I'm closing this issue b/c I believe the error described in OP will not happen again. The support rep will not respond to my request to escalate to a higher level, he just wants me to keep sending the same logs over and over. For example, if you generate a full database backup set, then you can view the record for this backup set in the V$BACKUP_SET control file view. If you specify ALL INPUT, then RMAN deletes all copies of the files recorded in the RMAN repository. Looking back I see this has been a problem with previous versions and not many people have had great success. Oracle And also delete them if required in single command. First of all, list all files older than 30 days under /opt/backup directory. Remote command at 12/28/2008 21:00:32 RMAN-06059: expected archived log not This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. This Oracle Database Support on disk or tape." Feel free to ask questions on our Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference.
They have no clue what they are doing, and cases drag on for weeks at a time. ApplicationsOracle Oracle Anyone know how I get to the next level of support, where hopefully they know something? Oracle TuningEmergency I got the job to cancel by holding the job queue before rebooting and then un-holding and cancelling quickly. Suddenly expiration time changes automatically for some of the backups in backup exec console. Generally, I think it's correct behavior that the CR remains when any errors happen during the deletion. Use the "reaction smiley face" up to the right of this comment to vote. After checking the code, it seems that the fix proposed in this comment is not needed. At one point I ended up having to format a backup array, because it they could not figure out how to fix my issue and I was at the point where the older backup sets were far less important then having a current backup. experience! For example, you can run DELETE OBSOLETE in a script every night with a scheduling utility, freeing disk and tape space used by backups that are no longer needed. Consequently, you can issue LIST to see what is in Scripts also a reboot of the backup server does this. You have gone at least two days with out a good backup and they have not come close to presenting a solution. Really goes to show you how they do not stand behind their products or care about the customers. Table 9-1 Maintenance Commands and Scripts. If you specify DELETE INPUT (without ALL), then RMAN deletes only the specific files that it backs up. They are slow to respond, but once you get past tier 1 they tend to know what they are doing. Have you fixed it yet? Kubernetes installer & version: In short, obsolete means not needed, whereas expired means not found.. The output of the following commands will help us better understand what's going on: The DELETE command removes both the physical file and the catalog record for the file. Additional explanation from a Velero dev that helped me understand this better: snapshots that aren't attached to a backup will hang around but not be accessible to a user, so the user is paying for their storage without any benefit. You can identify expired backups by running the CROSSCHECK command as in the following example: If you run CROSSCHECK while some backup device is temporarily not accessible, this can mark backups as expired when in fact they are still present on the backup device, and are available again once the device is accessible. unable to obtain file status IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: A file After careful inspection, I deleted the original backup file, but the data in RMAN was not updated. For example: Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide to learn about DELETE behavior when the backup media and repository are not synchronized, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for DELETE command syntax. 911RAC The RMAN DELETE command supports an OBSOLETE option, which deletes backups that are obsolete, that is, no longer needed to satisfy specified recoverability requirements. Does anyone have any links to a good step-by-step process for implementing KFM? I've read several articles on the inte TL;DR: 3 desktops are having 3 different, but potentially related problems, and I don't know if they're caused by bad power coming in, updates, or something else. For example, a directory containing an object is corrupted at the time of the crosscheck, but is later repaired, or the media manager was not configured properly and reported some backups as not existing when they really existed. How do I delete old archive logs in RMAN? In general, use the DELETE command to remove backups that you do not want to retain. Then I executed the list backup, and the data in it was still there. This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. are, and crosscheck does a physical check. We will be jumping ship from all symantec/veritas products next year. Remote DBA Services https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L349, https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L362, https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L410, Don't fail backup deletion if downloading tarball fails, +1 for "I would like to see this bug fixed as soon as possible", -1 for "There are more important bugs to focus on right now". In our AWS-based setup, when scheduled backup reach their TTL, the deletion process is started but gets stuck in status Deleting. You can delete files obsolete according to the configured default retention policy, or another retention policy that you specify as an option to the DELETE OBSOLETE command. Ion They will give much great detail about why the jobs are failing. KEEP UNTIL can cause backups to be kept longer than the retention policy requires, but never causes a backup to become obsolete sooner than the retention policy requires. Environment: The following table indicates the behavior of DELETE in such situations. If you specify the DELETE ALL INPUT option, then RMAN deletes whichever files match the criteria that you specify, even if there are several files of the same log sequence number in different archiving destinations. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. It's not a waste of people's efforts! Also, Yes, 3 week retention, some of the backup sets are months old. UNIXOracle Vote on this issue! Be careful. I think that I'm experiencing this as well. Is BE on the latest version and is the agent on the server on the latest version? This condition could occur if, for example, a backup was deleted from disk at the operating system level. This is an invitation to the Velero community to vote on issues, you can see the project's top voted issues listed here. I got a call back from Symantec today and I'm now showing another person the exact same things I showed the first rep. to your account. DBAOracle Will it get to a US based support person ever? The DELETE OBSOLETE command provides a convenient way to delete backups that are no longer needed. Yeah, same issue that's what's driving me nuts here. They advised me to remove the storage and re-add it, manually delete the old backup sets, and I was good to go. For example, assume that you issue: In this command, RMAN backs up one copy of each log for each available sequence number, and then deletes only the archived redo log file that it actually backs up. . Is it 'safe' to manually delete the backups.velero.io objects that seem to be 'stuck' deleting (e.g. Have a question about this project? i have the same issue, expired job are not getting removed. We have about 30 users in the office using a mix of Lenovo and Dell l Hello All,Basically, around a few months ago we ordered a new server to replace our current one, however, to make this move a little more pain free I am planning on running both servers, side by side, to handle operations until the older one meets its end Hi All,I started in this role around 9 months ago and I've inherited lots and lots of 'interesting' ways of doing things. The arch file may be expired, but how was it deleted GOOD JOB SYMANTEC. RMAN does not update the repository status. kops 1.18.1, Cloud provider or hardware configuration: "The LIST command displays the same files that the CROSSCHECK and DELETE Otherwise, I don't know what people say so clearly. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You may need to empty recycle bin of backup device to delete expired backup sets The recovery catalog RMAN repository is stored in actual database tables, while the control file version of the repository is stored in an internal structure in the control file.
My guess is that this at least loosely related to #2993. Are you getting any errors? There are debug tools that they will help you run. plansRemote Catalog Also, would stopping all of the BackupExec services on your media server release the files so they can be deleted manually? I really wish I would have never spent the money on this garbage software. I expect backups to be cleanly removed when their TTL expires, including all backed up data, such as volume snapshots.
Excel-DB, Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonDecember 29, 2015. This functionality is especially useful when backing up archived logs on disk to tape.
Do you resolve it, @wangxiaojin16 ? their Oracle To delete a backup set specify the set number e.g. As a result, I went to RMAN and wanted to delete some of the backups I had made before. Support. Just To delete backups, update the control file records to status DELETED, and remove their records from the recovery catalog (if a recovery catalog is used). If so, in theory (which is a crap-shoot with BEX) the disk-based storage files should be overwritten when the retention period expires. best variant for getting rid of expired file in RMAN: delete noprompt expired archivelog all; please add velero backup delete --force parameter. I should have learned after the terrible AV product we are stuck with for 3 years. What did you expect to happen: All I/O errors are ignored, and RMAN displays the number of objects deleted at the end of the job. documentation was created as a support and Oracle training reference for use by our Please upgrade to velero v1.7 or v1.8, and if you are still seeing errors when deleting backup please open another issue, I'll be happy to help you solve the problem. Since Symantec is useless, I've been troubleshooting this myself some more. UpgradesSQL 8 Tips for Creating Amazing Social Media Videos, 8 effective ways to pass exams without studying. Velero version: Kubernetes version: Oracle Windows backup could at least get you a backup of the servers. What steps did you take and what happened: In our AWS-based setup, when scheduled backup reach their TTL, the deletion process is started but gets stuck in status Deleting. One is that staff are given a laptop with a local login. So the problem appears to be when I try to back up this one instance of SQL. Unfortunately, the core team is stretched too thinly right now to take this on, but we may do so in the future. