Any information or photos you can provide would be greatly appreciated. You'll hear from us every 2-3 weeks with exclusive deals and coupon codes, new products, how-tos, design ideas, cool articles, contentsand no junk. No se garantizan la accesibilidad ni la precisin de la traduccin proporcionada. Different wood requires different woodworking strategies - from cutting to finishing. Wood, your hand tools, you and a little know-how. I think the choice to make your own custom extension slides using the heavy duty extension sliders will give you the best of both worlds (attractive wood/design and smooth bearing action and metal rigidity) but doing so will double your total time in making the table. If you are selling your work, then you have entered a woodworking dimension with added complexity and stress.
Not sure Im describing this correctly. Thanks so much. If the grain is going parallel to the joint, when you attach the slides to the top, you want the screw closest to the joint fixed. I hope to mount them up on my table top as soon as I finish sanding it out. Wondering if I have a lemon Grizzly G0555LX. The table opens 36 to accommodate up to three 12 inserts so when fully extended there is a lot of stress on the mounting screws that should be longer with more bite into the top. When closed, the end skirts (attached to the top), butts up against the base and holds it from moving, but when extended, it floats in both directions. As I am still working through my design process, any suggestions or other ideas are welcome.Thanks,Dave, Ive refurbished a few antique extension tables (wooden slides) and mid-century extension tables (all-metal slides), and built and installed some cabinetry with long, heavy duty drawer slides. Si quieres comprar los artculos adicionales que seleccionaste para calificar para esta oferta. Volume discount available., -- Willie, Washington "If You Choose Not To Decide, You Still Have Made a Choice" - Rush. Please note: The largest table slide we offer is 52", and works for tables up to 104" long. As for the movement question, you always have to think about it when you use solid wood. These might be total overkill for a small family dining table, but if they work after mounting, they will outlast me and the table I am making! Looking for information on designing your projects? I originally bought a McMaster Carr pulley (sheave) 9466T75 (but replaced it with a ball bearing equivalent for smoother action, I dont have the supplier immediately at hand) mounted on their part #2435K11. They open and close easily without any binding or racking which I feared I would get with conventional off the shelf wooden table slides.My only reservation is the slides are very heavy and the table top is only 1 thick so there is only about 3/4 of depth or purchase on the four mounting screws on each side of the table top for each slide. -- A tube of calk and a gallon of paint will make a carpenter what he ain't. Si usas la opcin Cmpralo ahora!, solo comprars este artculo. If you get the wood extension type, you'll want to wax the inside surfaces. Please submit links to how-to pages and videos, pictures of beautiful and amazing pieces you made for us to admire, or help you finish.
From what I can see your design was not used as an equalized slide but could easily be made to do so with the addition of a rack and pinion.
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Would you be willing to share anything that you have learned in the making and using of your slides?
So far its worked fine.-Dave.
Share your tips and challenges Before you pick up those woodworking tools, take the time to ensure your safety in the shop! Algo sali mal. Questions and answers about CNC machines, tooling, best practices, and projects. The smaller 42x48 size fits our not-so-large dining area space and will seat 4 people nicely. I am making the table out of Claro Walnut, with fiddleback figured claro walnut for the table top.This plan/design would call for extension slides to open the table to a maximum of 32 (plus a little extra for when the leaves are inserted to clear alignment pins). everything moves. | 14 Cool VHS Covers for Modern Movies and TV Shows, This Realistic Water Painting Took More Than 2 Years to Complete, How Insulated Glass Changed Architecture as We Know It, Betty Whites Hilariously Unscripted Great Herring War Improv on Golden Girls, Artist Gets Revenge on a Cheapskate Who Wasted Their Time, What Each Character Would Look Like in a Cartoon Version of The Office, Guy Turns Stainless Steel Bolt Into Amazing Miniature Hunting Knife, This Short Clip Shows Theres Beauty and Creativity Everywhere, 13.0US $ |Flip Hinge Folding Table Diy Furniture Hardware Extension Flush Mount Table Top Chrome Silver 4 Pc - Furniture Hinges - AliExpress, How to Build a Farmhouse Table and Benches, Smart Sensor Cabinet LED Light 10PCS&30PCS&50PCS [Video] [Video] | Beleuchtungsideen, Led, Renovierungsideen, Woodworking Tools, Hardware, DIY Project Supplies & Plans - Rockler, Beginner's Guide to Building Things With V-Slot Aluminum Extrusion.
2022 Verticalscope Inc. All Rights Reserved.
For anyone else looking for slides, I found has the best selection. I bored a 5/16 threaded rod to accept the 1/16 wire cable loop and Nico pressed it in place. So to make the whole thing sandwich together, I had to make the butterfly leaves slide as well.
