If after reading this, you have further questions please feel free to contact us at (609) 298-4028 or [emailprotected]. /Length 34430
/Ordering (Identity)
This link takes you to a, Three Bears Chicken Recipe from the SAM kitchen, Affordability, Summer Camp, And Accessible Financial Aid, The 9 Essential Skills Learned at Camp (plus Magic). 4 0 obj Two 6 x 8 ground tarps (must be waterproof!). /Filter /FlateDecode
College Student Wanting To Build Your Resume? So how is packing coming? %PDF-1.3 Become A Camp Counselor. /Pages 40 0 R /MarkInfo << /Marked true >> 44 0 obj 0000076386 00000 n endobj Please take hammocks down when not in use. /FontBBox [ -665 -325 2000 1040 ]
Some are made of foam material that is more comfortable than simply sleeping on the ground. Your son will need a few basic items for these camping trips. 50 0 obj Flip-flops may be worn in the shower or cabin if your son desires. /Ascent 1040 Our mission is to provide handson educational experiences for all young people by exploring the complex interconnectedness of our natural world. >> _-l~*wEwlc]Y*(al[]Mn << *Note: You will be doing farm work and your outwear will get dirty. << 0000001369 00000 n x |E8WUsg2L.2@ @4 rjP9DT%@ ^+*dTudpa5!5]p8m>!FHdyGHZ75_g. A wool or microfleece (stadium) blanket. 0000039206 00000 n However, if you plan to purchase a knife for camp we recommend the two options below, these fit our fixed/locking blade requirements and have proven to be high functioning for the various activities we use knives. Simplicity - Peace - Integrity Community - Equity - Sustainability. Telephone: 603-242-6495 Reservations: 1-800-242-6495. 0000063636 00000 n
Below is the packing list for our overnight camps. Bug and Tick Repellent: Ticks and mosquitoes are a fact of Fernbrook life. Mora from Sweden. These tools are optional. 45 0 obj
The shirts may have writing on themthey do not have to be plain. /Type /Font
Jackets, sweaters, and hats made of fleece retain their warmth even when wet. /Size 70
/BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]
Water bottle(s): Staying hydrated is an essential part of a healthy and fun summer camp experience! stream
If you have any questions about items on this list please contact us. Swimsuit and Towel: Though we dont have swimming at camp, we still have plenty of opportunities to cool off in the heat. WordPress Site developed by BN Web Design, Sunscreen & sun protection (please arrive to camp with it already applied), Bug spray (please arrive to camp with it already applied), Comfortable athletic clothing & sneakers (closed-toe shoes required), Swimming clothes, towel, water shoes or sandals, Bagged Lunch and snacks for morning snack, Water bottle (please pack enough water to last throughout the day), A backpack to keep all the items together, Mary's Land Camp is a Summer Camp situated on 160 acres in Howard County Maryland on Mary's Land Farm. endobj
[ 49 0 R ]
0000062951 00000 n
/FontStretch /Normal
Creek Shoes: Creek shoes should be closed-toed and closed-heeled shoes that kids can tighten around their foot to be worn into the creek. Overnight campouts, canoe trips on rivers or lakes, backpacking adventures, mountain biking, and several rock climbs are a big part of our program. endobj
/ViewerPreferences << /Direction /L2R >>
Double-edged, spring-loaded blades, switchblade knives, or other bladed objects such as Ninja stars are not allowed. This will ensure that, regardless of sleeping arrangement, boys remain warm and dry while camping. . This link is for the model with a 3.6-inch blade. <<
These could be some of the most exciting times your son spends with us at camp. Be sure to check out the Pre-Camp Checklist video found on our Falling Creek Camp YouTube page. /Length1 77288
Labels that cannot be washed or ripped off are the best for our rugged camp environment. /S 72
/Type /Catalog
Bug spray /CapHeight 716
On out-of-camp adventure trips, hammocks may be used for sleeping, however, it remains essential for campers to pack both a sleeping bag and sleeping pad as outlined in the Parent Handbook. 0000038269 00000 n
Fernbrook Farms Summer Camp offers so much stimulation that your kids will most likely be too tired to use them even after they get home! cell phones, iPods, personal game systems, etc.
Hats, bandanas, field guides, binoculars, water-bottle holders . At Fernbrook, we encourage healthy eating habits and we hope that parents will help us in our endeavor. 4 pairs of socks, wool is preferred /Type /Page
A unique estate at the heart of a 230 acre preserved working farm in pastoral Chesterfield, New Jersey. >> /FontFamily (Arial) Thin plastic ponchos are not recommended, as they usually dont last for more than one use (if they last that long).
