how to move classes in google classroom to archive

Click on the attachment title and launch the document from Google Drive. Next year, consider making a new Google Classroom class every unit or every 6 weeks. Im setting one class up for each quarter and reusing posts, but its very time consuming.I teach 3 subjects and 5 classes. This is the More options menu. Then it is fresh and ready to go for next year.

You can now scroll down to the bottom of the calendar details screen and in the ". It is simply located under Archived classes. Click on the 3 lines menu in the upper left hand corner and select Archived classes at the bottom.

I suggest making a new Google Classroom every 6 weeks or every unit. Name it something like "Archive" or "Old Classes" or such. Which assignments were amazing and you would probably reuse next year? Check out this previous blog post on3 Things to Wrap Up Google Classroom for the Summer. Remember that the attachments in the assignments are NOT attached. They may have changed it but it used to be the teacher had to leave, not that you could kick them out. livetechnoid On the other hand, if you are not the owner of a file, and you delete it from "Shared with me" it does not really delete the file.

I have updated a few of the images in the written directions to reflect some minor changes, such as "To do" now being called "To review". (No, you dont but here is an idea anyway.) The Kelly School Communique. The file will still show up in your "Classroom" folders, even when you remove it from "Shared with me".

Reuse them. Another school year successfully under your belt. If you do not already have a place to move the old class folders, create a new folder by clicking ".

Give Remote Control in Google Meet with One Click! Do not delete your class and assignments, you want to be able to reuse them next year! Learn how your comment data is processed. What additional resources might your students benefit from? I teach at a year round boarding school and am pretty new to using Google Classroom. I read a separate article that said classes and assignments need to be re-created every year. You made it! When you archive a class your class is not deleted or lost. Use the SAME document every year! Google Classroom: Archive Your Class For the Summer, 3 Things to Wrap Up Google Classroom for the Summer, End of the year Google Classroom Cleanup! Im familiar with archiving classes and have done that for a few years, but I dont know what to do with all the student stuff in my drive. To remove an old class calendar you will need to access that calendar's settings. Thanks so much for the ideas on archiving. In that class click the Create button on the Classwork page and Reuse post. This will allow you to choose from a list of classes, including archived classes. It simply removes it from the "Shared with me" list. This will give you the option to Delete all responses. This makes your form ready to go for next year! This way you know they are already updated and you do not have to scroll through all the assignments you had last year. This will open a pop-up window asking you to confirm the deletion. What do you recommend teachers do with student work in the drive? This is the perfect time to reflect on how the assignment could be improved. Immediately the assignment opens for edit. This will show you all of the assignments from all of your classes. Click ", You should see the names of your classes in the list under ". Will I still need to do that even though Im using them all year long? Then archive throughout the school year. Instead make a new class and reuse posts (do NOT copy attachments). Reuse!! The documents in the students Google Classroom folder at the end of the year are still in their folder. Everything is linked from Google Drive. Do not make copies!!

Change dates and update information. However, any documents linked in an assignment are still in Google Drive. reorder classes timetotalktech

Any attachments are really just links to Google Drive. Question if I teach K-6 every year and see every student, should I archive their old class or just rename and keep going? Choose the class you just archived! I have set up folders throughout the year and stored assignments in those according to topic. Even if you archive a class you can reuse the assignments from that class. Great article!

Want some homework over the summer? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This makes it easier to reuse your posts from the previous year since you do not have to scroll through the entire last years assignment list.

(Note: The video below is from 2019 but the content is still relevant. Locate the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner. Thanks. You do NOT want to make copies of things in your Google Drive. Any suggestions would be great. Archiving a class in Google Classroom shuts down the ability for students to submit work to the class.


What would you do differently?

How would you reword the directions? In the case of a Google Form, go to the Responses tab and click on the 3 dots menu. UNCHECK the Create new copies of all attachments checkbox. For Google Apps use the File menu and choose Version history. Restore the document to a version that does not have student edits on it. Click on the 3 dots and choose Archive. Click here for more information on archiving classes. Go to the class tiles page: Please do not do that. You can narrow it down to just one class at a time if needed by choosing a class from the ", For each assignment you can click on the ", You can now look for any student work that is marked as ", Select those students, add a grade if still needed, and click the ", When done checking an assignment you can go back to the ", You will now get a pop-up window asking you to verify that you want to archive the class. edtech Ive been deleting kids as they leave my class and inviting new students as they arrive, and just adding as I go. Assign the assignment to the awesome assignments class with no students. A paradigm shift to remember is that nothing is attached in Google Classroom. Is there any way to move an entire folder into one of these ghost classes? This just makes a giant mess of documents with the same name. Use the Reuse post option to reuse assignments from your Awesome assignments class.

I recommend you make a new Google Classroom each 6 weeks or every unit. End-Of-Year Google Classroom Clean-up Tips, Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs, See Everyone with the Google Meet Grid View Extension, Choose Your Own Adventure Stories with Google Docs, How to Keep Students from Joining or Rejoining a Google Meet without You, Build a Jack-O-Lantern with Google Slides. Click ", From the home page of Classroom, click the, Scroll down to the bottom of the drop-down menu and choose ", You will now get a pop-up window asking you to verify that you want to restore the class. Before you go off and enjoy your well deserved summer vacation you may want to do a little end of the year maintenance on your Google Classroom classes. Also, is there any way to remove a teacher from an archived class that I originally set up? The documents in your Google Drive are still in your Google Drive. ), Bring me to your school, organization, or conference with, Tip #2 - Un-enroll students from old classes, Tip #6 - Remove old class files from "Shared with me" in Drive. Create a new class for your new students. They are linked from Google Drive. Create an awesome assignments class with no students. Do not make copies!

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