In-home testing is very much our bread and butter at PLAY, so when the opportunity then came up to test smart speaker surveys in this setting, we were game.
Flick the TV on to any channel right now, and you probably wont escape talk of inflation. (We do too. Coca-Cola and Pepsi recently vowed to reduce their use of sugar by 20 per cent over the next seven years in a bid to address Australias obesity epidemic. Alcohol is a controversial topic in todays world. Its exhausting, we know! Politically charged topics, such as food miles and standards, are all high on the agenda too. Six trends, ranging from functional drinks to innovative new flavours, are reshaping the market. Not familiar with product clinics? In a world fixated on freedom of choice, wehave ended up with a severe case of analysis paralysis. 51 percent of our respondents expressed that they always look for sugar-free food and drink products. Shoppers today pay more attention to food labelling than ever before. Consumer demand for natural, healthy and sustainable products has become pervasive. Natural food products are experiencing epic growth right now. The influence of these evolving consumer trends actually provides a great deal of white space opportunity for the industry. POY showcases the best of the best, with inspiring products that have made a real impact on their category. Processing solutions and equipment for dairy, cheese, ice cream, beverages and prepared food. So, lets pop a bottle and dive right in to our top alcohol trends! Get ready to dive into all things FMCG e-commerce, manufacturer and consumer pain points, and how to get the edge. Anyone whos been tasked with building a powerful brand intimately knows the highs and lows of this mammoth task. With PLAY's holistic approach to product testing, the whole customer experience can be tested and refined so you can more meaningful decisions about your brand. Not all generations are created equal when it comes to marketing messages. The latest census found that slightly more than half of Australias residents today have two Australian-born parents and, Australian goods are hot property for Chinese consumers, Demand for Australian-made is soaring, as a, from the Chinese student population of Australia, turning over around 500 billion renminbi a year. This movement has created unique opportunities and challenges for brands and manufacturers - and we want to help you make the most of them! The 3pm Coca-Cola guzzlers. Todays consumers care about a business integrity and values. The highly competitive soft drinks industry is struggling to keep its head above water in the face of growing pressure from both the anti-plastic and anti-sugar movements. So, without further ado,we'd LOVE toshare: There are many amazing brands out there that people seem to love, but somehow the sales data doesn't match up. Given their advancements in this space, we also wanted to experience the benefits of smart speaker surveys for ourselves; including getting greater detail from participant responses, offering a more engaging way to do in-home tests and hopefully receiving richer, more accurate results for our clients. Instead of hammering down prices and tweaking packaging formats, brands can play with everything from creating eco-friendly naturalness to functional indulgence. Yet with restrictions starting to ease, liquor consumption has slowed. As price competition increases from supermarket own brands and profit margins dip, high value alternatives. According to IBIS Worlds recent report, the soft drink manufacturing industry has grown at a modest annual rate of 1.7 percent over the last five years. A 2019 report from Australian Organic Limited. More importantly, how can you ensure your testers can evaluate your ground breaking concept and give you the feedback you need? Snacking has long been a part of most peoples daily lives. These days, new trends are shifting away from sugary concoctions to drinks with functional benefits and fewer potential health hazards. 61 percent are paying more attention to local brands and small manufacturers than before. Have you heard? Product of the Year (POY) is the largest consumer-voted set of awards for innovation, so naturally we're big fans. Shopper behaviour is usually underestimated and changes to packaging can cause enormous disruption. By 2025, the global plant-based market is predicted to hold a market value of $38.4 billion. PLAY's sensory specialist, Andrew Turner, discusses how rapid sensory profiling can take your product to the next level by asking your consumers some simple questions. By submitting this form, you confirm you have read and acknowledgeTetra Pak's privacy policy. Tetra Pak Services helps you improve your performance, optimise costs and ensure food safety throughout the lifecycle of your operation. Yep, it's true - we don't do things by halves around here. How to put concept testing and development into practice. Cheskin began a tradition of applying semiotics to packaging design in the search for bigger profits and higher brand awareness. You're already well aware that global warming is a hugeproblem and a worldwide hot topic, but do you know how your consumers really feel about protecting our planet? there is a definite opportunity for players in the carbonated soft drink industry to introduce more low, no or reduced sugar offerings into the Australian market. In this postPLAY researcher Dr. Klara Bruverisexplores the mind of the shopper in a retail environment with a focus on packaging (one of our favourite topics!). The emerging purchase and consumption trends we're seeing (and how they're evolving). Want to talk future future? What older consumers are looking for from FMCG brands. However, growth has been coming from ready-to-drink coffee, particularly cold brew coffee. Now, theyre expanding to a channel that hasnt traditionally been considered premium at all. Click the button below to download it (free) now. Yep, it's true - we don't do things by halves around here. Then youll get a kick out of our free report How Manufacturers in Australia Typically Approach Innovation. Add your details for instant access. In the past, when someone was out in the wild being chased by tigers (you know, as you do), fear caused a fight or flight response. Looking at the bigger picture than just product, many manufacturers are also making statements around sustainability. A complete carton packaging range for consuming fresh and safe products, offering convenience, easy opening and optimal shelf life. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2518731, 'fcc18b26-7d42-4cd6-aa02-490cfbc8aa4c', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); As the experts in consumer-led innovation in FMCG, we partner with manufacturers and retailers to lift the productivity and effectiveness of their NPD. In the UK, where we see many trends later mirrored in Australia, the sugar tax has had a big impact on consumer purchase decisions. So, without further ado, Businesses spend a lot of time measuring brand performance. In reality, we had some hard lessons to learn when it came to adapting face-to-face methodologies into online environments. Couple that with the latest advancements in online qual and you can easily gain actionable insights on your products from the comfort of your own home - and that goes for your team, as well as your consumers. There may be some debate about the exact definition of Millennials, but theres no denying that they're a prominent feature in cultural and economic commentary, with many brands chasing this particular generation of consumers. There is a significant lack of consumer trust in the industry today. The PLAY team are officially the proud designers and owners of the largest sensory CLT facilities in Australia! However, today, almost a quarter of the planets population is over 50 and as the Australian population ages, 1 in 7 people are now over 65 - and this number is rising. Understanding current shopper needs and behaviours requires you to step into other people's shoes a task thats challenging for even the most knowledgable and empathetic expert. According to Macquarie Bank, a whopping 60% of total retail sales in Australia came from online retailers last year.
