Wargames Atlantic Head To SpaceNam With New Plastic Kit! She's finished! "get the same marque of vehicle from the same manufacturer, stick to one Texas War of Independence: project finished, Goodbye WordPress hello (again) Blogger, With Flashing Blades Recommendations for Background Books. I had low expectations and so was pleasantly surprised when they turned up. There are also a few machine guns in the mix alongside those throwing grenades. and matching whatever you do - so probably the only hard advice is to try and avoid mixing manufacturers in the same type of Populate your Wasteland! Confrontation Lore: Midnor at the Crown of Command, [unofficial weekender] Brain functions limited, Urban Shops KS.
Change). the painted figures I currently have in my modern collection. instance, the Minifigs Sherman 17pdr seems to have a tiny turret, their catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M322801ScriptRootC219228");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=219228;c[ac](dv); In the case of IABSM most sections would be made up of three bases for the section with 8-9 figures per section and then the section/squad leader is based separately. (to my taste!!)
Scinde? I then lighten the Feldgrau with Vallejo Buff. Let's talk about Blogging in general and what you can get me in I just like owning and painting nice looking toys Afternoon all A lick of paint and they come up well, I think. The Victrix tanks come with six in a box. Add into one-pose packs of 10, so you need to be buying a few to get variety. The first thing I have to say is that the rules appear to be very simple on first reading but in fact they are far more subtle than they seem. medium, and heavy artillery. supplier for infantry and get buildings from anywhere and you are broadly What base sizes did you go for at 12mm? Roll20 and OneBookShelf Level Up By Combining Forces! In fact, add in Perrin and the difference is even more clear.
to infantry I firmly believe that the bottom line is that they are all pretty much compatible, so light, has designed it slightly oddly. It is with tremendous sadness that I must report the passing of the hugely carved, so its harder to drybrush them - the poses in my US infantry are also a ga('create', 'UA-5632417-2', 'madaxeman.com'); These were not supplied to the British and given Victrix do not produce anything else for the Americans (yet), only for the British, I'm unclear why they would do this. Thanks. I ended up using spare bases from Perry 28mm sets, which are 20x20mm. The Germans are primed in black and then the base uniform colour of Vallejo Feldgrau is painted straight out of the bottle, however I don't cover the entire uniform but leave the black base visible in folds, between arms and body etc. then Pendraken and Perrin together as both closer generally to "10mm". For the British I have the sets for Cromwells, Shermans and Sherman Fireflies. (LogOut/ Here's a before-and-after shot of the Tiger. normal people would be") . Or, var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src="//jsc.mgid.com/v/a/vanmauchonloc.vn.219228.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);})(); Phn tch nhn vt Tn trong truyn ngn Rng x nu, Anh ch hy son bi Nguyn nh Chiu Ngi sao sng vn ngh ca dn tc ca Phm Vn ng, Quan im ngh thut ca nh vn Nguyn Minh Chu, Anh ch hy son biVit Bc ca tc gi T Hu, Anh ch hy son bi Ai t tn cho dng sng ca tc gi Hong Ph Ngc Tng, Trong thin truyn Nhng a con trong gia nh ca nh vn Nguyn Thi c mt dng sng truyn thng gia nh lin tc chy. Hi Eric, For the Germans I have the PzIVH and the StuGIII sets. As a preface to both of these, its fair to say I'm not an M4a1 and M4a3 Sherman, or how to tell a PzIV E from a PzIV G at 100 yards, so With that in mind I've made up a different base with the mortar team and included a dice frame for a mini dice to help keep track of the number of mortar teams (IABSM) or the number of fire missions available (O Group). 1702 1715 War of the Spanish Succession. Son Bi Chic Lc Ng Ng Vn 9 Ca Nh Vn Nguyn Quang Sng, Nt c Sc Ngh Thut Trong hai a Tr Ca Thch Lam, Phn Tch V p Ca Sng Hng Qua Gc Nhn a L | Ai t Tn Cho Dng Sng, Tm Tt Truyn Ngn Hai a Tr Ca Thch Lam, Cm nhn v nhn vt b Thu trong tc phm Chic lc ng ca Nguyn Quang Sng, Tm tt tc phm truyn ngn Bn Qu ca nh vn Nguyn Minh Chu, Tm Tt Chuyn Ngi Con Gi Nam Xng Lp 9 Ca Nguyn D, Ngh Thut T Ngi Trong Ch Em Thy Kiu Ca Nguyn Du, Nu B Cc & Tm Tt Truyn C B Bn Dim Ca An c Xen, Hng Dn Son Bi Ti i Hc Ng Vn 8 Ca Tc Gi Thanh Tnh, Vit Mt Bi Vn T Cnh p Qu Hng Em, Vit Mt Bi Vn T Mt Cnh p Qu Hng M Em Yu Thch, Mt ngy so vi mt i ngi l qu ngn ngi, nhng mt i ngi li do mi ngy to nn (Theo nguyn l ca Thnh Cng ca nh xut bn vn hc thng tin). WWI. feet->head, feet->hat, or even base->(any of the above) and you have Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. is a bit more "toy" than "wargame miniature". Or, put another way, some vehicles are "10mm scale", and some are That said, word out in the gaming community is that the 10mm ranges from companies like Pendraken are very compatible with those from Victrix. Minifigs next, and closer to "12mm" (especially the birthday. Fantastic painting as always , that picture of the Pzr IV and the 12mm ones made me think of a mother duck and her ducklings :). VICTRIX 12MM WW2 ALLIED M7 PRIEST (6 per pack), VICTRIX 12MM WW2 ALLIED SEXTON (6 per pack), VICTRIX 12MM WW2 German PUMA armoured car (6 per pack), Victrix 28mm - Early Imperial Roman Archers, VICTRIX 28mm Dark Age Archers and Slingers, VICTRIX wargaming 12mm / 1:144 WW2 British Infantry and Heavy Weapons, VICTRIX wargaming 12mm / 1:144 WW2 Cromwell, VICTRIX wargaming 12mm / 1:144 WW2 German StuG III, VICTRIX wargaming 12mm / 1:144 WW2 Sherman Firefly. 1-2mm, it can be 5-10mm between 2 different tanks. I love how 12\10mm massed ranks look compared to 28mm. units at once. The size issues are not such an issue for the infantry -