Our feet are very important during the summer and we are very vigilant about their care throughout the duration of camp. >>
1 cold weather jacket One 6 x 8 ground tarp (must be waterproof! Parking signs will direct you the whole way. The second is a separate packing list for the Junior Camp session, followed by a third for Father/Son Weekends. /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 45 0 R /GS1 46 0 R >> /Font << /C2_0 47 0 R
/Descent -325
If you are worried about being hungry between meals, we always have baskets of fresh fruit available in the Dining Hall. Any food found in the cabins will be collected and held onto in our office until Closing Day. /FontName /AEBTDR+ArialMT
The sleeping bag should fit into a stuff sack. /SMask /None
There is no laundry service for the Junior session. We use a commercial laundry service and ask that you send clothing of a simple nature that will look neat with a wash-and-tumble-dry process. 0000063981 00000 n
Please LABEL EVERYTHING that you send to camp this summer with your child. Rain pants are also a good purchase, but not necessary. 0000063666 00000 n
Sharpie markers work very well, as do name tapes, and name stamps. endobj
Except for long trips, where a boy may be carrying 1/4 to 1/3 his body weight in his pack, most boys will not need hiking boots. >>
/DW 1000
Incidental purchases may include batteries, a toothbrush, stamps, or an extra water bottle. 4 pairs of under garments Hollofill, Polarguard, or some other synthetic fill are recommended for sleeping bags for summer out-of-camp trips. 2 long sleeved shirts (at least one that can get dirty) Unlabeled items will be logged and kept for a short time following camp, and then donated to local charity if not claimed. If these items are brought to camp, we will collect them and hold them in our office until Closing Day. When not in use, the knife must be stored under control of its owner. Lockable blades and non-serrated edges are allowed. 0000038914 00000 n
What you bring to camp may be one of the most important steps to preparing for camp. >>
0000001029 00000 n
A hammock tarp is required for protection from the elements and nighttime dew. We have resources for camping gear listed in the sections below. There is a sign marking the entrance and staff will be nearby to greet you. QlLnoYT; peMwK(i]k3*yC^T`7 Lastly, be sure that the straps fit your son. 0000063479 00000 n
The exception is for campers who may need spending money for the airport, if flying. <<
A Sack Lunch: We ask that you pack your child a healthy lunch with an ice pack if needed. Again, please stay away from cotton items. 0
Falling Creek Camp is not responsible for lost cameras or GoPros. /OPM 1
0000064275 00000 n Campers at Falling Creek have opportunities for spending a night or more in the great outdoors during each session. >> 52 0 obj Laundry is sent in on a weekly basis and is returned the next day. Hang hammocks to sturdy, living trees only. /FontDescriptor 51 0 R Clothing, sports gear, trading cards, and any other items of sentimental or high monetary value should left at home. /T 446789 1 pair snow boots (weather depending), Underwear 0000003125 00000 n Kids will get to air their feet out during journal time.
Please leave all your snacks and candy at home. u\*Bdk-W!w13E-v5*Hl:rg%gSCc/1a{84qXd3Eb-cul;6=9d$MC\zG1.|[o+-)EZ_8Lzx! 0p]Y-]} k2%jFazq{8|O$ek$ Laundry bags that cannot be securely closed may lose the contents. /Parent 40 0 R /ArtBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] A reversible Falling Creek green and white (gold) shirt is available through the online store prior to camp. << /C2_1 54 0 R /C2_2 60 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 67 0 R >> >> We suggest using a durable camp trunk (please remove removable wheels). startxref Large water bottle Trunks are typically kept under the bottom bunk which has 19-1/2 of clearance, and the campers keep their clothes and belongings in the trunk. /ToUnicode 53 0 R Adjust slightly for the 2- Week session. Fernbrook Farms Nursery specializes in the growing of Native Deciduous Azaleas and Conifers, responsibly and sustainably. 48 0 obj Avoid plastic ponchos which are easily torn when walking in the woods. 0000000017 00000 n This is the first Fernbrook Farms driveway you come to when coming from Bordentown/Route 206 & 130 and it has a set of red brick pillars at the entrance with a hanging white and green Fernbrook Farms sign. /SA true Hard to believe campers will be arriving in just 2 weeks!! Were all looking forward to sharing Fernbrook Farms with you and your child! 1 bathing suit and towel for the pool Campers do not need to bring cash to camp; any incidental purchases from the Camp Store will be deducted from your sons store account balance after the end of the camp session. endstream We train and test our staff and campers to use these tools properly. We also have a small snack (milk and cookies) after Evening Program, before bed. Please use the packing checklists below to help pack for camp accordingly. endobj Mailing related costs may be charged to your account. Follow this ready to use checklist to make sure you come to camp well prepared! Making Art in Nature: Andy Goldsworthy Style, Remembering 'Perkie' Family Camp Director Extraordinaire. 