At Tetra Pak, we strive to share our expertise and experience within food and beverage. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2518731, '0498d99b-c9fa-4e59-a219-a6c17937757e', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Baffled or bored by the science-y connotations of the term 'sensory research'? If you'd like to find out how these macro trends are influencing your consumers, get in touch on02 8097 0200or time. Consumer health trends have shaken things up, shifting demand away from sugar-filled carbonated products and towards alternative health drinks (it's safe to say that Australia is officially kombucha-crazy!). So, you end up having to compromise by taking shortcuts or filling in the blanks using educated guesswork, and this can often leave you wondering: consumers actually buy into my new product?, it look right and function properly in practice?, Well, heres the exciting part you no longer need to make that compromise OR risk getting left on the shelf! Consumer insight managers have a lot on their plates and a laundry list of stakeholders to keep happy. Do you understand your shopper's mind enough to influence that final purchase decision? More of us want to know exactly whats in our food and where it has come from.
We spoke to our community of Australian shoppers on the explosion of naturals. Ever wondered the REAL reason behind new product wins and losses? Way back when lockdown first started, reports showed that the Aussie stereotype of loving a drink, no matter the occasion was alive and well. Its official: online is the fastest growing retail channel in Australia.
If you need clarity on how a concept test can help with product development or that big launch you're planning, then allow us to explain! Youre leading multiple projects that constantly threaten to derail your timelines and budgets. Alkalising, hydrating, electrolyte-filled and flavoured options have led to bottled water becoming the largest volume segment in the UK. You're already well aware that global warming is a huge, Its official: online is the fastest growing retail channel in Australia. And if you've been watching the news lately, you'll know it's the same response we've seen to, Have you ever been drawn to some fancy-looking packaging or heard about a jazzy new concept, but then found the sensory experience to be a total let down? Co-creation is one of the best ways to engage customers. Consumers are turning to more natural products to boost their health over 'fake-tasting' conventional options. For example while carbonated soft drinks sales are declining, healthier options in the drinks category are all seeing growth with Kombucha drinks growing seven times in the last two years., Clear drinks are the current craze in Japan, seize 50% of the entire e-commerce retail market this year, reports showed that the Aussie stereotype of loving a drink, no matter the occasion was alive and well, insights we've gained from our Australian online community, Australia Post is delivering more parcels than Christmas, Coles and Woolworths have had to rein in their delivery options, ccording to Macquarie Bank, a whopping 60% of total retail sales in Australia came from online retailers last year, valued the Australian organic industry alone at $2.6 billion, more than one in four Australian residents were born overseas. We found that 61 percent of respondents expressed that they care less about counting calories and more about the nutrient content of food and drink products. Picture the scene: Youre lost in innovation chaos and under pressure to deliver the next big thing. If you want to learn more, take the opportunity to explore further. Beverage production is changing. Plain old water and coconut water have also been turned into something of a marketing miracle! At PLAY, were huge fans of helping you uncover the right insights to drive innovation. Companies like Bellamys, a2, Swisse and Blackmores are absolutely cleaning up." If you missed out, here's your chance to tune in and learn more about the impacts on purchase and consumption and what's next for FMCG manufacturers. However, its just as important to stay focused on your core range. Many industries have no idea where theyre coming or going, and the future of FMCG new product development still holds question marks. Whats fuelling the robust force of the Australian convenience industry? The time, effort and research that it takes to develop your idea is a lot to juggle with existing workloads, and totally deflating if, after all that investment, you find out that your consumers dont feel the same. The PLAY team are officially the proud designers and owners of the largest sensory CLT facilities in Australia! It was one of the first books to take a scientific approach to brand imagery and design. When we found out that General Mills and Aigora had conducted pilot research on smart speaker surveys, we had to know more. Suntory also sell products like transparent yogurt drinks and milk teas there. While many of us are still fond of a nice, high-quality tipple, the global wellness trend has caused some consumers toreevaluate their alcohol consumption and choices. Think of us like the connective tissue within your innovation process. Fermented drinks, ready-to-drink teas and products with natural sweeteners are all picking up the slack for traditional carbonated beverages. Knowing your key audiences habits, beliefs and channel preferences enables you to hit the nail on the head, every time. There are four key drivers influencing the shifting focus in the soft drinks category towards a more healthy, natural approach: Many consumers are moving away from calorie reduction, restriction or exclusion and towards nourishment, nutrient density and inclusion. As price competition increases from supermarket own brands and profit margins dip, high value alternatives (particularly low and no sugar options) are having their time to shine. is a global charity that encourages people to try vegan for January. Our recent research into the explosion of the. Have you ever been drawn to some fancy-looking packaging or heard about a jazzy new concept, but then found the sensory experience to be a total let down? I know I was enjoying an extra wine with the additional hour at home at the end of the day (no travel!). Nowadays, with non-essential