Latest Forum Topics. Share knowledge, get inspiration, show samples of your best work and more on our social media pages. Everything works great but how did you make the sliding top stop sliding when fully extended? Dave, This is a few years down the road from your original post but Im hoping in the intervening time youve had a chance to verify the functionality of your table slide design. I found Rockler had 20 200lb HD drawer slides at a reasonable cost and for lumber, I had some 8/4 maple left over from an old project that seemed it would make a very solid slide.I started by rippling four boards to house the slide mechanisms. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Looking for help with Are you unsure of which tools, or hardware, you need, or which brands to buy? It becomes exposed when they are fully extended 36, i.e. Hi All,Its been a while since I posted my question on dining table slides heres an update. One thing we can guarantee is that you do not stand the entire time you are in your workshop. Looks like you solved your issue with shop made slides. dining table I can move ahead with confidence! One is the threaded cap that fixes the 5/16 rod in place and the other is an access hole to install the final row of screws in the drawer slide. Precio de venta reciente facilitado por el vendedor, Agregar al carro de compras para guardarlo con esta oferta especial. Dave You did an awesome job on the table extension slides! Classic Designs by Matthew Burak/ | 84 Central Street, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 | 1-800-748-3480, McCobb Mid-Century Modern Table Base Set (4 Legs & 2 Angled Cleats), McCobb Mid-Century Modern Furniture Feet, 4" to 12", Walnut Countertop or Thick Table Top, 1.75", Perfect for 5 and 6 legged tables or pedestal base tables, Designed with a slight downward arc to compensate for drooping. It can extend far enough to allow the table leaf to be stored longitundinally under the table top. As you open your table to add leaves, these slides automatically bow down to counter the natural tendency of the table to droop at the ends. The gear causes them to open in both directions at the same time balancing the weight evenly. I was wondering if anyone out here on Lumberjocks has had any experience with this type of shop made table extension slide using heavy duty drawer slides. Have you checked with Van Dykes Restorations: You spend more time in there than any other room in your home. The two half then connect to each other in opposing directions by attaching the drawer slide runner to a center board cut from some 4/4 maple. Take a look here. Share your "joinery" discussion here. And for your sitting means, we offer our workshop stools that are just the right height and material to do the job and improve your efficiency. Manage Consent.
They handle both wooden and metal table extension slides. A Canadian review of the Harvey C14 Ambassador Bandsaw. I oversized the three rear holes on each side to allow to table top wood movement. table, Hi All,Im starting a dining table project. Questions? These slides look great and are way more solid and sturdy then the off-the-shelf wooden table extension slides I checked out before making these. Equalizer slides are geared for pedestal base tables and tables with 5 or 6 legs. I have never used metal table top hardware or built my own wooden ones but I build our dining room table using the wooden slides from Rockler and I have no complaints. Modifications, attachments, finishing, or metal tip installation add 3-5 business days to lead time and can not be returned. frustrations? Never tried making my own, but dont see why it wouldnt work as long as you get good heavy duty 32 bearing slides. Also, in that case, I'd suggest making the top of the base out of ply, so you have no movement there. They offer longer slides than most other retailers. Nota: No se garantizan la accesibilidad ni la precisin de la traduccin proporcionada. Im glad to hear they have worked well for you. I used their 52 equalizer slides on my dining table, and they work great. Dave, Thanks for the speedy reply. I am looking at two types of table slides on Rockler: the extension slides- and equalizer slides- My questions are: does anyone have experience with these products and what are the real differences between extension and equalizer? Ive seen that some wooden slides seem to get a little looser over the years (a lot of years though these were antiques) probably mostly due to contraction which causes some sag when you extend the table. Latest Projects |
Thanks for your replyI was planning on making the table top run horizontal to the glides so for example, if I make the holes closest to the center of the table the fixed points, could I just drill out the holes larger on the remainder of the glide holes to allow for expansion? The finish, whether paint, wax, stain, or something else, can make or break a project. Going to be making an extension dining table soon, solid wood, and wanted to have a stationary base (only table top moves on slides to accommodate leaf). Which is better 1/8 MDF or 1/8 Hardboard panel for Cabinet? DISCLAIMER: Any posts on LJ are posted by individuals acting in their own right and do not necessarily reflect the views of LJ. Thanks for your help. I used the Accuride 36 Full Extension,600lb slide.
You have a workshop, and you are proud of it.
Hi Dave: I just completed an extension table using heavy duty Accuride drawer slides. This is a huge 4 x 12 (fully extended) with 2) 2 butterfly leaves. (this slide model does not have a removable rail so it must be screwed in place all of a piece.) Learn more about shipping, lead time, returns, and wood types.