0000002757 00000 n Food of any kind is not allowed in the cabin, because it will attract insects, mice, and snakes. /Type /ExtGState /Contents 66 0 R What makes us unique is that we also use our food and farming practices to educate adults and children regarding regenerative farming practices. Campers may refill water here at the farm all day long. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. endobj 1 pair of sunglasses /SA true The hammock and tarp must be set-up and secured prior to nightfall. Silly costumes are always fun to have at camp, though not mandatory. Communicating with your camper at camp and when to visit. %%EOF Fernbrook Farms is a place that is shared with many and used to educate both young and old about food, the beauty of nature and sustainable farming practices. At the beginning of the camp day, we will collect lunches and they are stored inside. 0000072070 00000 n ask a friend or neighbor if they have one your son can borrow. Mora from Sweden. These vendors have given Falling Creek Families discounts on outdoor gear: Falling Creek provides sheets and blankets for all campers and staff. 0000001739 00000 n /CA 1 You can write your childs name on them and we will help your child keep track of these during the day. More than just a sustainable farm system, we aim to build a farm system that regenerates man and nature. 0000038424 00000 n 0000001158 00000 n endobj /BaseFont /AEBTDR+ArialMT endobj 47 0 obj /N 3 xref Again, if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at 609-298-4028. Dismissal from camp will be immediate if the knife ever represents a weapon or is used irresponsibly. It is important to pack enough clothes for a full week, plus a few extra days. Laundry (see more below) is done every Friday for all in-camp sessions, except the Junior Camp session. /SMask /None /BaseFont /AEBTDR+ArialMT % There are areas of camp where hammocks are not allowed. /CIDToGIDMap /Identity << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Falling Creek Camp is accredited by the ACA and a member of NCYCA. /Encoding /Identity-H /BM /Normal 753 ] ] A good rain jacket is a must at camp. Sometimes this will require us to change into swimsuits. The pack needs to be large enough to fit about three soccer balls inside (30-40 liters), plus have outside pockets and places where a sleeping bag can fit. % 0000072457 00000 n >> xiqfggHN>(RW\Iae[dY@9`; stream >> Hammocks have become increasingly popular at camp. 0000037655 00000 n Falling Creek is not responsible for personal sheets and blankets. 1 pair of long underwear, weather depending, Accessories The food that we grow is certified naturally grown and nurtures the land that its grown upon. 0000001874 00000 n In an effort to keep plastic water bottles out of landfills, we encourage all campers to use re-usable water bottles. Crocs, flip-flops, and sandals without a heel strap are not appropriate for camp. 42 28 /Rotate 0 /L 447756 Drop-Off Procedure - PLEASE CHECK BACK AS WE ARE UPDATING FOR 2020, Urban Youth Initiatives & Summer Camp Scholarships. 69 0 obj June, Main, and 2-Week Camp campers are assigned, by cabin, to a green or gold team upon arrival to camp. It is assumed that boys, aged 13 or older, who bring a knife to camp have their parents approval and have proven to them that they are qualified to handle a knife properly. Trail shoes or light hikers are fine, as are running or other types of comfortable/sturdy sneakers. Please label them. /AIS false Falling Creek is not responsible for lost items. 1 pair of other closed toed shoes If an item is not labeled and is left behind at camp, we cannot guarantee its return. 49 0 obj /Type /FontDescriptor Rain gear: A raincoat is a valuable investment, and is durable enough to sustain the activities at Fernbrook Farms. /XHeight 519 Therefore, personal sheets should not be brought to camp unless required for medical reasons. /Type /Font /Prev 446778 Campers may bring cameras/GoPros that do not have internet connectivity with them to camp. A daypack or bookbag is not large enough or sturdy enough to hold the necessary gear. Typical school-type day packs or book bags dont have enough room for carrying a sleeping bag, clothes, and other camping gear. With the highest concern for safety, boys are obligated to tell their counselor or trip leader prior to using their knife.
Gl2\uN>O>[sS.W8AFr%_.,=u_cf=4)30hAwcfcW#9u6Yw>l\mk.5p+&S5~Wf;}XbZPAJ+.-a'QUzKi\VP `18}7kkPN7@? Green and gold t-shirts brought from home are fine. Opening day is one of our favorite days of the year. The frame is critical because it lets the pack maintain the proper shape for holding camping gear and helps with weight distribution. If your son packs an extra blanket, remind him not to send it to the camp laundry with the camp sheets/blankets. 0000153365 00000 n Toothbrush /DescendantFonts 48 0 R ** Flying Cloud and Red Spruce Grove campers must choose option 3 for bedding. /Length 122 /op true Some campers bring traditional camp trunks, while others may bring the hard plastic style, it is up to you. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 500 ] 71 72 556 73 [ 278 ] 74 75 556 76 77 222 78 [ 500 222 833 ] 81 84 556 Due to our varied terrain and active culture, closed-toe shoes and socks are recommended. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. 8+{Hp_\Wv#K8. Opinel from France.