errands banned, more and more Australians are choosing delivery and pickup options. If you missed our recent webinar, here's your chance to tune in and learn more about how to take the start-up spirit (and approach) into big business. Learn how we can help you to overcome tight margins and reduce environmental impact in soft drinks production. Dr. Klara Bruveris, one of PLAY's qualitative researchers, gives her fresh perspective on the topic in this exciting feature. Over the years we've worked with hundreds of brands to launch seasonal products and packs and we've picked up a fair few pointers along the way. So, how do you know if it's just a paint job or if the whole house needs work? And we're not talking about free breakfast and ping pong tables! We are called PLAY after all! Natural food products are experiencing epic growth right now. Consumers are asking the industry to step up and give them a helping hand to be healthy - why not try taking a stand and see how it impacts perceptions (and profits)? Following a tumultuous 2020, the shift from attending in-person events to nesting at home has paved the way for new kinds of alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic options to emerge.
We get it. Strategies for the industry to connect with this group. Brands today are often guilty of focusing too much attention on the. In the US, people's individual soft drink consumption has been declining since 2016. Google searches for low-sugar dietsare over-taking low-fat dietsand millions of people swear by programs such as Australian-born Sarah Wilsons I Quit Sugar, to help them achieve health and wellness. In fact, quite the opposite: petrol stations. Soft drink, a fun, fizzy beverage, used to be considered a delicious treat. One of the biggest challenges innovation managers face when bringing ideas to life is funding them and proving their worth. onsumer sentiment, imagery attributes and comparisons to other brands in the market. This shift has created an array of new opportunities and challenges for brands and manufacturers. low and no sugar options) are having their time to shine. Youve worked hard to produce a fabulous new food or drink product, but what should you call it? You have already downloaded a document using this email address. Does that make us old?!). How can producers of soft drinks cope with growing recipe complexity? At one time it was carbs, then it was fat but. It seemed like it would be a breeze to adapt to our home offices, especially since we were already used to working between multiple offices and saying, Youre on mute regularly. Lucky for you, the PLAY team live and breathe all things consumer. So, to save you the headache of trial and error, weve summarised our best tried and tested tips that will help you bring distributed teams and consumers together in an online innovation sprint (from further afar than might otherwise have been possible before!). Although the sugar tax hasnt been introduced here, Australians are already making changes based on greater awareness and education on the matter. Does the term 'concept testing' sound a bit confusing or airy fairy? Why is it that some perfectly packaged products are doomed for failure while others see skyrocketing success? At PLAY, its no exaggeration to say were obsessed with packaging as an extremely valuable consumer touch point. During chaotic times like these, predicting future consumer trends can seem like an impossible feat. EVERYONE is talking about agile innovation. Semiotic analysis has been used to create some of the best innovations in recent years, helping brands fit seamlessly into society; connecting them with consumers' lives and addressing real problems. That's why we're diving into the subject in classic PLAY style, to fill you in on: As many Australians choose to reduce their alcohol consumption, or even go teetotal for the sake of their health, how can alcoholic drinks manufacturers successfully quench the thirst of todays evolving consumers? Tips and considerations to help you navigate the journey! In this post, learn how were blending PLAYful consumer research with the. But how satisfying is the definition Millennial to brands nowadays? Another key way of enticing consumers to stay engaged with the category is for CSD brands to consider developing low, no or reduced sugar limited edition flavour offerings., Zegler, Trend and Innovation Consultant at Mintel), Australian consumers are switching to perceived healthier alternatives at an accelerated rate. As a nation, we have an increasing awareness and concern for the environment, animal welfare, safety standards and our own health. After all, there are numerous scary-sounding steps between initial idea generation and your big product launch; and you dont want to risk stabbing in the dark just to keep costs down. Consumers have demonstrated that theyre willing to pay more and are looking for healthier, lower sugar alternatives in soft drinks. In 2017, for example, Fanta Zero grew 46 per cent whilst classic Fanta grew a much more modest 5 per cent. One of our many specialties is reviewing and renovating existing products so you can find that golden nugget, sooner. 5 key trends that start-ups are focusing on, What we can learn from start-ups dominating a variety of FMCG categories like recipe bases, alcohol & dairy. To download your copy, please click on the button to start your download. For some, online shopping used to be a non-essential indulgence or a way to save time. to give them a go, PLAY's sensory expert, Andrew Turner, tells you everything you need to know in less than 3 minutes. Technical sensory research has a bit of a bad rap. Our recent research into the explosion of the naturals market made it crystal clear that these elements are not enough. Consumer health trends have shaken things up, shifting demand away from sugar-filled carbonated products and towards alternative. These older consumers have big spending power and present awesome opportunities for FMCG brands. For some, online shopping used to be a non-essential indulgence or a way to save time. 3. At PLAY we've seen time and time again how packaging can be one of the most powerful and valuable consumer touch points. In the near future, non-carbonated drinks are expected to overtake their carbonated rivals. Products like energy drinks