If you are a carver or want Intarsia, fretwork, intricate design cutting and more! This forum is for all the woodturners out there. When you pull one side of the table, both sides slide out. +1 on Van Dykes, I bought extensions from them and they worked great. Building things with metal isn't as hard as you'd think: V-slot and T-slot aluminum extrusions make it simple to build structural frames. If you think your table will end up somewhere else (not in your family) in less than 20 years for whatever reason, then maybe installing some prefab wooden slides will be fine, and your table will be done sooner by a week or two or a day or two if you are some kind of half-man/half-machine with no kids or job or social life. I designed a cable and pulley system for the equalized movement that is working very nicely. With the extension slides, you pull one side out, then walk around and pull the other side out. I had originally planned to use the Watertown metal slide for durability and lack of sag but found that it is far too difficult to operate in addition to an objectionable noise. a challenge, perhaps? Relief, 3D, chip-carving, whittling; carving knives, chisels, pocket-knives, power tools.
Since I wanted a 36-38 total extension, but wanted a slide mechanism that was around 30 to 32 when closed, I devised a double action slide using two 20 drawer slides that actually allow up to 40 of travel. Fifth leg to the rescue! That way they will move together. So I dont have a true anchor point. It doesnt seem to be available on the web other than buying a set of equalized slides to cannibalize. The equalizer slides operate both sides simultaneously. back to Designing Woodworking Projects forum, Topic tags/keywords: I've used the equalizer type slide, and the wood extension, not the steel ones. Actualiza la ventana de tu navegador para volver a intentarlo. I am on the fence about either buying wooden table extension slides like the one from Rockler, or follow a suggestion in a Fine Woodworking artical that calls to make your own using heavy duty drawer slides attached to hardwood planks ( on line article for reference: ), I like the idea of making my own table extension slides like the ones mentioned in the article. I have taken some photos that Ill get around to uploading if you have interest.
I decided to go ahead and try making own using heavy duty drawer slides. -- Ken Irish, D'Ireys Cabinetmakers,, Ken the table slides are still working well after several years of use, although they only get used a few times a year when we have guests over and need to add a leaf.The slides are certainly heavy with only a small amount of sag when fully extended. Can you measure this on your BS? Have you had to compromise your project On the lathe, by the lathe: do you have questions? Call 1-800-748-3480 for quote. Not seeing what you need? I have built a table for a particular client and need to use a very smooth acting, heavy duty and good looking equalized table extension slide and what you have made looks to fit the bill. Subscribe to our email list. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

Would you be willing to share anything that you have learned in the making and using of your slides?
So far its worked fine.-Dave.
Share your tips and challenges Before you pick up those woodworking tools, take the time to ensure your safety in the shop! Algo sali mal. Questions and answers about CNC machines, tooling, best practices, and projects. The smaller 42x48 size fits our not-so-large dining area space and will seat 4 people nicely. I am making the table out of Claro Walnut, with fiddleback figured claro walnut for the table top.This plan/design would call for extension slides to open the table to a maximum of 32 (plus a little extra for when the leaves are inserted to clear alignment pins). everything moves. | 14 Cool VHS Covers for Modern Movies and TV Shows, This Realistic Water Painting Took More Than 2 Years to Complete, How Insulated Glass Changed Architecture as We Know It, Betty Whites Hilariously Unscripted Great Herring War Improv on Golden Girls, Artist Gets Revenge on a Cheapskate Who Wasted Their Time, What Each Character Would Look Like in a Cartoon Version of The Office, Guy Turns Stainless Steel Bolt Into Amazing Miniature Hunting Knife, This Short Clip Shows Theres Beauty and Creativity Everywhere, 13.0US $ |Flip Hinge Folding Table Diy Furniture Hardware Extension Flush Mount Table Top Chrome Silver 4 Pc - Furniture Hinges - AliExpress, How to Build a Farmhouse Table and Benches, Smart Sensor Cabinet LED Light 10PCS&30PCS&50PCS [Video] [Video] | Beleuchtungsideen, Led, Renovierungsideen, Woodworking Tools, Hardware, DIY Project Supplies & Plans - Rockler, Beginner's Guide to Building Things With V-Slot Aluminum Extrusion.

For anyone else looking for slides, I found has the best selection. I bored a 5/16 threaded rod to accept the 1/16 wire cable loop and Nico pressed it in place. So to make the whole thing sandwich together, I had to make the butterfly leaves slide as well.
