The Crossing is the English-speaking, multiethnic ministry of Chinese For Christ Church of Hayward -- a non-denominational, evangelical Christian church in the East Bay. LOCATION: 2115 NEWPORT BLVD, COSTA MESA, CA 92627. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. We believe in various styles of worship and allow the freedom to worship God any way the follower feels lead.
We hope you notice that this is a church where a bunch of us, from skeptics to Bible scholars, gather together every weekend to study Scripture and ask tough questions. We welcome everyone, including those of us who don't have it all figured out. DO YOU REQUIRE ATTENDEES TO WEAR A MASK OR BE VACCINATED? Dress as casually or formally as you feel comfortable. Our nursery workers are always friendly and parents are encouraged to drop their little ones off before service begins. "Now about the collection for the Lords people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. Youll want to give yourself a few extra minutes, especially if youre a first time guest, to get your kids checked into their respective environments. } We hope to see you soon! Please enter the correct information below. From the very moment you enter Crossing Christian Church church, you begin learning.
We pray that you will connect with God through the worship, and enjoy meeting people. If you are planning on bringing your children with you, we think thats awesome. We celebrate weekly communion and meditate on what Jesus did on the cross for us. You dont need to be put together to do life with us. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. This is a announcements area for use when special information needs to be highlighed on the home page weather closings, special services, important events. But we hope what you really notice goes beyond our building. Join us on a journey to discover who we are through God's Word. "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?". Her moms heart One child recently pointed to a picture of Jesus, and said, "I love Jesse." We believe what Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:16 that "all Scripture is God-breathed.". Stop by the Connection Point which is the welcome desk in our lobby, before or after the service and introduce yourselves. Giving of ourselves and finances is considered a gift back to God for all He has done for us through His grace and forgiveness.
Greenville, IN 47124. /* position: relative; swelled with pride knowing her young daughter was learning who Jesus was at such an early age.
But it blesses every person to try. So many people have tried to prove the Bible wrong and attacks continue to happen against its truths but only fail in their efforts. We love kids. Thus baptism is out of obedience only. You may also visit our Family Room provided with sound and can be used at any time during the service if your child becomes disruptive. Man was used by God through the power of the Holy Spirit to write the very life changing words within each book. Its our desire to introduce Christ and His love to our community through Worship, Word, Truth and Trust. When you come to The Crossing on a weekend our aim is that you would be inspired by the music, encouraged by the message, welcomed by our amazing community of people & be reminded that Gods grace is here! Our little ones are taught about Jesus before they can even pronounce his name. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google.
Every message spoken never adds or takes away from the truth of this His Holy Word. We do not require attendees to be vaccinated or wear a mask but we recommend both for all attendees. We always have loud live music, as well as fun and relevant teaching for your kids and teens. It can be overwhelming to visit a new church for the first time. Its our desire to speak the truth in love. Clothes! We know what it's like to be the new person in the room. Thousands of people have died a martyrs death believing in the Bible and professing its truths. A church where you're invited to step in and seek answers, to connect with others, and to be a part of The Crossing at Chesterfield. Were not to believe the Bible merely because it tells us to but because of the supernatural changes it has on people. 2 On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.". Thank you for confirming you've been to The Crossing Church, Thank you for confirming you were baptized at The Crossing Church, Thank you for confirming you were married at The Crossing Church, Thank you for confirming you belong to The Crossing Church, Please assist us to maintain this website and develop new features, Download Lead Pastor Pastor Greg Dumas vCard,, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints churches near me, United Pentecostal Church International churches near me, Orthodox Church in America churches near me, Christian and Missionary Alliance churches near me, Church of God of Prophecy churches near me, Christian Methodist Episcopal Churches near me, African Methodist Episcopal Churches near me, Kenneth Hagin Ministries churches near me, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The believer has received salvation through the confession of faith and receiving of the Holy Spirit. Yes! "And on the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread". This also gives us the opportunity to meet you personally, orient you to our childrens environments and to assist your family in any way possible to make it a remarkable experience for everyone.