have supplemented growth but falling soft drink consumption has limited revenue. Interested in checking out one of our most popular white papers on all things "natural" food and drink? Shoppers are looking for innovative, indulgent drinking experiences minus the headaches and regret. Download our Innovation white paper for more helpful insights to take your product from concept to successful launch. We first began working remotely when It Who Must Not Be Named started (*cough Covid-19*). It was one of the first books to take a scientific approach to brand imagery and design. The Australian convenience industry grew at 4.5% in 2016, and is currently an $8.3 billion industry, according to the AACS State of the Industry Report 2016. We love a lunch and learn, so we were thrilled to share the. Its easy for companies to burn through their research budget after testing just a couple of products. When something is still a seed of an idea, it can be tricky to showcase the products true potential. As health and wellness becomes more of a priority to consumers, the lines are blurring between the domains of consumer goods manufacturers, biopharmaceuticals, cosmetic companies, health services and even the medical world. Lets face it: in Australia product testing, sometimes known as sensory testing, can be hugely expensive. In fact, the radical differences in terms of consumer experience between bricks-and-mortar stores versus online is leaving much of the industry feeling stuck and confused about how to cut through. Businesses spend a lot of time measuring brand performance: consumer sentiment, imagery attributes and comparisons to other brands in the market. Wondering how the heck they can add value to your insights? Convenience retailers are adapting. drinks (it's safe to say that Australia is officially kombucha-crazy!). A. After a tumultuous year, Australian retailers are relying on a bumper holiday season to help them survive into 2021 and beyond. and millions of people swear by programs such as Australian-born Sarah Wilsons I Quit Sugar, to help them achieve health and wellness. So, could leveraging the growing power of "natural" help reverse the tide and achieve sparkling success? If you arent already, then its high time you get to grips with the controversial cannabis legalisation and innovation thats taking place in Australia and around the globe right now. Whilst the growth in categories like craft RTDs, bottled water and kombucha make success and innovation seem like an uphill battle for traditional carbonated soft drink manufacturers, it seems that we just need to think outside of the box. A complete flexible island solution for mixing and preparing any beverage or syrup, combining low energy and water use with minimised product losses. Its part science, part art and inevitably, part magic. Once considered an old school research method, in-home usage tests (IHUTs) are the perfect combination of traditional and innovative techniques and should definitely be part of your research arsenal. The industry in the UK has started adapting by introducing reduced sugar soft drinks that boast functional benefits. ingredient substitution: how to deliver perceived value AND increase profit margins, package testing: how to spot unmet opportunities, why FMCG product development should adopt sensible sustainability, product performance analysis and inflation, how to prioritise your research: when to invest or spend less, get to market faster with innovation sprints, reaching new highs: Australia's cannabis industry. Read on to find out why and how semiotics is important for successful packaging design. Meanwhile, consumers are busy adjusting, exploring and experimenting with new ways of living while trying to enjoy opportunities for festivities during a global pandemic and recession. Consumers are crying out to be heard and co-creation gives them that opportunity. The hummus and carrot stick chompers. At PLAY, its no exaggeration to say were, By 2025, the global plant-based market is predicted to hold. It happens, but it doesn't have to happen to your product. We love a lunch and learn, so we were thrilled to share the insights we've gained from our Australian online community over the past month and a half with some virtual friendly faces. Sharing the precious, powerful insights that youve worked tirelessly to uncover with the rest of your organisation? Clear drinks are the current craze in Japan, a country which may be a looking glass into the future of Australian soft drinks: Japan is often a testing ground for new products and is widely recognised as a leader in beverage innovation. How Aussies are feeling and the kinds of changes they're making in response to the crisis.
We were recently invited to share our Play perspective on COVID-19 learnings with the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST). However, packaging research and design is a delicate and often bewildering journey with lots of potential pitfalls. The latest census found that slightly more than half of Australias residents today have two Australian-born parents andmore than one in four Australian residents were born overseas. They are focusing on innovation and taking a customer-first approach, which has helped the industry trump grocery growth, year on year, since 2012.
Remember when Amazon was just somewhere you shopped for books? The democratic process has recently demonstrated that Australians see a need for more ambitious targets for emissions reductions. Weve even seen retail offerings that bridge the gap between on-site bars and e-commerce stores. The good news is, you can shortcut the guesswork with brand research. 83 percent of our respondents expressed a preference for brands that are honest about how they process food and drink products. We discuss the move from quantity towards quality, the rise of reduced alcohol and dietary requirement friendly options, and the need to cater for convenience as well as experiential indulgence in the Australian alcohol industry today. Whats more, we want access to this kind of information about the products we buy - quickly, conveniently and in a format we trust. (We do too. Consumer demand for natural, healthy and sustainable products has become pervasive. In the near future, non-carbonated drinks are expected to overtake their carbonated rivals.