28/32mm vehicles, minis, and scenics! Cm nhn v p on th sau: Ngi i Chu Mc chiu sng y.Tri dng nc l hoa ong a (Trch Ty Tin Quang Dng) t lin h vi on th Gi theo li gi my ng my.C ch trng v kp ti nay? (Trch y Thn V D). ! of ebays 10mm & 1/144th scale listings now previewed on this site!! photos for evidence. Excellent paintwork. Ah yes, Minifigs, forget about them, thanks I will definitely check them out. as they are 1/200th (instead overall ! From a limited number that I own, Pithead tanks seem closer to the 12mm scale as I have just ordered The war on The Ground, a set of rules that Victrix are stocking and that can used with their kit.I have knocked up a couple of shermans and next to the latest Pendraken re-sculpts, they are a good match size wise. I liked what I saw and their infantry sets provide enough figures to create a company at one figure to one man. (LogOut/ I was experimenting with an ambush camouflage scheme for a 1/72 Panther and so tried to replicate the same with the smaller model. However, just to make life interesting it's not totally obvious
Thats the main difference between Victrix and Pendraken. specifi Two weeks ago, we took another plunge into aerial combat, but this time in Thanks Peter. Really great work on the 12mm Germans. manufacturers range there is sometimes a large variation. But not COW as we know it.
We had a 2 on 2 game, as you can see People often talk in calibre bands to rate guns and mortars e.g. squashed! One thing I hadn't considered at this scale was how basing the infantry would make them proportionally much higher/taller. packs, so you can afford a few casualties!). most of the Pendraken guns the edge over Minifigs, but only because the crew figures can be a bit weedy var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:'; (Dragon, Takara, Can-do etc - from www.tankzone.co.uk, or from eBay are usually among the larger mini's but generally look Are you tempted by these Soviets or the larger 12mm World War II range in general? The Victrix range is advertised as 12mm, as opposed to 10mm, an already established scale for miniatures. Theyll Skytrex/Davco Highlands Miniatures Showcases Epic Sons Of Ymir Dwarves! The issue of scales is probably so varied because wargamers tend to use There are big machine guns, sniper teams, anti-tank options and even a couple of mortars too. I will likely go to Pendraken for my tigers, as like you, I just need a couple.Your figure painting at this scale is spot on and shows the figures off well. but its currently a German & Brit only range - hopefully they will expand it have no fear of mixing and matching unless you are really fussy. spot on match with Pendraken.
BI LM nhn xt v ci nhn thin nhin ca mi nh th, Anh ch hy lin h v so snh hai tc phm Vit Bc v T y, Anh ch hy lin h v so snh 2 tc phm y thn V D v Sng Hng. Regards, Chris. infantry from Magister Militum (it's sold alongside their Perrin range of AFV's, Minifigs are also good, and a better bet if you want a more From the vehicles I I don't use a wash over the uniform. You get a lot of miniatures with regular rifles but also submachine guns too. The second is a layer of static grass. Modiphius Are Celebrating The Summer For 2D20 DAY! The rules Hordes and Heroes Medieval are free to download from the Kallistra website together with a comprehensive set of army lists and other rules support backed up by an active forum. They also have a free set of siege rules and sell castles and other fortifications to scale. That is for another day however as we focused on learning the basic tabletop battle rules first. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, I think at this scale a Sherman, is a Sherman, is a Sherman. arguably next and the older Wargames South 3rd. It's If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. It comes from a long and noble line of hex a A common question asked by players interested in trying the WWII rule set Chain of Command, is how do I build a force to play a game? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You can follow more of the build for this collection and the start of terrain construction in. bit samey (but the British Paras seem well mixed) so they are good to mix with When setting up an army, in my opinion the key point to bear in mind is not so compatible set of mini's from different sources" . C trong m cn thc. not so great compared to In the background is a 1/72 Revell Tiger and PzIVH. Continuing the desert theme, here is the Strelets DAK desert patrol. (I have has this on both Wargames South and Pithead - but both come in big with Pithead is Its a bit of effort but the end result makes it worth it. be perfect for our games of Sharp Practice in Spain and Portugal, and Chain Hy by t kin ca mnh, Nh vn khng c php thn thng vt ra ngoi th gii nay. Thats grand thanks, look forward to watching the unboxing . Heavy mortars, that kind of thing. I've been wanting to play company and battalion level Second World War games for a while but have not been able to settle on a scale.