For example, boys in past summers have brought 4th of July themed gear, pirate outfits, fuzzy onesies, Hawaiian tropical shirts, and more. The frame may be external to the pack, but internal-framed packs are popular, easy to manage, and take up less space. /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] endobj /H [ 1158 211 ] Please do not bring any electronic equipment to camp, i.e. Falling Creek Camp is not responsible for lost, missing, damaged, or destroyed personal property. You can also download this list here. Label hammocks and accessories. Xnj_wE>~Kqw_UqoMqz[m@gbl;4$4[{}./_pMaW.nn6I-n4Yp)P5On #j7g" *&T7 t)mlaim04j)c`0imLh$`&mw$ U7TSmKLEZ << 85 [ 333 500 278 556 500 722 ] 91 93 500 182 [ 222 ] 191 [ 500 ] 4231 [ 534 /OPM 1 Please do not bring flip-flops or sandals. Again, label all clothing items. /AIS false It goes over fleece to keep the wind and water away. /Supplement 0 /Type /ExtGState 0000002191 00000 n Campers will have a cubby in our locker room where they can store the items during the day. /Info 41 0 R 1 pair of rain or snow pants (weather depending) Mary's Land Camp 2018. Towels are also often used during journal time to lie down on. The vendors below have been very helpful with clothing labels: We make a strong effort to return lost and found items while your son is at camp and have greater success if all items are labeled with his full name. If you have any questions, please contact your camp director.
<< An extra change of clothes: Campers must have a change of clothes they can keep at camp until they are used (it wont be long). When prohibited items show up at camp, they are removed from the camper and only returned when the camper is going home. Others fill with air when used, and then deflate for packing. Falling Creek Camp is not responsible for lost or damaged hammocks or accessories.
A good rain jacket should repel water and preferably have a hood. Camera (optional), Toiletries xc``b``ic`f`L(fd@ A0x0AYbk=>UAIB1UR I00Htc`S^ ir* 91 1 warm outer layer (fleece, pullover, sweater) Staying warm is staying healthy. Please do not bring flashlights or electronics of any kind. When a child has had a clothing change, the wet clothes will be sent home in a plastic bag (we try to have the campers clean up as much as we can before they get back into your car). Outerwear If you have any questions about this, please let us know. Drop-off time is 8:20-8:40 A.M. unless enrolled in morning care, and Pick-up time is 4:00 P.M. unless enrolled in after care.
Other personal items, Copyright 2022 The Inn at East Hill Farm All Rights Reserved. Program & Staff Director, Annie Pharr Ramsbotham, Media Manager & Alumni Relations, Jeff Killebrew, Staff Recruitment and Development Director, Zach Rivera, Asst. Hammocks may be used for resting in camp during appropriate times and sleeping on out-of-camp trips, following the guidelines outlined below. Campers using a knife for purposes other than a beneficial tool will lose this responsibility and privilege. We suggest borrowing this gear if you have a source. 0000002839 00000 n ). As an optional item, we welcome boys to bring their hammocks and straps (also include tarp, stakes, and line for out-of-camp trips) to camp. 43 0 obj Please pack a laundry bag for your son that is of good quality and that may be securely closed. %PDF-1.4 We will not have any time to use these items. trailer They can easily be combated with non-DEET bug spray. Sunscreen All electronics, including iPods/music players, cell phones, smart watches, and electronic readers such as Kindle and Nook, may not be brought to camp. Follow the driveway past the small wooden barn (Farm Shop), in front of the big, white house (The Inn @ Fernbrook Farms) and through the circle to the parking lot. Pen and/or pencils /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] We, of course, cannot wait! Aerosol products are discouraged unless required for sunscreen or insect repellent preferences. /CIDSystemInfo 50 0 R We serve three hearty meals each day, where you may eat as much as you are hungry for. With the exception of socks, underwear, water bottles, and towels, Falling Creek will return labeled items to campers once they have left camp. /OP false Campers should not bring any food, candy, lighters, matches, water guns, weapons (see Knife Policy above), or balloons, to camp. Be wary of down or cotton as wet down or cotton, in a sleeping bag or on a campers body, is cold and miserable. The packing list for the June, Main, and 2-Week sessions includes (1) green and (1) gold t-shirt. >> Put Mabels Labels on all your childs items to help us return lost items to the rightful owner and apercentage of your purchase will return to Fernbrook Farms Environmental Education Center! You can also check out the Pre-Camp Checklist video. /FontWeight 400 Cameras/GoPros are only to be used outside of the cabin setting. 