Flick the TV on to any channel right now, and you probably wont escape talk of inflation. (We do too. Coca-Cola and Pepsi recently vowed to reduce their use of sugar by 20 per cent over the next seven years in a bid to address Australias obesity epidemic. Alcohol is a controversial topic in todays world. Its exhausting, we know! Politically charged topics, such as food miles and standards, are all high on the agenda too. Six trends, ranging from functional drinks to innovative new flavours, are reshaping the market. Not familiar with product clinics? In a world fixated on freedom of choice, wehave ended up with a severe case of analysis paralysis. 51 percent of our respondents expressed that they always look for sugar-free food and drink products. Shoppers today pay more attention to food labelling than ever before. Consumer demand for natural, healthy and sustainable products has become pervasive. Natural food products are experiencing epic growth right now. The influence of these evolving consumer trends actually provides a great deal of white space opportunity for the industry. POY showcases the best of the best, with inspiring products that have made a real impact on their category. Processing solutions and equipment for dairy, cheese, ice cream, beverages and prepared food. So, lets pop a bottle and dive right in to our top alcohol trends! Get ready to dive into all things FMCG e-commerce, manufacturer and consumer pain points, and how to get the edge. Anyone whos been tasked with building a powerful brand intimately knows the highs and lows of this mammoth task. With PLAY's holistic approach to product testing, the whole customer experience can be tested and refined so you can more meaningful decisions about your brand. Not all generations are created equal when it comes to marketing messages. The latest census found that slightly more than half of Australias residents today have two Australian-born parents and, Australian goods are hot property for Chinese consumers, Demand for Australian-made is soaring, as a, from the Chinese student population of Australia, turning over around 500 billion renminbi a year. This movement has created unique opportunities and challenges for brands and manufacturers - and we want to help you make the most of them! The 3pm Coca-Cola guzzlers. Todays consumers care about a business integrity and values. The highly competitive soft drinks industry is struggling to keep its head above water in the face of growing pressure from both the anti-plastic and anti-sugar movements. So, without further ado,we'd LOVE toshare: There are many amazing brands out there that people seem to love, but somehow the sales data doesn't match up. Given their advancements in this space, we also wanted to experience the benefits of smart speaker surveys for ourselves; including getting greater detail from participant responses, offering a more engaging way to do in-home tests and hopefully receiving richer, more accurate results for our clients. Instead of hammering down prices and tweaking packaging formats, brands can play with everything from creating eco-friendly naturalness to functional indulgence. Yet with restrictions starting to ease, liquor consumption has slowed. As price competition increases from supermarket own brands and profit margins dip, high value alternatives. According to IBIS Worlds recent report, the soft drink manufacturing industry has grown at a modest annual rate of 1.7 percent over the last five years. A 2019 report from Australian Organic Limited. More importantly, how can you ensure your testers can evaluate your ground breaking concept and give you the feedback you need? Snacking has long been a part of most peoples daily lives. These days, new trends are shifting away from sugary concoctions to drinks with functional benefits and fewer potential health hazards. 61 percent are paying more attention to local brands and small manufacturers than before. Have you heard? Product of the Year (POY) is the largest consumer-voted set of awards for innovation, so naturally we're big fans. Shopper behaviour is usually underestimated and changes to packaging can cause enormous disruption. By 2025, the global plant-based market is predicted to hold a market value of $38.4 billion. PLAY's sensory specialist, Andrew Turner, discusses how rapid sensory profiling can take your product to the next level by asking your consumers some simple questions. By submitting this form, you confirm you have read and acknowledgeTetra Pak's privacy policy. Tetra Pak Services helps you improve your performance, optimise costs and ensure food safety throughout the lifecycle of your operation. Yep, it's true - we don't do things by halves around here. How to put concept testing and development into practice. Cheskin began a tradition of applying semiotics to packaging design in the search for bigger profits and higher brand awareness. You're already well aware that global warming is a hugeproblem and a worldwide hot topic, but do you know how your consumers really feel about protecting our planet? there is a definite opportunity for players in the carbonated soft drink industry to introduce more low, no or reduced sugar offerings into the Australian market. In this postPLAY researcher Dr. Klara Bruverisexplores the mind of the shopper in a retail environment with a focus on packaging (one of our favourite topics!). The emerging purchase and consumption trends we're seeing (and how they're evolving). Want to talk future future? What older consumers are looking for from FMCG brands. However, growth has been coming from ready-to-drink coffee, particularly cold brew coffee. Now, theyre expanding to a channel that hasnt traditionally been considered premium at all. Click the button below to download it (free) now. Yep, it's true - we don't do things by halves around here. Then youll get a kick out of our free report How Manufacturers in Australia Typically Approach Innovation. Add your details for instant access. In the past, when someone was out in the wild being chased by tigers (you know, as you do), fear caused a fight or flight response. Looking at the bigger picture than just product, many manufacturers are also making statements around sustainability. A complete carton packaging range for consuming fresh and safe products, offering convenience, easy opening and optimal shelf life. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2518731, 'fcc18b26-7d42-4cd6-aa02-490cfbc8aa4c', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); As the experts in consumer-led innovation in FMCG, we partner with manufacturers and retailers to lift the productivity and effectiveness of their NPD. In the UK, where we see many trends later mirrored in Australia, the sugar tax has had a big impact on consumer purchase decisions. So, without further ado, Businesses spend a lot of time measuring brand performance. In reality, we had some hard lessons to learn when it came to adapting face-to-face methodologies into online environments. Couple that with the latest advancements in online qual and you can easily gain actionable insights on your products from the comfort of your own home - and that goes for your team, as well as your consumers. There may be some debate about the exact definition of Millennials, but theres no denying that they're a prominent feature in cultural and economic commentary, with many brands chasing this particular generation of consumers. There is a significant lack of consumer trust in the industry today. The PLAY team are officially the proud designers and owners of the largest sensory CLT facilities in Australia! However, today, almost a quarter of the planets population is over 50 and as the Australian population ages, 1 in 7 people are now over 65 - and this number is rising. Understanding current shopper needs and behaviours requires you to step into other people's shoes a task thats challenging for even the most knowledgable and empathetic expert. According to Macquarie Bank, a whopping 60% of total retail sales in Australia came from online retailers last year.