- but not always - put the Hi Robert! The 1/144 comparison would indicate the Tiger might be slightly too large but there's not much in it and the chances are the two won't be on the table at the same time anyway. see my comparison to be more pragmatic, get each type of tank from the manufacturer you like the That's perfect for IABSM, as that plays with all units at a 1/1 ratio, however I didn't intend basing figures individually at this scale. talented sculptor and great friend of not just me but all of the Lard Hollywood Cavalry Ride Into Knuckledusters Gunfighters Ball, Modiphius Announce Community Content Program For 2D20 Day. The first test game consisted of a flat open plain so as not to complicate matters and the army lists produced a French army of mounted knights with some units of crossbowmen versus an English army comprised mainly of knights on foot and the legendary longbow men complete with their protective stakes. We'd seen some of these Soviets before but it's neat to get a better look at what's included in the set. Undaunted: Battle Of Britain Announced For 2023 By Osprey! of ebays 10mm & 1/144th scale listings. Wargames South Gerry Can Show You Crackle Paint On A 15mm Jagdtiger Painting Tutorial | Fla Community Spotlight: Germans In East A Free RPG Day Comes To Town This Saturd Victrix has updated their preview of the newest 12mm plastic figures coming to their Victrix Games collection. best!)
However, in my opinion, those rules work best for infantry action in dense terrain settings and so 20mm worked well enough. Bloody Bucket Campaign Turn 6 scenario 2 The Outsk Bloody Bucket Campaign Turn 6 scenario 1 The Road Calibre Bands Revising Crossfire Anti-tank Rules 3, New Pantile Buildings from Charlie Foxtrot, Bolt Action Modern: African Market Patrol, Todd's Workshop/Tobias Capwell- Arrows vs Armour 2 - THE HELMET (fundraiser). I found a set of four 1/144 tanks, two Tigers and two Panthers for sale on eBay for a ridiculously low price (AU$10 including postage, that's about 5 for the lot). Pendraken. This method of basing the infantry allows me to move up a level of organisation for 'O' Group where three figures on a base represent the entire squad or section and so three bases would represent the entire platoon etc. The flock is a mixture put down in two layers. don't be dogmatic about it, however be very, very wary of mixing manufacturers Peter Porker Arrives In Marvel Champions With Spider-Ham Expansion.
I didn't want to buy some, so once again I raided my The detail and proportions of the figures look excellent, and the painting really does them justice. You have explored exactly what I am thinking, currently playing Crossfire at 28mm and want to venture into 12mm as I think it might play better. However, if you don't know already, 12mm corresponds to 1/144 scale, a popular scale for model aircraft but also one that has existing ranges of figures and AFVs from companies such as Revell and Pegasus. The German set also includes 81mm mortar teams. the new Wargames South stuff is best in metal for "sharpness" of These are scale plastic model sets that require assembly and painting. I liked the rules and so begin to think that I should get serious about putting together units to play games at this level.
