midway baptist church ga

The church building was reoriented in 1849 to its current placement, and was moved 40 feet east in the 1950s when Highway 17 was widened. All of its ministers were Presbyterian, and its offshoot churches later became Presbyterian churches. Many other milestones have significantly marked Midways journey, namely the addition of the AWANA program in 2009, a full time Childrens Associate, and even renovations and expansion of the kitchen space to serve our growing congregation. Visitors are often surprised to hear that it was common in colonial and antebellum times for white members and their African American slaves to attend the same church. Midway Community Church began as a church plant in 1997, grown out of a need to minister to and serve the growing population of the area. Also, use your best judgment when around others and please maintain appropriate social distancing. In the pictures below some old and some recent you will see a central entrance, used for the white people, and a smaller door on the left, used for the slaves to enter the gallery. As a church, we want to promote Jesus Christ and the love that He has for everyone. It's truly all about Him. The first official service was held in the completed church home in May of the following year. After the church office space was officially moved into the new building, the trailer was transformed into a Youth Meeting space. The Midway Museum is open to the public. Charles Colcock Jones The Children of Pride and The Dwelling Place: A Plantation Epic and both are also for sale in the gift shop. In 1997, through the Lords leading, Midway was planted through a group effort by First Baptist Church (of Cumming, GA), Mount Vernon Baptist (Sandy Springs, GA), the Roswell Baptist Association, as well as the Georgia Baptist Convention and North American Mission Board. Saviour, grow in your relationship with Him, and find your purpose for For now, our Sunday School and Choir will not meet. The first permanent meetinghouse was built in 1756 west of the existing church, and the first service led by Rev. Otherwise, it has never been modernized. All Rights Reserved.Structured content powered by. Support the Midway Museum by using theAmazon Smile programat no cost to you. The history of Midway Community Church is evidence of Gods goodness and faithfulness; the future of Midway is bright as the Lord continues to provide for His church through the people and ministries of Midway. We will come together for each of our regular worship services beginning June 7, 2020. The northern Atlanta suburbs, specifically Forsyth and North Fulton counties, were booming with one of the strongest growth rates in the nation in the late 1990s. Please let us know so we can pray for you and your family. In 2013, a dedicated Youth Building was constructed to allow for additional expansion of the Youth ministry.

), In 1792, the present church building was built in a New England Style. where you and your family can come to know Jesus Christ as your

2019 - 2022 Midway Community Church. We hope that our site will help The exterior of the church, now white, was painted red at that time to prevent decay. 45 minutesClosed on major holidays.Call 912-884-5837. When you leave, our goal is for you to see Jesus Christ in all that we do! Thank you Some of these churches still exist today. The Church (following year) purchased 12 acres of farmland in 1998. Admission FeesAdults: $10Seniors/Military: $8Children (<19): $5Please reserve ahead for large groups. For now, and as a kindness to others, masks are required for each service. At Midway Baptist Church, we want Christians to have a place to worship where they can encourage others and be encouraged (Hebrews 10:25). The altar will be available to those who choose to come down for prayer. This meetinghouse was destroyed by the British during the Revolutionary War. for taking the time to logon. living in God's great global plan. Two books have also been written about Rev. The remaining mortgage on the Youth Building was retired in 2019, four years early. 1200 Moseley Road,

Although the Midway Church building has not been used for regular worship services since that time, it has continued to be maintained by the Midway Society, which holds an annual meeting and Homecoming for descendants of antebellum Church members. Hand sanitation stations will be placed throughout the church building. Despite the Congregationalist nature of the Church, it had strong ties to Presbyterianism. The church continued to grow and eventually the Youth Ministry needed more room. The church building is seen here with its historic walled cemetery across the widened Highway 17. you or your family in your spiritual journey, We invite Midway is truly a community church, serving the local community through many events such as Easter Egg Hunts, Vacation Bible School, the Backpack project, and so much more. At Midway Baptist Church, we want everyone to see Jesus Christ in us. The Deacons will have masks available if you need one. Congregationalism was a form of Protestantism in which each church is administered autonomously by its members. Midway Baptist Church is making a difference. be a place The Georgia Baptist Convention loaned Midway a small trailer to use for office and meeting space. Because the wet, swampy conditions that were perfect for growing rice also were the ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes who caused malaria and other illnesses, the planters and their families established settlements in the drier pine-forested areas where they would spend the summers. (Click on any photo to enlarge. Anyone with a cough, fever, or feeling ill please stay home, take care of yourself, and get well. Rev. We would like to welcome you to our church's webpage! The Midway Society kept meticulous records, which have been published as History and Published Records of the Midway Congregational Church, Liberty County, Georgia, by James Stacy, available in the Midway Museum gift shop along with other hard-to-find books about Liberty County. All three Walthourville Presbyterian Church, Dorchester Presbyterian Church, and Flemington Presbyterian Church remain in existence today. you learn more about our church, the ministries we provide for you and Midway Baptist ChuRch, Lizella - All Rights Reserved. For those in need of intercessory prayer with the pastor, a deacon and his wife will receive you and escort you to a private Sunday School room to pray and wait for Bro Rick. Lizella, Georgia 31052. Childcare & Nursery care will not be provided at this time. 10 am-4 pmLast tour starts at 3 pmTours approx.

