HP) stats, improve his Strengthen through Talents so that it gives you a, Windy and Thundia aren't too special until their true forms, but their true forms massively boost their damage, HP, and range. Eva Unit-02 began as the most mediocre out of the three Eva Units, until its true form came out, Code 777, which doubles her attack power when her health goes down, and still keeps the LD attack and massive damage against Red Enemies. This update nerfed surge's, while also giving us an efficient non Uber counter to them, so I might start playing again depending on how difficult it is to get the cubes. With resistance to and a guaranteed slow/weaken on White foes, and the ability to, D'arktanyan follows in the footsteps of his brethren. White foes usually lack many counters, but D'arktanyan is capable of shredding them with his overwhelming DPS. They come sandwiched in between Wicked Axe Cat and the new enemies in the update, so they'll presumably be replaced with the other 6 Wicked Cats in future updates. Now that you have an overview of the first set of enemies in this Battle Cats enemy guide, it is now time to experience this highly acclaimed title on your PC. His evolved form is no slouch either as he deals damage thats almost equal to a level 30 Jizos Moving Castle but he attacks faster and has the health (and ability) to back it up. Against angels, the Ultra Souls Legend Rare, Ushiwakamaru, is an absolute monster against them. Warlock and Pierre only attacks Aliens and Floating/Angels (depending on form) but has incredible stats against them. MikuBear debuted in the Hatsune Miku Collaboration Event and is another variant of Teacher Bear. Madoka Kaname works the same way as Aphrodite, with extreme long distance attacks, but also trades some standing range for faster attacks and movement speed, is strong to Floating Enemies and can slow them as well, instead of dealing massive damage to Aliens. Before update 5.10 went live on March 28, 2017, Traitless enemies were labeled as White Enemies. Her true form fixes this by more than. You need to make sure that you have your anti-red cats equipped the moment you reach the Maldives if you do not want a disappointing defeat. For this category, there are only three Battle Cat enemies. 5 purple and red Behemoth Stones, which are accessed the earliest, only good at killing metals and nothing else. He has long ranged area attacks, good HP and damage, and a fast attack rate. Cat Base Ultra doesn't have the unused wave effect, but it does have an unused Li'l Cat head present. In-game, both of them instead use the same wave effect as every other unit. Kasli the Scourge, the 4th Uberfest exclusive, excels in both support and offence, especially in her evolved form, Ritual Saint Kasli. Flower Cat is unlocked by repeatedly dragging the cat-paw door knob in the Cat Base screen in any chapter. She is also unharmed by waves, which is especially useful to combat Bun Bun Symbiote and Two Can. This game has unused items. To counter the hundreds of protagonist units in the game are the enemy units which, for the most part, are rarely mentioned in forums. Legendary for its ability to astound all those who lay their eyes upon it. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Uberfest brings Baby Gao to the table, but most of his merit is in his evolved form Mighty Lord Gao. This can be used to clear most close-ranged enemies on the field. The Battle Cats has plenty of these, surprisingly. It seems that it was originally meant to fire a much bigger missile than its pre-evolution; the missile is still present on the in-game model, but does not animate and is set to 0% opacity. This is also not mentioning his 68 second cooldown, which allows you to either have multiple Keijis out on the field or replace him quickly should he die. While he is considerably less versatile than his counterparts, his high stats make him extremely good in most situations, and he absolutely crushes White-type bosses such as the Crazed/Manic Cats. Cat counterparts are enemy units in contrast with protagonist cats. This game has unused graphics. Considering that the former are extremely common (many bosses have Floating as a secondary type) and the latter are considered extremely strong, one can imagine why he's such an invaluable asset in most situations. Biker Cat's spritesheet has considerably more unused sprites than its pre-evolution, including three unused missiles, a sonic boom, and a red version of the spikes it normally ejects from its front wheel to