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Needless to say I will never buy another symantec product again in the future after this experience. AWS (with aws plugin). As a whole this product is a nightmare. You can use the find command to search all files modified older than X days. Hello Everyone,I'm doing research on what we will need to do in order to migrate from Folder Redirection to OneDrive Known Folder Move. The RMAN repository record for an object can sometimes fail to reflect the physical status of the object. You may want to delete files such as archived logs only if they have been backed up a specified number of times to tape. For example, this can happen if a disk is unmounted or if RMAN does not correctly connect to a media manager. But before we party like it's 1999, let's dial back the calendar to that year. considering using the services of an Oracle support expert should Several RMAN commands can cause the deletion of backups or archived logs, either directly or as a consequence of a backup of those files. To delete recovery catalog records for specified backups and change their control file records to status DELETED. If so try turning it off. Use the "reaction smiley face" up to the right of this comment to vote. DBA performance tuning consulting professionals. You can always back up that instance through SQL and then backup the backup file. Note: If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Still waiting for symantec to come up with a fix, more talking to foreign people I cannot understand, more log collecting. When you use an RMAN command to delete a backup, RMAN performs the following steps: Removes the physical file from the operating system (if the file is still present), Updates the backup records in the control file to status DELETED, Removes the backup records from the recovery catalog tables (if RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog). I also caught this issue. the repository, and then run CROSSCHECK to ensure that these files exist Kubernetes installer & version: I asked why the job gets stuck, and all I got was "well cancel the job" and you'll have to open up a new case for that problem. Has it been resolved? Because with the fix in PR #2993 the error described in the description will be skipped and the backup_deletion_controller will try to delete the volume snapshot again, the deletion won't be blocked. strive to update our BC Oracle support information. For example, if RMAN starts reading the copy of log sequence 123 from /log1 and discovers corruption in the file, it continues reading from the copy in /log2. publish Reporting on Obsolete Backups To report obsolete backups: Start RMAN and connect to a target database and recovery catalog (if used). With a redundancy-based retention policy, even if the specified KEEP UNTIL time has expired, the backup is retained as long as it is required to satisfy the redundancy requirement. independently investigate their credentials and experience, and not rely on For example, issue:DELETE EXPIRED BACKUP; The DELETE EXPIRED command issues warnings if any objects marked as EXPIRED actually exist. Burleson Consulting When the CROSSCHECK command is used to determine whether backups recorded in the repository still exist on disk or tape, if RMAN cannot locate the backups, then it updates their records in the RMAN repository to EXPIRED status. Oracle What is the command to delete all the backup older than 30 days? The following three things will happen when you perform DELETE OBSOLETE from RMAN prompt: The physical backup files are removed from the filesystem level (or from tape backup) The backup entries are removed from the RMAN recovery catalog. If I remove one of the SQL instances from the backup, the backup starts. A restart of all the services should kick off the process. I hope they get back to me soon Do you have GRT enabled for SQL. Performance Tuning For a priority 1 case, I would hate to see what a priority 2 or 3 case gets treated like! You signed in with another tab or window. Tips I actually just realized there's absolutely no reason to even have that SQL instance existing anymore, all of the DB's are retired, so that solves that. For example, you backup an archived redo log to disk and then use an operating system utility to delete the object. valid backup going forward). But still, it's just guessing . I finally told him I'm disconnecting this call when he told me I need to run a debugging tool to gather logs.
For example, issue:CROSSCHECK BACKUP; # checks backup sets and copies on configured channels. Question: I got this error in my RMAN log: ForumClass This section contains the following topics: Summary of RMAN Methods for Deleting Backups, Removal of Backups with the DELETE Command, How RMAN Deletes Backup Records from the RMAN Repository, Behavior of DELETE Command When the Repository and Media Do Not Correspond. feedback. k delete backups.velero.io -n velero velero-daily-backup-20201212060042), @billimek For me it was the only way to clean this up, and I did not encounter any problems afterwards so far. I'm sorry I spent the money and gave them a 2nd chance. Also see these important notes on the Because DELETE ALL INPUT is specified, RMAN deletes all copies of logs on disk of sequence 123 and higher. Errata? Will never buy another symantec product for my company ever again, totally nightmarish support, and not even a reach out from anyone on here from Symantec. Always use DELETE command within RMAN to remove RMAN backups, rather than an operating system or media manager utility or command. You can use RMAN to delete backups created with RMAN. This is just getting worse and worse now I have an error popping up. This record is stored in the control file. This command is especially useful if a user inadvertently deletes RMAN backups or archived logs from disk with an operating system utility. command at 12/28/2008 21:00:32. RMAN-06059 error and using the RMAN Copyright 1996 - 2020 The first line support is terrible, they seem to be meant to deal with quick easy things. PortalApp You can then use the DELETE EXPIRED command to remove records of expired backups from the RMAN repository. Why do people leave carts in the parking lot? commands operate on. Well, what capture settings are you using? The KEEP UNTIL clause never causes RMAN to consider a backup obsolete, if the backup is still required to satisfy the retention policy.