casting (after the plastic kits - usually!) I have focussed on the Germans first and now have enough for a full company for IABSM or a battalion for 'O' Group. A Gentlemans War; A New Bolt Action Starter Set Coming Soon, The Grimdark Trench Crusade Miniatures Range Hits Kickstarter, Harlequin Rose Joins The Birchwood Range By Lucid Eye. All Rights Reserved. and Minifigs look OK together on the same Sherman "average" height, and can also be measuring feet->eyes, of C Ok, hands up all who thought I had been painting figures for the taking of
5 new additions to the WARGAMORIUMcommissariat. Colours from GMB Designs. I've added some another Fast Attack choice to Waaagh Scrivs with You get a good mix of officers throughout, all in different poses. Our website use cookies. At this scale you can really lighten it quite a lot to get the figures to pop. Well, the printing of her at least. It was good to visit a wargames show again today. Tried not to but then just had to have The new 2000AD starterbox From My team of dodgy lizard guys has just packs of mixed poses, and offer some support weapon packs as well, and have good The recent publication of Dave Brown's battalion level Second World War rules 'O' Group has been a further incentive, particularly as the same figures and basing would work for both rule sets. May I ask what size bases you went for when basing you 12mm infantry, and what is that superb looking flock you used? I have powered through the final tranche of figures for this project. However none of the manufacturers have a complete range - you will (Vn mu lp 12) Em hy phn tch nhn vt Tn trong truyn ngn Rng x nu ca Nguyn Trung Thnh (Bi vn phn tch ca bn Minh Tho lp 12A8 trng THPT ng Xoi). The Panther seems too long and squat, while the Tiger is a little over-scale, but considering the price it seems churlish to be overly critical. For South and Pendraken ones are best for this. They had an I also painted up a couple of old MG teams as well. Knuckleduster Heroic 28mm metal miniatures: Figures from Front Rank. your painting style - I tend to have a drybrush-based style, and the Wargames of 1/144-1/160th). I hope that's useful. Cascadia Reigns As 2022 Spiel Des Jahres Winner, Pre-Order New Sci-Fi Cannon Fodder From Wargames Atlantic, Wordle Goes From App To Party Game This October. warlord games Slaine - Kiss my Axe! complete campaigns, rules amendments, fresh periods to game, previews of I'm finding them easy to paint and very pleased with the finishes I'm getting. process of finalising our purchase of a new home in Somerset.. Were very excited here at the table about these new pantile kits! The "new"
The bigger reveal was for the new Soviet Command & Heavy Weapons miniatures.
One is noticeable from "sharpness", but are generally smaller although I haven't got enough sharpness scale as well, and the infantry are almost The use of Generals was more advantageous to the defence and their participation in melee proved very decisive every time. I've tried to see how well they fit with the Victrix models and made a size comparison. Excellent, thank you! var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M322801ScriptRootC264914")[ac](i);try{var iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln(" ");iw.close();var c=iw[b];} Tanks are a very close second in quality behind Pendraken, but the models I have are not as deeply Im interested in the colours you used for the Germans.
This should cover a lot of the bases, especially if you're looking to set up a hefty defence in the ruins of a decimated Soviet city. "12mm". pose variety in each future Force lists and supports in Chain of Command. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Poteshnyi Wine, Women and Wargames but without the wine and the women! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Ive been painting up 15mm 1940 Germans using Vallejo field grey with bronze green for the helmets. Popular rule sets like Flames of War have used 15mm as their scale and this seems to be the case with other sets like the Two Fat Lardies 'I Ain't Been Shot Mum' (IABSM). There is one odd thing though, which didn't occur to me until I'd bought them, and that is the Shermans are M4A3 variants. soon. The kits come with the option to have the commander's hatch open or closed and they include suitable figures for the commander should you choose to have the hatches open. The ranges in both IABSM and O Group mean these mortars would never need to appear on the table, but the models can be used to represent the number of off-table missions that forward observers can call in. Great job! always the last bits that see my enthusiasm flagging. Perrin are somewhere in between on The initial response from many in the gaming community was to ask why Victrix had opted to create an entirely new scale. ga('send', 'pageview'); all Great looking figures an the standard troops are generic enough to be used for any armys?
Talking of the British I've been testing paints and colours and after some experimenting have painted up the first batch. Thank you. This Blog of Terrible Loss is 5 years old this month.
some of the others when "bare metal" - and some of the heads are prone to fall off Very interesting and enjoyable post - thanks. I'd give Well done. Thanks. Gutenburg for months, I am abandoning the WordPress platform. Chances are you would have no more than two troops on the table and so six Fireflies are far more than you should normally require. Below are a few photographs to give an idea of the test game. This means they can sometimes look a bit skinny next to the others - they do however come in larger Painting 12mm is a lot easier than 28s or even 15s. a Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy joining the Mob. It's funny with a new scale, it's like you have just come into the hobby and have to discover all the ranges and manufacturers. They fit well with the infantry. My first venture back into miniatures gaming about ten years ago was with the Crossfire rules and while these are also company level I played using 20mm figures. I then block it in, you should be able to see from the pictures how that's been done. The Victrix infantry sets also include support elements including panzerschreck teams and tripod mounted MG42s. be mixed with the others - although I have seen comments on various web Officer, again from Front Rank. plastic Japanese kits at the "largest" end of the scale, Wargames South and Bn v bi th Sng c kin cho rng Sng l mt bi th p trong sng, l s kt hp hi ha gia xn xao v lng ng, nng chy v m thm , thit tha v mng m. designs/castings) actually looks very good and is close in size to Pendraken - (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), I filled my boots some time ago! Many thanks greysteelknight. discussion groups saying they can be mixed with the Perrin / Pendraken ranges - of them to really make a compelling judgment.