At Tetra Pak, we strive to share our expertise and experience within food and beverage. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2518731, '0498d99b-c9fa-4e59-a219-a6c17937757e', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Baffled or bored by the science-y connotations of the term 'sensory research'? If you'd like to find out how these macro trends are influencing your consumers, get in touch on02 8097 0200or time. Consumer health trends have shaken things up, shifting demand away from sugar-filled carbonated products and towards alternative health drinks (it's safe to say that Australia is officially kombucha-crazy!). So, you end up having to compromise by taking shortcuts or filling in the blanks using educated guesswork, and this can often leave you wondering: consumers actually buy into my new product?, it look right and function properly in practice?, Well, heres the exciting part you no longer need to make that compromise OR risk getting left on the shelf! Consumer insight managers have a lot on their plates and a laundry list of stakeholders to keep happy. Do you understand your shopper's mind enough to influence that final purchase decision? More of us want to know exactly whats in our food and where it has come from.

If you need clarity on how a concept test can help with product development or that big launch you're planning, then allow us to explain! Youre leading multiple projects that constantly threaten to derail your timelines and budgets. Alkalising, hydrating, electrolyte-filled and flavoured options have led to bottled water becoming the largest volume segment in the UK. You're already well aware that global warming is a huge, Its official: online is the fastest growing retail channel in Australia. And if you've been watching the news lately, you'll know it's the same response we've seen to, Have you ever been drawn to some fancy-looking packaging or heard about a jazzy new concept, but then found the sensory experience to be a total let down? Co-creation is one of the best ways to engage customers. Consumers are turning to more natural products to boost their health over 'fake-tasting' conventional options. For example while carbonated soft drinks sales are declining, healthier options in the drinks category are all seeing growth with Kombucha drinks growing seven times in the last two years., Clear drinks are the current craze in Japan, seize 50% of the entire e-commerce retail market this year, reports showed that the Aussie stereotype of loving a drink, no matter the occasion was alive and well, insights we've gained from our Australian online community, Australia Post is delivering more parcels than Christmas, Coles and Woolworths have had to rein in their delivery options, ccording to Macquarie Bank, a whopping 60% of total retail sales in Australia came from online retailers last year, valued the Australian organic industry alone at $2.6 billion, more than one in four Australian residents were born overseas. We found that 61 percent of respondents expressed that they care less about counting calories and more about the nutrient content of food and drink products. Picture the scene: Youre lost in innovation chaos and under pressure to deliver the next big thing. If you want to learn more, take the opportunity to explore further. Beverage production is changing. Plain old water and coconut water have also been turned into something of a marketing miracle! At PLAY, were huge fans of helping you uncover the right insights to drive innovation. Companies like Bellamys, a2, Swisse and Blackmores are absolutely cleaning up." If you missed out, here's your chance to tune in and learn more about the impacts on purchase and consumption and what's next for FMCG manufacturers. However, its just as important to stay focused on your core range. Many industries have no idea where theyre coming or going, and the future of FMCG new product development still holds question marks. Whats fuelling the robust force of the Australian convenience industry? The time, effort and research that it takes to develop your idea is a lot to juggle with existing workloads, and totally deflating if, after all that investment, you find out that your consumers dont feel the same. The PLAY team are officially the proud designers and owners of the largest sensory CLT facilities in Australia! It was one of the first books to take a scientific approach to brand imagery and design. When we found out that General Mills and Aigora had conducted pilot research on smart speaker surveys, we had to know more. Suntory also sell products like transparent yogurt drinks and milk teas there. While many of us are still fond of a nice, high-quality tipple, the global wellness trend has caused some consumers toreevaluate their alcohol consumption and choices. Think of us like the connective tissue within your innovation process. Fermented drinks, ready-to-drink teas and products with natural sweeteners are all picking up the slack for traditional carbonated beverages. Knowing your key audiences habits, beliefs and channel preferences enables you to hit the nail on the head, every time. There are four key drivers influencing the shifting focus in the soft drinks category towards a more healthy, natural approach: Many consumers are moving away from calorie reduction, restriction or exclusion and towards nourishment, nutrient density and inclusion. As price competition increases from supermarket own brands and profit margins dip, high value alternatives (particularly low and no sugar options) are having their time to shine. is a global charity that encourages people to try vegan for January. Our recent research into the explosion of the. Have you ever been drawn to some fancy-looking packaging or heard about a jazzy new concept, but then found the sensory experience to be a total let down? I know I was enjoying an extra wine with the additional hour at home at the end of the day (no travel!). Nowadays, with non-essential errands banned, more and more Australians are choosing delivery and pickup options. If you missed our recent webinar, here's your chance to tune in and learn more about how to take the start-up spirit (and approach) into big business. Learn how we can help you to overcome tight margins and reduce environmental impact in soft drinks production. Dr. Klara Bruveris, one of PLAY's qualitative researchers, gives her fresh perspective on the topic in this exciting feature. Over the years we've worked with hundreds of brands to launch seasonal products and packs and we've picked up a fair few pointers along the way. So, how do you know if it's just a paint job or if the whole house needs work? And we're not talking about free breakfast and ping pong tables! We are called PLAY after all! Natural food products are experiencing epic growth right now. Consumers are asking the industry to step up and give them a helping hand to be healthy - why not try taking a stand and see how it impacts perceptions (and profits)? Following a tumultuous 2020, the shift from attending in-person events to nesting at home has paved the way for new kinds of alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic options to emerge.