51 0 obj It is most helpful if you label each item with full initials or last name so we can identify items if found. /ca 1 A CSA dedicated to connecting families to the sources of their food by making delicious, healthy, chemical-free food accessible to all. This page is intended to inform you of all the procedures for drop-off and pick-up as well as to provide you with an equipment list of necessary items for campers to have on their first day of camp. 1 rain jacket 0000038454 00000 n /E 171994 Old sneakers work best. Andy Killebrew, Asst. >> 1 pair of work shoes (boots, old tennis shoes, etc) Some examples of internal frame backpacks that are also adjustable for growing boys are: REI Tarn 40 (liters), Deuter Fox 30 or 40, or the Osprey Ace 38. Boys should bring their own pillows, pillowcases and towels. 1 warm hat This link takes you to a 3.25-inch blade knife. A temperature rating down to 40 degrees is adequate. /Linearized 1 >> You will find the entrance to the camp/barnyard at the bottom of the parking lot. Notebook Any wet towels and swimsuits will go home that day. << This item can be provided by F&W, let us know if you will need to borrow it by emailing or calling the director of your camp. A liner, sleeping bag, or blanket should be used with the hammock for warmth and additional protection from the elements. 1 pair of gloves Campers are responsible for their hammocks and accessories. /StructParents 0 Team assignments are for all-camp games and some other in-camp activities. /Registry (Adobe) Incorrect posture or other lapses in safety protocol will result in the temporary suspension of knife privileges until they have been re-tested. ** Crocs are not appropriate creek shoes and should not be brought to camp, as they do not provide proper support and are not protective footwear in the creek.**. Hammocks may not be hung on top of each other/stacked. Program & Staff Director. << If a hammock is to be used for sleeping during an overnight adventure trip the following guidelines are to be observed: A small knife that fits into a pocket can be a useful tool in the backcountry. /O 44 Hammocks are to be hung at a height that allows entry without assistance/climbing. /BM /Normal Two pairs of sturdy, closed-toed shoes: Aside from the creek shoes, campers will need an extra pair of shoes to change into besides the ones they wear on their feet in case their first pair gets wet/muddy. Be sure to pack one to stay clean, and one that can be used for farm work. To prevent injuries to staff and campers, athletic shoes should be worn at all times. The following vendors have been very helpful to our camp families by providing great service and discounts: The first packing list below is a suggested list for the June, Main, and 2-Week Camp sessions. Q fZG37T,'r9Ev[E-ya~mTzYl r(w]@rMKf7KDQv|P$uPP{x22}Y3R`#,J="o`9LWsu8',qk!o--.o,5Nw;$7f 9(3s/`)vD7mTItL,p|ay$nRIwF3U
College Student Wanting To Build Your Resume? So how is packing coming? %PDF-1.3 Become A Camp Counselor. /Pages 40 0 R /MarkInfo << /Marked true >> 44 0 obj 0000076386 00000 n endobj Please take hammocks down when not in use. /FontBBox [ -665 -325 2000 1040 ]
Some are made of foam material that is more comfortable than simply sleeping on the ground. Your son will need a few basic items for these camping trips. 50 0 obj Flip-flops may be worn in the shower or cabin if your son desires. /Ascent 1040 Our mission is to provide handson educational experiences for all young people by exploring the complex interconnectedness of our natural world. >> _-l~*wEwlc]Y*(al[]Mn << *Note: You will be doing farm work and your outwear will get dirty. << 0000001369 00000 n x |E8WUsg2L.2@ @4 rjP9DT%@ ^+*dTudpa5!5]p8m>!FHdyGHZ75_g. A wool or microfleece (stadium) blanket. 0000039206 00000 n However, if you plan to purchase a knife for camp we recommend the two options below, these fit our fixed/locking blade requirements and have proven to be high functioning for the various activities we use knives. Simplicity - Peace - Integrity Community - Equity - Sustainability. Telephone: 603-242-6495 Reservations: 1-800-242-6495. 0000063636 00000 n

A unique estate at the heart of a 230 acre preserved working farm in pastoral Chesterfield, New Jersey. >> /FontFamily (Arial) Thin plastic ponchos are not recommended, as they usually dont last for more than one use (if they last that long).
0000064275 00000 n Campers at Falling Creek have opportunities for spending a night or more in the great outdoors during each session. >> 52 0 obj Laundry is sent in on a weekly basis and is returned the next day. Hang hammocks to sturdy, living trees only. /FontDescriptor 51 0 R Clothing, sports gear, trading cards, and any other items of sentimental or high monetary value should left at home. /T 446789 1 pair snow boots (weather depending), Underwear 0000003125 00000 n Kids will get to air their feet out during journal time.