is the registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Optionally, cross-check backup sets by using the following command: CROSSCHECK BACKUPSET; Delete expired backups using the following command: DELETE EXPIRED BACKUP; Start RMAN and connect to a target database and recovery catalog (if used). And these errors are ignored to eventually delete the backup from the object store at https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L362, at https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L410, cc @zubron because you are authoring PR #2993, I am closing this as a duplicate of #2980 On that day, July 21, 1999, Apple introduces the iBook laptop, the first mainstream comp Hi, As with other forms of the DELETE command, the files deleted are removed from backup media, deleted from the recovery catalog, and marked as DELETED in the control file. FormsOracle If you have multiple redo log archiving destinations, the other copies of the same log sequence number are not deleted. servicesApplication e-mail: Burleson Consulting (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.). Yeah, pretty much tried everything at this point, even reinstalled BEX on a new server before contacting support, same problems returned. Go to Storage and check under datamanagement Allow Backup Exec to delete all expired backup sets. All rights reserved by If you do not run the CROSSCHECK command to update the repository, and if you then run DELETE against the object, then the repository shows that the object is AVAILABLE while the object is in fact missing. Then, you can run DELETE EXPIRED to remove the records for these files. crosscheck command show me that file is inaccessible. Most commands perform an implicit resync anyway.
Note that the CHANGE UNCATALOG command only changes the RMAN repository record of backups, and does not actually delete backups. If you run DELETE EXPIRED on a backup that exists, RMAN issues a warning and does not delete the backup. Deleting Expired RMAN Backups after CROSSCHECK, Deleting Obsolete RMAN Backups Based on Retention Policies, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for DELETE syntax, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for descriptions of the recovery catalog views. expired, but that doesn't excuse or clear it from being physically For complete information about these options, see Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference. I just manually deleted the files from my NAS for now to get some breathing room so I can run a backup other than the SQL one. The CROSSCHECK command updates the repository status for a backup to EXPIRED when it cannot locate it at the location to which it was backed up. If you use a recovery catalog, then you can also access the record in the RC_BACKUP_SET catalog view. You can suppress these confirmations by using the NOPROMPT keyword with any form of the BACKUP command: When the CROSSCHECK command is used to determine whether backups recorded in the repository still exist on disk or tape, if RMAN cannot locate the backups, then it updates their records in the RMAN repository to EXPIRED status. Have you tried uninstalling the agent, Restarting the server, Installing the latest agent? If you find an error By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and
You can un-catalog the file to clear the error, but remember, your backup I think we should reopen this issue to find a complete solution. Make sure this is all on the ticket and not just verbal. Yes I do, unfortunately it did not make a difference. Oracle PostersOracle Books The only tip I have for getting a case escalated it to keep bugging them about it. @datle1 Because it involves deleting different resources, the reason deletion of a backup fails may vary. You can then use the DELETE EXPIRED command to remove records of expired backups from the RMAN repository. Tell them that this is a major issue and that it is preventing you from backing up your critical data. The DELETE command supports this behavior. Do you have retention set on your backup media (the B2D00xxx or the IMG 00xxx files)? (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.). Any ideas on how to get a case escalated? HOWEVER, now nothing works jobs are all stuck queuing. rebooted/restarted services to no avail.