David of the Bible not only wrote songs and music but he also played and made instruments. We can't wait to meet you. As you drive down our parkway, you won't find a traditional-looking church. Please help this page visitors by submitting The Crossing Church Service Times. For regular attendees, please park in the the auxiliary parking lot because the spaces in the main campus are reserved for 1st time visitors, elderly, handicapped, and 2nd service. We have relaunched our in-person kids' programs on Sunday. Online Services Premiere Saturdays at 5:30p, On Campus Services are Sundays at 9:15a & 11:15a. Acts 20:7 Our weekend experience that lasts about one hour it consists of thought provoking messages based on the Bible. Taking care of your children & providing an amazing experience for them is one of our greatest values. What you will find is a unique and artistic building which we think, pretty well, reflects who we are. If youre on the fence at all, we want you to hear us sayJUST COME! On your first visit, we recommend getting here about 15 minutes early to give you plenty of time to park, find your way in and snag a good seat. At The Crossing you don't need to know anything about God, the Bible, church or Christianity. Today, it's the central hub of our, now, multi-site church. Paul states that when we have accepted Christ and His sacrifice on the cross and believe in Him, we crucify our old selves with Him and become a new creation. color: #fff; They are then released to go to their Sunday School and are provided with a similar message their parents will hear so they can share during family times at home. We must always remember we cant outgive God. Immersion in water, while it is Biblical and a way to identify ourselves with Christ, does not offer salvation. We have spots reserved for first time visitors in the main campus parking. Set in the middle of a cornfield, near Spirit of St. Louis Airport, Chesterfield was the first campus of The Crossing.
At Crossing Christian Church we have seen many lives changed because of the Word of God and its teachings. AD!FX LLC, 9265 Hwy 150 Due to limited parking, please carpool if possible. 2022 Crossing Christian Church | Website By Baptism is by immersion, which is the definition of the Greek word for Baptism. a.btn.btn-default.plan-button { The Bible has made claims to prophecies and truths that have made unbelieving scientists become believers. Thank you!
Our goal at The Crossing is to create environments and experiences where you can encounter God in the midst of your life. @media (min-width: 992px) { We believe that this verse clearly states that communion should be taken together as a church family on the 1st day (Sunday) of the week. width: 100%; While you are at The Crossing you can expect a casual atmosphere and casual dress. Our environment is casual and we simply want you to come as you are. Here's what you can expect from a typical Sunday at The Crossing: Friendly people who will make you feel loved and welcome, Gospel-centered, Biblically-based messages to encounter Jesus and change your life, Childcare and in-person programs for kids, A place to be yourself and meet new friends. Its difficult to understand how so many would die for something that wasnt true and real. If you have questions, need prayer, or want more info on the next right step for you, please email us today. ministry each month, and at a level they can comprehend. Sunday worship is at CFC Church of Hayward at 157 Smalley Ave in Hayward. No! We encourage the elementary age children stay with their parents during the music portion of our service. We believe each and every word written in the Bible has been directed by the Holy Spirit. The teaching will be given from our Lead Pastor, Andrew Brownback, or another teaching pastor from The Crossing staff. After the confession of faith and the receiving of the Holy Spirit has been accepted we celebrate in baptism. Whether you are brand new to the church thing or youve been around church for a while; we want to say welcome!
We remind ourselves a lot around here that we are REAL people, with REAL problems and a REAL HOPE! This church page is missing service times. Our worship service starts at 9:30 AM every Sunday in the Sanctuary. For more about our church and beliefs, visit our, We have small groups throughout the week in different locations, based on your current life stage to help you.
The Crossing is a church for people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Reopening safety protocols are posted on our, for more information on how to connect your child with one of our. "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise". You are welcome here. At Crossing Christian Church we celebrate God and all His goodness through praise and worship music. Romans 6:3 We make a positive difference in our communities with the Love of Jesus. } We have small groups throughout the week in different locations, based on your current life stage to help you get connected. It is common practice for believers to support the mission of the local church. There are signs and greeters to direct you to our service. You may choose to keep your child with you during the worship service at all times. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest, unless that is your desire.
The Crossing is the English-speaking, multiethnic ministry of Chinese For Christ Church of Hayward -- a non-denominational, evangelical Christian church in the East Bay. If you choose to join us in person at The Crossing at Chesterfield on any given weekend, youll find a bunch of really friendly faces, a welcoming environment, and a church service we think youll enjoy. We have relaunched our in-person kids' programs on Sunday. Please contact Lisa Ko at [emailprotected] for more information on how to connect your child with one of our children's programs. }. We believe that the story of Jesus is both tangible and personal, and our services reflect that.
We hope you notice that this is a church where a bunch of us, from skeptics to Bible scholars, gather together every weekend to study Scripture and ask tough questions. We welcome everyone, including those of us who don't have it all figured out. DO YOU REQUIRE ATTENDEES TO WEAR A MASK OR BE VACCINATED? Dress as casually or formally as you feel comfortable. Our nursery workers are always friendly and parents are encouraged to drop their little ones off before service begins. "Now about the collection for the Lords people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. Youll want to give yourself a few extra minutes, especially if youre a first time guest, to get your kids checked into their respective environments. } We hope to see you soon! Please enter the correct information below. From the very moment you enter Crossing Christian Church church, you begin learning.

Greenville, IN 47124. /* position: relative; swelled with pride knowing her young daughter was learning who Jesus was at such an early age.