Please leave all your snacks and candy at home. u\*Bdk-W!w13E-v5*Hl:rg%gSCc/1a{84qXd3Eb-cul;6=9d$MC\zG1.|[o+-)EZ_8Lzx! 0p]Y-]} k2%jFazq{8|O$ek$ Laundry bags that cannot be securely closed may lose the contents. /Parent 40 0 R /ArtBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] A reversible Falling Creek green and white (gold) shirt is available through the online store prior to camp. << /C2_1 54 0 R /C2_2 60 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 67 0 R >> >> We suggest using a durable camp trunk (please remove removable wheels). startxref Large water bottle Trunks are typically kept under the bottom bunk which has 19-1/2 of clearance, and the campers keep their clothes and belongings in the trunk. /ToUnicode 53 0 R Adjust slightly for the 2- Week session. Fernbrook Farms Nursery specializes in the growing of Native Deciduous Azaleas and Conifers, responsibly and sustainably. 48 0 obj Avoid plastic ponchos which are easily torn when walking in the woods. 0000000017 00000 n This is the first Fernbrook Farms driveway you come to when coming from Bordentown/Route 206 & 130 and it has a set of red brick pillars at the entrance with a hanging white and green Fernbrook Farms sign. /SA true Hard to believe campers will be arriving in just 2 weeks!! Were all looking forward to sharing Fernbrook Farms with you and your child! 1 bathing suit and towel for the pool Campers do not need to bring cash to camp; any incidental purchases from the Camp Store will be deducted from your sons store account balance after the end of the camp session. endstream We train and test our staff and campers to use these tools properly. We also have a small snack (milk and cookies) after Evening Program, before bed. Please use the packing checklists below to help pack for camp accordingly. endobj Mailing related costs may be charged to your account. Follow this ready to use checklist to make sure you come to camp well prepared! Making Art in Nature: Andy Goldsworthy Style, Remembering 'Perkie' Family Camp Director Extraordinaire. 0000002757 00000 n Food of any kind is not allowed in the cabin, because it will attract insects, mice, and snakes. /Type /ExtGState /Contents 66 0 R What makes us unique is that we also use our food and farming practices to educate adults and children regarding regenerative farming practices. Campers may refill water here at the farm all day long. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. endobj 1 pair of sunglasses /SA true The hammock and tarp must be set-up and secured prior to nightfall. Silly costumes are always fun to have at camp, though not mandatory. Communicating with your camper at camp and when to visit. %%EOF Fernbrook Farms is a place that is shared with many and used to educate both young and old about food, the beauty of nature and sustainable farming practices. At the beginning of the camp day, we will collect lunches and they are stored inside. 0000072070 00000 n ask a friend or neighbor if they have one your son can borrow. Mora from Sweden. These vendors have given Falling Creek Families discounts on outdoor gear: Falling Creek provides sheets and blankets for all campers and staff. 0000001739 00000 n /CA 1 You can write your childs name on them and we will help your child keep track of these during the day. More than just a sustainable farm system, we aim to build a farm system that regenerates man and nature. 0000038424 00000 n 0000001158 00000 n endobj /BaseFont /AEBTDR+ArialMT endobj 47 0 obj /N 3 xref Again, if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at 609-298-4028. Dismissal from camp will be immediate if the knife ever represents a weapon or is used irresponsibly. It is important to pack enough clothes for a full week, plus a few extra days. Laundry (see more below) is done every Friday for all in-camp sessions, except the Junior Camp session. /SMask /None /BaseFont /AEBTDR+ArialMT % There are areas of camp where hammocks are not allowed. /CIDToGIDMap /Identity << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Falling Creek Camp is accredited by the ACA and a member of NCYCA. /Encoding /Identity-H /BM /Normal 753 ] ] A good rain jacket is a must at camp. Sometimes this will require us to change into swimsuits. The pack needs to be large enough to fit about three soccer balls inside (30-40 liters), plus have outside pockets and places where a sleeping bag can fit. % 0000072457 00000 n >> xiqfggHN>(RW\Iae[dY@9`; stream >> Hammocks have become increasingly popular at camp. 0000037655 00000 n Falling Creek is not responsible for personal sheets and blankets. 1 pair of long underwear, weather depending, Accessories The food that we grow is certified naturally grown and nurtures the land that its grown upon. 0000001874 00000 n In an effort to keep plastic water bottles out of landfills, we encourage all campers to use re-usable water bottles. Crocs, flip-flops, and sandals without a heel strap are not appropriate for camp. 42 28 /Rotate 0 /L 447756 Drop-Off Procedure - PLEASE CHECK BACK AS WE ARE UPDATING FOR 2020, Urban Youth Initiatives & Summer Camp Scholarships. 69 0 obj June, Main, and 2-Week Camp campers are assigned, by cabin, to a green or gold team upon arrival to camp. It is assumed that boys, aged 13 or older, who bring a knife to camp have their parents approval and have proven to them that they are qualified to handle a knife properly. Trail shoes or light hikers are fine, as are running or other types of comfortable/sturdy sneakers. Please label them. /AIS false Falling Creek is not responsible for lost items. 1 pair of other closed toed shoes If an item is not labeled and is left behind at camp, we cannot guarantee its return. 49 0 obj /Type /FontDescriptor Rain gear: A raincoat is a valuable investment, and is durable enough to sustain the activities at Fernbrook Farms. /XHeight 519 Therefore, personal sheets should not be brought to camp unless required for medical reasons. /Type /Font /Prev 446778 Campers may bring cameras/GoPros that do not have internet connectivity with them to camp. A daypack or bookbag is not large enough or sturdy enough to hold the necessary gear. Typical school-type day packs or book bags dont have enough room for carrying a sleeping bag, clothes, and other camping gear. With the highest concern for safety, boys are obligated to tell their counselor or trip leader prior to using their knife.
