We did talk about if certain stipulations could be put in place like that. Danielle Web is a CNA at Walnut Acres nursing home, she worries that now with a private owner, some residents wont be able to afford it. Keeping current residents who are already there, Anthony says. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. Family members worry their loved ones would love their reliant caregivers and may need to be moved to a different facility which could be fatal for some. 136, document _recordid Share this page on your favorite Social network, Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category), document date 135, document _recordid 30, document _recordid
54, document _recordid 49, document _recordid
While they dont know a lot about him, Anthony believes he has a history of operating nursing homes. 34, document _recordid 248, document _recordid There are still people on the board including myself that want to maintain the nursing center as it is and look at ways to keep it sustainable, which might mean some changes in how things operate, Anthony says. 137, document _recordid 230, document _recordid Supervises all matters of the following offices, including annual budgets: Approves the budgets and regular finances of the zoning board of appeals and the Stephenson County Educational Service Region, Analyzes effects of local, state, and national legislation, Implements the administrative policy of the board. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and areopen to the general public. I dont know whats going to happen to our patients.
146, document _recordid 41, document _recordid 08-19-2021. Stay up to date on what`s happening in your county. 141, document _recordid 8, document _recordid Share this page on your favorite Social network. 32, document _recordid 61, document _recordid Share this page on your favorite Social network, Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category), document _recordid 236, document _recordid Web says, Honestly I dont like the idea of it. 58, document _recordid Click here to fill our a committee application form! 153, document _recordid 15, document _recordid 134, document _recordid 46, document _recordid Negotiations will be made in the next phase, which is the purchase agreement. 143, document _recordid We could see a decrease in pay. 243, document _recordid 150, document _recordid 214, document _recordid 244, document _recordid 131, document _recordid 39, document _recordid The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. We could end up with no health benefits, Web says. 48, document _recordid 152, document _recordid 207, document _recordid 42, document _recordid 151, document _recordid 55, document _recordid This comes as dozens appeared at the Stephenson County Board meeting in May to speak against the decision to allow the nursing home to be sold. Chairperson for the nursing home committee, Casey Anthony says a man named Josh Davis is the potential buyer. 132, document _recordid 238, document _recordid Iron Mountain MI 49801, PO Box 609 If you are interested in volunteering on a committee, please contact us or fill out the form below! 25, document _recordid 250, document _recordid 05-12-2022, document date 191, document _recordid 28, document _recordid 60, document _recordid 229, document _recordid County Board Meeting and Standing Committee Minutes, Online Property Assessment and Tax Search, Mobile Home Exemptions and Registrations Forms, Walnut Acres Town Hall Meeting Presentation. 40, document _recordid All rights reserved. 218, document _recordid A lot of them might be asked to leave, especially the Medicaid patients.. 7, document _recordid 06-07-2022, document date 07-11-2022, document date
249, document _recordid 53, document _recordid 154, document _recordid 133, document _recordid 51, document _recordid 63, document _recordid 178, document _recordid 245, document _recordid 215, document _recordid 180, document _recordid Online Property Assessment and Tax Search, Mobile Home Exemptions and Registrations Forms. 205, document _recordid 155, document _recordid 160, document _recordid 177, document _recordid 144, document _recordid 05-10-2022, document date Login. 19, document _recordid To hold educational and entertainment activities for both agricultural and non-agricultural purposes in a safeenvironment. 171, document _recordid 38, document _recordid Iron Mountain MI 49801, powered by revize., The Government Website Experts. 10, document _recordid Home Government CountyDepartments BoardofCommissioners Boardmeetingminutes. 56, document _recordid Copy and paste this code into your website. Our Story: The history of Stephenson County Fair, Click here to read more about the board members and superintendents, Buildings & Grounds Security, Gates &Parking, Entertainment Entertainment & Rest Tent, Blue Heaven Shorthorns - The Jim Endress Family, Colberg Hi-Performance Tractor Repair, LLC, Dan's Route 66 Service Deb Brown County Financial, Stephenson/Winnebago County Beef Association, Williams Family Willow Creek farm Miniature Hereford. 22, document _recordid
Thank you to our generous sponsors for the 2022 Stephenson County Fair! Committees are a very important element in supporting the various tasks neededtomake the Fair runsmoothly. 57, document _recordid 11, document _recordid 62, document _recordid Share this page on your favorite Social network, Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category). The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. 156, document _recordid Calendar of County Board Meetings click here. 27, document _recordid 157, document _recordid