attack. This makes his already high-but-not-overpowered DPS rise up to insane levels and allows him to deal a ton of damage in just a few hits and while the HP trigger means he won't last long, his fast cooldown means that you can easily replace him when he dies and continue to barrage enemies with another Strengthened Greater Balrog. While it's pretty slow to move and attack, it can stay on the frontlines long enough to inflict enormous damage, and its damage output couples well with the Zombie Killer ability which allows it to easily. There are only four Black Collaboration enemies in The Battle Cats. Sarukani stands out as a scarily efficient Zombie-Killer in a game where they're scarce. He has 1.2 million HP, over 27,000 DPS, attack frequency of 1.97 seconds, and 450 area attacks. The GUI to search for Cats with specific abilities includes an option to search for Cats with the Warp ability. For the Galaxy Gals, we have Headmistress Jeanne, who not only deals x5 to x6 against red and floating enemies but also attacks very fast as well as having the exact same range as Lizard Cat. For this category, there are 57 enemies in total. This game has unused enemies. Mighty Rekon Corps cannot attack White enemies, but delivers incredibly powerful, nonstop strikes at long range. Swimmer was already a great rush unit thanks to being incredibly fast and dealing colossal damage to Floating enemies, but Fishman takes this. All of them have the Aku trait, but otherwise have stats identical to Doge (ID 2). Cat Gang's spritesheet has a unused set of legs in it. Despite his single attack, if he can get a hit in, it's going to hurt - with the highest damage of anything that can target all units, a deceptively fast attack speed, incredible range, and the ability to deal a, Shishilan Pasalan, Togeluga's true form. As you may have noticed in the characters stats, she is not your typical Black Battle Cats enemy. There's an unused impact effect on Bakery Cat's spritesheet. Kasa Jizo is particularly infamous for this. Sure, she has an. This game has unused playable characters. The toughest one in this category is Akuma. There are a total of 33 Battle Cats enemies in the Common/Story category.
This fiend boasts an HP of 100,000, an impressive 6,923 DPS, attack power of 15, 000, 2.17 seconds attack frequency, and 8 movement speed. Then Dark Mitama came along. Kai's true form, Divine Kai, deserves special mention. The simplicity of the games battle mechanics, leveling system, and detailed overall design fueled the games rise to success across multiple gaming platforms. What's more, her high piercing range allow her to inflict said Slow to a large group of enemies and getting knocked back instantly refreshes her attack cooldown, allowing her to retaliate instantly with her Slow. The 11.1 update changed the descriptions for them, alongside changing the basic form's name from "Singer Cat" to "Cabaret Cat". a massive improvement over the basic form. For starters, his unevolved form has the damage of Kasa Jizo and the Resistance of Ramen Cat against angels, improving said stats (the former has been improved thanks to using Insane Damage instead of Massive Damage, the latter has been improved by simply having more HP) while still having the spammability of an Ultra Soul. In addition to having higher attack power, it gains the ability to, The true form of Swimmer Cat, Fishman Cat. In fact, she can actually beat Realm of Carnage easier than most stages since she resists Weaken, the debuff that the stage's boss spams. The true form of Hip Hop Cat, Can Can Cat. You won't believe your eyes when it evolves at level 10. It also appears on Boomerang Cat's spritesheet, where it "animates" in the exact same way. Her DPS is bad at first glance, but if her Surge manages to land all of its attacks on an enemy, which is usually the case, her DPS skyrockets to levels that few can match and surpass without the help of damage-boosting abilities, making her a fierce attacker that can also snipe any mid-ranged backliners with ease. You need to have Awakened Bahamut on your team and an upgraded cannon to defeat this enemy. Since its official launch, Ponos iconic kimo-kawaii tower defense game The Battle Cats boasts one of the largest cat rosters in video games. Ganglion has rather low range, but compensates with over 100k health in its true form, 6 knockbacks, a whopping speed of 40, a minor long distance around 200 to 550, and being strong against Aliens and Zombies, making it a rush attacker who trades recharge time