We get it. Strategies for the industry to connect with this group. Brands today are often guilty of focusing too much attention on the. In the US, people's individual soft drink consumption has been declining since 2016. Google searches for low-sugar dietsare over-taking low-fat dietsand millions of people swear by programs such as Australian-born Sarah Wilsons I Quit Sugar, to help them achieve health and wellness. In fact, quite the opposite: petrol stations. Soft drink, a fun, fizzy beverage, used to be considered a delicious treat. One of the biggest challenges innovation managers face when bringing ideas to life is funding them and proving their worth. onsumer sentiment, imagery attributes and comparisons to other brands in the market. This shift has created an array of new opportunities and challenges for brands and manufacturers. low and no sugar options) are having their time to shine. Youve worked hard to produce a fabulous new food or drink product, but what should you call it? You have already downloaded a document using this email address. Does that make us old?!). How can producers of soft drinks cope with growing recipe complexity? At one time it was carbs, then it was fat but. It seemed like it would be a breeze to adapt to our home offices, especially since we were already used to working between multiple offices and saying, Youre on mute regularly. Lucky for you, the PLAY team live and breathe all things consumer. So, to save you the headache of trial and error, weve summarised our best tried and tested tips that will help you bring distributed teams and consumers together in an online innovation sprint (from further afar than might otherwise have been possible before!). Although the sugar tax hasnt been introduced here, Australians are already making changes based on greater awareness and education on the matter. Does the term 'concept testing' sound a bit confusing or airy fairy? Why is it that some perfectly packaged products are doomed for failure while others see skyrocketing success? At PLAY, its no exaggeration to say were obsessed with packaging as an extremely valuable consumer touch point. During chaotic times like these, predicting future consumer trends can seem like an impossible feat. EVERYONE is talking about agile innovation. Semiotic analysis has been used to create some of the best innovations in recent years, helping brands fit seamlessly into society; connecting them with consumers' lives and addressing real problems. That's why we're diving into the subject in classic PLAY style, to fill you in on: As many Australians choose to reduce their alcohol consumption, or even go teetotal for the sake of their health, how can alcoholic drinks manufacturers successfully quench the thirst of todays evolving consumers? Tips and considerations to help you navigate the journey! In this post, learn how were blending PLAYful consumer research with the. But how satisfying is the definition Millennial to brands nowadays? Another key way of enticing consumers to stay engaged with the category is for CSD brands to consider developing low, no or reduced sugar limited edition flavour offerings., Zegler, Trend and Innovation Consultant at Mintel), Australian consumers are switching to perceived healthier alternatives at an accelerated rate. As a nation, we have an increasing awareness and concern for the environment, animal welfare, safety standards and our own health. After all, there are numerous scary-sounding steps between initial idea generation and your big product launch; and you dont want to risk stabbing in the dark just to keep costs down. Consumers have demonstrated that theyre willing to pay more and are looking for healthier, lower sugar alternatives in soft drinks. In 2017, for example, Fanta Zero grew 46 per cent whilst classic Fanta grew a much more modest 5 per cent. One of our many specialties is reviewing and renovating existing products so you can find that golden nugget, sooner. 5 key trends that start-ups are focusing on, What we can learn from start-ups dominating a variety of FMCG categories like recipe bases, alcohol & dairy. To download your copy, please click on the button to start your download. For some, online shopping used to be a non-essential indulgence or a way to save time. to give them a go, PLAY's sensory expert, Andrew Turner, tells you everything you need to know in less than 3 minutes. Technical sensory research has a bit of a bad rap. Our recent research into the explosion of the naturals market made it crystal clear that these elements are not enough. Consumer health trends have shaken things up, shifting demand away from sugar-filled carbonated products and towards alternative. These older consumers have big spending power and present awesome opportunities for FMCG brands. For some, online shopping used to be a non-essential indulgence or a way to save time. 3. At PLAY we've seen time and time again how packaging can be one of the most powerful and valuable consumer touch points. In the near future, non-carbonated drinks are expected to overtake their carbonated rivals. Products like energy drinks have supplemented growth but falling soft drink consumption has limited revenue. Interested in checking out one of our most popular white papers on all things "natural" food and drink? Shoppers are looking for innovative, indulgent drinking experiences minus the headaches and regret. Download our Innovation white paper for more helpful insights to take your product from concept to successful launch. We first began working remotely when It Who Must Not Be Named started (*cough Covid-19*). It was one of the first books to take a scientific approach to brand imagery and design. The Australian convenience