158, document _recordid 66, document _recordid Online Property Assessment and Tax Search, Mobile Home Exemptions and Registrations Forms. Stephenson County Fair Associationboard meetings are held thefourth Thursday of each monthat Stephenson County Farm Bureau (210 W. Spring St., Freeport). Stay up to date on what`s happening in your county. 211, document _recordid 12, document _recordid 43, document _recordid 29, document _recordid He believes current jobs will be safe. 13, document _recordid 130, document _recordid 20, document _recordid 202, document _recordid 16, document _recordid 129, document _recordid 128, document _recordid Stephenson County Chairperson William Hadley tells 23 News the board will need a 15-7 vote for the purchase agreement to pass. 231, document _recordid 9, document _recordid 149, document _recordid 37, document _recordid Web also worries that with a private owner, she could possibly lose her job, too. 223, document _recordid Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.
Jr Open Vegetables, Baked Goods and Domestic Arts, Freeport Art Museum Sunflower Paint Party. FREEPORT, Ill. (WIFR) - Despite pleas against it, Stephenson County approves a $2 million offer for the Walnut Acres nursing home in a 13-8 vote. 176, document _recordid 159, document _recordid Copy and paste this code into your website. 186, document _recordid 169, document _recordid Oversees the following buildings and real estate, including changes, repairs, bills, and claims: All real estate owned by the county except the Stephenson Nursing Center and County Highway Building (which are under the jurisdiction of other committees), Approves claims and bills from the emergency service and disaster agency, Compares sheriffs department appropriations with the budget, Cooperates with the Stephenson County Extension Service, Secures rights-of-way for public highways, Oversees soil conservation and recreation matters, Oversees all matters pertaining to highways, roads, and bridges, Administers the expenditures of the county highway tax, Supervises the purchase and operation of tractors and machinery owned by the county, Supervises and maintains the county highway building. 203, document _recordid 142, document _recordid 252, document _recordid 17, document _recordid 195, document _recordid 35, document _recordid 138, document _recordid The following is a list of dates for2022meetings: October 27, 2022***Dates vary depending on holidays and County Fair dates **Annual Meeting Election of Officers and At-Large Seats. 59, document _recordid 224, document _recordid 184, document _recordid 705 S. Stephenson Ave. 50, document _recordid 26, document _recordid | The Standing committees may also meet at recess, prior to, or following each County Board Meeting in the County Board Room or adjacent thereto. 241, document _recordid 64, document _recordid 213, document _recordid Copyright 2021 WIFR. 31, document _recordid Anthony says, Getting rid of staff would kind of be unreasonable.. Stephenson County Board approves offer on Walnut Acres nursing home, Former Winnebago County coroner pleads guilty, resigns from office, Police looking for third suspect after major drug bust in DeKalb, Park your motorcycle: Company says handlebar bolt can break, Stephenson County Board approves reappointment of three health board members. 65, document _recordid Scott Brenner & Scott Brenner Victoria Hanson. 68, document _recordid Each seat on the board is appointed or elected every other year . 67, document _recordid 204, document _recordid 52, document _recordid 182, document _recordid 14, document _recordid You do not need to be a board member to serve on the committees. 247, document _recordid 23, document _recordid 206, document _recordid 21, document _recordid 33, document _recordid While the deal isnt final, Anthony says in the coming weeks, the board will discuss ensuring residents wont have to move homes. Copy and paste this code into your website. Oversees the recreational areas of the county: Promotes and facilitates economic planning and development, Supports tourism and increases recreational and historical sites. 170, document _recordid 194, document _recordid Supervises all matters of the following offices, including claims and annual budgets: Chairperson acts as a member of the Stephenson County Board of Health, Composed of the chairpersons of the other standing committees, Meets with the board chairperson to fill committee vacancies, Acts as liaison between the County Board and the Board of Health/Community Mental Health Board, Acts as liaison between the County Board and all recipients of revenue sharing funds, Supervises the county accountant and all finances, including the annual budget, Approves insurance contracts for all county departments, Audits nursing center accounts and receipts, Considers the administrators recommendations on the centers operation, Is responsible for care and maintenance of the county cemetery. 36, document _recordid Stay up to date on what`s happening in your county. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. 45. 139, document _recordid 181, document _recordid Copy and paste this code into your website. 6, document _recordid 47, document _recordid 04-08-2022, document date Once the purchase agreement is approved, Josh Davis will assume ownership of the facility.