I never realized how horrific Symantec's support was until this case. Not too comforting considering I haven't had a backup complete for a few days now, I'm running out of time before I just start wiping files from the nas, which I hate to do. If you attempt to delete the object, then you receive a warning such as the following: If you use the DELETE command with the optional FORCE keyword, RMAN deletes the specified backups, but ignores any I/O errors, including those that occur when a backup is missing from disk or tape. Table 9-1 describes the functionality of the various RMAN commands that can cause backups to be deleted. Support, SQL TuningSecurityOracle I spent a frustrating hour on the phone with an offshore support person from Symantec that was no help at all, but he said he will contact me back within 24 hours after consulting his team. The contents in S3 for the bucket are properly deleted, while volume snapshots stay (causing significant extra cost). 1.18.9 SupportApps If you have not performed a crosscheck recently, then issue a CROSSCHECK command. Haha, it seems that you will have to read more oracle's official documents in the future. If you use the FORCE option of DELETE, RMAN will remove the repository record and delete the file if it exists. In particular, in a Data Guard environment, it is not recommended to use BACKUP DELETE INPUT to delete archived logs, as RMAN cannot delete the logs generated on another node. It then updates the RMAN repository to reflect the fact that the backup is deleted, regardless of whether RMAN was able to delete the file or whether the file was already missing.
They have no clue what they are doing, and cases drag on for weeks at a time. ApplicationsOracle Oracle Anyone know how I get to the next level of support, where hopefully they know something? Oracle TuningEmergency I got the job to cancel by holding the job queue before rebooting and then un-holding and cancelling quickly. Suddenly expiration time changes automatically for some of the backups in backup exec console. Generally, I think it's correct behavior that the CR remains when any errors happen during the deletion. Use the "reaction smiley face" up to the right of this comment to vote. After checking the code, it seems that the fix proposed in this comment is not needed. At one point I ended up having to format a backup array, because it they could not figure out how to fix my issue and I was at the point where the older backup sets were far less important then having a current backup. experience! For example, you can run DELETE OBSOLETE in a script every night with a scheduling utility, freeing disk and tape space used by backups that are no longer needed. Consequently, you can issue LIST to see what is in Scripts also a reboot of the backup server does this. You have gone at least two days with out a good backup and they have not come close to presenting a solution. Really goes to show you how they do not stand behind their products or care about the customers. Table 9-1 Maintenance Commands and Scripts. If you specify DELETE INPUT (without ALL), then RMAN deletes only the specific files that it backs up. They are slow to respond, but once you get past tier 1 they tend to know what they are doing. Have you fixed it yet? Kubernetes installer & version: In short, obsolete means not needed, whereas expired means not found.. The output of the following commands will help us better understand what's going on: The DELETE command removes both the physical file and the catalog record for the file. Additional explanation from a Velero dev that helped me understand this better: snapshots that aren't attached to a backup will hang around but not be accessible to a user, so the user is paying for their storage without any benefit. You can identify expired backups by running the CROSSCHECK command as in the following example: If you run CROSSCHECK while some backup device is temporarily not accessible, this can mark backups as expired when in fact they are still present on the backup device, and are available again once the device is accessible. unable to obtain file status IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 2: A file After careful inspection, I deleted the original backup file, but the data in RMAN was not updated. For example: Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide to learn about DELETE behavior when the backup media and repository are not synchronized, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for DELETE command syntax. 911RAC The RMAN DELETE command supports an OBSOLETE option, which deletes backups that are obsolete, that is, no longer needed to satisfy specified recoverability requirements. Does anyone have any links to a good step-by-step process for implementing KFM? I've read several articles on the inte TL;DR: 3 desktops are having 3 different, but potentially related problems, and I don't know if they're caused by bad power coming in, updates, or something else. For example, a directory containing an object is corrupted at the time of the crosscheck, but is later repaired, or the media manager was not configured properly and reported some backups as not existing when they really existed. How do I delete old archive logs in RMAN? In general, use the DELETE command to remove backups that you do not want to retain. Then I executed the list backup, and the data in it was still there. This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. are, and crosscheck does a physical check. We will be jumping ship from all symantec/veritas products next year. Remote DBA Services