with lots of health and survivability. Last but not least is the Black Cat Counterpart. If he gets hit a bit, then his DPS will go through the roof, allowing him to flatten huge groups of enemies from a safe distance. This character comes with 750 HP, 6,000 DPS, 8,000 attack power, 160 area attack range, and a speed movement of 7. His evolved form, Meow-sketeer, has blazing speed, fast attacks, and 3x-4x damage to anything with a trait; he can easily crush traited enemies under his DPS. Also like Pon Cat, it's used in the Nintendo Switch version. In this Battle Cats enemy guide, we will discuss the strongest units in the games first three enemy types Traitless, Red, and Black. How the heck do you get + levels for an advent cat? However, in-game, only the leading Cat with the baton is used. And just to help him out even more, he also gets a slight health boost, meaning that he can take hits if necessary especially vs Blacks (which he takes only 1/4th of their damage; 1/5th with Max Void Fruit Treasure). Here's what it would look like if restored. Also known as: Nyanko Daisensou (JP)Developer: PONOSPublisher: PONOSPlatforms: IOS, His special ability allows him to execute a level three surge attack for two seconds with a range of 200-400. It seems that the slot was used to test Zoge's animations, and the developers simply forgot to delete the unused data. Like any other boss, the attributes of this fiend are on steroids, literally. While it does have its faults, such as a long foreswing that makes it prone to missing his attacks and the aforementioned inability to attack White foes, its insane DPS will usually make short work of anything that it decides to attack provided it's protected enough. If hacked onto a Cat unit, the Warp ability does work as intended. Its true form Ramen Cat is even better due to the large stat buff it gives him. She is a Long Distance unit that has a 2-hit attack animation and on the second hit, she has a 50% chance to deal a Critical attack. As a bonus, their slow speed allows them to take care of any Zombie that has managed to burrow past your main frontline. Join the community. All three members of the Cat Base Mini evolution line have unused sprites. This allows her to potentially knockback enemies 3 times, knocking them back far away from your cats and the way her Surge spawns means that she can knockback backliners alongside the frontliners, removing the risk that your attackers would wander into a backliners range with the exception of super backliners (Sunfish Jones, Director Kurosawah) and traitless backliners (Camelle, THE SLOTH). Kalisa has low health and short range but delivers huge damage at a rapid rate, further bolstered by her speed and triple damage to Angels. Built just like an angler fish, Henry is a legendary stage exclusive enemy. He can also. This begs the question, if I were to immediately start grinding for cubes when next update drops, how long would it take me to get killer cat's true form? AndroidReleased internationally: 2014Released in JP: 2011. Into The Battle Cats!? Its true form is even better, packing higher damage, extended range, and Omnistrike to deal with burrowed zombies. While his role as an anti-Red damager through the use of his Massive Damage ability isn't anything new, his combination of his high 13k DPS vs Reds, Long Distance attacks that can pierce ahead of his attacking range, area attacks, and high spammability, thanks to his surprisingly low cost and fast cooldown, allows him to tear apart reds like no other unit before him can do, provided that he is supported by cats that can cover his, While Teacher BearCat is normally a strong, but balanced unit being able to deal insane damage to White or Black enemies with a fast recharge time, but having. Investing more on his levels and Stat-increasing Talents just makes him even more powerful. One of the strongest enemies in the Traitless common/story category is Henry. The spritesheet for Drumcorps Cat includes sprites for two additional Cats, a tuba, drumsticks, and particles relating to them. His normal form deals quadruple damage to the enemy base (which can actually be exploited to, Radiant Aphrodite has slightly below-average stats, but engages foes at a range of 600, which is longer than the, Shining Amaterasu attacks moderately fast and uses attacks which deal massive damage to. This lightning-fast unit comes with 550 HP, 11,250 DPS, .27 seconds attack frequency, and 150 movement speed. By sliding the door repeatedly, you will obtain him.