In 2000 a local contractor donated a larger, double wide trailer that could host larger events like Prayer Meetings as well as the growing number of church staff members. The North Newport Baptist Church became the First African Baptist Church, the oldest black church in the County. Welcome to Midway Baptist Church where the powerful name of Jesus is preached and promoted. The churches established there were affiliated with the Midway Church, but by the approach of the Civil War, these churches were already in the process of draining membership from the Midway Church. The Midway Church has a slave gallery, and services for the enslaved people were also held in a building on the Church grounds. Through the blessing of gifts and stewardship, the mortgage on the main building was paid off in 2013. During the Civil War, and especially the occupation of Liberty County by Union troops at the end of 1864, the white Midway Church membership continued to decline rapidly, and their last service was held in 1867 when their pastor left for another assignment. Jones used existing stations, set up around the County to enable Midway Church members to avoid the long trek to the Church each Sunday, and other churches, to further his mission. Box 195Midway, Georgia 31320912-884-5837[emailprotected]. Olivet Methodist Church. The same year, Midway hired two more full time staff members.

that Midway Baptist Church In order to Grow in Christ, we must have a place that provides discipleship training, promotes God's Word, and offers fellowship with other Christians. The Pleasant Grove Church became the Mt. Our goal at Midway Baptist Church is to reach people with the Gospel (1Corinthians 15). Previously there had been black preachers named Mingo, Jack, and Salter who had provided services in a location near the Midway Church and at various plantations. We will meet at 11:00 am & 6:00 pm on Sunday and 6:00 pm on Wednesday. Contact usMidway MuseumP.O. John Osgood on January 2, 1757. All services will continue to be broadcast through the website (midwayofmeigs.com) and Facebook. Additionally, the Deacons will be taking temperatures (touchless) at each entrance. every one to come, bring their kids and be a part of these Services. In the 1830s, the Rev. is our sincere desire From its founding until the first Baptist church was established in 1806, the Midway Church was the only church in the area, and thus was not only a place of worship, but a meeting place for all the people of the county, both black and white.

Again, using common curtesy, refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or physically contacting others. Fellowship with friends, enjoy encouraging messages, and find a faithful place to serve while you grow closer to the love of Christ. your family, and how you can get involved. Nothing we do at MBC is possible without Jesus Christ. It has been described as one of the most scenic historic landmarks in Georgia.. In anticipation for the new church home, occassionally special services such as Easter and Memorial Day were held on the property outdoors under tents. The Sunbury Baptist Church evolved into the Sunbury Missionary Baptist Church. Masks are encouraged but voluntary. Charles Colcock Jones, a son of an extensive Midway family, began a mission to evangelize the enslaved people of Liberty Countys 15th District plantation owners. The Midway Society maintained control of the Church building, and leased it to the newly freed African American members, who brought their own minister in and organized the Midway Presbyterian Church in 1868. Not owning a building or property yet, Midway Community Church met at at Midway Elementary School in the gym and cafeteria. On August 28, 1754, a group of Congregationalists who had migrated from the Northeast to South Carolina, and then to the Midway District of Georgia, established the Midway Society and Church in a log meetinghouse. Parents keep watch over your children around the hand sanitizer stations. We simply want people to know the truth about Jesus Christ and His love and to know where they will spend eternity. They continued to maintain the Church and graveyard until 1892, when the congregation moved to what had been a nearby school and then built the Midway First Presbyterian Church, which still stands today a few miles north of the Museum on Highway 17. Midway Baptist Church

HoursTues.-Sat. Construction of the main church building started in 2003. Left Photo Credit: John Croft. If we can do anything to help It The Midway Church & Society produced a large number of prominent people, given its small size, and many of these are buried in its almost 2-acre cemetery, including Georgia Governor Nathan Brownson (1742-1796), Senator John Elliott (1773-1827), General Daniel Stewart (1761-1829), and General James Screven (1738-1778). An Invitation will be given following the message.
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