https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L349, https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L362, https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L410, Don't fail backup deletion if downloading tarball fails, +1 for "I would like to see this bug fixed as soon as possible", -1 for "There are more important bugs to focus on right now". In our AWS-based setup, when scheduled backup reach their TTL, the deletion process is started but gets stuck in status Deleting. You can delete files obsolete according to the configured default retention policy, or another retention policy that you specify as an option to the DELETE OBSOLETE command. Ion They will give much great detail about why the jobs are failing. KEEP UNTIL can cause backups to be kept longer than the retention policy requires, but never causes a backup to become obsolete sooner than the retention policy requires. Environment: The following table indicates the behavior of DELETE in such situations. If you specify the DELETE ALL INPUT option, then RMAN deletes whichever files match the criteria that you specify, even if there are several files of the same log sequence number in different archiving destinations. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. It's not a waste of people's efforts! Also, Yes, 3 week retention, some of the backup sets are months old. UNIXOracle Vote on this issue! Be careful. I think that I'm experiencing this as well. Is BE on the latest version and is the agent on the server on the latest version? This condition could occur if, for example, a backup was deleted from disk at the operating system level. This is an invitation to the Velero community to vote on issues, you can see the project's top voted issues listed here. I got a call back from Symantec today and I'm now showing another person the exact same things I showed the first rep. to your account. DBAOracle Will it get to a US based support person ever? The DELETE OBSOLETE command provides a convenient way to delete backups that are no longer needed. Yeah, same issue that's what's driving me nuts here. They advised me to remove the storage and re-add it, manually delete the old backup sets, and I was good to go. For example, assume that you issue: In this command, RMAN backs up one copy of each log for each available sequence number, and then deletes only the archived redo log file that it actually backs up. . Is it 'safe' to manually delete the backups.velero.io objects that seem to be 'stuck' deleting (e.g. Have a question about this project? i have the same issue, expired job are not getting removed. We have about 30 users in the office using a mix of Lenovo and Dell l Hello All,Basically, around a few months ago we ordered a new server to replace our current one, however, to make this move a little more pain free I am planning on running both servers, side by side, to handle operations until the older one meets its end Hi All,I started in this role around 9 months ago and I've inherited lots and lots of 'interesting' ways of doing things. The arch file may be expired, but how was it deleted GOOD JOB SYMANTEC. RMAN does not update the repository status. kops 1.18.1, Cloud provider or hardware configuration: "The LIST command displays the same files that the CROSSCHECK and DELETE Otherwise, I don't know what people say so clearly. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You may need to empty recycle bin of backup device to delete expired backup sets The recovery catalog RMAN repository is stored in actual database tables, while the control file version of the repository is stored in an internal structure in the control file.

Excel-DB, Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonDecember 29, 2015. This functionality is especially useful when backing up archived logs on disk to tape.

For example, issue:CROSSCHECK BACKUP; # checks backup sets and copies on configured channels. Question: I got this error in my RMAN log: ForumClass This section contains the following topics: Summary of RMAN Methods for Deleting Backups, Removal of Backups with the DELETE Command, How RMAN Deletes Backup Records from the RMAN Repository, Behavior of DELETE Command When the Repository and Media Do Not Correspond. feedback. k delete backups.velero.io -n velero velero-daily-backup-20201212060042), @billimek For me it was the only way to clean this up, and I did not encounter any problems afterwards so far. I'm sorry I spent the money and gave them a 2nd chance. Also see these important notes on the Because DELETE ALL INPUT is specified, RMAN deletes all copies of logs on disk of sequence 123 and higher. Errata? Will never buy another symantec product for my company ever again, totally nightmarish support, and not even a reach out from anyone on here from Symantec. Always use DELETE command within RMAN to remove RMAN backups, rather than an operating system or media manager utility or command. You can use RMAN to delete backups created with RMAN. This is just getting worse and worse now I have an error popping up. This record is stored in the control file. This command is especially useful if a user inadvertently deletes RMAN backups or archived logs from disk with an operating system utility. command at 12/28/2008 21:00:32. RMAN-06059 error and using the RMAN Copyright 1996 - 2020 The first line support is terrible, they seem to be meant to deal with quick easy things. PortalApp You can then use the DELETE EXPIRED command to remove records of expired backups from the RMAN repository. Why do people leave carts in the parking lot? commands operate on. Well, what capture settings are you using? The KEEP UNTIL clause never causes RMAN to consider a backup obsolete, if the backup is still required to satisfy the retention policy.