Before her True Form, Kai was nearly unusable due to her slow speed, HP that, even against Floating, wasnt enough to stop her from getting killed quickly, cooldown which wasnt enough to compensate for said hp, and not being all that good generally. The event has long since ended, and unlike Capsule Cat, Squish Ball Cat, and Cat Bros., it was never released via other means. Like Evangelist Cat, however, it's used in the Nintendo Switch version of the game. The Battle Cats features an army of mutant Cats, ready to take over the world and you're going to lead them to victory. Assassin Bears insanely fast attack and movement will plow down your units if you are not prepared. These Battle Cats enemies come with high HP, poor attack range, insane damage, and rapid attacks. Her evolved form, Mitama the Oracle, has the ability to slow down any traited enemy she hits for 3.33-4 seconds which, combined with her attack rate of 5 seconds, barely gives enemies any time to breathe before being slowed again. Lets find out who the toughest Black Common/Story enemy is. These are not assigned to any parts on the model. Sanada Yukimura has incredible speed, deals high damage (which is tripled against Black enemies), and resets his attack animation after getting knocked back, allowing him to immediately retaliate should he be hurt enough. Kachi-Kachi's spritesheet has one more unused frame of animation for the tanuki in the top-right corner. Just two are enough to permanently freeze any amount of Red enemies. Even if you chose the damage form, Doctor Heavens high health can still serve as decent defense. Matou Sakura has 122.4k HP, is resistant to three types of enemies on top of that (Black, Alien and Zombies), and with decent speed, damage and knockbacks to boot, making her stand out from regular Defensive Units. This game has unused abilities. Since 2014, the developers have been able to expand the games roster through events and collaborations.
In addition, his ability can also curse units for 10 seconds. She also sports Wave Immunity as well as Curse Immunity, making her much more effective against the Uncanny Legends saga, and Weaken Immunity. The appearance is astonishing! The old Weekend Stage remains in the game, however. Also, the sprite sheet has an unused missile in it. 30), allowing him to absorb attacks from even the strongest of Black/Angel enemies with impunity and tank decently against even foes he doesn't resist. A Special Cat that was only accessible from a limited-time set of stages that only appear every December 31st, or from entering a serial code. He has staggering HP to go with his enormous attack stat, and unlike his previous form which. Take everything that made Mitama so powerful, give her the ability to always weaken targets, change her target type to White enemies, give her better attack, HP, and range and you have Dark Mitama. When it comes to powerful anti-Zombies, Mighty Thermae D-Lux is considered to be one of, if not the best one out of them all. Nevertheless, you can counter her with anti-black units, Pizza Cat, and Ururun Cat. In the final game, its eye always stays open. Then with a hefty amount of NP, you can, along with his attack and defence (i.e. However, Warp is an enemy-exclusive ability. Superstar Cat and idol of the music world. Rocker Cat is moderately cheap, deals deceptively high DPS in large numbers, is spammable, and has incredible durability for its cost, especially against the Angelic foes it resists. She has far-reaching Long Distance attacks that have a 50% chance to knockback any enemy with a trait as well as unleash a Surge Attack that attacks enemies at a maximum of 2 times, which always spawns beyond her standing range. He can single-handedly hold off slower Red foes, and can keep faster ones pushed back provided he has support. Catman has great all-around stats and the ability to deal massive damage to Aliens and Floating/Angels (depending on his form). Facing Master Uril means you need to cope with his 3.8 million HP, 12, 142 DPS, and 25,000 attack power. Combined with her fast attack rate and wide attack area and she can quickly damage a whole group of Metal enemies despite having lower critical damage than most critter Ubers. This same missile would later be used in Tricycle Cat's spritesheet. For this category, there are a total of 23 Battle Cats enemies. event also initially had 3 stages, but was later expanded to 8 alongside gaining a new exclusive enemy, Pigge Back. Another Uber Rare Cat, but this one for some reason has been permanently removed from the game since version 8.6. Its base health is also very high (127.5k HP), and it also resists Floating and Angel Enemies. Enemy ID 22 shares Doge's animations, but, like 21, has completely different stats. Investing in his Talents gives him the ability to slow down Blacks/Angels at a good rate and duration and resistance vs the Knockback ability. Technically, the sprite is used during gameplay; however, it's set to 0 opacity, so it never renders during the attack animation. Urashima Taro's evolved form, Guardian Gameron, is incredibly bulky and can deal fairly decent DPS, further bolstered by his resistances to Black/Angel enemies. Whats more, she has a decent probability of either Freezing, Slowing or Knocking Back Floating Enemies, the latter two for very long timings. In his True Form, his much faster attack rate boosts up his DPS to around 6000 which, in combination with his newfound 320 range, makes him a powerful mid-ranger. The kicker is that he can double his damage at 60% HP, meaning that any White enemy that can't outrange him is basically dead from that moment onwards. An area attacker called Pigge will serve as the main boss on the stage. To get Bombercat, you have to do a stage that appears for only two minutes at 2:22 PM on the 2nd and 22nd of each month. It's probably for the best that it was scrapped, as it doesn't appear anywhere near where Bakery Cat would usually target enemies. With that said, if you are one of the millions of players curious about the various types of Battle Cats enemies, then you are in for a treat. (Area Attack). Right off the bat, you will notice that red enemies are tougher and faster than Traitless enemies. His true form, on the other hand, boasts some of the highest HP of any cat (over 246k at Lv.