David of the Bible not only wrote songs and music but he also played and made instruments. We can't wait to meet you. As you drive down our parkway, you won't find a traditional-looking church. Please help this page visitors by submitting The Crossing Church Service Times. For regular attendees, please park in the the auxiliary parking lot because the spaces in the main campus are reserved for 1st time visitors, elderly, handicapped, and 2nd service. We have relaunched our in-person kids' programs on Sunday. Online Services Premiere Saturdays at 5:30p, On Campus Services are Sundays at 9:15a & 11:15a. Acts 20:7 Our weekend experience that lasts about one hour it consists of thought provoking messages based on the Bible. Taking care of your children & providing an amazing experience for them is one of our greatest values. What you will find is a unique and artistic building which we think, pretty well, reflects who we are. If youre on the fence at all, we want you to hear us sayJUST COME! On your first visit, we recommend getting here about 15 minutes early to give you plenty of time to park, find your way in and snag a good seat. At The Crossing you don't need to know anything about God, the Bible, church or Christianity. Today, it's the central hub of our, now, multi-site church. Paul states that when we have accepted Christ and His sacrifice on the cross and believe in Him, we crucify our old selves with Him and become a new creation. color: #fff; They are then released to go to their Sunday School and are provided with a similar message their parents will hear so they can share during family times at home. We must always remember we cant outgive God. Immersion in water, while it is Biblical and a way to identify ourselves with Christ, does not offer salvation. We have spots reserved for first time visitors in the main campus parking. Set in the middle of a cornfield, near Spirit of St. Louis Airport, Chesterfield was the first campus of The Crossing.
At Crossing Christian Church we have seen many lives changed because of the Word of God and its teachings. AD!FX LLC, 9265 Hwy 150 Due to limited parking, please carpool if possible. 2022 Crossing Christian Church | Website By Baptism is by immersion, which is the definition of the Greek word for Baptism. a.btn.btn-default.plan-button { The Bible has made claims to prophecies and truths that have made unbelieving scientists become believers. Thank you!
Our goal at The Crossing is to create environments and experiences where you can encounter God in the midst of your life. @media (min-width: 992px) { We believe that this verse clearly states that communion should be taken together as a church family on the 1st day (Sunday) of the week. width: 100%; While you are at The Crossing you can expect a casual atmosphere and casual dress. Our environment is casual and we simply want you to come as you are. Here's what you can expect from a typical Sunday at The Crossing: Friendly people who will make you feel loved and welcome, Gospel-centered, Biblically-based messages to encounter Jesus and change your life, Childcare and in-person programs for kids, A place to be yourself and meet new friends. Its difficult to understand how so many would die for something that wasnt true and real. If you have questions, need prayer, or want more info on the next right step for you, please email us today. ministry each month, and at a level they can comprehend. Sunday worship is at CFC Church of Hayward at 157 Smalley Ave in Hayward. No! We encourage the elementary age children stay with their parents during the music portion of our service. We believe each and every word written in the Bible has been directed by the Holy Spirit. The teaching will be given from our Lead Pastor, Andrew Brownback, or another teaching pastor from The Crossing staff. After the confession of faith and the receiving of the Holy Spirit has been accepted we celebrate in baptism. Whether you are brand new to the church thing or youve been around church for a while; we want to say welcome!
We remind ourselves a lot around here that we are REAL people, with REAL problems and a REAL HOPE! This church page is missing service times. Our worship service starts at 9:30 AM every Sunday in the Sanctuary. For more about our church and beliefs, visit our, We have small groups throughout the week in different locations, based on your current life stage to help you.
The Crossing is a church for people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Reopening safety protocols are posted on our, for more information on how to connect your child with one of our. "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise". You are welcome here. At Crossing Christian Church we celebrate God and all His goodness through praise and worship music. Romans 6:3 We make a positive difference in our communities with the Love of Jesus. } We have small groups throughout the week in different locations, based on your current life stage to help you get connected. It is common practice for believers to support the mission of the local church. There are signs and greeters to direct you to our service. You may choose to keep your child with you during the worship service at all times. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest, unless that is your desire.
The Crossing is the English-speaking, multiethnic ministry of Chinese For Christ Church of Hayward -- a non-denominational, evangelical Christian church in the East Bay. If you choose to join us in person at The Crossing at Chesterfield on any given weekend, youll find a bunch of really friendly faces, a welcoming environment, and a church service we think youll enjoy. We have relaunched our in-person kids' programs on Sunday. Please contact Lisa Ko at [emailprotected] for more information on how to connect your child with one of our children's programs. }. We believe that the story of Jesus is both tangible and personal, and our services reflect that.