is the registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Optionally, cross-check backup sets by using the following command: CROSSCHECK BACKUPSET; Delete expired backups using the following command: DELETE EXPIRED BACKUP; Start RMAN and connect to a target database and recovery catalog (if used). And these errors are ignored to eventually delete the backup from the object store at https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L362, at https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/blob/main/pkg/controller/backup_deletion_controller.go#L410, cc @zubron because you are authoring PR #2993, I am closing this as a duplicate of #2980 On that day, July 21, 1999, Apple introduces the iBook laptop, the first mainstream comp Hi, As with other forms of the DELETE command, the files deleted are removed from backup media, deleted from the recovery catalog, and marked as DELETED in the control file. FormsOracle If you have multiple redo log archiving destinations, the other copies of the same log sequence number are not deleted. servicesApplication e-mail: Burleson Consulting (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.). Yeah, pretty much tried everything at this point, even reinstalled BEX on a new server before contacting support, same problems returned. Go to Storage and check under datamanagement Allow Backup Exec to delete all expired backup sets. All rights reserved by If you do not run the CROSSCHECK command to update the repository, and if you then run DELETE against the object, then the repository shows that the object is AVAILABLE while the object is in fact missing. Then, you can run DELETE EXPIRED to remove the records for these files. crosscheck command show me that file is inaccessible. Most commands perform an implicit resync anyway.
Note that the CHANGE UNCATALOG command only changes the RMAN repository record of backups, and does not actually delete backups. If you run DELETE EXPIRED on a backup that exists, RMAN issues a warning and does not delete the backup. Deleting Expired RMAN Backups after CROSSCHECK, Deleting Obsolete RMAN Backups Based on Retention Policies, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for DELETE syntax, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference for descriptions of the recovery catalog views. expired, but that doesn't excuse or clear it from being physically For complete information about these options, see Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Reference. I just manually deleted the files from my NAS for now to get some breathing room so I can run a backup other than the SQL one. The CROSSCHECK command updates the repository status for a backup to EXPIRED when it cannot locate it at the location to which it was backed up. If you use a recovery catalog, then you can also access the record in the RC_BACKUP_SET catalog view. You can suppress these confirmations by using the NOPROMPT keyword with any form of the BACKUP command: When the CROSSCHECK command is used to determine whether backups recorded in the repository still exist on disk or tape, if RMAN cannot locate the backups, then it updates their records in the RMAN repository to EXPIRED status. Have you tried uninstalling the agent, Restarting the server, Installing the latest agent? If you find an error By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and
You can un-catalog the file to clear the error, but remember, your backup I think we should reopen this issue to find a complete solution. Make sure this is all on the ticket and not just verbal. Yes I do, unfortunately it did not make a difference. Oracle PostersOracle Books The only tip I have for getting a case escalated it to keep bugging them about it. @datle1 Because it involves deleting different resources, the reason deletion of a backup fails may vary. You can then use the DELETE EXPIRED command to remove records of expired backups from the RMAN repository. Tell them that this is a major issue and that it is preventing you from backing up your critical data. The DELETE command supports this behavior. Do you have retention set on your backup media (the B2D00xxx or the IMG 00xxx files)? (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.). Any ideas on how to get a case escalated? HOWEVER, now nothing works jobs are all stuck queuing. rebooted/restarted services to no avail.
I never realized how horrific Symantec's support was until this case. Not too comforting considering I haven't had a backup complete for a few days now, I'm running out of time before I just start wiping files from the nas, which I hate to do. If you attempt to delete the object, then you receive a warning such as the following: If you use the DELETE command with the optional FORCE keyword, RMAN deletes the specified backups, but ignores any I/O errors, including those that occur when a backup is missing from disk or tape. Table 9-1 describes the functionality of the various RMAN commands that can cause backups to be deleted. Support, SQL TuningSecurityOracle I spent a frustrating hour on the phone with an offshore support person from Symantec that was no help at all, but he said he will contact me back within 24 hours after consulting his team. The contents in S3 for the bucket are properly deleted, while volume snapshots stay (causing significant extra cost). 1.18.9 SupportApps If you have not performed a crosscheck recently, then issue a CROSSCHECK command. Haha, it seems that you will have to read more oracle's official documents in the future. If you use the FORCE option of DELETE, RMAN will remove the repository record and delete the file if it exists. In particular, in a Data Guard environment, it is not recommended to use BACKUP DELETE INPUT to delete archived logs, as RMAN cannot delete the logs generated on another node. It then updates the RMAN repository to reflect the fact that the backup is deleted, regardless of whether RMAN was able to delete the file or whether the file was already missing.