What's more, while her power against her target traits doesn't need to be questioned, she absolutely dominates her Floating targets as the combination of her fast attack rate, super-high DPS against them, and her Long Distance's splash damage allow her to effortlessly keep up with and take down the rushdown-reliant Floating enemies, especially against enemies like Brollows, Li'l Bun Buns, and Pigeon de Sables. This page was last edited on 13 January 2022, at 19:25. Baby Cat's true form deals massive damage coupled with the ability to summon a small shockwave to compensate its low standing range, and also has over 100k HP. While his DPS and speed are lower than Yukimura's, he has much more HP and more knockbacks, giving him better longevity and letting him land more hits in the long run. https://tcrf.net/index.php?title=The_Battle_Cats&oldid=1145717. Note that only Cats not tied to collaboration events should be included here, as a lot of units in the Japanese version aren't in the international versions. She can be used as a crowd controller against an entire horde of traited enemies, and is a staple to fight against Growing Strange. Before the 10.8 update, it was called "Pon Cat". It's used in the Nintendo Switch port, however, replacing Filibuster Cat X as the reward for clearing Cats of the Cosmos. Unlike most, Even though he is only obtained in an Uber Set that's filled to the brim with some of the worst, The Legend Rare for the Bikkuriman Collaboration, Black Zeus, is a powerhouse on par with the, Sanzo Cat is basically the go-to cat for any short-ranged Floating enemy thanks to its decent range, quick recharge, Area Attacks and the fact that the duration of the slow inflicted is much longer than its nearly-every-second attack rate, meaning that even a small stack of them can permanently slow down any Floating enemy.
This fiend boasts an HP of 100,000, an impressive 6,923 DPS, attack power of 15, 000, 2.17 seconds attack frequency, and 8 movement speed. Then Dark Mitama came along. Kai's true form, Divine Kai, deserves special mention. The simplicity of the games battle mechanics, leveling system, and detailed overall design fueled the games rise to success across multiple gaming platforms. What's more, her high piercing range allow her to inflict said Slow to a large group of enemies and getting knocked back instantly refreshes her attack cooldown, allowing her to retaliate instantly with her Slow. The 11.1 update changed the descriptions for them, alongside changing the basic form's name from "Singer Cat" to "Cabaret Cat". a massive improvement over the basic form. For starters, his unevolved form has the damage of Kasa Jizo and the Resistance of Ramen Cat against angels, improving said stats (the former has been improved thanks to using Insane Damage instead of Massive Damage, the latter has been improved by simply having more HP) while still having the spammability of an Ultra Soul. In addition to having higher attack power, it gains the ability to, The true form of Swimmer Cat, Fishman Cat. In fact, she can actually beat Realm of Carnage easier than most stages since she resists Weaken, the debuff that the stage's boss spams. The true form of Hip Hop Cat, Can Can Cat. You won't believe your eyes when it evolves at level 10. It also appears on Boomerang Cat's spritesheet, where it "animates" in the exact same way. Her DPS is bad at first glance, but if her Surge manages to land all of its attacks on an enemy, which is usually the case, her DPS skyrockets to levels that few can match and surpass without the help of damage-boosting abilities, making her a fierce attacker that can also snipe any mid-ranged backliners with ease. You need to have Awakened Bahamut on your team and an upgraded cannon to defeat this enemy. Since its official launch, Ponos iconic kimo-kawaii tower defense game The Battle Cats boasts one of the largest cat rosters in video games. Ganglion has rather low range, but compensates with over 100k health in its true form, 6 knockbacks, a whopping speed of 40, a minor long distance around 200 to 550, and being strong against Aliens and Zombies, making it a rush attacker who trades recharge time with lots of health and survivability. Last but not least is the Black Cat Counterpart. If he gets hit a bit, then his DPS will go through the roof, allowing him to flatten