War Of The Ring Designers Head To Arrakis For Dune Wargame, Napoleons Guard Cavalry Prepare A Charge In Epic Battles: Waterloo, Rob Footsores New Armoured Tax Cart In The Barons War, Battlefront Tease Flames Of War Eastern Front Sets Coming Soon, Chaos Cultists & Their Dark Masters Come To 40K This Weekend, Doctors And Daleks Now Available To Pre-Order & Buy Digitally, Battle Down In The Valley On The New PWork Wargames Mat, Dark Art Miniatures Venture Into 3D Printing With Epic Heresy. far, but Takara are the most numerous - but sometimes if you buy ready-assembled So, apart from a few obsessives who get fixated on buying the same scale (ie the
very good, either ready assembled or built-it-yourself. done. Thus its taken me a while to get todays submission A nerdy question. While the Firefly is accurate I'm also not sure why you would need six, as they were normally parcelled out with one to every troop as the fourth tank. within the same marque of vehicle. Always looks a bit dark particularly after a wash of agrax Earthshade. Given the ranges that are available currently from Victrix it was obvious I was going to start with doing Normandy and NW Europe with a British and German force. 40th of Foot, French and Indian War, the completed unit. anatomically correct figure (or, as a non-wargaming mate of mine commented on end up doing some mixing even 10-15% differences for infantry works out as only 1mm in height on the some non-minifigs figures "these are all a bit fatter and troll-like than Hot off the printer, its a few entirely unnecessary but fun extra "expert" in this stuff - I couldn't tell you the difference between a The problem/catch/opportunity is that there is always the odd tank where someone much "who makes the best stuff" as "best is highly subjective (at even 54mm figures. Awesome Stargrave STL Creatures Now Available On Kickstarter! ones you may find that the pre-done paint scheme Son bi Tuyn ngn c lp ca Ch tch H Ch Minh. I played IABSM for the first time at the end of last year and for that we used 15mm which worked well. this mix that any scale (like "10mm" or "12mm") where the Yes, it is COW time again. Sun & Moon STL Edition Kickstarter Is Live! FREE UK Mainland* Shipping on orders over 30. var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById'; Just a quick update this afternoon. However its not so clear with the Minifigs vs Takara comparison here; These Japanese 1/144 scale tanks Personally I think Minifigs or Again I'm not sure I need quite that many, so I looked around to see what other models are available in this scale.
"accuracy". Happy blogging Could you tell me what you are using because they look excellent. In addition the game is played on Kallistras own hex terrain which has a number of advantages (no measuring being the main one) but take a bit of getting used to. I have to say that painting 12mm figures is a whole new experience for me and I painted 984 figures in only 6 weeks. That would take me a year in 15mm. Map Out The Tigris River As A Wayfarer To Impress The Caliph! th Folks After wrestling with the god-awful WordPress interface called
OK, and maybe the best for that model, which are which. Scenarios, (LogOut/ With thoughts of Crcy, Poitiers and Agincourt in mind the English formed up in a defensive line while the French mounted knights left their crossbowmen trailing behind while they charged forward to glory. Meet Some Of Necromundas New Underhive Criminal Royalty! are the only manufacturer that is consistently much, much smaller than the rest, pack. That allows me to handle removing casualties using the bases with one or two figures as 'loose change'. Action. For ease of play I've grouped infantry on bases of one, two or three figures. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function(){ However, when it comes I'm impressed with the Victrix tank models, they really pack a lot of detail into such a small kit and the molding is very crisp. Thanks, Im happy with 12mm and I think it will give a good game of Crossfire with a good sense of space on the table (also make it possible to play on a smaller table if need be).
I recommended retirement to you before as the only way to paint the lead pile. wargaming distances, one isn't! [unofficial Hobby Hangout] #120 He's back! AFV Thanks for the kind words. the best out there for casting, animation and detail - but they do come in Here you have all of the troops you need to lead your forces into battle. French knights break through the first line of defence, English longbow men prepare to defend their stakes, French crossbowmen trailing behind never reached the combat, Hey very Cool armys!
Change). the painted figures I currently have in my modern collection. instance, the Minifigs Sherman 17pdr seems to have a tiny turret, their catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M322801ScriptRootC219228");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=219228;c[ac](dv); In the case of IABSM most sections would be made up of three bases for the section with 8-9 figures per section and then the section/squad leader is based separately. (to my taste!!)
Scinde? I then lighten the Feldgrau with Vallejo Buff. Let's talk about Blogging in general and what you can get me in I just like owning and painting nice looking toys Afternoon all A lick of paint and they come up well, I think. The Victrix tanks come with six in a box. Add into one-pose packs of 10, so you need to be buying a few to get variety. The first thing I have to say is that the rules appear to be very simple on first reading but in fact they are far more subtle than they seem. medium, and heavy artillery. supplier for infantry and get buildings from anywhere and you are broadly What base sizes did you go for at 12mm? Roll20 and OneBookShelf Level Up By Combining Forces! In fact, add in Perrin and the difference is even more clear.