Gl2\uN>O>[sS.W8AFr%_.,=u_cf=4)30hAwcfcW#9u6Yw>l\mk.5p+&S5~Wf;}XbZPAJ+.-a'QUzKi\VP `18}7kkPN7@? Green and gold t-shirts brought from home are fine. Opening day is one of our favorite days of the year. The frame is critical because it lets the pack maintain the proper shape for holding camping gear and helps with weight distribution. If your son packs an extra blanket, remind him not to send it to the camp laundry with the camp sheets/blankets. 0000153365 00000 n Toothbrush /DescendantFonts 48 0 R ** Flying Cloud and Red Spruce Grove campers must choose option 3 for bedding. /Length 122 /op true Some campers bring traditional camp trunks, while others may bring the hard plastic style, it is up to you. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 500 ] 71 72 556 73 [ 278 ] 74 75 556 76 77 222 78 [ 500 222 833 ] 81 84 556 Due to our varied terrain and active culture, closed-toe shoes and socks are recommended. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. 8+{Hp_\Wv#K8. Opinel from France.
For example, boys in past summers have brought 4th of July themed gear, pirate outfits, fuzzy onesies, Hawaiian tropical shirts, and more. The frame may be external to the pack, but internal-framed packs are popular, easy to manage, and take up less space. /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] endobj /H [ 1158 211 ] Please do not bring any electronic equipment to camp, i.e. Falling Creek Camp is not responsible for lost, missing, damaged, or destroyed personal property. You can also download this list here. Label hammocks and accessories. Xnj_wE>~Kqw_UqoMqz[m@gbl;4$4[{}./_pMaW.nn6I-n4Yp)P5On #j7g" *&T7 t)mlaim04j)c`0imLh$`&mw$ U7TSmKLEZ << 85 [ 333 500 278 556 500 722 ] 91 93 500 182 [ 222 ] 191 [ 500 ] 4231 [ 534 /OPM 1 Please do not bring flip-flops or sandals. Again, label all clothing items. /AIS false It goes over fleece to keep the wind and water away. /Supplement 0 /Type /ExtGState 0000002191 00000 n Campers will have a cubby in our locker room where they can store the items during the day. /Info 41 0 R 1 pair of rain or snow pants (weather depending) Mary's Land Camp 2018. Towels are also often used during journal time to lie down on. The vendors below have been very helpful with clothing labels: We make a strong effort to return lost and found items while your son is at camp and have greater success if all items are labeled with his full name. If you have any questions, please contact your camp director.
<< An extra change of clothes: Campers must have a change of clothes they can keep at camp until they are used (it wont be long). When prohibited items show up at camp, they are removed from the camper and only returned when the camper is going home. Others fill with air when used, and then deflate for packing. Falling Creek Camp is not responsible for lost or damaged hammocks or accessories.
A good rain jacket should repel water and preferably have a hood. Camera (optional), Toiletries xc``b``ic`f`L(fd@ A0x0AYbk=>UAIB1UR I00Htc`S^ ir* 91 1 warm outer layer (fleece, pullover, sweater) Staying warm is staying healthy. Please do not bring flashlights or electronics of any kind. When a child has had a clothing change, the wet clothes will be sent home in a plastic bag (we try to have the campers clean up as much as we can before they get back into your car). Outerwear If you have any questions about this, please let us know. Drop-off time is 8:20-8:40 A.M. unless enrolled in morning care, and Pick-up time is 4:00 P.M. unless enrolled in after care.