huge groups of enemies from a safe distance. This character comes with 750 HP, 6,000 DPS, 8,000 attack power, 160 area attack range, and a speed movement of 7. His evolved form, Meow-sketeer, has blazing speed, fast attacks, and 3x-4x damage to anything with a trait; he can easily crush traited enemies under his DPS. Also like Pon Cat, it's used in the Nintendo Switch version. In this Battle Cats enemy guide, we will discuss the strongest units in the games first three enemy types Traitless, Red, and Black. How the heck do you get + levels for an advent cat? However, in-game, only the leading Cat with the baton is used. And just to help him out even more, he also gets a slight health boost, meaning that he can take hits if necessary especially vs Blacks (which he takes only 1/4th of their damage; 1/5th with Max Void Fruit Treasure). Here's what it would look like if restored. Also known as: Nyanko Daisensou (JP)Developer: PONOSPublisher: PONOSPlatforms: IOS, His special ability allows him to execute a level three surge attack for two seconds with a range of 200-400. It seems that the slot was used to test Zoge's animations, and the developers simply forgot to delete the unused data. Like any other boss, the attributes of this fiend are on steroids, literally. While it does have its faults, such as a long foreswing that makes it prone to missing his attacks and the aforementioned inability to attack White foes, its insane DPS will usually make short work of anything that it decides to attack provided it's protected enough. If hacked onto a Cat unit, the Warp ability does work as intended. Its true form Ramen Cat is even better due to the large stat buff it gives him. She is a Long Distance unit that has a 2-hit attack animation and on the second hit, she has a 50% chance to deal a Critical attack. As a bonus, their slow speed allows them to take care of any Zombie that has managed to burrow past your main frontline. Join the community. All three members of the Cat Base Mini evolution line have unused sprites. This allows her to potentially knockback enemies 3 times, knocking them back far away from your cats and the way her Surge spawns means that she can knockback backliners alongside the frontliners, removing the risk that your attackers would wander into a backliners range with the exception of super backliners (Sunfish Jones, Director Kurosawah) and traitless backliners (Camelle, THE SLOTH). Kalisa has low health and short range but delivers huge damage at a rapid rate, further bolstered by her speed and triple damage to Angels. Built just like an angler fish, Henry is a legendary stage exclusive enemy. He can also. This begs the question, if I were to immediately start grinding for cubes when next update drops, how long would it take me to get killer cat's true form? AndroidReleased internationally: 2014Released in JP: 2011. Into The Battle Cats!? Its true form is even better, packing higher damage, extended range, and Omnistrike to deal with burrowed zombies. While his role as an anti-Red damager through the use of his Massive Damage ability isn't anything new, his combination of his high 13k DPS vs Reds, Long Distance attacks that can pierce ahead of his attacking range, area attacks, and high spammability, thanks to his surprisingly low cost and fast cooldown, allows him to tear apart reds like no other unit before him can do, provided that he is supported by cats that can cover his, While Teacher BearCat is normally a strong, but balanced unit being able to deal insane damage to White or Black enemies with a fast recharge time, but having. Investing more on his levels and Stat-increasing Talents just makes him even more powerful. One of the strongest enemies in the Traitless common/story category is Henry. The spritesheet for Drumcorps Cat includes sprites for two additional Cats, a tuba, drumsticks, and particles relating to them. His normal form deals quadruple damage to the enemy base (which can actually be exploited to, Radiant Aphrodite has slightly below-average stats, but engages foes at a range of 600, which is longer than the, Shining Amaterasu attacks moderately fast and uses attacks which deal massive damage to. This lightning-fast unit comes with 550 HP, 11,250 DPS, .27 seconds attack frequency, and 150 movement speed. By sliding the door repeatedly, you will obtain him.