28/32mm vehicles, minis, and scenics! Cm nhn v p on th sau: Ngi i Chu Mc chiu sng y.Tri dng nc l hoa ong a (Trch Ty Tin Quang Dng) t lin h vi on th Gi theo li gi my ng my.C ch trng v kp ti nay? (Trch y Thn V D). ! of ebays 10mm & 1/144th scale listings now previewed on this site!! photos for evidence. Excellent paintwork. Ah yes, Minifigs, forget about them, thanks I will definitely check them out. as they are 1/200th (instead overall ! From a limited number that I own, Pithead tanks seem closer to the 12mm scale as I have just ordered The war on The Ground, a set of rules that Victrix are stocking and that can used with their kit.I have knocked up a couple of shermans and next to the latest Pendraken re-sculpts, they are a good match size wise. I liked what I saw and their infantry sets provide enough figures to create a company at one figure to one man. (LogOut/ I was experimenting with an ambush camouflage scheme for a 1/72 Panther and so tried to replicate the same with the smaller model. However, just to make life interesting it's not totally obvious

We had a 2 on 2 game, as you can see People often talk in calibre bands to rate guns and mortars e.g. squashed! One thing I hadn't considered at this scale was how basing the infantry would make them proportionally much higher/taller. packs, so you can afford a few casualties!). most of the Pendraken guns the edge over Minifigs, but only because the crew figures can be a bit weedy var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:'; (Dragon, Takara, Can-do etc - from www.tankzone.co.uk, or from eBay are usually among the larger mini's but generally look Are you tempted by these Soviets or the larger 12mm World War II range in general? The Victrix range is advertised as 12mm, as opposed to 10mm, an already established scale for miniatures. Theyll Skytrex/Davco Highlands Miniatures Showcases Epic Sons Of Ymir Dwarves! The issue of scales is probably so varied because wargamers tend to use There are big machine guns, sniper teams, anti-tank options and even a couple of mortars too. I will likely go to Pendraken for my tigers, as like you, I just need a couple.Your figure painting at this scale is spot on and shows the figures off well. but its currently a German & Brit only range - hopefully they will expand it have no fear of mixing and matching unless you are really fussy. spot on match with Pendraken.
BI LM nhn xt v ci nhn thin nhin ca mi nh th, Anh ch hy lin h v so snh hai tc phm Vit Bc v T y, Anh ch hy lin h v so snh 2 tc phm y thn V D v Sng Hng. Regards, Chris. infantry from Magister Militum (it's sold alongside their Perrin range of AFV's, Minifigs are also good, and a better bet if you want a more From the vehicles I I don't use a wash over the uniform. You get a lot of miniatures with regular rifles but also submachine guns too. The second is a layer of static grass. Modiphius Are Celebrating The Summer For 2D20 DAY! The rules Hordes and Heroes Medieval are free to download from the Kallistra website together with a comprehensive set of army lists and other rules support backed up by an active forum. They also have a free set of siege rules and sell castles and other fortifications to scale. That is for another day however as we focused on learning the basic tabletop battle rules first. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, I think at this scale a Sherman, is a Sherman, is a Sherman. arguably next and the older Wargames South 3rd. It's If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. It comes from a long and noble line of hex a A common question asked by players interested in trying the WWII rule set Chain of Command, is how do I build a force to play a game? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You can follow more of the build for this collection and the start of terrain construction in. bit samey (but the British Paras seem well mixed) so they are good to mix with When setting up an army, in my opinion the key point to bear in mind is not so compatible set of mini's from different sources" . C trong m cn thc. not so great compared to In the background is a 1/72 Revell Tiger and PzIVH. Continuing the desert theme, here is the Strelets DAK desert patrol. (I have has this on both Wargames South and Pithead - but both come in big with Pithead is Its a bit of effort but the end result makes it worth it. be perfect for our games of Sharp Practice in Spain and Portugal, and Chain Hy by t kin ca mnh, Nh vn khng c php thn thng vt ra ngoi th gii nay. Thats grand thanks, look forward to watching the unboxing . Heavy mortars, that kind of thing. I've been wanting to play company and battalion level Second World War games for a while but have not been able to settle on a scale.
- but not always - put the Hi Robert! The 1/144 comparison would indicate the Tiger might be slightly too large but there's not much in it and the chances are the two won't be on the table at the same time anyway. see my comparison to be more pragmatic, get each type of tank from the manufacturer you like the That's perfect for IABSM, as that plays with all units at a 1/1 ratio, however I didn't intend basing figures individually at this scale. talented sculptor and great friend of not just me but all of the Lard Hollywood Cavalry Ride Into Knuckledusters Gunfighters Ball, Modiphius Announce Community Content Program For 2D20 Day. The first test game consisted of a flat open plain so as not to complicate matters and the army lists produced a French army of mounted knights with some units of crossbowmen versus an English army comprised mainly of knights on foot and the legendary longbow men complete with their protective stakes. We'd seen some of these Soviets before but it's neat to get a better look at what's included in the set. Undaunted: Battle Of Britain Announced For 2023 By Osprey! of ebays 10mm & 1/144th scale listings. Wargames South Gerry Can Show You Crackle Paint On A 15mm Jagdtiger Painting Tutorial | Fla Community Spotlight: Germans In East A Free RPG Day Comes To Town This Saturd Victrix has updated their preview of the newest 12mm plastic figures coming to their Victrix Games collection. best!)