Other personal items, Copyright 2022 The Inn at East Hill Farm All Rights Reserved. Program & Staff Director, Annie Pharr Ramsbotham, Media Manager & Alumni Relations, Jeff Killebrew, Staff Recruitment and Development Director, Zach Rivera, Asst. Hammocks may be used for resting in camp during appropriate times and sleeping on out-of-camp trips, following the guidelines outlined below. Campers using a knife for purposes other than a beneficial tool will lose this responsibility and privilege. We suggest borrowing this gear if you have a source. 0000002839 00000 n ). As an optional item, we welcome boys to bring their hammocks and straps (also include tarp, stakes, and line for out-of-camp trips) to camp. 43 0 obj Please pack a laundry bag for your son that is of good quality and that may be securely closed. %PDF-1.4 We will not have any time to use these items. trailer They can easily be combated with non-DEET bug spray. Sunscreen All electronics, including iPods/music players, cell phones, smart watches, and electronic readers such as Kindle and Nook, may not be brought to camp. Follow the driveway past the small wooden barn (Farm Shop), in front of the big, white house (The Inn @ Fernbrook Farms) and through the circle to the parking lot. Pen and/or pencils /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] We, of course, cannot wait! Aerosol products are discouraged unless required for sunscreen or insect repellent preferences. /CIDSystemInfo 50 0 R We serve three hearty meals each day, where you may eat as much as you are hungry for. With the exception of socks, underwear, water bottles, and towels, Falling Creek will return labeled items to campers once they have left camp. /OP false Campers should not bring any food, candy, lighters, matches, water guns, weapons (see Knife Policy above), or balloons, to camp. Be wary of down or cotton as wet down or cotton, in a sleeping bag or on a campers body, is cold and miserable. The packing list for the June, Main, and 2-Week sessions includes (1) green and (1) gold t-shirt. >> Put Mabels Labels on all your childs items to help us return lost items to the rightful owner and apercentage of your purchase will return to Fernbrook Farms Environmental Education Center! You can also check out the Pre-Camp Checklist video. /FontWeight 400 Cameras/GoPros are only to be used outside of the cabin setting. 51 0 obj It is most helpful if you label each item with full initials or last name so we can identify items if found. /ca 1 A CSA dedicated to connecting families to the sources of their food by making delicious, healthy, chemical-free food accessible to all. This page is intended to inform you of all the procedures for drop-off and pick-up as well as to provide you with an equipment list of necessary items for campers to have on their first day of camp. 1 rain jacket 0000038454 00000 n /E 171994 Old sneakers work best. Andy Killebrew, Asst. >> 1 pair of work shoes (boots, old tennis shoes, etc) Some examples of internal frame backpacks that are also adjustable for growing boys are: REI Tarn 40 (liters), Deuter Fox 30 or 40, or the Osprey Ace 38. Boys should bring their own pillows, pillowcases and towels. 1 warm hat This link takes you to a 3.25-inch blade knife. A temperature rating down to 40 degrees is adequate. /Linearized 1 >> You will find the entrance to the camp/barnyard at the bottom of the parking lot. Notebook Any wet towels and swimsuits will go home that day. << This item can be provided by F&W, let us know if you will need to borrow it by emailing or calling the director of your camp. A liner, sleeping bag, or blanket should be used with the hammock for warmth and additional protection from the elements. 1 pair of gloves Campers are responsible for their hammocks and accessories. /StructParents 0 Team assignments are for all-camp games and some other in-camp activities. /Registry (Adobe) Incorrect posture or other lapses in safety protocol will result in the temporary suspension of knife privileges until they have been re-tested. ** Crocs are not appropriate creek shoes and should not be brought to camp, as they do not provide proper support and are not protective footwear in the creek.**. Hammocks may not be hung on top of each other/stacked. Program & Staff Director. << If a hammock is to be used for sleeping during an overnight adventure trip the following guidelines are to be observed: A small knife that fits into a pocket can be a useful tool in the backcountry. /O 44 Hammocks are to be hung at a height that allows entry without assistance/climbing. /BM /Normal Two pairs of sturdy, closed-toed shoes: Aside from the creek shoes, campers will need an extra pair of shoes to change into besides the ones they wear on their feet in case their first pair gets wet/muddy. Be sure to pack one to stay clean, and one that can be used for farm work. To prevent injuries to staff and campers, athletic shoes should be worn at all times. The following vendors have been very helpful to our camp families by providing great service and discounts: The first packing list below is a suggested list for the June, Main, and 2-Week Camp sessions. 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