civ 6 macedon science exploit

A number of older Macedonian hill tribes submittedthe Lyncestis, the Eleimiots and othersbut retained their own kings, who paid tribute. Unfortunately, Archelaus was treacherous and licentious. Derek's love of games came at an early age when his parents first brought home the Nintendo Entertainment System. I know you don't usually mention natural wonders, but I found Zhangye Danxia (+2 Great General points, +2 Great Merchant points, as long as it's in your borders) in my recent Macedon game (immortal). Alexander Philhellenes son Perdiccas II spent his spare time inciting a war between Sparta and Athens, created his own Olynthian League from Greek colonies neighboring Macedon, and switched sides during the Peloponnesian War whenever such perfidy looked advantageous. Domination and conquest is only one path to victory but for some players it remains the most straightforward and fun way to play. Administration - Pantheons, Religion and City-States, Administration - Wonders and Great People. Korea with their early Seowon is guaranteed to give you Eurekas when you conquer their cities, just like how Greece is likely to reward you with Inspirations thanks to the Acropolis.

Capturing a city with a world wonder causes all of Macedon's units, regardless of location, to heal to full health. The unit has to be adjacent or sharing a tile with a Great General; being within the two-tile range doesn't work. Valve Corporation. The Basilikoi Paides also helps you earn extra Science just by putting troops on the field as well.

Empire Name Here's everything players need to know about Alexander III of Macedon including a few tips on how to stop his war machine in Civilization 6. I find getting to at least three cities early on is a big help as Macedon before you start conquering. Hellenistic Fusion gives Macedon players 1eureka per Encampment or Campus district and1 inspiration per Holy Site or Theater Square district when capturing a city. The best option would be to attempt to stall his march by investing in ranged units to fight from a distance as well as researching Masonry to upgrade structures to stone as early as possible. With the introduction of the Man-At-Arms in the April 2021 Update, the prowess of the Swordsman and its replacements gets significantly reduced.

The classical-era Statue of Zeus grants +50% production to all anti-cavalry units. I do intend to eventually make a civ summary guide for Gathering Storm once I've done all the other guides (including links to all the bits where I explain game mechanics), but that could take quite some time yet. Against Alexander, research Masonry and Archery quickly, as you will need the extra defense to repel him. If the Hetairoi and the Great General share the same hex, this shouldn't be a problem, since the Hetairoi's attacks are melee. Is there a general guide you would recommend? Thanks again! Although the Hypaspist is no exception, its power level does not get hit as hard as the Toa's. Macedons control of Greece was formalized at the Congress of Corinth in 337 BCE, attended by all the city-states except the Spartans, who Philip was content to ignore. Under his successors, Macedon even began to reassert its military prowess. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. The God of the Forge pantheon offers a 25% production bonus to ancient and classical era units. Conquering a city grants a free Eureka for each Encampment and Campus district in the conquered city and a free Inspiration for each Holy Site and Theater Square district. Capital After a decade of bloodshed, the terms of the peace treaty in 311 BCE were that each surviving general should keep what he possessed, that all the Greek cities should become independent, and that Cassanderson of the general Antipaterwould retain power in Macedon until Alexanders son by his wife Roxana came of age to rule. Leaders In addition, his units heal whenever Macedonia captures a city with a wonder in it. Afterwards, the city flips independent and back under Korea's control, when they build an Encampment. or should i build up cities before getting more or just get cities from taking them. Although exact details are hazy, the next three centuries saw the rather ruthless and brutal Macedones master Pieria and Bottiaea, cross the Axius to conquer Mygdonia and Anthemus, dislodge the Eordi tribe, and deal similarly with the Almopes. Costs 130 gold to upgrade to a Man-at-Arms, down from 150 (-13%). If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Sid Meier's Civilization VI. A mixed force of Hypaspists and Hetairoi will prove very difficult for other civilizations to fight off in the early stages of the game, as they are well-equipped to fight against both units and Districts alike. The Golden Age dedication To Arms!, first available in the industrial era, boosts military unit production by 15%. This offers Macedon an odd but powerful tool granting potentially tremendous Science output without too much investment in scientific infrastructure at all. This means when defending, the unit gains +3 strength per adjacent friendly unit rather than +2. He died at age 32 after developing some sort of illness that continued to worsen over time. Civ ability - Hellenistic Fusion The infant heir to Perdiccas was swiftly deposed by Amyntas third son, Philip IIa turning point in world history. As hinted at above by his unique abilities, Alexander the Great becomes a massive threat in the early game as he gains access to a dangerous and powerful unique units called the Hetairoi and Hypaspist. Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack. This does not function against free cities. He added armored heavy cavalry called hetairoi and created more light infantry units to use as skirmishers. As a warmonger, you don't care too much about generating Grievances against other people, but having their Grievances against you decaying faster means you are less likely to take advantage of foreign transgressions to take their cities without repercussions. Pre-Alexander, perhaps 700,000 Now, if you manage to capture that city again, you will still gain 1 Eureka from the newly-constructed Encampment, but the Seowon will not grant you an additional Eureka, since it already did before. For example, if you are in the Medieval Era but still have a few techs/civics in the Classical Era whose boosts haven't been triggered, the Eureka and Inspiration you receive will be Classical. Throughout the history of the Civilization franchise, whenever you see Alexander as a leader, you'd better expect he will lead his people into an endless war. Though Alexander the Great's story is detailed elsewhere, the aftermath of his untimely demise was Macedon's own death knell. Philip had already established himself as one of the better Macedonian kings, having saved the country from the brink of extinction and then conquering his neighbors Athens, Illyria, and Thrace. His decline resulted from heavy drinking, a rising paranoia, and fits of anger. The Basilikoi Paides provides all the same benefits as a Barracks, but it also affects Hetairoi and yields Science equal to 25% of a unit's Production cost when it is trained. Research Animal Husbandry first to find horses, then beeline Bronze Working to get this building ready for your UUs, Try to get the God of the Forge pantheon for faster unit production and hence faster science. Upon Alexander II's death, Perdiccas III took the throne until he managed to get 4,000 Macedones killed in a battle with the Illyrians, himself among them. Among other things, he lengthened the spear and reduced the size of the shield. Macedon is extremely weak at the diplomatic game and will struggle to pass favourable resolutions in the World Congress. Generally, since you will have a lot of Hetairoi for the purpose of domination, it is a good idea to mix and match the Promotions, but it is worth noting that Marauding is a strong tier II Promotion that can increase damage output against defensible Districts, if those Districts have a garrison unit, and Marauding requires Charge. Besides his deposed infant nephew, there were at least five pretenders to the Macedonian throne, two of whom were supported by foreign troops. In fact, a little warmongering of your own may save you from the clutches of an AI Alexander, who loves warmongers. Nearly all Alexander's arranged marriages between Greeks and Susa noble families dissolved, and the Greek city-states rebelled. Unfortunately, the great general doesn't have many counters, and once he really gets rolling, he's very hard to stop. Crestonaea and Bisaltia were reduced, and Macedonian control pushed eastwards almost to the river Strymon. The conquered kingdom was itself divided into four distinct provinces by the Romans, who were content to receive half the tribute Macedones previously tithed their king. More likely, the original Macedones were barbarians from the north, distinct from the Hellenes, Thracians, and Illyrians around them, who happened to find a stretch of unoccupied terrain suitable for their goats. A power struggle formed with the remaining generals ultimately fighting each other over the territory. Hellenistic Fusion alleviates these limitations, allowing Macedon to start waging wars really early without any hesitation. This works as if the unit got enough experience for the first promotion; subsequent ones are not any cheaper than they would be for other units. Aigai and Pella As the dynasties fought, the whole country slipped into anarchy and the remnants of Alexander's empire went their own various ways.