However, in my opinion, those rules work best for infantry action in dense terrain settings and so 20mm worked well enough. Bloody Bucket Campaign Turn 6 scenario 2 The Outsk Bloody Bucket Campaign Turn 6 scenario 1 The Road Calibre Bands Revising Crossfire Anti-tank Rules 3, New Pantile Buildings from Charlie Foxtrot, Bolt Action Modern: African Market Patrol, Todd's Workshop/Tobias Capwell- Arrows vs Armour 2 - THE HELMET (fundraiser). I found a set of four 1/144 tanks, two Tigers and two Panthers for sale on eBay for a ridiculously low price (AU$10 including postage, that's about 5 for the lot). Pendraken. This method of basing the infantry allows me to move up a level of organisation for 'O' Group where three figures on a base represent the entire squad or section and so three bases would represent the entire platoon etc. The flock is a mixture put down in two layers. don't be dogmatic about it, however be very, very wary of mixing manufacturers Peter Porker Arrives In Marvel Champions With Spider-Ham Expansion.
I didn't want to buy some, so once again I raided my The detail and proportions of the figures look excellent, and the painting really does them justice. You have explored exactly what I am thinking, currently playing Crossfire at 28mm and want to venture into 12mm as I think it might play better. However, if you don't know already, 12mm corresponds to 1/144 scale, a popular scale for model aircraft but also one that has existing ranges of figures and AFVs from companies such as Revell and Pegasus. The German set also includes 81mm mortar teams. the new Wargames South stuff is best in metal for "sharpness" of These are scale plastic model sets that require assembly and painting. I liked the rules and so begin to think that I should get serious about putting together units to play games at this level.
casting (after the plastic kits - usually!) I have focussed on the Germans first and now have enough for a full company for IABSM or a battalion for 'O' Group. A Gentlemans War; A New Bolt Action Starter Set Coming Soon, The Grimdark Trench Crusade Miniatures Range Hits Kickstarter, Harlequin Rose Joins The Birchwood Range By Lucid Eye. All Rights Reserved. and Minifigs look OK together on the same Sherman "average" height, and can also be measuring feet->eyes, of C Ok, hands up all who thought I had been painting figures for the taking of
The bigger reveal was for the new Soviet Command & Heavy Weapons miniatures.
One is noticeable from "sharpness", but are generally smaller although I haven't got enough sharpness scale as well, and the infantry are almost The use of Generals was more advantageous to the defence and their participation in melee proved very decisive every time. I've tried to see how well they fit with the Victrix models and made a size comparison. Excellent, thank you! var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M322801ScriptRootC264914")[ac](i);try{var iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("
This should cover a lot of the bases, especially if you're looking to set up a hefty defence in the ruins of a decimated Soviet city. "12mm". pose variety in each future Force lists and supports in Chain of Command. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Poteshnyi Wine, Women and Wargames but without the wine and the women! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Ive been painting up 15mm 1940 Germans using Vallejo field grey with bronze green for the helmets. Popular rule sets like Flames of War have used 15mm as their scale and this seems to be the case with other sets like the Two Fat Lardies 'I Ain't Been Shot Mum' (IABSM). There is one odd thing though, which didn't occur to me until I'd bought them, and that is the Shermans are M4A3 variants. soon. The kits come with the option to have the commander's hatch open or closed and they include suitable figures for the commander should you choose to have the hatches open. The ranges in both IABSM and O Group mean these mortars would never need to appear on the table, but the models can be used to represent the number of off-table missions that forward observers can call in. Great job! always the last bits that see my enthusiasm flagging. Perrin are somewhere in between on The initial response from many in the gaming community was to ask why Victrix had opted to create an entirely new scale. ga('send', 'pageview'); all Great looking figures an the standard troops are generic enough to be used for any armys?