Latest Forum Topics. Share knowledge, get inspiration, show samples of your best work and more on our social media pages. Everything works great but how did you make the sliding top stop sliding when fully extended? Dave, This is a few years down the road from your original post but Im hoping in the intervening time youve had a chance to verify the functionality of your table slide design. I found Rockler had 20 200lb HD drawer slides at a reasonable cost and for lumber, I had some 8/4 maple left over from an old project that seemed it would make a very solid slide.I started by rippling four boards to house the slide mechanisms. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Looking for help with Are you unsure of which tools, or hardware, you need, or which brands to buy? It becomes exposed when they are fully extended 36, i.e. Hi All,Its been a while since I posted my question on dining table slides heres an update. One thing we can guarantee is that you do not stand the entire time you are in your workshop. Looks like you solved your issue with shop made slides. dining table I can move ahead with confidence! One is the threaded cap that fixes the 5/16 rod in place and the other is an access hole to install the final row of screws in the drawer slide. Precio de venta reciente facilitado por el vendedor, Agregar al carro de compras para guardarlo con esta oferta especial. Dave You did an awesome job on the table extension slides! Classic Designs by Matthew Burak/ | 84 Central Street, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 | 1-800-748-3480, McCobb Mid-Century Modern Table Base Set (4 Legs & 2 Angled Cleats), McCobb Mid-Century Modern Furniture Feet, 4" to 12", Walnut Countertop or Thick Table Top, 1.75", Perfect for 5 and 6 legged tables or pedestal base tables, Designed with a slight downward arc to compensate for drooping. It can extend far enough to allow the table leaf to be stored longitundinally under the table top. As you open your table to add leaves, these slides automatically bow down to counter the natural tendency of the table to droop at the ends. The gear causes them to open in both directions at the same time balancing the weight evenly. I was wondering if anyone out here on Lumberjocks has had any experience with this type of shop made table extension slide using heavy duty drawer slides. Have you checked with Van Dykes Restorations: You spend more time in there than any other room in your home. The two half then connect to each other in opposing directions by attaching the drawer slide runner to a center board cut from some 4/4 maple. Take a look here. Share your "joinery" discussion here. And for your sitting means, we offer our workshop stools that are just the right height and material to do the job and improve your efficiency. Manage Consent.

You have a workshop, and you are proud of it.
Hi Dave: I just completed an extension table using heavy duty Accuride drawer slides. This is a huge 4 x 12 (fully extended) with 2) 2 butterfly leaves. (this slide model does not have a removable rail so it must be screwed in place all of a piece.) Learn more about shipping, lead time, returns, and wood types.
If you are a carver or want Intarsia, fretwork, intricate design cutting and more! This forum is for all the woodturners out there. When you pull one side of the table, both sides slide out. +1 on Van Dykes, I bought extensions from them and they worked great. Building things with metal isn't as hard as you'd think: V-slot and T-slot aluminum extrusions make it simple to build structural frames. If you think your table will end up somewhere else (not in your family) in less than 20 years for whatever reason, then maybe installing some prefab wooden slides will be fine, and your table will be done sooner by a week or two or a day or two if you are some kind of half-man/half-machine with no kids or job or social life. I designed a cable and pulley system for the equalized movement that is working very nicely. With the extension slides, you pull one side out, then walk around and pull the other side out. I had originally planned to use the Watertown metal slide for durability and lack of sag but found that it is far too difficult to operate in addition to an objectionable noise. a challenge, perhaps? Relief, 3D, chip-carving, whittling; carving knives, chisels, pocket-knives, power tools.
Since I wanted a 36-38 total extension, but wanted a slide mechanism that was around 30 to 32 when closed, I devised a double action slide using two 20 drawer slides that actually allow up to 40 of travel. Fifth leg to the rescue! That way they will move together. So I dont have a true anchor point. It doesnt seem to be available on the web other than buying a set of equalized slides to cannibalize. The equalizer slides operate both sides simultaneously. back to Designing Woodworking Projects forum, Topic tags/keywords: I've used the equalizer type slide, and the wood extension, not the steel ones. Actualiza la ventana de tu navegador para volver a intentarlo. I am on the fence about either buying wooden table extension slides like the one from Rockler, or follow a suggestion in a Fine Woodworking artical that calls to make your own using heavy duty drawer slides attached to hardwood planks ( on line article for reference: ), I like the idea of making my own table extension slides like the ones mentioned in the article. I have taken some photos that Ill get around to uploading if you have interest.
I decided to go ahead and try making own using heavy duty drawer slides. -- Ken Irish, D'Ireys Cabinetmakers,, Ken the table slides are still working well after several years of use, although they only get used a few times a year when we have guests over and need to add a leaf.The slides are certainly heavy with only a small amount of sag when fully extended. Can you measure this on your BS? Have you had to compromise your project On the lathe, by the lathe: do you have questions? Call 1-800-748-3480 for quote. Not seeing what you need? I have built a table for a particular client and need to use a very smooth acting, heavy duty and good looking equalized table extension slide and what you have made looks to fit the bill. Subscribe to our email list. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.