expected to do the household tasks such as raising children, cleaning, cooking and weaving. Both women and men wore sandals. Only men were expected to go to school, though there was no law against women learning how to read and write.

Breakfast, prepared by the women (perhaps slaves for the well-off) in the household by sunrise, might be such things as a porridge flavored with onions and garlic or fruit, bread and beer. Men and women care about their appearance. But, others could enjoy music as well, even, without even having iTunes! Men and women tried to look their best, using perfumes and makeup. They also were occasionally required to help with public work projects and to serve in the military. Innovative Methods For Teaching Social Studies. Clothing was usually made of sheepskin or wool. Social life in many ways has not changed in 4,000 years. Men and women shared various fashion choices. Some women also took part in various businesses. Girls played with dolls and miniatures of household objects. Lower classes were made up of such people as laborers, farmers, soldiers, and sailors. Both men and women wore jewelry, especially (for those who can afford them) rings with precious stones. Sounds a bit familiar? Beer was so important that it could be used to pay a workers wage. Its hard to keep kids interested in subjects, and social studies are no different. Some men were clean-shaven, but many had long beards. For instance, temple prostitutes took part in religious rites. City life led to the development of classes of people with different jobs, expectations and rights. Those with more money paid for more elaborate touches, such as metal finishing and fancy carvings. Other wealthy and powerful positions were scribes (few people knew how to read and write) and those with various high level governmental positions. Kings, soldiers, and sometimes scribes also wore colorful outfits. Girls stayed home and helped their mothers. The hot climate without air conditioning made this helpful. Families also played board games (an ancient form of Parcheesi was very popular) as part of family fun time. A Bronx, NY veteran high school social studies teacher who has learned most of what she has learned through trial and error and error and error. and wants to save others that pain.

Sports seem to primarily have involved males, and the most popular were wrestling and boxing among the lower classes and hunting among the upper classes. They played an important role in day-to-day affairs. If they could afford it, the outfits were decorated with glass beads, precious stones, or fine gold or silver threads. link to Should I Use BC Or BCE In The Classroom? Abraham, believed to be a patriarch or founder of the Jewish and Islamic people, lived in Mesopotamia about 3,000 years ago. The historian Stephen Bertman wrote of the love of music by a queen from Abrahams home: So great, in fact, was a queen of Urs love of music, she could not bear the thought of being in the afterworld without it; so, with the help of a sleeping potion in the tomb, she took her royal musicians with her into the beyond. Perfumes were used by both sexes after bathing. For instance, even today, there are different classes of people. The kohl eye makeup also had practical value, including protecting eyes from dust, insects, and (even if they did not know this exactly) bacteria. Richer people were able to afford a lighter linen outfit for the hottest months. Women decorated their hair with ribbons and headdresses. Beer was a staple for all. The lower classes, the so-called commoners, were an important part of a thriving community. Mesopotamian slaves were not of any specific race or ethnicity. It was the cradle of civilization. And, social life was in various ways much like it is now. Listening to a good story, while enjoying beer (very popular in Mesopotamia, even for upper classes who could afford wine), was a good way to relax. If the lower class was not happy, there could be trouble. Men and women, for instance, used an early form of mascara. The more wealthy often had slaves to serve their entertainment needs. Mesopotamia was where history began. However, some people were able to rise to a higher status by hard work, strategic marriages, political connections, and other ways. The poor might not be able to afford things like wooden beds and slept on mats on the floor. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to at no additional cost to the purchaser. They were taxed a part of their labor and goods, for example paying with a portion of their crops.

Men either wore a kilt-like skirt (like the traditional Scottish male outfit) which reached to their ankles or a long robe (often the outfit for the older male). Men and women preferred long braided hair. Carved animals, tops, and jump ropes were most popular. Most houses had wooden tables and chairs. A range of fruits (apples, pears, figs, apricots and melons) and vegetables (cabbage, peas, beans and cucumbers) also completed a healthy diet. The basics of life have not changed too much. They were usually carved from bone or wood, and look like many toys children play with today. Women, unlike many communities at the time, did have various rights. They also played majore, a game similar to the sport rugby, but played with a ball made of wood. Cities made life more complicated, including a complex social life. Cities also began to form, providing a much more complicated society.

In this article, well take a look at a few methods of how you can make social studies more interesting for "This site is owned and operated by Joan Medori doing business as Teach 'n Thrive. Meals would be at a table much like today. They often had the hardest job, such as building roads and temples. One sign of class status, like today, would be the type of house one lived in. He had a special connection to the gods. Storytelling was also very important. Civilization brought with it the written word, which is the beginning of written history. Animals such as sheep, pigs, and fish. Stories were passed down through the generations and written down by scribes. Women often had more fancy sandals. Music sung and performed by drums, lyres, flutes, and harps also were popular entertainment. There were social classes with a few holding most of the wealth and power and most being poor. A soldier would wear a special uniform with hooded capes. Girl play, including with dolls, prepared them for their adult lives. Mesopotamia did not have television, so watching stories was actually just that. A thick beer could be a basic part of a mid-day meal. They had diverse roles. Art and poetry was a big part of the wealthier cities. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.". There were various differences, including a more class based society with the presence of slavery. The leader of the community was the king. A small middle class existed. The lower class did not have a role in the governing of society, but was the largest group. link to Innovative Methods For Teaching Social Studies. Boys wrestled. Mesopotamias climate allowed for a diverse diet. They not only were in charge of religious rites, but were the first healers the first physicians and dentists. Both men and women were slaves. The recipes of popular perfumes were a carefully held secret. Men were allowed basically a no fault divorce. Mesopotamia means the land between two rivers, primarily covering modern day Iraq. Prostitution was more acceptable in Mepotatamian times than it is in our society today. Slaves could also have special responsibilities, such as running a household. The upper classes had more elaborate homes, often two or three stories high. Families play board games. People could become slaves in a variety of ways: prisoners of war, payment of debts, punishment for a crime (compare: the Thirteenth Amendment), and being kidnapped to sold into slavery. Sweet cakes were eaten for special occasions. It sounds very familiar; wouldnt you say? Women wore longer robes, more colorful, with their shoulders bare. The middle and lower classes lived in mud brick (good for insulation, keeping homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter) homes with flat roofs where people would sleep during hot, long summers. A lot of things have changed in schools in the last few decades. Slaves sometimes were able to work for their freedom. Some of the first cities developed in ancient Mesopotamia. Women had many rights, but were seen as less equal than men. Mesopotamia was not a society where each person was accepted as equal in society and under the law. Both often had religious themes, a means to honor the king and the gods. Shortly after puberty, a girls father arranged a marriage for her. Lets travel back in time and take a look. Mesopotamians were the first to make beer and wine. It is known as the cradle of civilization because the first cities were formed there. An early epic poem, one of the first stories, was about a great hero named Gilgamesh. Men alone also were allowed to have concubines (lovers) and to go to prostitutes. But, like today, a look at social life is a helpful means to understand the times. Early on, men and women were priests, but it eventually became much more a job for men. Girls played with dolls. They were allowed to leave their houses and go to the market, own property, and divorce their husbands in cases of abuse or adultery. Boys played with slingshots and chariots, the cars of the day. The lowest class were slaves.