While they dont know a lot about him, Anthony believes he has a history of operating nursing homes. 34, document _recordid 248, document _recordid There are still people on the board including myself that want to maintain the nursing center as it is and look at ways to keep it sustainable, which might mean some changes in how things operate, Anthony says. 137, document _recordid 230, document _recordid Supervises all matters of the following offices, including annual budgets: Approves the budgets and regular finances of the zoning board of appeals and the Stephenson County Educational Service Region, Analyzes effects of local, state, and national legislation, Implements the administrative policy of the board. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and areopen to the general public. I dont know whats going to happen to our patients.

146, document _recordid 41, document _recordid 08-19-2021. Stay up to date on what`s happening in your county. 141, document _recordid 8, document _recordid Share this page on your favorite Social network. 32, document _recordid 61, document _recordid Share this page on your favorite Social network, Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category), document _recordid 236, document _recordid Web says, Honestly I dont like the idea of it. 58, document _recordid Click here to fill our a committee application form! 153, document _recordid 15, document _recordid 134, document _recordid 46, document _recordid Negotiations will be made in the next phase, which is the purchase agreement. 143, document _recordid We could see a decrease in pay. 243, document _recordid 150, document _recordid 214, document _recordid 244, document _recordid 131, document _recordid 39, document _recordid The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. We could end up with no health benefits, Web says. 48, document _recordid 152, document _recordid 207, document _recordid 42, document _recordid 151, document _recordid 55, document _recordid This comes as dozens appeared at the Stephenson County Board meeting in May to speak against the decision to allow the nursing home to be sold. Chairperson for the nursing home committee, Casey Anthony says a man named Josh Davis is the potential buyer. 132, document _recordid 238, document _recordid Iron Mountain MI 49801, PO Box 609 If you are interested in volunteering on a committee, please contact us or fill out the form below! 25, document _recordid 250, document _recordid 05-12-2022, document date 191, document _recordid 28, document _recordid 60, document _recordid 229, document _recordid County Board Meeting and Standing Committee Minutes, Online Property Assessment and Tax Search, Mobile Home Exemptions and Registrations Forms, Walnut Acres Town Hall Meeting Presentation. 40, document _recordid All rights reserved. 218, document _recordid A lot of them might be asked to leave, especially the Medicaid patients.. 7, document _recordid 06-07-2022, document date 07-11-2022, document date

158, document _recordid 66, document _recordid Online Property Assessment and Tax Search, Mobile Home Exemptions and Registrations Forms. Stephenson County Fair Associationboard meetings are held thefourth Thursday of each monthat Stephenson County Farm Bureau (210 W. Spring St., Freeport). Stay up to date on what`s happening in your county. 211, document _recordid 12, document _recordid 43, document _recordid 29, document _recordid He believes current jobs will be safe. 13, document _recordid 130, document _recordid 20, document _recordid 202, document _recordid 16, document _recordid 129, document _recordid 128, document _recordid Stephenson County Chairperson William Hadley tells 23 News the board will need a 15-7 vote for the purchase agreement to pass. 231, document _recordid 9, document _recordid 149, document _recordid 37, document _recordid Web also worries that with a private owner, she could possibly lose her job, too. 223, document _recordid Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.