industry grew at 4.5% in 2016, and is currently an $8.3 billion industry, according to the AACS State of the Industry Report 2016. We love a lunch and learn, so we were thrilled to share the. Its easy for companies to burn through their research budget after testing just a couple of products. When something is still a seed of an idea, it can be tricky to showcase the products true potential. As health and wellness becomes more of a priority to consumers, the lines are blurring between the domains of consumer goods manufacturers, biopharmaceuticals, cosmetic companies, health services and even the medical world. Lets face it: in Australia product testing, sometimes known as sensory testing, can be hugely expensive. In fact, the radical differences in terms of consumer experience between bricks-and-mortar stores versus online is leaving much of the industry feeling stuck and confused about how to cut through. Businesses spend a lot of time measuring brand performance: consumer sentiment, imagery attributes and comparisons to other brands in the market. Wondering how the heck they can add value to your insights? Convenience retailers are adapting. drinks (it's safe to say that Australia is officially kombucha-crazy!). A. After a tumultuous year, Australian retailers are relying on a bumper holiday season to help them survive into 2021 and beyond. and millions of people swear by programs such as Australian-born Sarah Wilsons I Quit Sugar, to help them achieve health and wellness. So, could leveraging the growing power of "natural" help reverse the tide and achieve sparkling success? If you arent already, then its high time you get to grips with the controversial cannabis legalisation and innovation thats taking place in Australia and around the globe right now. Whilst the growth in categories like craft RTDs, bottled water and kombucha make success and innovation seem like an uphill battle for traditional carbonated soft drink manufacturers, it seems that we just need to think outside of the box. A complete flexible island solution for mixing and preparing any beverage or syrup, combining low energy and water use with minimised product losses. Its part science, part art and inevitably, part magic. Once considered an old school research method, in-home usage tests (IHUTs) are the perfect combination of traditional and innovative techniques and should definitely be part of your research arsenal. The industry in the UK has started adapting by introducing reduced sugar soft drinks that boast functional benefits. ingredient substitution: how to deliver perceived value AND increase profit margins, package testing: how to spot unmet opportunities, why FMCG product development should adopt sensible sustainability, product performance analysis and inflation, how to prioritise your research: when to invest or spend less, get to market faster with innovation sprints, reaching new highs: Australia's cannabis industry. Read on to find out why and how semiotics is important for successful packaging design. Meanwhile, consumers are busy adjusting, exploring and experimenting with new ways of living while trying to enjoy opportunities for festivities during a global pandemic and recession. Consumers are crying out to be heard and co-creation gives them that opportunity. The hummus and carrot stick chompers. At PLAY, its no exaggeration to say were, By 2025, the global plant-based market is predicted to hold. It happens, but it doesn't have to happen to your product. We love a lunch and learn, so we were thrilled to share the insights we've gained from our Australian online community over the past month and a half with some virtual friendly faces. Sharing the precious, powerful insights that youve worked tirelessly to uncover with the rest of your organisation? Clear drinks are the current craze in Japan, a country which may be a looking glass into the future of Australian soft drinks: Japan is often a testing ground for new products and is widely recognised as a leader in beverage innovation. How Aussies are feeling and the kinds of changes they're making in response to the crisis.
We were recently invited to share our Play perspective on COVID-19 learnings with the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST). However, packaging research and design is a delicate and often bewildering journey with lots of potential pitfalls. The latest census found that slightly more than half of Australias residents today have two Australian-born parents andmore than one in four Australian residents were born overseas. They are focusing on innovation and taking a customer-first approach, which has helped the industry trump grocery growth, year on year, since 2012.
Remember when Amazon was just somewhere you shopped for books? The democratic process has recently demonstrated that Australians see a need for more ambitious targets for emissions reductions. Weve even seen retail offerings that bridge the gap between on-site bars and e-commerce stores. The good news is, you can shortcut the guesswork with brand research. 83 percent of our respondents expressed a preference for brands that are honest about how they process food and drink products. We discuss the move from quantity towards quality, the rise of reduced alcohol and dietary requirement friendly options, and the need to cater for convenience as well as experiential indulgence in the Australian alcohol industry today. Whats more, we want access to this kind of information about the products we buy - quickly, conveniently and in a format we trust. (We do too. Consumer demand for natural, healthy and sustainable products has become pervasive. In the near future, non-carbonated drinks are expected to overtake their carbonated rivals.