It seemed for a time that Macedon might disappear entirely into the morass of history, bits being absorbed by its various greedy neighbors, until stability was re-established by Amyntas III. While he continues to write there, he eventually joined up with the Game Rant crew in 2015, writing everything from features and guides, to the latest breaking video game news. Increases strategic resource stockpile limits by 10. Later in the game when your army is large enough to be divided to create a multiple prong attack, you can attack many cities at once, and save the ones with wonders to be captured whenever your army is in need of healing support. I played Civ games in the past but am feeling lost in this new one with both major expansions. Alexander had the best of everything including being educated by the scholar Aristotle. If you can't see the bonus, try hovering over the unit's portrait. Still, while district projects have relatively few ways to boost Production towards them (the main one being Hong Kong's Suzerainty bonus), there are quite a lot of powerful boosts to military unit production. The double-UU combination Macedon has can really drain their treasury - pillage some Commercial Hubs of theirs and they might seriously struggle to maintain everything. Also, in Gathering Storm, the Hetairoi uses Horses, instead of Iron like other heavy cavalry units, which is great since it won't compete against the contemporary Hypaspist in the same resource pool.

According to legends generally accepted by the ancient Greeks and hardly anyone else, Macedon was founded by Hellenic emigrants from Argos who gradually expanded in the region around Mount Bermius. Here are some key examples: For example, consider training a Quadrireme in a city with a Basilikoi Paides. Does Hetairoi actually get that additional +5 great general combat buff? Note that this special bonus of the Hetairoi can be activated by any Great General, not necessarily a Classical one. MORE:Civilization 6: 5 More Tips and Tricks to Help You Dominate. Philip added "military genius" to the mix when he set out to restore the reputation of Macedones as mighty warriorsno easy task after recent events. But Philip wasn't content to merely conquer his neighbors. In 2011, his blogging and writing adventure began at his personal site The remaining Macedonian army returned to Babylonia, though Alexander found governing his new empire a bit tedious and boring with little else to conquer. In the next 12 years, Alexander would go on to conquer much of the known world at that time. The need for two different strategic resources early on can also be a major limitation. Philips son Alexander III promptly continued his father's plans to invade Persia, and ended up forming the largest empire known to the ancient world.

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