ruff land kennels water hole

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url('data:application/octet-stream;base64,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format('woff'), Hours of operation 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM M-F Mountain Time.

#simpAskQuestion .simpAsk-error-msg{ background-color: #de4343;color: #fff;padding: 5px;box-shadow: none;margin-top: 10px;} #simpAskQuestion .simpAsk-container .h2,#simpAskQuestion .simpAsk-container h2{display:block;} Be the first to ask a question about this.

If this is the case, the lead time will be specified on this Shipping tab. This dog water dish is portable, easy to fill, and has a special threaded cap at the top for ease in cleaning. Recreational Areas - Camps, Parks, Fairs, Carnivals, etc. If you would like to confirm the availability or potential lead time of an item prior to purchasing, please email us at or call us at 1-855-PET-PRO1. Please have the necessary manpower available to receive your items with limited delay to the driver. #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input.fright{float:right!important;} Simply fill it and as your dog drinks the water, that water is automatically replaced from the tower. .accordionSimpQA ul li p{font-weight:normal !important; margin:0 0 7px !important; line-height:18px !important; padding-left:20px; position:relative; } Theisen's standard returns and exchanges policy:All returns must be completed within 90 days of purchase unless otherwise noted. SCHEELS uses cookies to provide a better shopping experience. #simpAskQuestion .simpAskSubmitForm .simpAskForm-cancel-btn.button:hover{text-decoration:underline;} WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. All prices are USD. How to clean: the water dish is dishwasher safe. Please note also that Covid-19 has severely impacted global supply chains and several of our manufacturers are experiencing extended lead times. However, please know that for certain very long items, such as kennels over 6' in length, a Liftgate will not be able to bring the entire order down to ground level. line-height: 1em; Everything you buy at SCHEELS, on sale or otherwise, is guaranteed satisfactory or your money back. Simply fill it and as your dog drinks the water, that water is automatically replaced from the tower. font-variant: normal; All of our items ship from inside the United States. We ship from warehouses all across the country, depending on the item(s) ordered and your location. The filled water dish will travel in your vehicle without spilling. --> It's perfect to give my lab a good long drink after working in the fields. Thats why on orders over $499*, shipping is 100% free! The container works via a vacuum like an office water cooler. From there you may either choose to cancel the order or continue with the updated shipment date. If you are not sure about shipping times for your product or require a rush order, please contact us at 1-855-PET-PRO1 or #simpAskQuestion .simpAskForm-container p.simpAskForm-title{font-weight:700;padding-left:4px!important;} Our freight carrier will contact you once your order makes it to the distribution center closest to the delivery address specified, and set up an appointment time for delivery. Please note the times below are listed in business days. While we almost always have the most up-to-date inventory information, there are rare occasions in which an item may be unavailable or on back-order. Ruff Land Kennel Single Front Door Dog Crate. It holds up to a gallon of water. This dog water dish is portable, easy to fill, and has a special threaded cap at the top for ease in cleaning. .simp-ask-question-header .simpAskQuestionForm-btnOpen{position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 24px; margin-top: -18px;} display: inline-block; The cap can be placed into the silver wear rack. great product and quality material, it is very good for your dog and will not destroy it, water will not fall out. New items are shipped immediately, at no cost to you, upon approval. Log in. , as well as orders from all of your other favorite brands, in just a glance with real-time updates and one-of-a-kind Visual Tracking. So if you have any questions, please get in touch! Thank you in advance for your understanding. #simpAskQuestion .button, #simpAskQuestion a.btn ,#simpAskQuestion input.btn{-webkit-box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none; display:inline-block; border:none; padding:5px 15px; text-transform:none; width:auto; border-radius:3px;} #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input, #simpAskQuestion textarea{-webkit-appearance:none; vertical-align:top; display:inline-block;} Will not crack or break if water freezes. If the item is unavailable, we'll let you know and give you the option of receiving a refund or ordering a similar item. #simpAskQuestion .qa-display{border-left:1px solid #000;padding-left:8px!important; line-height:12px!important;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;} Maintaining Physical Health with Treadmills. .accordionSimpQA ul li p.simpActionHolder{ margin:0 0 20px !important; text-align:right !important;}

The cap can be placed into the silverware rack. Sign in to see your cart. A liftgate is a hydraulic lift that is attached to the back of a truck that can lower freight to ground level.

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