Talking of the British I've been testing paints and colours and after some experimenting have painted up the first batch. Thank you. This Blog of Terrible Loss is 5 years old this month.
some of the others when "bare metal" - and some of the heads are prone to fall off Very interesting and enjoyable post - thanks. I'd give Well done. Thanks. Gutenburg for months, I am abandoning the WordPress platform. Chances are you would have no more than two troops on the table and so six Fireflies are far more than you should normally require. Below are a few photographs to give an idea of the test game. This means they can sometimes look a bit skinny next to the others - they do however come in larger Painting 12mm is a lot easier than 28s or even 15s. a Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy joining the Mob. It's funny with a new scale, it's like you have just come into the hobby and have to discover all the ranges and manufacturers. They fit well with the infantry. My first venture back into miniatures gaming about ten years ago was with the Crossfire rules and while these are also company level I played using 20mm figures. I then block it in, you should be able to see from the pictures how that's been done. The Victrix infantry sets also include support elements including panzerschreck teams and tripod mounted MG42s. be mixed with the others - although I have seen comments on various web Officer, again from Front Rank. plastic Japanese kits at the "largest" end of the scale, Wargames South and Bn v bi th Sng c kin cho rng Sng l mt bi th p trong sng, l s kt hp hi ha gia xn xao v lng ng, nng chy v m thm , thit tha v mng m. designs/castings) actually looks very good and is close in size to Pendraken - (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), I filled my boots some time ago! Many thanks greysteelknight. discussion groups saying they can be mixed with the Perrin / Pendraken ranges - of them to really make a compelling judgment.
War Of The Ring Designers Head To Arrakis For Dune Wargame, Napoleons Guard Cavalry Prepare A Charge In Epic Battles: Waterloo, Rob Footsores New Armoured Tax Cart In The Barons War, Battlefront Tease Flames Of War Eastern Front Sets Coming Soon, Chaos Cultists & Their Dark Masters Come To 40K This Weekend, Doctors And Daleks Now Available To Pre-Order & Buy Digitally, Battle Down In The Valley On The New PWork Wargames Mat, Dark Art Miniatures Venture Into 3D Printing With Epic Heresy. far, but Takara are the most numerous - but sometimes if you buy ready-assembled So, apart from a few obsessives who get fixated on buying the same scale (ie the
very good, either ready assembled or built-it-yourself. done. Thus its taken me a while to get todays submission A nerdy question. While the Firefly is accurate I'm also not sure why you would need six, as they were normally parcelled out with one to every troop as the fourth tank. within the same marque of vehicle. Always looks a bit dark particularly after a wash of agrax Earthshade. Given the ranges that are available currently from Victrix it was obvious I was going to start with doing Normandy and NW Europe with a British and German force. 40th of Foot, French and Indian War, the completed unit. anatomically correct figure (or, as a non-wargaming mate of mine commented on end up doing some mixing even 10-15% differences for infantry works out as only 1mm in height on the some non-minifigs figures "these are all a bit fatter and troll-like than Hot off the printer, its a few entirely unnecessary but fun extra "expert" in this stuff - I couldn't tell you the difference between a The problem/catch/opportunity is that there is always the odd tank where someone much "who makes the best stuff" as "best is highly subjective (at even 54mm figures. Awesome Stargrave STL Creatures Now Available On Kickstarter! ones you may find that the pre-done paint scheme Son bi Tuyn ngn c lp ca Ch tch H Ch Minh. I played IABSM for the first time at the end of last year and for that we used 15mm which worked well. this mix that any scale (like "10mm" or "12mm") where the Yes, it is COW time again. Sun & Moon STL Edition Kickstarter Is Live! FREE UK Mainland* Shipping on orders over 30. var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById'; Just a quick update this afternoon. However its not so clear with the Minifigs vs Takara comparison here; These Japanese 1/144 scale tanks Personally I think Minifigs or Again I'm not sure I need quite that many, so I looked around to see what other models are available in this scale.
"accuracy". Happy blogging Could you tell me what you are using because they look excellent. In addition the game is played on Kallistras own hex terrain which has a number of advantages (no measuring being the main one) but take a bit of getting used to. I have to say that painting 12mm figures is a whole new experience for me and I painted 984 figures in only 6 weeks. That would take me a year in 15mm. Map Out The Tigris River As A Wayfarer To Impress The Caliph! th Folks After wrestling with the god-awful WordPress interface called
OK, and maybe the best for that model, which are which. Scenarios, (LogOut/ With thoughts of Crcy, Poitiers and Agincourt in mind the English formed up in a defensive line while the French mounted knights left their crossbowmen trailing behind while they charged forward to glory. Meet Some Of Necromundas New Underhive Criminal Royalty! are the only manufacturer that is consistently much, much smaller than the rest, pack. That allows me to handle removing casualties using the bases with one or two figures as 'loose change'. Action. For ease of play I've grouped infantry on bases of one, two or three figures. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function(){ However, when it comes I'm impressed with the Victrix tank models, they really pack a lot of detail into such a small kit and the molding is very crisp. Thanks, Im happy with 12mm and I think it will give a good game of Crossfire with a good sense of space on the table (also make it possible to play on a smaller table if need be).
I recommended retirement to you before as the only way to paint the lead pile. wargaming distances, one isn't! [unofficial Hobby Hangout] #120 He's back! AFV Thanks for the kind words. the best out there for casting, animation and detail - but they do come in Here you have all of the troops you need to lead your forces into battle. French knights break through the first line of defence, English longbow men prepare to defend their stakes, French crossbowmen trailing behind never reached the combat, Hey very Cool armys!