Jr Open Vegetables, Baked Goods and Domestic Arts, Freeport Art Museum Sunflower Paint Party. FREEPORT, Ill. (WIFR) - Despite pleas against it, Stephenson County approves a $2 million offer for the Walnut Acres nursing home in a 13-8 vote. 176, document _recordid 159, document _recordid Copy and paste this code into your website. 186, document _recordid 169, document _recordid Oversees the following buildings and real estate, including changes, repairs, bills, and claims: All real estate owned by the county except the Stephenson Nursing Center and County Highway Building (which are under the jurisdiction of other committees), Approves claims and bills from the emergency service and disaster agency, Compares sheriffs department appropriations with the budget, Cooperates with the Stephenson County Extension Service, Secures rights-of-way for public highways, Oversees soil conservation and recreation matters, Oversees all matters pertaining to highways, roads, and bridges, Administers the expenditures of the county highway tax, Supervises the purchase and operation of tractors and machinery owned by the county, Supervises and maintains the county highway building. 203, document _recordid 142, document _recordid 252, document _recordid 17, document _recordid 195, document _recordid 35, document _recordid 138, document _recordid The following is a list of dates for2022meetings: October 27, 2022***Dates vary depending on holidays and County Fair dates **Annual Meeting Election of Officers and At-Large Seats. 59, document _recordid 224, document _recordid 184, document _recordid 705 S. Stephenson Ave. 50, document _recordid 26, document _recordid | The Standing committees may also meet at recess, prior to, or following each County Board Meeting in the County Board Room or adjacent thereto. 241, document _recordid 64, document _recordid 213, document _recordid Copyright 2021 WIFR. 31, document _recordid Anthony says, Getting rid of staff would kind of be unreasonable.. Stephenson County Board approves offer on Walnut Acres nursing home, Former Winnebago County coroner pleads guilty, resigns from office, Police looking for third suspect after major drug bust in DeKalb, Park your motorcycle: Company says handlebar bolt can break, Stephenson County Board approves reappointment of three health board members. 65, document _recordid Scott Brenner & Scott Brenner Victoria Hanson. 68, document _recordid Each seat on the board is appointed or elected every other year . 67, document _recordid 204, document _recordid 52, document _recordid 182, document _recordid 14, document _recordid You do not need to be a board member to serve on the committees. 247, document _recordid 23, document _recordid 206, document _recordid 21, document _recordid 33, document _recordid While the deal isnt final, Anthony says in the coming weeks, the board will discuss ensuring residents wont have to move homes. Copy and paste this code into your website. Oversees the recreational areas of the county: Promotes and facilitates economic planning and development, Supports tourism and increases recreational and historical sites. 170, document _recordid 194, document _recordid Supervises all matters of the following offices, including claims and annual budgets: Chairperson acts as a member of the Stephenson County Board of Health, Composed of the chairpersons of the other standing committees, Meets with the board chairperson to fill committee vacancies, Acts as liaison between the County Board and the Board of Health/Community Mental Health Board, Acts as liaison between the County Board and all recipients of revenue sharing funds, Supervises the county accountant and all finances, including the annual budget, Approves insurance contracts for all county departments, Audits nursing center accounts and receipts, Considers the administrators recommendations on the centers operation, Is responsible for care and maintenance of the county cemetery. 36, document _recordid Stay up to date on what`s happening in your county. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. 45. 139, document _recordid 181, document _recordid Copy and paste this code into your website. 6, document _recordid 47, document _recordid 04-08-2022, document date Once the purchase agreement is approved, Josh Davis will assume ownership of the facility.