Before her True Form, Kai was nearly unusable due to her slow speed, HP that, even against Floating, wasnt enough to stop her from getting killed quickly, cooldown which wasnt enough to compensate for said hp, and not being all that good generally. The event has long since ended, and unlike Capsule Cat, Squish Ball Cat, and Cat Bros., it was never released via other means. Like Evangelist Cat, however, it's used in the Nintendo Switch version of the game. The Battle Cats features an army of mutant Cats, ready to take over the world and you're going to lead them to victory. Assassin Bears insanely fast attack and movement will plow down your units if you are not prepared. These Battle Cats enemies come with high HP, poor attack range, insane damage, and rapid attacks. Her evolved form, Mitama the Oracle, has the ability to slow down any traited enemy she hits for 3.33-4 seconds which, combined with her attack rate of 5 seconds, barely gives enemies any time to breathe before being slowed again. Lets find out who the toughest Black Common/Story enemy is. These are not assigned to any parts on the model. Sanada Yukimura has incredible speed, deals high damage (which is tripled against Black enemies), and resets his attack animation after getting knocked back, allowing him to immediately retaliate should he be hurt enough. Kachi-Kachi's spritesheet has one more unused frame of animation for the tanuki in the top-right corner. Just two are enough to permanently freeze any amount of Red enemies. Even if you chose the damage form, Doctor Heavens high health can still serve as decent defense. Matou Sakura has 122.4k HP, is resistant to three types of enemies on top of that (Black, Alien and Zombies), and with decent speed, damage and knockbacks to boot, making her stand out from regular Defensive Units. This game has unused abilities. Since 2014, the developers have been able to expand the games roster through events and collaborations.

What's more, while her power against her target traits doesn't need to be questioned, she absolutely dominates her Floating targets as the combination of her fast attack rate, super-high DPS against them, and her Long Distance's splash damage allow her to effortlessly keep up with and take down the rushdown-reliant Floating enemies, especially against enemies like Brollows, Li'l Bun Buns, and Pigeon de Sables. This page was last edited on 13 January 2022, at 19:25. Baby Cat's true form deals massive damage coupled with the ability to summon a small shockwave to compensate its low standing range, and also has over 100k HP. While his DPS and speed are lower than Yukimura's, he has much more HP and more knockbacks, giving him better longevity and letting him land more hits in the long run. https://tcrf.net/index.php?title=The_Battle_Cats&oldid=1145717. Note that only Cats not tied to collaboration events should be included here, as a lot of units in the Japanese version aren't in the international versions. She can be used as a crowd controller against an entire horde of traited enemies, and is a staple to fight against Growing Strange. Before the 10.8 update, it was called "Pon Cat". It's used in the Nintendo Switch port, however, replacing Filibuster Cat X as the reward for clearing Cats of the Cosmos. Unlike most, Even though he is only obtained in an Uber Set that's filled to the brim with some of the worst, The Legend Rare for the Bikkuriman Collaboration, Black Zeus, is a powerhouse on par with the, Sanzo Cat is basically the go-to cat for any short-ranged Floating enemy thanks to its decent range, quick recharge, Area Attacks and the fact that the duration of the slow inflicted is much longer than its nearly-every-second attack rate, meaning that even a small stack of them can permanently slow down any Floating enemy.